28 research outputs found

    Comparison of osteogenic capability of 3D-printed bioceramic scaffolds and granules with different porosities for clinical translation

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    Pore parameters, structural stability, and filler morphology of artificial implants are key factors influencing the process of bone tissue repair. However, the extent to which each of these factors contributes to bone formation in the preparation of porous bioceramics is currently unclear, with the two often being coupled. Herein, we prepared magnesium-doped wollastonite (Mg-CSi) scaffolds with 57% and 70% porosity (57-S and 70-S) via a 3D printing technique. Meanwhile, the bioceramic granules (57-G and 70-G) with curved pore topography (IWP) were prepared by physically disrupting the 57-S and 70-S scaffolds, respectively, and compared for in vivo osteogenesis at 4, 10, and 16 weeks. The pore parameters and the mechanical and biodegradable properties of different porous bioceramics were characterized systematically. The four groups of porous scaffolds and granules were then implanted into a rabbit femoral defect model to evaluate the osteogenic behavior in vivo. 2D/3D reconstruction and histological analysis showed that significant bone tissue production was visible in the central zone of porous granule groups at the early stage but bone tissue ingrowth was slower in the porous scaffold groups. The bone tissue regeneration and reconstruction capacity were stronger after 10 weeks, and the porous architecture of the 57-S scaffold was maintained stably at 16 weeks. These experimental results demonstrated that the structure-collapsed porous bioceramic is favorable for early-stage osteoconduction and that the 3D topological scaffolds may provide more structural stability for bone tissue growth for a long-term stage. These findings provide new ideas for the selection of different types of porous bioceramics for clinical bone repair

    Mechanical behavior of absorbable iron foams with hollow struts for bone scaffolding applications

