13 research outputs found

    Análise de Movimento Não Rígido em Visão por Computador

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    Neste artigo são apresentadas várias metodologias actualmente existentes, no domínio da Visão por Computador, para a análise de movimento não rígido e são indicados diversos exemplos de aplicações. Assim o movimento não rígido é classificado e, para cada classe resultante, são indicadas as restrições e as condições inerentes e verificados alguns trabalhos realizados no seu âmbito. Como as questões de análise de movimento e modelização da forma se tornam inseparáveis quando se considera o movimento do tipo não rígido, a modelização sugere uma classificação possível da forma não rígida e do movimento. Assim são também apresentados modelos de forma para objectos deformáveis e indicados vários exemplos de aplicações. Com este estudo, de certo modo aprofundado, das várias metodologias, e suas aplicações, existentes no domínio da análise de movimento não rígido, espera-se contribuir para o seu desenvolvimento, dada a actual carência de boas revisões do estado da arte neste domínio.In this article several methodologies actually existent, in the Computer Vision domain, for non-rigid movement analysis are presented and several examples of applications are indicated. Thus the non-rigid movement is classified and, for each resulting class, the restrictions and the inherent conditions are presented and some works accomplished in its ambit are verified. As the questions of movement and shape analysis becomes non-separable when its considered the movement of the non-rigid type, the shape models also suggests a possible classification of the non-rigid shape and of the movement. Thus shape models for deformable objects will be presented and some examples of applications indicated. With this study, in certain way deep, of several methodologies, and its applications, existent in the domain of the non-rigid movement analysis, the authors hope to contribute for its development, given the actual lack of good state of the art revisions in this domain

    Multi-Level Shape Representation Using Global Deformations and Locally Adaptive Finite Elements

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    We present a model-based method for the multi-level shape, pose estimation and abstraction of an object’s surface from range data. The surface shape is estimated based on the parameters of a superquadric that is subjected to global deformations (tapering and bending) and a varying number of levels of local deformations. Local deformations are implemented using locally adaptive finite elements whose shape functions are piecewise cubic functions with C1 continuity. The surface pose is estimated based on the model\u27s translational and rotational degrees of freedom. The algorithm first does a coarse fit, solving for a first approximation to the translation, rotation and global deformation parameters and then does several passes of mesh refinement, by locally subdividing triangles based on the distance between the given datapoints and the model. The adaptive finite element algorithm ensures that during subdivision the desirable finite element mesh generation properties of conformity, non-degeneracy and smoothness are maintained. Each pass of the algorithm uses physics-based modeling techniques to iteratively adjust the global and local parameters of the model in response to forces that are computed from approximation errors between the model and the data. We present results demonstrating the multi-level shape representation for both sparse and dense range data

    Análise de Movimento Não Rígido em Visão por Computador

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    Neste artigo são apresentadas várias metodologias actualmente existentes, no domínio da Visão por Computador, para a análise de movimento não rígido e são indicados diversos exemplos de aplicações. Assim o movimento não rígido é classificado e, para cada classe resultante, são indicadas as restrições e as condições inerentes e verificados alguns trabalhos realizados no seu âmbito. Como as questões de análise de movimento e modelização da forma se tornam inseparáveis quando se considera o movimento do tipo não rígido, a modelização sugere uma classificação possível da forma não rígida e do movimento. Assim são também apresentados modelos de forma para objectos deformáveis e indicados vários exemplos de aplicações. Com este estudo, de certo modo aprofundado, das várias metodologias, e suas aplicações, existentes no domínio da análise de movimento não rígido, espera-se contribuir para o seu desenvolvimento, dada a actual carência de boas revisões do estado da arte neste domínio

    3D Reconstruction Using High Resolution Implicit Surface Representations and Memory Management Strategies

