14 research outputs found

    The Guido Engine - A toolbox for music scores rendering

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    International audienceThe Guido Music Notation format (GMN) is a general purpose formal language for representing score level music in a platform independent plain text and human readable way. Based on this music representation format, the Guido Lib provides a generic, portable library and API for the graphical rendering of musical scores. This paper gives an introduction to the music notation format and to the Guido graphic score rendering engine. An example of application, the GuidoSceneComposer, is next presented


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    Pada zaman sekarang ini banyak sekali bisnis online yang ditawarkan di internet, khususnya bisnis dalam bidang Forex Online Trading. Banyak sekali software yang digunakan oleh trader untuk trading seperti FX Clearing. FX Clearing merupakan software yang sering digunakan oleh trader dalam bertransaksi forex (foreign exchange) khususnya yang menggunakan akun mini. Akan tetapi trader sering mengalami floating lost (rugi) dalam trading itu dikarenakan emosi yang tidak terkontrol oleh trader itu sendiri. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini agar trader tidak selalu mengalami floating lost adalah dengan menggunakan Expert Advisor (EA). Expert Advisor adalah aplikasi yang digunakan trader untuk trading secara otomatis tanpa harus memantau pergerakan harga selama 24 jam yang biasa dilakuan trader pada umumnya. Expert Advisor dirancang menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C di dalam platform Meta Quotes Language 4 (MQL4). Kelebihan dari software Metatrader 4 yaitu mudah digunakan dan terdapat suatu tools (MQL 4-MetaQuotes Languange 4)yang digunakan untuk membuat Automatic Robot Trading (EA-Expert Advisor). Fungsi dari Expert Advisor adalah untuk melakukan transaksi sesuai dengan strategi dari masing-masing pembuatnya

    Juego de cartas implementado con agentes inteligentes

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    Este trabajo fue realizado como trabajo de fin de curso de la materia Introducción a la Inteligencia Artificial, correspondiente a la carrera Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación, de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniría y Agrimensura (FCEIA), Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). En el mismo se implementó el juego de cartas Tute Cabrero para tres jugadores (uno humano y dos virtuales), utilizando el Entorno de Desarrollo Integrado (I.D.E.) QT para el lenguaje de programación C++. Dicho software se desarrolló con una arquitectura de Agentes Inteligentes, tanto para los jugadores virtuales (agentes competitivos), como para una entidad neutral llamada Control (agente cooperativo) encargada del correcto funcionamiento del juego.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    A Photogrammetry Program for Physical Modeling of Subsurface Subsidence Process

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    Safe and economic longwall coal extraction requires a good knowledge of overburden strata characteristics and understanding of overburden strata movement in response to the full extraction mining. Subsidence induced overburden movement will affect overlying mining, surface and subsurface water bodies, and methane emission and migration in the overburden strata. Therefore, an understanding of subsurface strata movement is essential for optimal layout of multiple seam mining, protecting water resources, and designing of gob hole patterns for longwall degasification.;Physical simulation experiments play an important role in mining engineering research by allowing visual observations of strata movement in the mining process. In recent years, the advantage physical simulations has supplemented to weakness of computer simulation in some aspects. Some advanced research results in ground control have been obtained through physical simulation, and the findings include key hinged-beam theory, the formation of fractured zones with different permeability in overlying strata.;To improve the method of obtaining and processing measured data during a simulation experiment, a photogrammetry program for capturing and processing the data from physical modeling of mine subsurface subsidence has been developed. The program can capture the observation or measurement points accurately by simply clicking a mouse on an image of the experiment. Four point geometric affine transformation was used in the program to make corrections to images with relation to the camera\u27s change of position over the experiment process. Finally, the program can generate the subsurface subsidence database and export to an spreadsheet file for further data analysis. Subsurface displacement, horizontal strain, and void ratio can then obtained from the data generated by the program. Overall, the program provides an alternative, rapid approach to capturing and processing subsurface subsidence data from a physical simulation model, and introduces a new way to help minimize the error brought by both human and measurement devices

    RKWard: A Comprehensive Graphical User Interface and Integrated Development Environment for Statistical Analysis with R

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    R is a free open-source implementation of the S statistical computing language and programming environment. The current status of R is a command line driven interface with no advanced cross-platform graphical user interface (GUI), but it includes tools for building such. Over the past years, proprietary and non-proprietary GUI solutions have emerged, based on internal or external tool kits, with different scopes and technological concepts. For example, Rgui.exe and Rgui.app have become the de facto GUI on the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X platforms, respectively, for most users. In this paper we discuss RKWard which aims to be both a comprehensive GUI and an integrated development environment for R. RKWard is based on the KDE software libraries. Statistical procedures and plots are implemented using an extendable plugin architecture based on ECMAScript (JavaScript), R, and XML. RKWard provides an excellent tool to manage different types of data objects; even allowing for seamless editing of certain types. The objective of RKWard is to provide a portable and extensible R interface for both basic and advanced statistical and graphical analysis, while not compromising on flexibility and modularity of the R programming environment itself

    Graphical Tool for Image Processing Applications Creation

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vytvořením nástroje pro vizuální tvorbu aplikací ve zpracování obrazu, které se provádí pomocí grafického propojování funkčních bloků. Grafické propojování je realizováno pomocí tzv. node editoru, který je implementován v Qt frameworku. Qt framework je využit napříč celým projektem, pro uživatelské rozhraní a správu dynamických knihoven. Knihovna OpenCV je využita jako základ pro zpracování obrazu. Tento nástroj je možné rozšiřovat o další metody zpracování pomocí pluginů, umístěných v dynamických knihovnách. Dále interpretuje navrženou aplikaci, návrh aplikace je podpořen režimem náhledu na změnu v reálném čase. Obsahuje i historii akcí (Undo/Redo systém).This term project deals with creating visual tool for building image processing applications that is performed using the graphical interconnection of functional blocks. Graphical interconnection is realised by so-called node editor that is implemented in Qt framework. This framework is used across the project - for the user interface and management of dynamic libraries. OpenCV library is used as the basis for image processing, this tool can be extended to other methods of image processing using plugins included in the dynamic libraries. The tool interprets the proposed application, the proposal application is supported by the preview mode of the change in real time. The tool also contains a history of actions (Undo/Redo system).