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    Jusqu'à il y a quelques années, chaque année, aux États-Unis, plus de 500 000 personnes devaient réparer leurs défauts osseux. Il a été prédit que le besoin de telles réparations doublerait aux États-Unis et dans le monde d'ici 2020. Les techniques de greffe osseuse sont couramment utilisées pour guérir de gros défauts osseux. Cependant, la greffe osseuse présente certains inconvénients tels que l'infection, la douleur, la morbidité et le manque de site donneur. L'échafaudage osseux est considéré comme une approche alternative pour guérir les défauts osseux sans complications liées à la greffe. Les échafaudages osseux sont considérés comme des implants temporaires, car après la formation de nouveaux tissus, leur présence n'est plus nécessaire. Des métaux poreux biodégradables (résorbables) ont été développés et étudiés en tant qu'échafaudages osseux temporaires. Ces structures poreuses fournissent un support mécanique et un espace biologique pour la régénération tissulaire. Ces implants se corrodent pendant le processus de régénération tissulaire et, idéalement, ils devraient disparaître une fois le processus de guérison terminé. Ainsi, aucune chirurgie secondaire pour les retirer ne serait nécessaire. Une tâche cruciale des échafaudages osseux résorbables est de fournir un support mécanique pour la formation de nouveaux tissus. Les échafaudages doivent conserver leur intégrité mécanique sans défaillance en raison des charges mécaniques appliquées à partir du milieu environnant. En revanche, en tant qu'implants orthopédiques, leur rigidité ne doit pas être supérieure à celle du tissu osseux environnant en raison du risque de stress shielding. Ainsi, la compréhension des facteurs influençant la réponse mécanique de l'échafaudage osseux lors de la dégradation et la prédiction de leurs propriétés mécaniques sont cruciales. La conception et la fabrication d'échafaudages résorbables sont un sujet d'intérêt pour les chercheurs. Des analyses détaillées qui expliquent les propriétés mécaniques post-corrosion des échafaudages métalliques résorbables en fonction de leurs caractéristiques architecturales post-corrosion font défaut dans la littérature. Ce projet de doctorat porte sur le comportement mécanique de la mousse de fer galvanisée à cellules ouvertes avec des entretoises creuses pour les applications d'échafaudage osseux. En particulier, les relations entre les propriétés structurales et mécaniques, les propriétés mécaniques après corrosion et les paramètres micro-architecturaux induits par la corrosion des mousses de fer ont été explorées. En outre, des modèles d'éléments finis idéalisés (mousse Kelvin) d'un témoin ainsi qu'un échantillon de mousse de fer corrodé ont été développés sur la base de mesures de tomographie micro-calculée et de modes de corrosion pour prédire la réponse mécanique post-corrosion de la mousse de fer (test in silico). La thèse comprend une introduction, trois chapitres contenant une revue approfondie de la littérature et les études menées pour le projet de doctorat, et une section Conclusion. Des données supplémentaires sur les études réalisées se trouvent en annexe. Dans l'introduction, un bref historique sur les échafaudages osseux, l'application de métaux poreux biodégradables (résorbables) dans les échafaudages, l'énoncé du problème, les objectifs de recherche, la stratégie de recherche et la nouveauté de cette recherche sont présentés. Le chapitre 1 contient une revue approfondie de la littérature sur les sujets pertinents au sujet de la thèse tels que l'application de métaux biodégradables comme implants temporaires, la fabrication et l'application de mousses métalliques résorbables comme échafaudages osseux ainsi que leurs propriétés mécaniques et de corrosion, temps de corrosion propriétés mécaniques dépendantes des échafaudages métalliques résorbables, approches de modélisation analytique et informatique pour prédire le comportement mécanique des mousses métalliques et modélisation informatique de la dégradation dans les métaux résorbables. Le chapitre 2 traite de la première étape du projet de doctorat qui était une étude sur les propriétés mécaniques des mousses de fer électrolytiques à cellules ouvertes avec entretoises creuses. Dans cette étude, des échantillons de mousses de fer aux propriétés architecturales différentes, c'est-à-dire la taille des alvéoles, l'épaisseur des branches et la taille des pores, ont subi des essais de compression mécanique et le rôle de leurs paramètres architecturaux ainsi que leur densité relative dans leurs différentes réponses à la compression (quasi-gradient élastique, élasticité et résistance à la compression) a été discuté. De plus, une modélisation par éléments finis des mousses Kelvin a été développée pour fournir une meilleure compréhension des effets de creux des entretoises sur les propriétés mécaniques de la mousse. Le chapitre couvre une introduction, la méthodologie, les résultats, la discussion et une section de conclusion. Le chapitre 3 traite des propriétés mécaniques post-corrosion et des configurations architecturales des mousses de fer à entretoises creuses. Les échantillons de mousse de fer ont subi des tests d'immersion dans une solution de Hanks jusqu'à 14 jours, suivis de tests de nettoyage et de compression mécanique. Les facteurs influençant les propriétés mécaniques de la mousse corrodée ont été explorés, c'est-à-dire la dégradation structurelle, les produits de corrosion adhérents et les changements micro-architecturaux au niveau des entretoises. une tomographie micro-calculée a été utilisée pour mesurer les paramètres architecturaux du contrôle et des mousses corrodées pendant 14 jours. Sur la base des mesures architecturales, des modèles d'éléments finis de mousse Kelvin ont été développés pour prédire la réponse mécanique des mousses corrodées. De plus, un nouveau modèle de mousse Kelvin a été développé pour prédire la réponse mécanique des mousses de fer corrodées sous