21,306 research outputs found


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    The use of 3 Axis CNC Milling machines lately is needed by many business actors in the creative industry. However, entrepreneurs sometimes face problems with the cost of CNC Milling machines which are quite expensive. This research focuses on developing the design of 3 Axis CNC Milling machines which are commonly circulating in the market, namely 3 Axis CNC Milling 2418. Researchers develop designs using the Design For Manufacturing method in order to minimize costs but still with good quality. The CAD-CAE program, Solidworks 2021, was used to design and analyze Von Misses stresses and safety factors. The results of the implementation of the DFM method resulted in a 3 Axis CNC Milling design with a minimum cost of 11.9% and a Factor of Safety value of more than 1.Penggunaan mesin CNC Milling 3 Sumbu belakangan ini banyak diperlukan para pelaku usaha di industri kreatif. Namun, para pengusaha terkadang menghadapi kendala pada biaya mesin CNC Milling yang cukup mahal. Penelitian ini fokus melakukan pengembangan terhadap desain mesin CNC Milling 3 Sumbu yang umum beredar dipasaran, yakni CNC Milling 3 Sumbu 2418. Peneliti melakukan pengembangan desain dengan metode Design For Manufacturing guna meminimasi biaya namun tetap dengan kualitas yang baik. Program CAD-CAE yaitu Solidworks 2021 digunakan untuk mendesain dan menganalisis tegangan VonMises dan faktor keamanan. Hasil implementasi metode DFM menghasilkan desain CNC Milling 3 Sumbu dengan minimasi biaya sebesar 11,9% dan nilai Factor of Safety lebih dari 1

    Proses Pengoperasian Mesin CNC Milling 3 Axis di PT. Surya Logistik Internasional

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    AbstrakMesin CNC adalah sebuah mesin perkakas yang dioperasikan oleh mesin yang diprogram dan dikelola oleh sistem Computer Numerical Control (CNC). Mesin CNC diciptakan pertama kali pada tahun 1952 oleh John Pearseon dari Institut Teknologi Massachusetts. Pada tahun 1973 masih sedikit perusahaan yang menggunakan mesin CNC dikarenakan harga yang sangat mahal. Pada tahun 1975 produksi mesin CNC mulai berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan Mikroprosesor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses pengoperasian mesin CNC Milling, untuk memenuhi syarat dalam menyelesaikan mata kuliah kerja praktek, untuk menambah wawasan mahasiswa di bidang pengoperasian mesin CNC Milling.Metode penelitian yang dipakai yaitu observasi, diskusi, dan studi literature. Hasil penelitian dari penelitiaan ini adalah Proses Pembuatan Cetakan Gagang Obat Nyamuk Bakar, Pembuatan Desain 3D, proses pemilihan bahan, proses pembuatan meliputi proses facing, Proses Groove Pisau Potong, Proses Pembuatan Lubang Dudukan Baut, Proses Pembuatan Drat Baut, hardening, grinding, wirecut, dan perakitan.Kata kunci: CNC Milling, Hardening, Wirecut, Facing.AbstractA CNC machine is a tool operated by a programmed machine and managed by a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) system. The CNC machine was first created in 1952 by John Pearseon of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1973, only a few companies used CNC machines due to their high cost. By 1975, CNC machine production began to flourish alongside the development of microprocessors. The purpose of this research is to understand the operation process of CNC milling machines, to fulfill the requirements forcompleting a practical work course, and to enhance students' knowledge in the field of CNC milling machine operation. The research methods used include observation, discussion, and literature study. The research findings include the process of manufacturing a mold handle for mosquito repellent, 3D design creation, material selection process, and manufacturing processes such as facing, groove cutting, bolt seat drilling, bolt threading, hardening, grinding, wire cutting, and assembly.Keywords: CNC milling, hardening, wire cutting, faci


