13 research outputs found

    Light Monitoring on a Management Tool

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    The objective of this paper is to propose a new design for outdoor lighting system. India is one of the biggest country and the process of lighting infrastructure is handling by humans. Maintenance ofthe infrastructure is facing problems at the time of repairing and updating the process of street lights. The main gist of this paper is to control the lighting infrastructure by servers (monitoring servers like nagios,icinga)and developing a remote management tool(RMT) for the people to access details about street lighting. And the users can leave the notifications, messages, and updates about the lighting through remote management tool. By the reference of the notifications, messages and weekly analysis of the lighting workflow required actions be taken

    Unified representation of monitoring information across federated cloud infrastructures

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    Nowadays one of the issues hindering the potential of federating cloud-based infrastructures to reach much larger scales is their standard management and monitoring. In particular, this is true in cases where these federated infrastructures provide emerging Future Internet and Smart Cities-oriented services, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), that benefit from cloud services. The contribution of this paper is the introduction of a unified monitoring architecture for federated cloud infrastructures accompanied by the adoption of a uniform representation of measurement data. The presented solution is capable of providing multi-domain compatibility, scalability, as well as the ability to analyze large amounts of monitoring data, collected from datacenters and offered through open and standardized APIs. The solution described herein has been deployed and is currently running on a community of 5 infrastructures within the framework of the European Project XIFI, to be extended to 12 more infrastructures

    A comparison of techniques to detect similarities in cloud virtual machines

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    Scalability in monitoring and management of cloud data centres may be improved through the clustering of virtual machines (VMs) exhibiting similar behaviour. However, available solutions for automatic VM clustering present some important drawbacks that hinder their applicability to real cloud scenarios. For example, existing solutions show a clear trade-off between the accuracy of the VMs clustering and the computational cost of the automatic process; moreover, their performance shows a strong dependence on specific technique parameters. To overcome these issues, we propose a novel approach for VM clustering that uses Mixture of Gaussians (MoGs) together with the Kullback-Leiber divergence to model similarity between VMs. Furthermore, we provide a thorough experimental evaluation of our proposal and of existing techniques to identify the most suitable solution for different workload scenarios

    Enhanced IPFIX flow processing mechanism for overlay network monitoring

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    Cloud computing is an emerging technology. People are adopting cloud at a faster rate, due to this cloud network traffic is increasing at a pace which is challenging to manage. Monitoring tool is an essential aspect of cloud computing and becomes more apparent with the acquired of cloud services. Overlay network provides new path to converge network and run as an independent virtual network on top of physical network. Currently, cloud overlay network technologies in cloud infrastructure have visibility gaps, which mean cloud provider and consumers miss out the major performance issues for troubleshooting of overlay network traffic. Hence, to keep a close watch on network and catch potential problems, a network monitoring tool required, to track and report more in-depth for not only see the hidden traffic but also presents the related information of cloud overlay network technologies specifically suited to the modern cloud-scale data center. Therefore, this study proposes an enhanced IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) mechanism for cloud overlay network monitoring by adopting flexible flow based technique. Furthermore, the solution provided in this research consist of diverse mechanisms: enhanced packet filtering mechanisms using property match filtering technique and hash-based filtering technique. Virtual Extensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) based flow classification mechanisms using 6-tuple flow pattern and adoptable flow patterns. IPFIX message template mechanisms, which is comprise set of fields for data records within the IPFIX flow processing system. The findings demonstrate that the proposed mechanism can capture multi-tenant overlay network traffic to identify, track, analyze and continuously monitor the performance of cloud overlay network services. The proposed mechanisms are resource efficient where the combination of VFMFM+6tuple+VXLAN Message consume 4.63% less CPU, while the combination of VHFM+AFCM+AFCM Message consume 11.45% less CPU than Standard IPFIX. The contributions of this study would help cloud network operators and end-users to quickly and proactively resolve any overlay network based on performance issues with end-to end visibility and actionable insights

    Designing Monitoring Systems for Continuous Certification of Cloud Services: Deriving Meta-requirements and Design Guidelines

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    Continuous service certification (CSC) involves the consistently gathering and assessing certification-relevant information about cloud service operations to validate whether they continue to adhere to certification criteria. Previous research has proposed test-based CSC methodologies that directly assess the components of cloud service infrastructures. However, test-based certification requires that certification authorities can access the cloud infrastructure, which various issues may limit. To address these challenges, cloud service providers need to conduct monitoring-based CSC; that is, monitor their cloud service infrastructure to gather certification-relevant data by themselves and then provide these data to certification authorities. Nevertheless, we need to better understand how to design monitoring systems to enable cloud service providers to perform such monitoring. By taking a design science perspective, we derive universal meta-requirements and design guidelines for CSC monitoring systems based on findings from five expert focus group interviews with 33 cloud experts and 10 one-to-one interviews with cloud customers. With this study, we expand the current knowledge base regarding CSC and monitoring-based CSC. Our derived design guidelines contribute to the development of CSC monitoring systems and enable monitoring-based CSC that overcomes issues of prior test-based approaches

