32 research outputs found

    Quantifying CRISPR off-target effects

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    Recent advances in the era of genetic engineering have significantly improved our ability to make precise changes in the genomes of human cells. Throughout the years, clinical trials based on gene therapies have led to the cure of diseases such as X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID-X1), adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA-SCID) and Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome. Despite the success gene therapy has had, there is still the risk of genotoxicity due to the potential oncogenesis introduced by utilising viral vectors. Research has focused on alternative strategies like genome editing without viral vectors as a means to reduce genotoxicity introduced by the viral vectors. Although there is an extensive use of RNA-guided genome editing via the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and associated protein-9 (Cas9) technology for biomedical research, its genome-wide target specificity and its genotoxic side effects remain controversial. There have been reports of on- and off-target effects created by CRISPR–Cas9 that can include small and large indels and inversions, highlighting the potential risk of insertional mutagenesis. In the last few years, a plethora of in silico, in vitro and in vivo genome-wide assays have been introduced with the sole purpose of profiling these effects. Here, we are going to discuss the genotoxic obstacles in gene therapies and give an up-to-date overview of methodologies for quantifying CRISPR–Cas9 effects

    CRISPR/Cas9 editing of endogenous banana streak virus in the B genome of Musa spp. overcomes a major challenge in banana breeding

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 31 Jan 2019Presence of the integrated endogenous banana streak virus (eBSV) in the B genome of plantain (AAB) is a major challenge for breeding and dissemination of hybrids. As the eBSV activates into infectious viral particles under stress, the progenitor Musa balbisiana and its derivants, having at least one B genome, cannot be used as parents for crop improvement. Here, we report a strategy to inactivate the eBSV by editing the virus sequences. The regenerated genome-edited events of Gonja Manjaya showed mutations in the targeted sites with the potential to prevent proper transcription or/and translational into functional viral proteins. Seventy-five percent of the edited events remained asymptomatic in comparison to the non-edited control plants under water stress conditions, confirming inactivation of eBSV into infectious viral particles. This study paves the way for the improvement of B genome germplasm and its use in breeding programs to produce hybrids that can be globally disseminated

    Highly efficient heritable targeted deletions of gene clusters and non-coding regulatory regions in Arabidopsis using CRISPR/Cas9

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    Genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 is considered the best instrument for genome engineering in plants. This methodology is based on the nuclease activity of Cas9 that is guided to specific genome sequences by single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) thus enabling researchers to engineer simple mutations or large chromosomal deletions. Current methodologies for targeted genome editing in plants using CRISPR/Cas9 are however largely inefficient, mostly due to low Cas9 activity, variable sgRNA efficiency and low heritability of genetic lesions. Here, we describe a newly developed strategy to enhance CRISPR/Cas9 efficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana focusing on the design of novel binary vectors (pUbiCAS9-Red and pEciCAS9-Red), the selection of highly efficient sgRNAs, and the use of direct plant regeneration from induced cell cultures. Our work demonstrates that by combining these three independent developments, heritable targeted chromosomal deletions of large gene clusters and intergenic regulatory sequences can be engineered at a high efficiency. Our results demonstrate that this improved CRISPR/Cas9 methodology can provide a fast, efficient and cost-effective tool to engineer targeted heritable chromosomal deletions, which will be instrumental for future high-throughput functional genomics studies in plants

    Loss of TRP53 (p53) accelerates tumorigenesis and changes the tumor spectrum of SJL/J mice.