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    Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah tentang “Analisa Pengaruh Proses Permesinan Mesin CNC Milling Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Pada Material Baja  9SMn36 1.0736”. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: Mengetahui pengaruh proses permesinan CNC milling dan nilai kekasaran (Ra , Rt ), terhadap kekasaran di proses pada pemrograman CNC milling dan mengetahui pengaruh proses mesin yang menghasilkan waktu potong pada pemrograman CNC milling.  Pembuatan spesimen pada dasarnya dilakukan dengan proses mesin CNC Milling untuk mendapatkan spesimen sesuai produk yang aslinya, penulis mencoba melakukan penelitian untuk membuat spesimen dimulai dengan pemilihan material yang kekerasanya sama atau mendekati kekerasan spesimen aslinya dan proses pemesinan dengan melakukan variasi perubahan pengaruh kecepatan pemakanan dan kedalaman pemakanan menggunakan mesin CNC Milling type EMCO VMC- 200. Dari hasil analisis pengaruh kecepatan pemakanan dan kedalaman pemakanan terhadap kekasaran permukaan pada proses pembuat spesimen meggunakan mesin CNC milling menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara perubahan feed rate dengan hasil kekasaran permukaan dari hasil pengujian sperimen. Nilai hasil uji kekasaran yang di dapat adalah Permukaan benda yang memiliki nilai rata-rata kekasaran paling rendah dengan kecepatan pemakanan 100 mm dan kedalaman pemakanan 0.5 mm adalah 2.468 µm dan kecepatan pemakanan 300 mm/menit dengan kedalaman pemakanan 0.2 mm memiliki nilai rata-rata kekasaran paling tinggi adalah 6.467 µm. Pada hasil tersebut dapat memberikan perlakuan kedalaman pemakanan 0,5 mm dengan kecepatan pemakanan terhadap benda kerja memiliki tingkat kekasaran permukaan yang terendah

    Pengaruh Kesalahan Dimensi terhadap Ketelitian Gerak Output Mesin Milling 3 Axes

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    The CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled) machine is a tool equipped with a computer-controlled mechanical and control system capable of reading N, G, F, T, and other code instructions. The codes will be instructed to the CNC machine interface system, so that the machine can work in accordance with the program listings that have been made. In general the selling price of this machine is still very high. Therefore, in this study designed a CNC machine with low cost which is intended for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This CNC milling assembly machine has 3 axes that is X, Y and Z axis. In this research, the CNC milling 3 axes machine is consists of several important components such as guide ways, transmission system, driver and controller. These components are widely available in the market. CNC milling machine has dimensions size of machine length of 700 mm x width of 600 mm x height of 1227 mm. the CNC milling machine 3 axes has advantages that can make several types of wood carving products and acrylic. The results of the test where obtained accuracy of CNC milling 3 axes machine for Y axis that was 0.1946 mm and for X axis of 0.2463 mm

    Type of construction and making of CNC milling machine because of pattern making

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací modelářské CNC frézky. V první části jsou popsány možnosti konstrukčního řešení malých CNC strojů. Druhá část popisuje návrh a realizace vlastní CNC frézky. Třetí část se zabývá přípravou výroby a výrobou vzorové součásti.Bachelor thesis describes the design and realization of model CNC milling machine. The first section describes the options for construction solution of small CNC machines. The second part describes the design and realization custom CNC milling machine. The third part deals with the preparation of production and production sample part.

    Milling tools for CNC machine tools

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    V této bakalářské práci jsou popsány frézovací nástroje pro CNC obráběcí stroje. První kapitola je zaměřena na CNC frézky a CNC obráběcí centra. Hlav-ní pohled je upírán na zásobníky a typy nástrojů pro CNC stroje. V další kapito-le jsou popsány vlastní frézovací nástroje. Popis a rozdělení je provedeno z hlediska konstrukce, označování, nástrojového materiálu a užití. Jsou zde uvedeny výhody, nevýhody a použití daného nástroje nebo nástrojového mate-riálu. V dnešní době se pro obrábění nejvíce používají vyměnitelné břitové destičky ze slinutého karbidu. Stěžejní část bakalářské práce je věnována sor-timentu frézovacích nástrojů renomovaných producentů. Z mnoha významných jsem si vybral společnosti Sandvik Coromant a Pramet Tools.In this bachelor’s thesis are described milling tools for CNC machine tools. The first part is target the CNC milling machines and CNC machining centres. The main set eyes on tool holder magazines and type of tools for CNC machine tools. In next part of thesis are described milling tools. Description and partition are performed in light of construction, marking, tool materials and using. There are wrote advantage, disadvantage and using tools or material for tools. Re-placeable cutting edges from sintered carbides are most used for milling on the present. Pivotal part of bachelor’s thesis is attended to range of products for milling from renowned producers. I chose Sandvik Coromant and Pramet Tools from many notable concerns.

