420,957 research outputs found

    Contemporary database topics:learning by teaching

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    Passive learning is generally believed to be ineffectual in that it leads to a generally impoverished student experience manifested by poor attendance, engagement and motivation alike. A shift towards a more pro-active learning experience was therefore the main motivator for the proposed method outlined in this paper. The method adopted was applied to a single module for a cohort of postgraduate, mainly international students. In our method, each student is charged with delivering a specialist database topic as part of an allocated group. They self-organise their group into two sub-groups for lecture and tutorial delivery respectively. Staff support the process by delivering the teaching in the first half of the module. The second, student-led phase is staff-supported using preparatory meetings to discuss content and presentation issues prior to delivery. Feedback overall indicates that the method is effective, particularly in confidence building. We believe that the latter more than compensates for the one or two concerns raised about the quality of information being received. We conclude by discussing a number of changes based on two years’ experience and student feedback

    Putting theory into practice: designing a curriculum according to self-determination theory

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    Building on existing research into the affective domain in legal education, volition and self-determination theory (SDT), we explain how to categorise student motivation types and design a curriculum which meets and supports, or at least does not undermine or damage, students' intrinsic or extrinsic motivations. This categorisation process allows the curriculum designer to obtain a fresh insight into student engagement, particularly by appreciating how to enhance the active forms of extrinsic student motivation, which leads students to internalize their goals, take over the responsibility for their learning and develop a strong sense of value for their choices. That insight, coupled with an appreciation of SDT's identification of the three human motivational needs (autonomy, competence and relatedness), allows the curriculum designer consciously to address learning, teaching and assessment at a macro- and micro-design level. As one method of approaching curriculum design, we show how to change the learning culture; the environment enables a stronger understanding of students’ behaviours, volition and motivation, creating new ways for the students to internalise their extrinsic motivation (own their learning), leading to fully self-determined actions


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    There is a need to explore ways to better motivate students in instruction, as student motivation is an issue confronting teachers at all levels of education. Instructor-student rapport (ISR), a multidimensional concept comprised of students’ enjoyable interaction and personal connection with instructors, has potential to offer educators a tool for increasing these important student outcomes. Further, self-determination theory (SDT) may have utility for illustrating the psychological mechanisms through which instructors influence students by building rapport. First, this study explored what behaviors instructors should employ to build ISR with students. Specifically, prosocial humor (related and unrelated) and confirmation (responding to questions, demonstrating interest, ad teaching style) were investigated as instructor rapport-building behaviors. Results showed that instructors’ use of related humor, demonstration of interest, and teaching style were significant predictors of both dimensions of ISR; mixed results were found for both responding to questions and unrelated humor. Second, this study considered whether ISR was a significant predictor of student outcomes: intrinsic motivation, perceived cognitive learning, and academic performance. While enjoyable interaction was a significant, positive predictor of all three outcomes, personal connection was not a significant, positive predictor of any student outcomes. In fact, personal connection was a significant, negative predictor of perceived cognitive learning. Third, this study explored whether ISR served as a mediator between these rapport-building behaviors and student outcomes as posited by SDT. Enjoyable interaction was a significant mediator in a majority of the models. However, personal connection was not a positive mediator in any models and served as a negative mediator when predicting perceived cognitive learning. Theoretical implications for this study’s findings, along with practical tips for instructors hoping to build ISR with students, are forwarded. In addition, future directions and limitations are discussed

    Kedudukan Motivasi Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran

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    Learning is an activity involving teachers and students. The success of teaching and learning process are influenced by student learning motivation. The existence of student learning motivation will give spirit and learning becomes more focused for students. Building intrinsic motivation in students will be better than extrinsic motivation. By students' intrinsic motivation to learn because of the sincerity of their hearts, the positive results of learning efforts that will shown. However, extrinsic motivation also determines the interest of students in learning. When students have a desire to learn but the extrinsic factors do not support, the student will lose his spirits. Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors can determine the success of students in the learning process. Motivation is an energy change within the person characterized by effective arausal and antisipatory goal reaction. Motivation will push, move and direct students to learn. Students who have a high learning motivation will do activities in acquiring knowledge. Motivation will arouse the interest of students to learn. Motivation has the function of which is to (1) encourage students to move in order to get maximum results, and (2) as referring to carry out activities in achieving the objectives specific objectives. Motivation has traits include: resilient in the face of adversity, diligently not easily bored and others. The existence of the learning motivation greatly affected the success of the learning process. Students can reach a good study achievements on him when there is motivation to learn. Therefore the motivation has a very important position in learning

