334,873 research outputs found

    Developing BP-driven web application through the use of MDE techniques

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    Model driven engineering (MDE) is a suitable approach for performing the construction of software systems (in particular in the Web application domain). There are different types of Web applications depending on their purpose (i.e., document-centric, interactive, transactional, workflow/business process-based, collaborative, etc). This work focusses on business process-based Web applications in order to be able to understand business processes in a broad sense, from the lightweight business processes already addressed by existing proposals to long-running asynchronous processes. This work presents a MDE method for the construction of systems of this type. The method has been designed in two steps following the MDE principles. In the first step, the system is represented by means of models in a technology-independent manner. These models capture the different aspects of Web-based systems (these aspects refer to behaviour, structure, navigation, and presentation issues). In the second step, the model transformations (both model-to- model and model-to-text) are applied in order to obtain the final system in terms of a specific technology. In addition, a set ofEclipse-based tools has been developed to provide automation in the application of the proposed method in order to validate the proposal.Torres Bosch, MV.; Giner Blasco, P.; Pelechano Ferragud, V. (2012). Developing BP-driven web application through the use of MDE techniques. Software and Systems Modeling. 11(4):609-631. doi:10.1007/s10270-010-0177-5S609631114Andrews, T., Curbera, F., Dholakia, H., Goland, Y., Klein, J., Leymann, F., Liu, K., Roller, D., Smith, D., Thatte, S., Trickovic, I., Weerawarana, S.: Business process execution language for Web services version 1.1 (May 2003)Barna, P., Frasincar, F., Houben, G.J.: A workow-driven design of Web information systems. In: Wolber, D., Calder, N., Brooks, C., Ginige, A. (eds.) 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    Model-driven development of web applications with UWA, MVC and JavaServer faces

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    This paper presents a model-driven approach to the development of web applications based on the Ubiquitous Web Application (UWA) design framework, the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and the JavaServer Faces technology. The approach combines a complete and robust methodology for the user-centered conceptual design of web applications with the MVC metaphor, which improves separation of business logic and data presentation. The proposed approach, by carrying the advantages of Model-Driven Development (MDD) and user-centered design, produces Web applications which are of high quality from the user's point of view and easier to maintain and evolve.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    LiquidML: A Web Modeling Language Supporting Fast Metamodel Evolution

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    Model Driven development approaches are being adopted by the software industry due to a core set of benefits such as raising the level of abstraction and reducing coding errors. However, their underlying modelling languages tend to be quite rigid, making their evolution hard, specifically when the corresponding metamodel do not support primitives and/or functionalities required in specific business domains. In this work, we present an approach for fast evolution of the modelling language that is “self reflective”, allowing modellers to abstract new language concepts from the primitives. The main advantage of our approach is that it provides zero application downtime and automatic tool evolution. As a consequence, applications created with our approach are able to adapt quicker to the business needs than those based on traditional Web modelling languages. We compare our approach with existing modelling languages in a case study providing a proof of its ability to adapt faster than to new business needs.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2013-46928-C3-3-

    Role Based Access Control as SecureUML Model in Web Applications Development with Spring Security