    Conventional milling into CNC machine tool remanufacturing: Sustainability modeling

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    Aims: Sustainability modeling for conventional milling into CNC machine tool remanufacturing-upgrading. Study design: Remanufacturing-upgrading of conventional milling into CNC machine in its mechanical part, it is merely traditional remanufacturing process of conventional milling where gearbox can be eliminated due to use of motorized axes. Lead screws can be replaced with motorized ball screws. Heavy parts of machine bed such column, knee and saddle are reused. A group of criteria are selected to conduct comprehensive sustainability assessment of remanufacturing-upgrading process include: 1. Remanufacturing cost: It is the cost of milling remanufacturing into CNC machine. 2. Remanufacturing time: It is the duration of time required for milling remanufacturing into CNC machine. 3. Accuracy: It is an expected technical performance of remanufactured milling into CNC machine. 4. Reliability: It is an expected technical performance of remanufactured milling into CNC machine. 5. Processing efficiency: It is the man-hour based productivity efficiency of a remanufactured milling into CNC machine. 6. Processing range: It is the flexibility of remanufactured machine tool into CNC machine. 7. Ergonomics: It is the interaction among operator, remanufactured milling into CNC machine tool and other system unit through the cell of manufacturing. Conventional machine tool into CNC machine remanufacturing-upgrading experience is used to project the suitable literature comparatively to construct sustainability assessment model. Sustainability assessment models in field of remanufacturing-upgrading are reviewed and modified to accommodate new changes that accompany the current case study. Place and Duration of Study: Middle Technical University, Institute of Technology-Baghdad, Mechanical Techniques Department, between February 2020 and July 2020. Methodology: Literature survey in area of remanufacturing assessment and remanufacturing sustainability assessment. Comparative literature based assessment application. Classification of literature sample. Re-representation of discussions and conclusions. Graphical representation of results. Isolation of criteria. Case study definition. Weighting of criteria. Triangular fuzzication of criteria. Weighting of satisfaction. Global weights calculation. Sustainability Index weight calculation. Results: Summation of sub-sustainabilities index weights is within limit of consistency. Environmental sustainability literature is predominated to be followed by economic and technical sustainbilities literature. Conclusion: Economic, environmental and social sub-sustainabilities are of good performances and directed toward sustainability. Social and management sustainability are interlinked and require more studies to be directed toward sustainability

    Experimental study on energy consumption of computer numerical control machine tools

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    Machining processes are responsible for substantial environmental impacts due to their great energy consumption. Accurately characterizing the energy consumption of machining processes is a starting point to increase manufacturing energy efficiency and reduce their associated environmental impacts. The energy calculation of machining processes depends on the availability of energy supply data of machine tools. However, the energy supply can vary greatly among different types of machine tools so that it is difficult to obtain the energy data theoretically. The aim of this research was to investigate the energy characteristics and obtain the power models of computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools through an experimental study. Four CNC lathes, two CNC milling machines and one machining center were selected for experiments. Power consumption of non-cutting motions and material removal was measured and compared for the selected machine tools. Here, non-cutting motions include standby, cutting fluid spraying, spindle rotation and feeding operations of machine tools. Material removal includes turning and milling. Results show that the power consumption of non-cutting motions and milling is dependent on machine tools while the power consumption of turning is almost independent from the machine tools. The results imply that the energy saving potential of machining processes is tremendous

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Sistem Operasi Mesin Milling Cnc Trainer Dengan Mengadaptasi Luaran Perangkat Lunak Mastercam

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    Kebutuhan operator semakin meningkat dengan semakin meningkatnya persaingan antar Perusahaan. Namun, hal ini masih menjadi persoalan. SMK tidak dapat menghasilkan operator yang berkompeten dikarenakan SMK belum bisa menyediakan mesin CNC (Computer Numerical Controlled) sebagai fasilitas pembelajaran untuk para siswanya. Laboratorium Proses Produksi Jurusan Teknik Mesin mencoba menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan membuat mesin milling CNC trainer. Namun, mesin ini tidak dapat beradaptasi dengan perangkat lunak CAD/CAM. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan agar mesin milling CNC trainer dapat beradaptasi dengan luaran perangkat lunak Mastercam. Operator hanya perlu menggambar benda kerja dan membuat simulasi pada perangkat lunak Mastercam. Pembuatan gambar dapat menggunakan perangkat lunak CAD ataupun CAM. Proses penelitian ini menggunakan perangkat lunak Delphi dengan menambahkan tombol START, DO IT, DONE dan INC. Masing-masing tombol mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda. Tombol-tombol dibuat dengan memilih tombol bitbtn pada menu yang tersedia. Program dibuat dengan menggunakan pernyataan kondisional (if-then-else) dan Perulangan (for dan while). Penulisan program selalu memperhatikan tipe data, contohnya : integer, real, boolean, arrayofstring dan string. Luaran perangkat lunak Mastercam mempunyai standar penulisan yang berbeda dengan standar penulisan mesin milling CNC trainer. Standar penulisan mesin milling CNC trainer adalah N ... G ... X ... Y ... Z ... F ... untuk selain kode G00. Untuk kode G00 yaitu N ... G ... X ... Y ... Z .... Hasil penelitian ini adalah luaran perangkat lunak Mastercam dapat beradaptasi dengan standar penulisan mesin milling CNC trainer