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    Known as the guardian of the genome, transformation-related protein 53 (TRP53) is a well -known tumor suppressor. Here, we describe a novel TRP53 deficient mouse model on a tumor prone background-SJL/J mice. The absence of TRP53 (TRP53 nullizygosity) leads to a shift in the tumor spectrum from a non-Hodgkin\u27s-like disease to thymic lymphomas and testicular teratomas at a very rapid tumor onset averaging ~12 weeks of age. In haplotype studies, comparing tumor prone versus tumor resistant Trp53 null mouse strains, we found that other tumor suppressor, DNA repair and/or immune system genes modulate tumor incidence in TRP53 null strains, suggesting that even a strong tumor suppressor such as TRP53 is modulated by genetic background. Due to their rapid development of tumors, the SJL/J TRP53 null mice generated here can be used as an efficient chemotherapy or immunotherapy screening mouse model

    YODA Kinase Controls a Novel Immune Pathway of Tomato Conferring Enhanced Disease Resistance to the Bacterium Pseudomonas syringae

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    © 2020 Téllez, Muñoz-Barrios, Sopeña-Torres, Martín-Forero, Ortega, Pérez, Sanz, Borja, de Marcos, Nicolas, Jahrmann, Mena, Jordá and Molina.Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) play pivotal roles in transducing developmental cues and environmental signals into cellular responses through pathways initiated by MAPK kinase kinases (MAP3K). AtYODA is a MAP3K of Arabidopsis thaliana that controls stomatal development and non-canonical immune responses. Arabidopsis plants overexpressing a constitutively active YODA protein (AtCA-YDA) show broad-spectrum disease resistance and constitutive expression of defensive genes. We tested YDA function in crops immunity by heterologously overexpressing AtCA-YDA in Solanum lycopersicum. We found that these tomato AtCA-YDA plants do not show developmental phenotypes and fitness alterations, except a reduction in stomatal index, as reported in Arabidopsis AtCA-YDA plants. Notably, AtCA-YDA tomato plants show enhanced resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 and constitutive upregulation of defense-associated genes, corroborating the functionality of YDA in tomato immunity. This function was further supported by generating CRISPR/Cas9-edited tomato mutants impaired in the closest orthologs of AtYDA [Solyc08g081210 (SlYDA1) and Solyc03g025360 (SlYDA2)]. Slyda1 and Slyda2 mutants are highly susceptible to P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 in comparison to wild-type plants but only Slyda2 shows altered stomatal index. These results indicate that tomato orthologs have specialized functions and support that YDA also regulates immune responses in tomato and may be a trait for breeding disease resistance.This work was supported by grants BIO2015-64077-R of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), RTI2018-096975-B-I00 of Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and grant P190050072 of Plant Response Biotech SL to AMo. Research in the Montaña Mena’s laboratory is supported by the MINECO (PPII10-0194-4164) and the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (SBPLY/17/180501/000394), complemented with EU FEDER funds. JT was financially supported by a PhD fellow of the FPI program from MINECO (BES-2016-076708). AM-F and AO were recipients of research and PhD fellowships from JCCM

    Tomato CRABS CLAW paralogues interact with chromatin remodelling factors to mediate carpel development and floral determinacy

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    CRABS CLAW (CRC) orthologues play a crucial role in floral meristem (FM) determinacy and gynoecium formation across angiosperms, the key developmental processes for ensuring successful plant reproduction and crop production. However, the mechanisms behind CRC mediated FM termination are far from fully understood. Here, we addressed the functional characterization of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) paralogous CRC genes. Using mapping-by-sequencing, RNA interference and CRISPR/Cas9 techniques, expression analyses, protein-protein interaction assays and Arabidopsis complementation experiments, we examined their potential roles in FM determinacy and carpel formation. We revealed that the incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity of the indeterminate carpel-inside-carpel phenotype observed in fruit iterative growth (fig) mutant plants are due to the lack of function of the S. lycopersicum CRC homologue SlCRCa. Furthermore, a detailed functional analysis of tomato CRC paralogues, SlCRCa and SlCRCb, allowed us to propose that they operate as positive regulators of FM determinacy by acting in a compensatory and partially redundant manner to safeguard the proper formation of flowers and fruits. Our results uncover for the first time the physical interaction of putative CRC orthologues with members of the chromatin remodelling complex that epigenetically represses WUSCHEL expression through histone deacetylation to ensure the proper termination of floral stem cell activity.Peer reviewe