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    Tänapäeval on efektiivse äri üheks võtmeks kiire ja edukas veebirakenduste arendus. Samas, uudsed maailmas levinud nõuded eeldavad keerukat lähenemist juurdepääsukontrolli ja kasutajate rühmade koostöövõime määratlemisel. Tavapäraselt hõlmab tarkvara arenduse protsess erinevaid vastutavaid osalisi rakenduse hindamisel, plaanide koostamisel, arendusel, rakendamisel ja kasutajatoe tagamisel, mille tulemusena suureneb informatsiooni kadu ja keerukus sihtgruppide vahelises suhtluses. Arendusmeeskonnad peaksid sellise olukorra vältimiseks ja väärtõlgendustest ning turvalisuse nõuete rikkumisest tulenevate võimalike riskide leevendamiseks tarkvara arenduses kasutama vahendeid, mis võimaldavad kiiret ja täpset veebirakenduse interpreteerimist läbi mudeli. Modelleerimine aitab tunduvalt vähendada võimalikke probleeme ja tagab funktsionaalsuse vajadused arvestades soovitud rollipõhise juurdepääsukontrolli mudeliga. Antud töös pakutakse välja kontseptuaalne Eclipse IDE lisandmooduli realisatsioon, et toetada ja lihtsustada mudelil baseeruvat lähenemist veebirakenduste arendamisel kasutades Spring platvormi. Loodud lisandmoodul toetab Spring Security esitusviiside tuvastamist koos võimega visualiseerida nende üle rollipõhise juurdepääsukontrolli mudelit. Visuaalse mudeli genereerimine toimub kahe peamise astmena: Spring Security konfiguratsiooni tuvastamine ja esituse genereerimine kasutades SecureUML modelleerimise keelt. Loodud lisandmooduli kontseptsioon valideeriti juhtumiuuringutega, mis näitasid lisandmooduli sobivust tarkvara arendajate jaoks tänu integreeritud lahendusele, et tagada kiiremat arendust ja abi valitud veebirakenduse rollipõhise juurdepääsukontrolli mudelist arusaamisel.Nowadays fast and successful development of a web application is one of the keys to effective business. However, modern world requirements define the complex approach in definition of ac-cess control and user groups’ interoperability. The software development process typically in-volves different responsible members for the application assessment, planning, development, de-ployment and support, as a consequence, increasing the complexity and information losses be-tween target groups. In order to mitigate possible risks in software development misinterpretation and security violation, teams should use tools that allow fast and accurate interpretation of the web application through a model. Modelling will help with minimization of possible problems and ensure the functionality needs with respect to desired RBAC model. In order to support and simpli-fy the model-driven approach for a web application development with Spring platform, realization of a concept plugin for Eclipse IDE is proposed. This plugin supports the recognition of Spring Security notations with capability to visualize the RBAC model on top of them. The generation of visual model is achieved in two main steps: recognition of Spring Security configuration and gen-eration of representation with SecureUML modeling language. The concept of contributed plugin was validated within case studies that demonstrated the acceptance of this plugin by software de-velopers due to its integrated solution for faster development and help in understanding of RBAC model for the selected web application

    A Model-Driven Approach for Monitoring Business Performance in Web Service Compositions

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    Abstract — Supporting business services through Web service compositions (WSC) as part of service-oriented architectures (SOA) involves business performance monitoring requirements. Their implementation results in additional development activities. To support these activities, we already contributed a model-driven approach to the development of monitored WSC as part of our preliminary work. In this paper, we present an extension to this approach, which focuses on supporting the specification and transformation of indicators to an executable implementation. To reduce development effort for this particular task, we provide a template-based mechanism for defining performance indicators. In combination with our preliminary work, now fully monitored WSC can be generated automatically from platformindependent design models. We demonstrate the applicability of the overall approach by instantiating an integrated development process for a target platform based on IBM SOA products and showing its application for a sample business process along with monitoring requirements

    A Framework for Model-Driven Scientific Workflow Engineering

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    So-called scientific workflows are one important means in the context of data-intensive science for reliable and efficient scientific data processing in distributed computing infrastructures such as Grids. Scientific Workflow Management Systems (SWfMS) help scientists model and run scientific workflows, whereas a domain-specific layer for workflow modeling by a scientist and a technical layer for automated workflow execution can be distinguished. Initially, many SWfMS were developed from scratch using custom workflow technologies languages without application of already existing and established business workflow technologies. Among the reasons were different life cycles for scientific and business workflows as well as incompatible interfaces and communication protocols of the respective execution infrastructures. Meanwhile, several business IT infrastructures have evolved to serviceoriented architectures (SOAs), for which many Web service standards and technologies have been developed. The Web Services Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), for example, is a well-accepted standard for the implementation and execution of business workflows in SOAs. The SOA architecture pattern has been adopted in scientific IT infrastructures by so-called Service Grids based on existing standards and technologies. Due to this development, BPEL is also suitable for the execution of scientific workflows at the technical layer, which has been elaborated on in many publications and projects. However, BPEL is a workflow language for IT experts and is originally not suited for scientific workflow modeling by a scientist at the domain-specific layer. A domain-specific abstraction of BPEL is therefore required that can be specifically tailored for scientific workflow modeling as well as a corresponding mapping to the technical layer. These challenges of the domain-specific abstraction and the mapping are addressed in this thesis with the help of the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) standard and technologies from Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD). Therefore, the MoDFlow approach for Model-Driven Scientific WorkFlow Engineering is presented to map domain-specific scientific workflow models via a BPMN-based intermediate layer to an executable workflow model. The intermediate layer is specified by MoDFlow.BPMN, which is a BPMN metamodel subset with custom extensions for the scientific domain. MoDFlow.BPMN2BPEL defines three consecutive transformation steps to map MoDFlow.BPMN to BPEL for workflow execution. Furthermore, different methods to utilize and extend MoDFlow.BPMN and MoDFlow.BPMN2BPEL are described in the MoDFlow approach, in which the definition of so-called domain-specific languages (DSLs) for the modeling of scientific workflows at the domain-specific layer is focused. The MoDFlow framework is an implementation of the MoDFlow approach, which is based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). The MoDFlow framework is evaluated in three application scenarios, in which different utilization and extension mechanisms are examined. The first two application scenarios investigate the technical feasibility of the approach and support scientific workflows with parameter sweeps that are executed on a Grid infrastructure. The third application scenario has been conducted in collaboration with the PubFlow project, which aims to create an infrastructure to model and execute data publication workflows. Based on the Xtext framework, a textual DSL and a corresponding language infrastructure is defined for this purpose that supports developers in creating data publication workflows. This scenario aims to illustrate the practicability of the MoDFlow framework. PubFlow currently plans to implement an additional graphical DSL based on the BPMN notation and a corresponding workflow editor for scientists