corrosion homogène, le mécanisme de corrosion qui n'avait pas été observé dans les expériences. Enfin, les faits saillants les plus importants des études sont présentés dans la section Conclusion. Aussi, les limites et les bénéfices potentiels des résultats de ce projet pour les futurs travaux de recherche sont expliqués, et de nouvelles idées pour les futurs projets concernant le comportement mécanique des mousses métalliques résorbables sont proposées.Up to a few years ago, every year, in the Unites States, more than 500,000 people needed to repair their bone defects. It was predicted that the need for such repairs would double in US and worldwide by 2020. Bone grafting techniques are commonly used to heal large bone defects. However, there are certain drawbacks with bone grafting such as infection, pain, morbidity and shortage of donor site. Bone scaffolding is considered as an alternative approach to heal bone defects without complications raised from grafting. Bone scaffolds are considered as temporary implants, since after the formation of new tissue, their presence is not needed anymore. Porous biodegradable (absorbable) metals have been developed and studied as temporary bone scaffolds. These porous structures provide mechanical support and biological space for tissue regeneration. These implants corrode during tissue regeneration process, and, ideally, they should disappear once the healing process ends. Thus, no secondary surgery to remove them would be needed. One crucial task for absorbable bone scaffolds is to provide mechanical support for new tissue formation. The scaffolds must keep their mechanical integrity without failing due to mechanical loads applied from the surrounding environment. On the other hand, as orthopedic implants, their stiffness should not be higher than the surrounding bone tissue due to the risk of stress shielding. Thus, understanding the influencing factors on the mechanical response of the bone scaffold during degradation and predicting their mechanical properties are crucial. Design and fabrication of absorbable scaffolds is a topic of interest for researchers. Detailed analyses that explain the post-corrosion mechanical properties of absorbable metal scaffolds based on their post-corrosion architectural features are lacking in the literature. This PhD project addresses the mechanical behavior of electroplated open cell iron foam with hollow struts for bone scaffolding applications. In particular, the structural-mechanical properties relationships, post-corrosion mechanical properties and the corrosion-induced micro-architectural parameters of the iron foams have been explored. In addition, idealized finite element models (Kelvin foam) of a control as well as a corroded iron foam specimen were developed based on micro-computed tomography measurements and corrosion modes to predict the post-corrosion mechanical response of the iron foam (in silico test). The thesis comprises an Introduction, three chapters containing a thorough literature review and the studies conducted for the PhD project, and a Conclusion section. Additional data about the performed studies are found in the Appendix. In the Introduction, a brief background on bone scaffolds, the application of porous biodegradable (absorbable) metals in scaffolding, problem statement, research objectives, research strategy, and the novelty of the research are presented. Chapter 1 contains a thorough literature review on the subjects relevant to the topic of the thesis such as the application of biodegradable metals as temporary implants, fabrication and application of absorbable metal foams as bone scaffolds as well as their mechanical and corrosion properties, corrosion-time dependent mechanical properties of absorbable metallic scaffolds, analytical and computational modelling approaches to predict the mechanical behavior of metal foams and computational modeling of degradation in absorbable metals. Chapter 2 discusses the first step of the PhD project which was a study on the mechanical properties of the electroplated open-cell iron foams with hollow struts. In this study, samples of iron foams with different architectural properties, i.e. cell size, branch-strut thickness and pore size, underwent mechanical compression tests and the role of their architectural parameters as well as their relative density in their different compressive response (quasi-elastic gradient, yield and compressive strength) was discussed. In addition, finite element modeling of Kelvin foams was developed to provide a better understanding of the strut hollowness effects on the foam mechanical properties. The chapter covers an introduction, the methodology, results, discussion, and a concluding section. Chapter 3 discusses the post-corrosion mechanical properties and architectural configurations of the iron foams with hollow struts. The iron foam samples underwent immersion tests in a Hanks' solution up to 14 days which were followed by cleaning and mechanical compression tests. The factors influencing the corroded foam mechanical properties were explored, i.e. structural degradation, adherent corrosion products and micro-architectural changes on the strut level. micro-computed tomography was employed to measure architectural parameters of the control and the 14-day corroded foams. Based on the architectural measurements, Kelvin foam finite element models were developed to predict the mechanical response of the corroded foams. Also, a new Kelvin foam model was developed to predict the mechanical response of the corroded iron foams under homogeneous corrosion, the corrosion mechanism which had not been observed in the experiments. Finally, the most important highlights of the studies are presented in the Conclusion section. Also, the limitations and the potential benefits of the results of this project for the future research works is explained, and new ideas for the future projects concerning the mechanical behavior of absorbable metal foams is proposed