    Monitoring the quality of service to support the service based system lifecycle

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    Service Oriented Computing (SOC) has been established in the last recent years as a successful paradigm in Software Engineering. The systems built under this paradigm, known as Service Based System (SBS), are composed of several services, which are usually third-party software run by external service providers. SBS rely on these service providers to ensure that their services comply with the agreed Quality of Service (QoS). In contrast to other systems, the dynamic behaviour of SBS requires up-to-date QoS information for its proper management in the different stages of its lifecycle, from their initial construction until their decommission. Providing such QoS information has resulted in different technological solutions built around a monitor. Nonetheless, several research challenges in the field remain still open, ranging from theoretical aspects of quality assurance to architectonical challenges in decentralized monitoring. Based on the current research challenges for service monitoring, the research gaps in which we aim to contribute are twofold: - To investigate on the definition and structure of the different quality factors of services, and provide a framework of common understanding for the definition of what to monitor. - To investigate on the different features required to support the activities of the whole SBS lifecycle (i.e. how to monitor), and develop a monitoring framework that accomplishes such features. As a result of this thesis, we provide: What to monitor - A distribution of the quality models along the time dimension and the identification of their relationships. - An analysis of the size and definition coverage of the proposed quality models. - A quantified coverage of the different ISO/IEC 25010 quality factors given by the proposals. - The identification of the most used quality factors, and provided the most consolidated definitions for them. How to monitor - The elicitation of the requirements of the different activities in the SBS lifecycle. - The definition of the set of features that supports the elicited requirements. - A modular service-oriented monitoring framework, named SALMon, implementing the defined features. SALMon has been validated by including it in several frameworks supporting the different activities of the SBS lifecycle. Finally, we have conducted a performance evaluation of SALMon over real web services.La Computació Orientada a Serveis (SOC) ha esdevingut en els darrers anys un paradigma exitós en el camp de l'Enginyeria del Software. Els sistemes construïts sota aquest paradigma, coneguts com Sistemes Basats en Serveis (SBS), estan composats de diversos serveis, que són, usualment, programari de tercers executats per proveïdors de serveis externs. Els SBS depenen dels proveïdors dels serveis per garantir que els serveis compleixen amb la Qualitat del Servei (QoS) acordada. En contrast amb altres sistemes, el comportament dinàmic dels SBS requereix d'informació actualitzada del QoS per a la correcta administració de les diferents etapes del cicle de vida dels SBS: des de la seva construcció inicial fins a la seva clausura. Proveir d'aquesta informació de QoS ha resultat en diferents solucions tecnològiques construïdes al voltant d'un monitor. Malgrat això, diversos reptes de recerca en el camp encara romanen obertes, des d'aspectes teòrics de l'assegurança de qualitat, a reptes arquitectònics en la monitorització descentralitzada. Basat en els reptes de recerca actuals per a la monitorització de serveis, els forats de recerca en els que pretenem contribuir són dobles: - Investigar en la definició i estructura dels diferents factors de qualitat dels serveis, i proveir un marc de treball d'entesa comuna per a la definició de què monitoritzar. - Investigar en les diferents característiques requerides per donar suport a les activitats de tot el cicle de vida dels SBS (i.e. com monitoritzar), i desenvolupar una plataforma de monitorització que acompleixi aquestes característiques. Com a resultats de la tesis, proveïm: Què monitoritzar - Una distribució dels models de qualitat al llarg de la dimensió temporal i la identificació de les seves interrelacions. - Un anàlisi de la mida i definició de la cobertura dels models de qualitat proposats. - Una cobertura quantificada dels diferents factors de qualitat ISO/IEC 25010 donat en les diferents propostes. - La identificació dels factors de qualitat més utilitzats, i la definició dels termes més consolidats. Com monitoritzar - L'elicitació dels requeriments per a les diferents activitats en el cicle de vida dels SBS. - La definició del conjunt de característiques que donen suport als requeriments elicitats. - Una platforma modular orientada a serveis, anomenat SALMon, que implementa les característiques definides. SALMon ha estatvalidat incloent la plataforma en diversos marcs de treball donant suport a les diferents activitat

    FlexMonitorWS : a solution for monitoring Web services with a focus on QoS attributes