    Software to convert terrestrial LiDAR scans of natural environments into photorealistic meshes

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    The introduction of 3D scanning has strongly influenced environmental sciences. If the resulting point clouds can be transformed into polygon meshes, a vast range of visualisation and analysis tools can be applied. But extracting accurate meshes from large point clouds gathered in natural environments is not trivial, requiring a suite of customisable processing steps. We present Habitat3D, an open source software tool to generate photorealistic meshes from registered point clouds of natural outdoor scenes. We demonstrate its capability by extracting meshes of different environments: 8,800 m2 grassland featuring several Eucalyptus trees (combining 9 scans and 41,989,885 data points); 1,018 m2 desert densely covered by vegetation (combining 56 scans and 192,223,621 data points); a well-structured garden; and a rough, volcanic surface. The resultant reconstructions accurately preserve all spatial features with millimetre accuracy whilst reducing the memory load by up to 98.5%. This enables rapid visualisation of the environments using off-the-shelf game engines and graphics hardware

    Analytical solutions for selected types of differential equations: software support tool for students in technical fields

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    Cílem této práce bylo vytvořit počítačovou aplikaci s jednoduchým uživatelským rozhraním, určenou pro řešení vybraných typů diferenciálních rovnic, jejíž výstup není omezen na prosté zobrazení konečného výsledku, nýbrž zahrnuje i kompletní postup výpočtu, a díky tomu může sloužit jako podpůrná výuková pomůcka pro studenty vysokých škol.The aim of this thesis was to create a computer application with a simple user interface for solving selected types of differential equations, whose output is not limited to display a final result only, but also includes a complete calculation procedure and therefore can serve as a supportive teaching aid for university students.

    Conception d'un logiciel de contrôle pour la plate-forme de prototypage waferboard TM

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    RÉSUMÉ L’évolution des domaines de l’électronique donne naissance à des circuits toujours plus complexes. Les phases de conception et de prototypage représentent une partie importante du coût de développement des produits. Le projet DreamWafer porte sur le prototypage rapide de systèmes électroniques. Il tente de proposer une nouvelle approche au prototypage et à la vérification fonctionnelle de systèmes électroniques, ce qui réduit ainsi leurs coûts de développement et les temps d’arrivé sur le marché. La plateforme s’appuie sur un circuit intégré à l’échelle de la tranche de silicium pour proposer l’équivalent d’un PCB reconfigurable. Une mer de contacts assure la connexion avec les composants déposés par l’usager sur la tranche de silicium et un réseau d’interconnexions configurables permet d’obtenir des routes équivalentes aux pistes de cuivre entre les billes des composants. L’objectif général du projet de recherche présenté ici consiste à concevoir le logiciel nécessaire au support d’une telle plateforme. Le projet comprend l’élaboration d’une architecture générale favorisant l’intégration des ressources techniques existantes (comme les algorithmes de routage), la conception d’une architecture évolutive simplifiant les accès au matériel, et la réalisation d’un système d’affichage adapté à la complexité d’une telle plateforme. Cette conception doit se faire dans un environnement technique bipolaire (électronique et logiciel) connaissant un renouvellement important des personnes intervenant dans le projet. L’architecture développée au cours de ces travaux est conçue pour prendre en charge les contraintes liées au pilotage de la plateforme électronique et de les isoler pour simplifier l’intégration matériel-logiciel et les développements à venir. Ce travail à fait l’objet d’un chapitre soumis pour le livre « Novel Advances in Microsystems Technologies and their Applications ». À cette architecture s’ajoute une contribution technique publiée à la conférence CCECE 2013 (Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering) dont l’objectif est de permettre l’affichage rapide du grand volume de données requis pour la représentation d’une telle plateforme.---------- ABSTRACT Electronic system design methods are in constant evolution with access to technologies enabling the creation of increasingly complex circuits. The design and prototyping phases of today’s systems represent a significant part of the overall cost of many products. The DreamWafer project attempts to propose a new approach to the rapid prototyping of Printed Circuit Board, reducing costs and delays. The platform is based on a wafer-scale silicon integrated circuit that works as a reconfigurable PCB. A sea of contacts on its top surface provides the connections with the user components deposited on it and a configurable interconnection network is used to create routes as in a traditional PCB. We present the software written to support this platform. The project includes the development of general software architecture, the design of a scalable model simplifying access to equipment and the construction of a display system able to handle the dataset for such a platform. The architecture developed in this work is designed to handle the constraints related to the hardware while assisting the integration of functional modules. This work was the subject of a chapter submitted for the book « Advances in Novel Microsystems Technologies and their Applications ». In addition to this, an efficient new mechanism for the rapid display of large amounts of data representing the system is proposed. This technical contribution is going to be published in CCECE 2013 conference (Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering). Software resulting from this work is currently being used for demonstration and must serve as a validation tool for the hardware