    Characterizing Tissue Graft Angiogenesis via Multimodal Optical Imaging

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    Tissue engineered scaffolds are a powerful means of healing craniofacial bone defects arising from trauma or disease. Murine models of critical-sized bone defects are especially useful in understanding the role of microenvironmental factors such as vascularization on bone regeneration. In this thesis, we review the previously employed bone graft methods used to treat orthopedic tissue defects, the transition of therapeutic approaches to tissue engineering based regimes, and the various imaging modalities which may be used to characterize osteogenesis and angiogenesis within defect sites. Additionally, we demonstrate the capability of a novel multimodality imaging platform capable of acquiring in vivo images of microvascular architecture, microvascular blood flow and tracer/cell tracking via intrinsic optical signaling (IOS), laser speckle contrast (LSC) and fluorescence (FL) imaging, respectively in a critical-sized calvarial defect model. Defects that were 4 mm in diameter were made in the calvarial regions of mice followed by the implantation of osteoconductive scaffolds loaded with human adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) embedded in fibrin gel. Using IOS imaging, we were able to visualize microvascular angiogenesis at the graft site and extracted morphological information such as vessel radius, length, and tortuosity two weeks after scaffold implantation. FL imaging allowed us to assess functional characteristics of the angiogenic vessel bed such as time-to-peak of a fluorescent tracer, and also allowed us to track the distribution of fluorescently tagged human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Finally, we employed LSC to characterize the in vivo hemodynamic response and maturity of the remodeled microvessels in the scaffold microenvironment. In this thesis, we provide a methodical framework for imaging tissue engineered scaffolds, processing the images in order to extract key microenvironmental parameters, and visualizing this data in a manner that enables the characterization of the vascular phenotype and its effect on bone regeneration. Such multimodality imaging platforms can inform optimization and design of tissue engineered scaffolds and elucidate the factors that promote enhanced vascularization and bone formation

    Functionalized silk promotes cell migration into calcium phosphate cements by providing macropores and cell adhesion motifs

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    Calcium phosphate cements (CPCs) are attractive synthetic bone grafts as they possess osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties. Their biomimetic synthesis grants them an intrinsic nano- and microporosity that resembles natural bone and is paramount for biological processes such as protein adhesion, which can later enhance cell adhesion. However, a main limitation of CPCs is the lack of macroporosity, which is crucial to allow cell colonization throughout the scaffold. Moreover, CPCs lack specific motifs to guide cell interactions through their membrane proteins. In this study, we explore a strategy targeting simultaneously both macroporosity and cell binding motifs within CPCs by the use of recombinant silk. A silk protein functionalized with the cell binding motif RGD serves as foaming template of CPCs to achieve biomimetic hydroxyapatite (HA) scaffolds with multiscale porosity. The synergies of RGD-motifs in the silk macroporous template and the biomimetic features of HA are explored for their potential to enhance mesenchymal stem cell adhesion, proliferation, migration and differentiation. Macroporous Silk-HA scaffolds improve initial cell adhesion compared to a macroporous HA in the absence of silk, and importantly, the presence of silk greatly enhances cell migration into the scaffold. Additionally, cell proliferation and osteogenic differentiation are achieved in the scaffolds.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hybrid materials for meniscus replacement in the knee