    The Study On Character Building In English Teaching Learning To The Second Year Student Of PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo

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    This research paper aims to describe the teachers’ concepts of making Lesson Plan, to describe the process of English teaching learning, and to identify the problems found in English teaching learning based on Character Building concept to the second year student of PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo. The research was conducted at PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo. This research is qualitative-descriptive research. The researcher collects the data by observing English class, especially second year class of each unit, namely; MTs, MA, SMA, and SMK PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo, documents, and conducting interviews with five English teachers of PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo. The data include field notes and interview scripts. From the data analysis, research finding and discussion, the researcher draws some conclusions. (a) There are 3 teachers’ concepts in arranging lesson plan in PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo.The first teachers’ concept is they use syllabus as the basic principle of creating lesson plan and the lesson plan should be based on PERMENDIKNAS RI no 41 tahun 2007 tentang standar proses (The Regulation of the Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia No. 41 Year 2007 on the Standard Process).The second teachers’ concept is lesson plan is not onlydesigned to make student smart but also good attitude. The balance of intellectual and spiritual are focused. The third teachers’ concept, if the situation and condition in the class is not comfortable with the planning, the teacher can change and improve the process in the class according the need. The most important is the material is served and the goal is achieved. (b) There are 3 basic character building values which are suitable and integrated in English teaching learning to the second year student of PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo. Namely; confidence, cooperation or teamwork, and obedience to social rules that includes religious, care, and orderly inside. The basic character building values which are not integrated in English teachinglearning to the second year student of PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo are appreciation to togetherness sociality, politeness, and independence. But, thereare another character building values that are integrated in English teaching learning to the second year student of PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo, namely; responsibility, discipline, proud, creative, and motivation. (c) There are someproblems faced by the teachers on the implementation of character building in English teaching learning to the second year student of PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo. Namely; the self- commitment of students, student’s discipline, and time allocation in the class

    Evaluating the effects of a ‘student buddy’ initiative on student engagement and motivation

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    Motivation is one of the most important factors which influences second language learning (Dörnyei, 1998; Gardner & Lambert, 1972). A support mechanism which reinforces student motivation through encouragement, social interaction, feedback, sound learning environments and good teaching is crucial for ensuring successful learning. This is particularly relevant in distance or online language learning settings, as learners work more autonomously and independently than in conventional classrooms and there is a higher risk of feeling isolated and not part of a well-defined and supportive learning community. This paper presents initial research conducted by the Department of Languages at the Open University to evaluate the efficacy of a peer-support initiative on level 1 modules where the drop-out rate is significant. The study is supported by both qualitative and quantitative evidence, which evaluates student engagement on the forum, the support mechanisms offered by elected peers and their role in building an online community

    Pembelajaran Komunikasi, Motivasi Dan Muhasabah Untuk Guru, Siswa Dan Mahasiswa Di Masjid Al Muhajirin Perum Telaga Harapan Cikarang Barat Kabupaten Bekasi

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    Learning communication and motivation of a teacher, student and student is one of the important components in the teaching and learning process. This skill development should be possessed by a teacher, student and student by involving various community activities with Communication Skill and Motivation.Carrying the theme "Communication, Motivation And Student Learning For Teachers, Students And Students". The aim is to train and equip skills and improve communication skills and effective motivation to improve the quality of human resources for teachers, students and students in West Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, West Java.Based on interviews, questions and answers and direct observations during the activity, community service activities give the following results: (1). Increased knowledge and understanding of participants in having effective communication and motivation skills, (2). Increased the skills of participants in building togetherness (Chemistry) inside or outside their duties as teachers, students and students
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