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    La disponibilité de capteurs de numérisation 3D rapides et précis a permis de capturer de très grands ensembles de points à la surface de différents objets qui véhiculent la géométrie des objets. La métrologie appliquée consiste en l'application de mesures dans différents domaines tels que le contrôle qualité, l'inspection, la conception de produits et la rétroingénierie. Une fois que le nuage de points 3D non organisés couvrant toute la surface de l'objet a été capturé, un modèle de la surface doit être construit si des mesures métrologiques doivent être effectuées sur l'objet. Dans la reconstruction 3D en temps réel, à l'aide de scanners 3D portables, une représentation de surface implicite très efficace est le cadre de champ vectoriel, qui suppose que la surface est approchée par un plan dans chaque voxel. Le champ vectoriel contient la normale à la surface et la matrice de covariance des points tombant à l'intérieur d'un voxel. L'approche globale proposée dans ce projet est basée sur le cadre Vector Field. Le principal problème abordé dans ce projet est la résolution de l'incrément de consommation de mémoire et la précision du modèle reconstruit dans le champ vectoriel. Ce tte approche effectue une sélection objective de la taille optimale des voxels dans le cadre de champ vectoriel pour maintenir la consommation de mémoire aussi faible que possible et toujours obtenir un modèle précis de la surface. De plus, un ajustement d e surface d'ordre élevé est utilisé pour augmenter la précision du modèle. Étant donné que notre approche ne nécessite aucune paramétrisation ni calcul complexe, et qu'au lieu de travailler avec chaque point, nous travaillons avec des voxels dans le champ vectoriel, cela réduit la complexité du calcul.The availability of fast and accurate 3D scanning sensors has made it possible to capture very large sets of points at the surface of different objects that convey the geometry of the objects. A pplied metrology consists in the application of measurements in different fields such as quality control, inspection, product design and reverse engineering. Once the cloud of unorganized 3D points covering the entire surface of the object has been capture d, a model of the surface must be built if metrologic measurements are to be performed on the object. In realtime 3D reconstruction, using handheld 3D scanners a very efficient implicit surface representation is the Vector Field framework, which assumes that the surface is approximated by a plane in each voxel. The vector field contains the normal to the surface and the covariance matrix of the points falling inside a voxel. The proposed global approach in this project is based on the Vector Field framew ork. The main problem addressed in this project is solving the memory consumption increment and the accuracy of the reconstructed model in the vector field. This approach performs an objective selection of the optimal voxels size in the vector field frame work to keep the memory consumption as low as possible and still achieve an accurate model of the surface. Moreover, a highorder surface fitting is used to increase the accuracy of the model. Since our approach do not require any parametrization and compl ex calculation, and instead of working with each point we are working with voxels in the vector field, then it reduces the computational complexity

    How to build a 2d and 3d aerial multispectral map?—all steps deeply explained

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    UIDB/04111/2020 PCIF/SSI/0102/2017 IF/00325/2015 UIDB/00066/2020The increased development of camera resolution, processing power, and aerial platforms helped to create more cost-efficient approaches to capture and generate point clouds to assist in scientific fields. The continuous development of methods to produce three-dimensional models based on two-dimensional images such as Structure from Motion (SfM) and Multi-View Stereopsis (MVS) allowed to improve the resolution of the produced models by a significant amount. By taking inspiration from the free and accessible workflow made available by OpenDroneMap, a detailed analysis of the processes is displayed in this paper. As of the writing of this paper, no literature was found that described in detail the necessary steps and processes that would allow the creation of digital models in two or three dimensions based on aerial images. With this, and based on the workflow of OpenDroneMap, a detailed study was performed. The digital model reconstruction process takes the initial aerial images obtained from the field survey and passes them through a series of stages. From each stage, a product is acquired and used for the following stage, for example, at the end of the initial stage a sparse reconstruction is produced, obtained by extracting features of the images and matching them, which is used in the following step, to increase its resolution. Additionally, from the analysis of the workflow, adaptations were made to the standard workflow in order to increase the compatibility of the developed system to different types of image sets. Particularly, adaptations focused on thermal imagery were made. Due to the low presence of strong features and therefore difficulty to match features across thermal images, a modification was implemented, so thermal models could be produced alongside the already implemented processes for multispectral and RGB image sets.publishersversionpublishe

    Model-Based Shape and Motion Analysis: Left Ventricle of a Heart

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    The accurate and clinically useful estimation of the shape, motion, and deformation of the left ventricle of a heart (LV) is an important yet open research problem. Recently, computer vision techniques for reconstructing the 3-D shape and motion of the LV have been developed. The main drawback of these techniques, however, is that their models are formulated in terms of either too many local parameters that require non-trivial processing to be useful for close to real time diagnosis, or too few parameters to offer an adequate approximation to the LV motion. To address the problem, we present a new class of volumetric primitives for a compact and accurate LV shape representation in which model parameters are functions. Lagrangian dynamics are employed to convert geometric models into dynamic models that can deform according to the forces manifested in the data points. It is thus possible to make a precise estimation of the deformation of the LV shape endocardial, epicardial and anywhere in between with a small number of intuitive parameter functions. We believe that the proposed technique has a wide range of potential applications. In this thesis, we demonstrate the possibility by applying it to the 3-D LV shape and motion characterization from magnetic tagging data (MRI-SPAMM). We show that the results of our experiments with normal and abnormal heart data enable us to quantitatively verify the physicians\u27 qualitative conception of the left ventricular wall motion