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    Orientador: Cecília Mary Fischer RubiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Serviços Web são usados como uma das formas de se obter uma Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços (SOA). Com aspectos interoperáveis, dinâmicos e distribuídos, tais serviços agregam valores de negócio, são unidades de software com alta coesão e são utilizados para integração entre aplicações empresariais. Em um contexto de SOA, provedores de serviços devem oferecer garantias de funcionamento de seus serviços. Esta garantia é realizada através de atributos de Quality of Service (QoS) inseridos em contratos do tipo SLA (Service Level Agreement). Atributos de QoS podem ter flutuações ou mudança de estado ao longo do tempo, dado que um serviço opera em um ambiente de alta dinamicidade e alta imprevisibilidade que são propriedades inerentes ao contexto SOA. Diante deste cenário, há uma clara necessidade de se conhecer as variações que ocorrem nos atributos de QoS. Para isso, é fundamental aplicar uma monitoração que possibilite conhecer os valores de atributos de QoS para compreender o contexto geral do ambiente que opera o serviço. Uma boa solução de monitoração deve oferecer meios flexíveis de monitorar diferentes atributos de QoS (e.g. disponibilidade, desempenho e confiabilidade), de diferentes modos de operar, considerando diferentes alvos ligados ao serviço (e.g. servidor, rede e aplicação servidora). Por meio de uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura identificamos que as soluções encontradas não apoiam a flexibilidade na monitoração. Face a este contexto, esta dissertação propôs a FlexMonitorWS uma solução de monitoração de serviços Web e de recursos de infraestrutura de TI ligada ao serviço Web. A FlexMonitorWS adota técnicas de Linhas de Produtos de Software para criar uma família de monitores a partir da variabilidade de software existente em sistemas de monitoração de serviços Web. Três estudos de caso foram executados para avaliar a viabilidade da ferramenta, obtendo-se resultados satisfatórios na entrega de valores de atributos de QoS e na compreensão do ambiente que opera o serviço Web. Ao final, apresentamos conclusões, contribuições e direções para trabalhos futurosAbstract: Web services are used as a way of obtaining a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). With interoperable, dynamic and distributed aspects such services add business values are software units with high cohesion and are used to integrate business applications. In a SOA context, service providers must offer guarantees of the servces operations. This warranty is carried out by attributes Quality of Service (QoS) type contracts entered into SLA (Service Level Agreement). QoS attributes can have fluctuations or changes of state over time, given that a service operates in an environment of high dynamics and high unpredictability inherent in the SOA context properties. Given this scenario, there is a clear need to understand the fluctuations in the QoS attributes. Therefore, it is essential to apply a monitoring which allows to know the QoS attributes values to understand the overall context of the environment that operates the service. A good monitoring solution must offer flexible ways to monitor different QoS attributes (e.g. performance, availability and reliability) in different ways to operate, considering different targets linked to the service (e.g. server, network and server application). By analyzing existing solutions through a Systematic Literature Review identified that solutions do not support the flexibility in monitoring. Against this background, this thesis proposed a solution FlexMonitorWS monitoring of Web services and IT infrastructure resources connected to the Web services. FlexMonitorWS adopts techniques from Software Product Lines to create a monitors family from the existing variability in the Web services monitoring systems. Three case studies were performed to assess the tool feasibility, obtaining satisfactory results in delivering QoS attributes values and understanding to environment that operates the Web service. In the end, conclusions, contributions and directions for future work are presentedMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Gerenciamento de nuvem computacional usando critérios de segurança

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    Orientador: Paulo Lício de GeusTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A nuvem computacional introduziu novas tecnologias e arquiteturas, mudando a computação empresarial. Atualmente, um grande número de organizações optam por utilizar arquiteturas computacionais tradicionais por considerarem esta tecnologia não confiável, devido a problemas não resolvidos relacionados a segurança e privacidade. Em particular, quanto á contratação de um serviço na nuvem, um aspecto importante é a forma como as políticas de segurança serão aplicadas neste ambiente caracterizado pela virtualização e serviços em grande escala de multi-locação. Métricas de segurança podem ser vistas como ferramentas para fornecer informações sobre o estado do ambiente. Com o objetivo de melhorar a segurança na nuvem computacional, este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para a gestão da nuvem computacional usando a segurança como um critério, através de uma arquitetura para monitoramento da segurança com base em acordos de níveis de serviço de segurança Security-SLA para serviços de IaaS, PaaS e SaaS, que usa métricas de segurançaAbstract: Cloud Computing has introduced new technology and architectures that changed enterprise computing. Currently, there is a large number of organizations that choose to stick to traditional architectures, since this technology is considered unreliable due to yet unsolved problems related to security and privacy. In particular, when hiring a service in the cloud, an important aspect is how security policies will be applied in this environment characterized by both virtualization and large-scale multi-tenancy service. Security metrics can be seen as tools to provide information about the status of the environment. Aimed at improving security in the Cloud Computing, this work presents a methodology for Cloud Computing management using security as a criterion, across an architecture for security monitoring based on Security-SLA for IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services using security metricsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação23/200.308/2009FUNDEC