    Capability driven development: an approach to designing digital enterprises

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12599-014-0362-0[EN] The need for organizations to operate in changing environments is addressed by proposing an approach that integrates organizational development with information system (IS) development taking into account changes in the application context of the solution. This is referred to as Capability Driven Development (CDD). A meta-model representing business and IS designs consisting of goals, key performance indicators, capabilities, context and capability delivery patterns, is being proposed. The use of the meta-model is validated in three industrial case studies as part of an ongoing collaboration project, whereas one case is presented in the paper. Issues related to the use of the CDD approach, namely, CDD methodology and tool support are also discussed.This work has been partially supported by the EU-FP7 funded project no: 611351 CaaS - Capability as a Service in Digital Enterprises.Berzisa, S.; Bravos, G.; Cardona Gonzalez, T.; Czubayko, U.; España, S.; Grabis, J.; Henkel, M.... (2015). Capability driven development: an approach to designing digital enterprises. Business and Information Systems Engineering. 57(1):15-25. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12599-014-0362-0S1525571ArchiMate (2013) An enterprise modeling language from the Open Group. http://www.opengroup.org/archimate/ . Accessed 3 Dec 2014Asadi M, Ramsin R (2008) MDA-based methodologies: an analytical survey. In: Proceedings Model driven architecture – foundations and applications (ECMDA-FA 2008), LNCS 5095, pp 419–431Barney JB (1991) Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. 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IEEE, Venice, pp 261–266Wesenberg H (2011) Enterprise modeling in an agile world. In: Johannesson P, Krogstie J, Opdahl AL (eds) The practice of enterprise modeling (PoEM 2011). LNBIP 92. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 126–130Zdravkovic J, Stirna J, Henkel M, Grabis J (2013) Modeling business capabilities and context dependent delivery by cloud services. In: Proceedings advanced information systems engineering (CAiSE 2013). LNCS 7908. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 369–38

    Framework for business web application families development using an ontological model and source code generators

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    Beskonačni ciklus ponovnog programiranja različitih obrazaca i modula poslovnih web aplikacija, na nekoliko različitih projekata, naveo je mnoge programere i istraživače da razmotre mogućnosti daljnje automatizacije njihovog razvoja. Kako bi se malim i srednjim poduzećima omogućila dostupnost poslovnog softvera razvijenog po mjeri, potrebno je smanjiti troškove razvoja, a zadržati ili čak povećati razinu kvalitete. Ponovno iskorištavanje postojećih artefakata i podizanje razine apstrakcije pri razvoju pokazali su se učinkovitim pravcima za automatizaciju proizvodnje obitelji softverskih proizvoda. U ovom istraživanju dizajniran je inovativan okvir za razvoj obitelji poslovnih web aplikacija, temeljen na ontološki potpomognutom, generativnom programiranju. Istraživanje je provedeno prema DSRM (engl. Design Science Research Methodology) metodologiji za provedbu istraživanja temeljenih na dizajnu. Rad započinje sistematskim pregledom literature s ciljem formiranja baze znanja na ovome području, a zatim slijedi faza dizajna i razvoja koja je rezultirala trima artefaktima: ontološkim modelom, generatorima programskog koda i razvojnim okvirom. Primjena dizajniranog razvojnog okvira demonstrirana je na dvjema studijama slučaja, a analiza rezultata pokazala je da okvir osigurava razvoj na visokoj razini apstrakcije, uz osiguranje visoke razine ponovne iskoristivosti ranije korištenih artefakata.The endless cycle of repetitive coding of various forms and business application modules, on several different projects, has led many developers and researchers wonder about the possibilities for further development automation. In order to enable small and medium-sized businesses to purchase custom-made business software, it is necessary to reduce the cost of development, but maintain or even increase the level of quality. Software reuse and higher abstraction levels are historically proven means for automating the production of software product families. This research proposes a framework for the development of business Web application families, based on an ontology-driven, generative programming approach. The research was conducted according to design science research methodology named Design Science Research Methodology. First, a systematic literature review was conducted to constitute a knowledge base in this field. Then, the design and development faze was carried out and it resulted in three artifacts: an ontological model, code generators and a development framework. The application of the designed framework was demonstrated in two case studies. The analysis of the results showed that the framework provides a higher level of abstraction then the classic development approach and provides high level of reusability of previously used artifacts. resulted in three artifacts: an ontological model, code generators and a development framework. The application of the designed framework was demonstrated in two case studies. The analysis of the results showed that the framework provides a higher level of abstraction then the classic development approach and provides high level of reusability of previously used artifacts