    Evolution of CRISPR-associated endonucleases as inferred from resurrected proteins

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    Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-associated Cas9 is an effector protein that targets invading DNA and plays a major role in the prokaryotic adaptive immune system. Although Streptococcus pyogenes CRISPR–Cas9 has been widely studied and repurposed for applications including genome editing, its origin and evolution are poorly understood. Here, we investigate the evolution of Cas9 from resurrected ancient nucleases (anCas) in extinct firmicutes species that last lived 2.6 billion years before the present. We demonstrate that these ancient forms were much more flexible in their guide RNA and protospacer-adjacent motif requirements compared with modern-day Cas9 enzymes. Furthermore, anCas portrays a gradual palaeoenzymatic adaptation from nickase to double-strand break activity, exhibits high levels of activity with both single-stranded DNA and single-stranded RNA targets and is capable of editing activity in human cells. Prediction and characterization of anCas with a resurrected protein approach uncovers an evolutionary trajectory leading to functionally flexible ancient enzymes.This work has been supported by grant nos. PID2019-109087RB-I00 (to R.P.-J.) and RTI2018-101223-B-I00 and PID2021-127644OB-I00 (to L.M.) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 964764 (to R.P.-J.). The content presented in this document represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect to the content. We acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Foundation for the Promotion of Research of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. A.F. acknowledges Spanish Center for Biomedical Network Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERE) intramural funds (no. ER19P5AC756/2021). F.J.M.M. acknowledges research support by Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport from Generalitat Valenciana, research project nos. PROMETEO/2017/129 and PROMETEO/2021/057. M.M. acknowledges funding from CIBERER (grant no. ER19P5AC728/2021). The work has received funding from the Regional Government of Madrid (grant no. B2017/BMD3721 to M.A.M.-P.) and from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, cofounded with the European Regional Development Fund ‘A way to make Europe’ within the National Plans for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017–2020 and 2021–2024 (nos. PI17/1659, PI20/0429 and IMP/00009; to M.A.M.-P. B.P.K. was supported by an MGH ECOR Howard M. Goodman Award and NIH P01 HL142494

    Therapeutic Potential of EWSR1-FLI1 Inactivation by CRISPR/Cas9 in Ewing Sarcoma.

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    Ewing sarcoma is an aggressive bone cancer affecting children and young adults. The main molecular hallmark of Ewing sarcoma are chromosomal translocations that produce chimeric oncogenic transcription factors, the most frequent of which is the aberrant transcription factor EWSR1-FLI1. Because this is the principal oncogenic driver of Ewing sarcoma, its inactivation should be the best therapeutic strategy to block tumor growth. In this study, we genetically inactivated EWSR1-FLI1 using CRISPR-Cas9 technology in order to cause permanent gene inactivation. We found that gene editing at the exon 9 of FLI1 was able to block cell proliferation drastically and induce senescence massively in the well-studied Ewing sarcoma cell line A673. In comparison with an extensively used cellular model of EWSR1-FLI1 knockdown (A673/TR/shEF), genetic inactivation was more effective, particularly in its capability to block cell proliferation. In summary, genetic inactivation of EWSR1-FLI1 in A673 Ewing sarcoma cells blocks cell proliferation and induces a senescence phenotype that could be exploited therapeutically. Although efficient and specific in vivo CRISPR-Cas9 editing still presents many challenges today, our data suggest that complete inactivation of EWSR1-FLI1 at the cell level should be considered a therapeutic approach to develop in the future.This research was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, grant numbers PI20CIII/00020, DTS18CIII/00005, PI16CIII/00026; Asociación Pablo Ugarte, grant numbers TRPV205/18, TPI-M 1149/13; Asociación Candela Riera, Asociación Todos Somos Iván & Fundación Sonrisa de Alex, grant numbers TVP333-19, TVP-1324/15; ASION, grant number TVP141/17, and by the Spanish Center for Biomedical Network Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERER, ER19P5AC728/2021, grant to M.M.), and by the Regional Government of Madrid (CAM, B2017/BMD3721, grant to M.A.M.-P.). R.M.M-F.d.M. was supported by a grant from the Spanish Center for Biomedical Network Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERER).S

    Mahogunin Ring Finger 1 Is Required for Genomic Stability and Modulates the Malignant Phenotype of Melanoma Cells.