    Digital Multispectral Map Reconstruction Using Aerial Imagery

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    Advances made in the computer vision field allowed for the establishment of faster and more accurate photogrammetry techniques. Structure from Motion(SfM) is a photogrammetric technique focused on the digital spatial reconstruction of objects based on a sequence of images. The benefit of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) platforms allowed the ability to acquire high fidelity imagery intended for environmental mapping. This way, UAV platforms became a heavily adopted method of survey. The combination of SfM and the recent improvements of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) platforms granted greater flexibility and applicability, opening a new path for a new remote sensing technique aimed to replace more traditional and laborious approaches often associated with high monetary costs. The continued development of digital reconstruction software and advances in the field of computer processing allowed for a more affordable and higher resolution solution when compared to the traditional methods. The present work proposed a digital reconstruction algorithm based on images taken by a UAV platform inspired by the work made available by the open-source project OpenDroneMap. The aerial images are inserted in the computer vision program and several operations are applied to them, including detection and matching of features, point cloud reconstruction, meshing, and texturing, which results in a final product that represents the surveyed site. Additionally, from the study, it was concluded that an implementation which addresses the processing of thermal images was not integrated in the works of OpenDroneMap. By this point, their work was altered to allow for the reconstruction of thermal maps without sacrificing the resolution of the final model. Standard methods to process thermal images required a larger image footprint (or area of ground capture in a frame), the reason for this is that these types of images lack the presence of invariable features and by increasing the image’s footprint, the number of features present in each frame also rises. However, this method of image capture results in a lower resolution of the final product. The algorithm was developed using open-source libraries. In order to validate the obtained results, this model was compared to data obtained from commercial products, like Pix4D. Furthermore, due to circumstances brought about by the current pandemic, it was not possible to conduct a field study for the comparison and assessment of our results, as such the validation of the models was performed by verifying if the geographic location of the model was performed correctly and by visually assessing the generated maps.Avanços no campo da visão computacional permitiu o desenvolvimento de algoritmos mais eficientes de fotogrametria. Structure from Motion (SfM) é uma técnica de fotogrametria que tem como objetivo a reconstrução digital de objectos no espaço derivados de uma sequência de imagens. A característica importante que os Veículos Aérios não-tripulados (UAV) conseguem fornecer, a nível de mapeamento, é a sua capacidade de obter um conjunto de imagens de alta resolução. Devido a isto, UAV tornaram-se num dos métodos adotados no estudo de topografia. A combinação entre SfM e recentes avanços nos UAV permitiram uma melhor flexibilidade e aplicabilidade, permitindo deste modo desenvolver um novo método de Remote Sensing. Este método pretende substituir técnicas tradicionais, as quais estão associadas a mão-de-obra intensiva e a custos monetários elevados. Avanços contínuos feitos em softwares de reconstrução digital e no poder de processamento resultou em modelos de maior resolução e menos dispendiosos comparando a métodos tradicionais. O presente estudo propõe um algoritmo de reconstrução digital baseado em imagens obtidas através de UAV inspiradas no estudo disponibilizado pela OpenDroneMap. Estas imagens são inseridas no programa de visão computacional, onde várias operações são realizadas, incluindo: deteção e correspondência de caracteristicas, geração da point cloud, meshing e texturação dos quais resulta o produto final que representa o local em estudo. De forma complementar, concluiu-se que o trabalho da OpenDroneMap não incluia um processo de tratamento de imagens térmicas. Desta forma, alterações foram efetuadas que permitissem a criação de mapas térmicos sem sacrificar resolução do produto final, pois métodos típicos para processamento de imagens térmicas requerem uma área de captura maior, devido à falta de características invariantes neste tipo de imagens, o que leva a uma redução de resolução. Desta forma, o programa proposto foi desenvolvido através de bibliotecas open-source e os resultados foram comparados com modelos gerados através de software comerciais. Além do mais, devido à situação pandémica atual, não foi possível efetuar um estudo de campo para validar os modelos obtidos, como tal esta verificação foi feita através da correta localização geográfica do modelo, bem como avaliação visual dos modelos criados

    Registration techniques for computer assisted orthopaedic surgery

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    The registration of 3D preoperative medical data to patients is a key task in developing computer assisted surgery systems. In computer assisted surgery, the patient in the operation theatre must be aligned with the coordinate system in which the preoperative data has been acquired, so that the planned surgery based on the preoperative data can be carried out under the guidance of the computer assisted surgery system.The aim of this research is to investigate registration algorithms for developing computer assisted bone surgery systems. We start with reference mark registration. New interpretations are given to the development of well knowm algorithms based on singular value decomposition, polar decomposition techniques and the unit quaternion representation of the rotation matrix. In addition, a new algorithm is developed based on the estimate of the rotation axis. For non-land mark registration, we first develop iterative closest line segment and iterative closest triangle patch registrations, similar to the well known iterative closest point registration, when the preoperative data are dense enough. We then move to the situation where the preoperative data are not dense enough. Implicit fitting is considered to interpolate the gaps between the data . A new ellipsoid fitting algorithm and a new constructive implicit fitting strategy are developed. Finally, a region to region matching procedure is proposed based on our novel constructive implicit fitting technique. Experiments demonstrate that the new algorithm is very stable and very efficient