    Ontology-based patterns for the integration of business processes and enterprise application architectures

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    Increasingly, enterprises are using Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) as an approach to Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). SOA has the potential to bridge the gap between business and technology and to improve the reuse of existing applications and the interoperability with new ones. In addition to service architecture descriptions, architecture abstractions like patterns and styles capture design knowledge and allow the reuse of successfully applied designs, thus improving the quality of software. Knowledge gained from integration projects can be captured to build a repository of semantically enriched, experience-based solutions. Business patterns identify the interaction and structure between users, business processes, and data. Specific integration and composition patterns at a more technical level address enterprise application integration and capture reliable architecture solutions. We use an ontology-based approach to capture architecture and process patterns. Ontology techniques for pattern definition, extension and composition are developed and their applicability in business process-driven application integration is demonstrated

    Framework for business web application families development using an ontological model and source code generators

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    Beskonačni ciklus ponovnog programiranja različitih obrazaca i modula poslovnih web aplikacija, na nekoliko različitih projekata, naveo je mnoge programere i istraživače da razmotre mogućnosti daljnje automatizacije njihovog razvoja. Kako bi se malim i srednjim poduzećima omogućila dostupnost poslovnog softvera razvijenog po mjeri, potrebno je smanjiti troškove razvoja, a zadržati ili čak povećati razinu kvalitete. Ponovno iskorištavanje postojećih artefakata i podizanje razine apstrakcije pri razvoju pokazali su se učinkovitim pravcima za automatizaciju proizvodnje obitelji softverskih proizvoda. U ovom istraživanju dizajniran je inovativan okvir za razvoj obitelji poslovnih web aplikacija, temeljen na ontološki potpomognutom, generativnom programiranju. Istraživanje je provedeno prema DSRM (engl. Design Science Research Methodology) metodologiji za provedbu istraživanja temeljenih na dizajnu. Rad započinje sistematskim pregledom literature s ciljem formiranja baze znanja na ovome području, a zatim slijedi faza dizajna i razvoja koja je rezultirala trima artefaktima: ontološkim modelom, generatorima programskog koda i razvojnim okvirom. Primjena dizajniranog razvojnog okvira demonstrirana je na dvjema studijama slučaja, a analiza rezultata pokazala je da okvir osigurava razvoj na visokoj razini apstrakcije, uz osiguranje visoke razine ponovne iskoristivosti ranije korištenih artefakata.The endless cycle of repetitive coding of various forms and business application modules, on several different projects, has led many developers and researchers wonder about the possibilities for further development automation. In order to enable small and medium-sized businesses to purchase custom-made business software, it is necessary to reduce the cost of development, but maintain or even increase the level of quality. Software reuse and higher abstraction levels are historically proven means for automating the production of software product families. This research proposes a framework for the development of business Web application families, based on an ontology-driven, generative programming approach. The research was conducted according to design science research methodology named Design Science Research Methodology. First, a systematic literature review was conducted to constitute a knowledge base in this field. Then, the design and development faze was carried out and it resulted in three artifacts: an ontological model, code generators and a development framework. The application of the designed framework was demonstrated in two case studies. The analysis of the results showed that the framework provides a higher level of abstraction then the classic development approach and provides high level of reusability of previously used artifacts. resulted in three artifacts: an ontological model, code generators and a development framework. The application of the designed framework was demonstrated in two case studies. The analysis of the results showed that the framework provides a higher level of abstraction then the classic development approach and provides high level of reusability of previously used artifacts