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    The mouse mahoganoid mutation abrogating Mahogunin Ring Finger-1 (MGRN1) E3 ubiquitin ligase expression causes hyperpigmentation, congenital heart defects and neurodegeneration. To study the pathophysiology of MGRN1 loss, we compared Mgrn1-knockout melanocytes with genetically matched controls and melan-md1 (mahoganoid) melanocytes. MGRN1 knockout induced a more differentiated and adherent phenotype, decreased motility, increased the percentage of cells in the S phase of the cell cycle and promoted genomic instability, as shown by stronger γH2AX labelling, increased burden of DNA breaks and higher abundance of aneuploid cells. Lack of MGRN1 expression decreased the ability of melanocytes to cope with DNA breaks generated by oxidizing agents or hydroxyurea-induced replicative stress, suggesting a contribution of genomic instability to the mahoganoid phenotype. MGRN1 knockout in B16-F10 melanoma cells also augmented pigmentation, increased cell adhesion to collagen, impaired 2D and 3D motility and caused genomic instability. Tumors formed by Mgrn1-KO B16-F10 cells had lower mitotic indices, fewer Ki67-positive cells and showed a trend towards smaller size. In short-term lung colonization assays Mgrn1-KO cells showed impaired colonization potential. Moreover, lower expression of MGRN1 is significantly associated with better survival of human melanoma patients. Therefore, MGRN1 might be an important phenotypic determinant of melanoma cells

    Development of an electroporation procedure for the generation of genetically modified mice using CRISPR/Cas9

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Biotecnología. Curso académico 2019-2020The house mouse (Mus musculus) has become the main animal model used in biomedical research, because of its physiological and genetical similarity with the human being. Over the last years, the development of the genomic editing tools has led to the generation of genetically modified (GM) mice, entailing great progress in research work. Within these tools, the discovery and improvement of the CRISPR/Cas9 system has been particularly revolutionary due to its design´s simplicity, efficiency and versatility. Originally described as an adaptive immunity mechanism in bacteria and archaea, it is composed of two elements: the single-read ribonucleic acid (sgRNA) or RNA guide and the endonuclease Cas9. The first one is made up of a 20 nucleotides sequence called CRISPR ribonucleic acid (crRNA), which defines the system’s specificity and is linked to a structural sequence named trans-activating crRNA (tracrRNA). When this hybridizes with the target sequences, the nuclease produces a double-strand break (DSB), activating endogenous mechanisms of DNA repair. This involves the gene disruption, leading to knock-out models; or the insertion of homologous molecules, producing knock-in models. The current strategy to produce GM mice is based on the microinjection of the CRISPR/Cas9 system components into one of the zygote’s pronuclei and its subsequent transfer to a female´s oviduct. The pronuclear microinjection is a quite slow process that requires expensive and sophisticated equipment and experienced personnel. As an alternative, we propose the use of electroporation to introduce the CRISPR/Cas9 system reagents in embryos and overcome the raised limitations. Thus, we have checked that the application of high voltage short electrical pulses allows the preservation of zygote’s viability. In addition, these create transient cell membrane pores which sgRNA and Cas9 protein access across. Through the in vitro genotyping process it has been confirmed that these are capable of performing genomic editing on specific locus. Finally, a specific sgRNA against tyrosinase gene (Tyr), involved in the mouse´s coat color, was designed. Therefore, the generation of albino and/or mosaic mice has allowed us to easily determine the editing and knock-out alleles’ generation efficiency with both techniques. It has been concluded that electroporation is a method as effective as pronuclear microinjection, so it could become its real substitute