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    The meniscus is cartilage that not only prevents the bones in knee joints to grind together but acts as a joint stabiliser. Many athletes and older people suffer from meniscus tears and degeneration. Meniscal tear treatments have been through meniscal suture or by partial meniscectomy (removal). These treatments may cause changes in loading or decreased contact area and increased contact stress. Consequently, the ultimate result is a total meniscectomy that potentially leads to osteoarthritis (OA). These current surgical strategies have lower success rates in younger patients. There are no successful artificial meniscus replacement devices for young patients, therefore, new materials for meniscus replacement are required. Here, the aim was to develop a novel biomimetic meniscus device made of a silica/polytetrahydrofuran (SiO2/polyTHF) inorganic/organic hybrid material. The device is biomimetic in terms of its structural design, mechanical properties, and integration with the host tissue. The device should delay onset of OA. The hybrid has unique properties in that is a bouncy material which has comparable mechanical properties to knee cartilage. Two pot hybrid synthesis was used to synthesise the SiO2/polyTHF hybrid and casting mould was developed based on the shrinkage factor of the hybrid. The hybrid synthesis modifications were conducted by controlling compositions and drying processes. Biological fixation of the hybrid meniscus was achieved by titanium anchors with gyroid porous architecture which can provide initial mechanical fixation and secondary biological fixation on the tibia. The architecture was designed using Solidworks and Rhinoceros software and printed by the Additive Manufacturing technique of selective laser melting (SLM). Mechanical testing of the device included compression, cyclic loading, shear strength and long-term 90 days in-vitro mechanical testing, tribology against living bovine 2 cartilage, and cell studies. The results suggest that combination of hybrid and Ti gyroid has potential to be meniscus implant due to comparable mechanical properties, low friction coefficient, and non-cytotoxicity.Open Acces

    Biofabricating the vascular tree in engineered bone tissue

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    The development of tissue engineering strategies for treatment of large bone defects has become increasingly relevant, given the growing demand for bone substitutes. Native bone is composed of a dense vascular network necessary for the regulation of bone development, regeneration and homeostasis. A major obstacle in fabricating living, clinically relevant-sized bone mimics (1-10 cm3) is the limited supply of nutrients, including oxygen to the core of the construct. Therefore, strategies to support vascularization are pivotal for the development of tissue engineered bone constructs. Creating a functional bone construct integrated with a vascular network, capable of delivering the necessary nutrients for optimal tissue development is imperative for translation into the clinics. The vascular system is composed of a complex network that runs throughout the body in a tree-like hierarchical branching fashion. A significant challenge for tissue engineering approaches lies in mimicking the intricate, multi-scale structures consisting of larger vessels (macro-vessels) which interconnect with multiple sprouting vessels (microvessels) in a closed network. The advent of biofabrication has enabled complex, out of plane channels to be generated and has laid the groundwork for the creation of multi-scale vasculature in recent years. This review highlights the key state-of-the-art achievements for the development of vascular networks of varying scales in the field of biofabrication with a particular focus for its application in developing a functional tissue engineered bone construct. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: There is a growing need for bone substitutes to overcome the limited supply of patient-derived bone. Bone tissue engineering aims to overcome this by combining stem cells with scaffolds to restore missing bone. The current bottleneck in upscaling is the lack of an integrated vascular network, required for the delivery of nutrients to cells. 3D bioprinting techniques has enabled the creation of complex hollow structures of varying dimensions that resemble native blood vessels. The convergence of multiple materials, cell types and fabrication approaches, opens the possibility of developing clinically-relevant sized vascularized bone constructs. This review provides an up-to-date insight of the technologies currently available for the generation of complex vascular networks, with a focus on their application in bone tissue engineering

    Tissue-specific melt electrowritten polymeric scaffolds for coordinated regeneration of soft and hard periodontal tissues

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    Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory condition that often causes serious damage to tooth-supporting tissues. The limited successful outcomes of clinically available approaches underscore the need for therapeutics that cannot only provide structural guidance to cells but can also modulate the local immune response. Here, three-dimensional melt electrowritten ( i.e., poly(ε-caprolactone)) scaffolds with tissue-specific attributes were engineered to guide differentiation of human-derived periodontal ligament stem cells (hPDLSCs) and mediate macrophage polarization. The investigated tissue-specific scaffold attributes comprised fiber morphology (aligned vs. random) and highly-ordered architectures with distinct strand spacings (small 250 μm and large 500 μm). Macrophages exhibited an elongated morphology in aligned and highly-ordered scaffolds, while maintaining their round-shape on randomly-oriented fibrous scaffolds. Expressions of periostin and IL-10 were more pronounced on the aligned and highly-ordered scaffolds. While hPDLSCs on the scaffolds with 500 μm strand spacing show higher expression of osteogenic marker (Runx2) over 21 days, cells on randomly-oriented fibrous scaffolds showed upregulation of M1 markers. In an orthotopic mandibular fenestration defect model, findings revealed that the tissue-specific scaffolds ( i.e., aligned fibers for periodontal ligament and highly-ordered 500 μm strand spacing fluorinated calcium phosphate [F/CaP]-coated fibers for bone) could enhance the mimicking of regeneration of natural periodontal tissues

