1,396 research outputs found

    Frequency Based Radiance Cache for Rendering Animations

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    International audienceWe propose a method to render animation sequences with direct distant lighting that only shades a fraction of the total pixels. We leverage frequency-based analyses of light transport to determine shading and image sampling rates across an animation using a samples cache. To do so, we derive frequency bandwidths that account for the complexity of distant lights, visibility, BRDF, and temporal coherence during animation. We finaly apply a cross-bilateral filter when rendering our final images from sparse sets of shading points placed according to our frequency-based oracles (generally < 25% of the pixels, per frame)

    Real-time Shadows for Gigapixel Displacement Maps

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    Shadows portray helpful information in scenes. From a scientific visualization standpoint, they help to add data without unnecessary clutter. In video games they add realism and depth. In common graphics pipelines, due to the independent and parallel rendering of geometric primitives, shadows are difficult to achieve. Objects require knowledge of each other and therefore multiple renders are needed to collect the necessary data. The collection of this data comes with its own set of trade offs. Our research involves adding shadows into a lunar rendering framework developed by Dr. Robert Kooima. The NASA-collected data contains a multi-gigapixel displacement map describing the lunar topology. This map does not fit entirely into main memory and therefore out-of-core paging is utilized to achieve real-time speeds. Current shadow techniques do not attempt to generate occluder data on such a scale, and therefore we have developed a novel approach to fit this situation. By using a chain of pre-processing steps, we analyze the structure of the displacement map and calculate horizon lines at each vertex. This information is saved into several images and used to generate shadows in a single pass, maintaining real-time speeds. The algorithm is even capable of generating soft shadows without extra information or loss of speed. We compare our algorithm with common approaches in the field as well as two forms of ground truth; one from ray tracing and the other from the gigapixel lunar texture data, showing real shadows at the time it was collected

    Granite: A scientific database model and implementation

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    The principal goal of this research was to develop a formal comprehensive model for representing highly complex scientific data. An effective model should provide a conceptually uniform way to represent data and it should serve as a framework for the implementation of an efficient and easy-to-use software environment that implements the model. The dissertation work presented here describes such a model and its contributions to the field of scientific databases. In particular, the Granite model encompasses a wide variety of datatypes used across many disciplines of science and engineering today. It is unique in that it defines dataset geometry and topology as separate conceptual components of a scientific dataset. We provide a novel classification of geometries and topologies that has important practical implications for a scientific database implementation. The Granite model also offers integrated support for multiresolution and adaptive resolution data. Many of these ideas have been addressed by others, but no one has tried to bring them all together in a single comprehensive model. The datasource portion of the Granite model offers several further contributions. In addition to providing a convenient conceptual view of rectilinear data, it also supports multisource data. Data can be taken from various sources and combined into a unified view. The rod storage model is an abstraction for file storage that has proven an effective platform upon which to develop efficient access to storage. Our spatial prefetching technique is built upon the rod storage model, and demonstrates very significant improvement in access to scientific datasets, and also allows machines to access data that is far too large to fit in main memory. These improvements bring the extremely large datasets now being generated in many scientific fields into the realm of tractability for the ordinary researcher. We validated the feasibility and viability of the model by implementing a significant portion of it in the Granite system. Extensive performance evaluations of the implementation indicate that the features of the model can be provided in a user-friendly manner with an efficiency that is competitive with more ad hoc systems and more specialized application specific solutions

    Massive Model Visualization: A Practical Solution

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    The ever-increasingly complex designs emanating from various companies are leading to a data explosion that is far outstripping the growth in computing processing power. The traditional large model visualization approaches used for rendering these data sets are quickly becoming insufficient, thus leading to a greater adoption of the new massive model visualization approaches designed to handle these arbitrarily sized data sets. Most new approaches utilize GPU occlusion queries that limit the data needed for loading and rendering to only those which can potentially contribute to the final image. By doing so, these approaches introduce disocclusion artifacts that often reduce the quality of the resulting visualization as a camera is maneuvered through the scene. The present research will demonstrate that shader based depth reprojection and OpenGL atomic writes not only increase the performance of an existing system based upon OpenGL occlusion queries, but also reduce the amount of perceived disocclusion artifacts

    Progressive ray casting for volumetric models on mobile devices

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    Mobile devices have experienced an incredible market penetration in the last decade. Currently, medium to premium smartphones are relatively affordable devices. With the increase in screen size and resolution, together with the improvements in performance of mobile CPUs and GPUs, more tasks have become possible. In this paper we explore the rendering of medium to large volumetric models on mobile and low performance devices in general. To do so, we present a progressive ray casting method that is able to obtain interactive frame rates and high quality results for models that not long ago were only supported by desktop computers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Data oriented design in video games

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    Object-Oriented Programming is the paradigm currently used in the video-game industry, and learnt by students or people wanting to become a video-game developer. Said methodology primary characteristics, and how they are used, can be considered its own flaws, often overlooked due to the rapid capability advances in hardware. This situation may not be considered sustainable, so in this thesis the Data-Oriented Design paradigm is presented as an alternative, offering a better hardware control resulting in a more efficient product. To test whether such a method is indeed more efficient, two projects have been developed with one paradigm each, using C/C++ in the Visual Studio environment. In them, the simple structure defined by each paradigm in order to have entities has been created. By defining a maximum of objects to simulate and a time limit, along with a time control based code insertion, the applications themselves derive update time metrics for analysis. Moreover, a profiler has been used to benchmark the L1 cache usage to check which of them makes a better usage of cache. The gathered data has been studied using RStudio, and the cache metrics have been presented, showing that Data-Oriented Design is indeed more efficient and cache friendly, becoming a great paradigm contender if given the chance, demonstrating being up to 70 times faster than ObjectOriented Programming in the case of study

    Ambient occlusion and shadows for molecular graphics

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    Computer based visualisations of molecules have been produced as early as the 1950s to aid researchers in their understanding of biomolecular structures. An important consideration for Molecular Graphics software is the ability to visualise the 3D structure of the molecule in a clear manner. Recent advancements in computer graphics have led to improved rendering capabilities of the visualisation tools. The capabilities of current shading languages allow the inclusion of advanced graphic effects such as ambient occlusion and shadows that greatly improve the comprehension of the 3D shapes of the molecules. This thesis focuses on finding improved solutions to the real time rendering of Molecular Graphics on modern day computers. The methods of calculating ambient occlusion and both hard and soft shadows are examined and implemented to give the user a more complete experience when navigating large molecular structures

    Image Space Tensor Field Visualization Using a LIC-like Method

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    Tensors are of great interest to many applications in engineering and in medical imaging, but a proper analysis and visualization remains challenging. Physics-based visualization of tensor fields has proven to show the main features of symmetric second-order tensor fields, while still displaying the most important information of the data, namely the main directions in medical diffusion tensor data using texture and additional attributes using color-coding, in a continuous representation. Nevertheless, its application and usability remains limited due to its computational expensive and sensitive nature. We introduce a novel approach to compute a fabric-like texture pattern from tensor fields on arbitrary non-selfintersecting surfaces that is motivated by image space line integral convolution (LIC). Our main focus lies on regaining three-dimensionality of the data under user interaction, such as rotation and scaling. We employ a multi-pass rendering approach to estimate proper modification of the LIC noise input texture to support the three-dimensional perception during user interactions