    Development of novel mechanical diagnostic techniques for early prediction of bone fracture healing outcome

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    2021 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.To view the abstract, please see the full text of the document

    Novel Nano-Engineered Biomaterials for Bone Tissue Engineering

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    This book highlights novel nano-engineering advances that enable enhanced bone formation at the implant/biomaterial and bone tissue interface, towards bone tissue engineering applications. Spanning a variety of biomaterial categories, from nanofibrous scaffolds (natural and synthetic) to the nanoscale modification of metallic implants, novel bioactive and therapeutic modifications have made it possible to enhance new bone formation, which could be particularly useful for the management of compromised sites

    Imaging and Analysis of P(L/D)LA 96/4 Joint Scaffold Using Computed Tomography

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    The architecture of tissue engineering scaffold has a strong effect on its functionality. The micro-computed tomography (?-CT) is a non-destructive X-ray irradiation based imaging method which has been widely used in scaffold characterization. The technique enables accurate visualization of the internal structures and morphology in two- and three-dimensions. In addition, image data can be used to calculate numerical values for several structural parameters including porosity and pores sizes. In the present study, the structure of five different types of joint scaffolds was studied using two different CT types. Studied scaffolds are designed for small joint (metacarpophalangeal joint) reconstruction. Imaging was performed using Planmeca ProMax 3Ds cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and high resolution SkyScan-1072 desktop fan-beam micro-CT. The main purpose of the study was to assess the suitability of Planmeca CBCT for structural characterization and for quality control of porous scaffolds. Main studied scaffold type was P(L/D)LA 96/4 joint scaffold. Motivation for this study comes from the specific properties of Planmeca CBCT which overcome the general limitations of micro-CT. The device is originally designed for dental imaging allowing fast image acquisition and has also a large measuring field which enables imaging the entire implant structure with a single scan. First goal in the present study was to find out the highest image quality which can be achieved with Planmeca device. In practice, different CT imaging parameters were tested and some of the samples were modified with different contrast enhancement techniques before imaging. The quality of obtained images was visually evaluated and the best images were selected for structural parameter determination. A SkyScan micro-CT was used in a comparative study in order to estimate the reliability of Planmeca CBCT study and to compare the suitability of these two devices for scaffold characterization. The spatial resolution of the SkyScan micro-CT was beforehand known to be significantly better than in Planmeca CBCT. Sample modification studies proved that it is very challenging to improve image contrast and use contrast enhancement techniques non-destructively without causing any structural changes to the scaffold. Without using any contrast enhancement, the CBCT image quality was good enough to apply them for image analysis and determine porosity degree and porosity degree distribution of scaffolds. Also glass content of two types of scaffolds was calculated successfully. Pore sizes (pore diameter) could not be calculated due to complex scaffold architecture and lack of sophisticated image analysis program but total pore volume distribution was determined instead. Quality of Planmeca CBCT images was not the best possible due to still poor accuracy and contrast even though the imaging parameters were optimized carefully. Planmeca CBCT characterization cannot be considered reliable because images did not give realistic overview of the scaffold fibrous structure, unlike the micro-CT images did. The use of Planmeca CBCT in the quality control would still be possible but that would require standardization of the CT imaging parameters and image analysis parameters. Parameter standardization would allow comparing the mutual differences in architectures of parallel samples. /Kir1