13,646 research outputs found

    Assessment of in situ immobilization of Lead (Pb) and Arsenic (As) in contaminated soils with phosphate and iron: solubility and bioaccessibility

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    The effect of in situ immobilization of lead (Pb) and arsenic (As) in soil with respectively phosphate and iron is well recognized. However, studies on combined Pb and As-contaminated soil are fewer, and assessment of the effectiveness of the immobilization on mobility and bioaccessibility is also necessary. In this study, a Pb and As-contaminated soil was collected from an abandoned lead/zinc mine in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province of China, which has been treated with three phosphates, i.e., calcium magnesium phosphate (CMP), phosphate rock, and single super-phosphate (SSP) for 6 months in a field study. The ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) at 20 g kg-1 was then amended to the soil samples and incubated for 8 weeks in a greenhouse. The solubility and bioaccessibility tests were used to assess the effectiveness of the in situ immobilization. The result showed that phosphates addition decreased the concentrations of CaCl2-extractable Pb; however, the concentrations of water-soluble As increased upon CMP and SSP addition. With the iron addition, the water-soluble As concentrations decreased significantly, but CaCl2-extractable Pb concentrations increased. The bioaccessibility of As and Pb measured in artificial gastric and small intestinal solutions decreased with phosphate and iron application except for the bioaccessibility of As in the gastric phase with SSP addition. Combined application of phosphates and iron can be an effective approach to lower bioaccessibility of As and Pb, but has opposing effects on mobility of As and Pb in contaminated soil

    Developing site-specific guidelines for orchard soils based on bioaccessibility – Can it be done?

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    Horticultural land within the periurban fringe of NZ towns and cities increasingly is being developed for residential subdivision. Recent surveys have shown that concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and ÎŁDDT (sum of DDT and its degradation products DDE and DDD) in such soils can exceed criteria protective of human health.Âč Soil ingestion is a key exposure pathway for non-volatile contaminants in soil. Currently in NZ, site-specific risk assessments and the derivation of soil guidelines protective of human health assume that all of the contaminant present in the soil is available for uptake and absorption by the human gastrointestinal tract. This assumption can overestimate health risks and has implications for the remediation of contaminated sites.ÂČ In comparison, the bioavailability of contaminants is considered when estimating exposure via dermal absorption and by ingestion of home-grown produce.Âł Dermal absorption factors and plant uptake factors are included in the calculations for estimating exposures via these routes

    Gap analysis of nickel bioaccessibility and bioavailability in different food matrices and its impact on the nickel exposure assessment

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    The metal nickel is well known to cause nickel allergy in sensitive humans by prolonged dermal contact to materials releasing (high) amounts of nickel. Oral nickel exposure via water and food intake is of potential concern. Nickel is essential to plants and animals and can be naturally found in food products or contamination may occur across the agro-food chain. This gap analysis is an evaluation of nickel as a potential food safety hazard causing a risk for human health. In the first step, the available data regarding the occurrence of nickel and its contamination in food and drinks have been collected through literature review. Subsequently, a discussion is held on the potential risks associated with this contamination. Elevated nickel concentrations were mostly found in plant-based foods, e.g. legumes and nuts in which nickel of natural origin is expected. However, it was observed that dedicated and systematic screening of foodstuffs for the presence of nickel is currently still lacking. In a next step, published studies on exposure of humans to nickel via foods and drinks were critically evaluated. Not including bioaccessibility and/or bioavailability of the metal may lead to an overestimation of the exposure of the body to nickel via food and drinks. This overestimation may be problematic when the measured nickel level in foods is high and bioaccessibility and/or bioavailability of nickel in these products is low. Therefore, this paper analyzes the outcomes of the existing dietary intake and bioaccessibility/bioavailability studies conducted for nickel. Besides, the available gaps in nickel bioaccessibility and/or bioavailability studies have been clarified in this paper. The reported bioaccessibility and bioavailability percentages for different food and drinks were found to vary between < LOD and 83% and between 0 and 30% respectively. This indicates that of the total nickel contained in the foodstuffs only a fraction can be absorbed by the intestinal epithelium cells. This paper provides a unique critical overview on nickel in the human diet starting from factors affecting its occurrence in food until its absorption by the body

    A novel and green nanoparticle formation approach to forming low-crystallinity curcumin nanoparticles to improve curcumin’s bioaccessibility

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    Health-promoting effects of curcumin are well-known; however, curcumin has a very low bioavailability due to its crystalline structure. The main objective of this study was to develop a novel green nanoparticle formation method to generate low-crystallinity curcumin nanoparticles to enhance the bioavailability of curcumin. Nanoporous starch aerogels (NSAs) (surface area of 60 m2/g, pore size of 20 nm, density of 0.11 g/cm3, and porosity of 93%) were employed as a mold to produce curcumin nanoparticles with the help of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2). The average particle size of the curcumin nanoparticles was 66 nm. Impregnation into NSAs decreased the crystallinity of curcumin and did not create any chemical bonding between curcumin nanoparticles and the NSA matrix. The highest impregnation capacity was 224.2 mg curcumin/g NSA. Curcumin nanoparticles significantly enhanced the bioaccessibility of curcumin by 173-fold when compared to the original curcumin. The concentration of curcumin in the bioaccessible fraction was improved from 0.003 to 0.125 mg/mL by impregnation of curcumin into NSAs (42-fold). This is a novel approach to produce food grade curcumin nanoparticles with reduced crystallinity and maximize the utilization of curcumin due to increased bioaccessibility

    Are Chinese consumers at risk due to exposure to metals in crayfish? A bioaccessibility-adjusted probabilistic risk assessment

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    Freshwater crayfish, the world's third largest crustacean species, has been reported to accumulate high levels of metals, while the current knowledge of potential risk associated with crayfish consumption lags behind that of finfish. We provide the first estimate of human health risk associated with crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) consumption in China, the world's largest producer and consumer of crayfish. We performed Monte Carlo Simulation on a standard risk model parameterized with local data on metal concentrations, bioaccessibility (phi), crayfish consumption rate, and consumer body mass. Bioaccessibility of metals in crayfish was found to be variable (68-95%) and metal-specific, suggesting a potential influence of metal bioaccessibility on effective metal intake. However, sensitivity analysis suggested risk of metals via crayfish consumption was predominantly explained by consumption rate (explaining >92% of total risk estimate variability), rather than metals concentration, bioaccessibility, or body mass. Mean metal concentrations (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Se and Zn) in surveyed crayfish samples from 12 provinces in China conformed to national safety standards. However, risk calculation of phi-modified hazard quotient (HQ) and hazard index (HI) suggested that crayfish metals may pose a health risk for very high rate consumers, with a HI of over 24 for the highest rate consumers. Additionally, the phi-modified increased lifetime risk (ILTR) for carcinogenic effects due to the presence of As was above the acceptable level (10(-5)) for both the median (ILTR = 2.5 x 10(-5)) and 90th percentile (ILTR = 1.8 x 10(-4)), highlighting the relatively high risk of As in crayfish. Our results suggest a need to consider crayfish when assessing human dietary exposure to metals and associated health risks, especially for high crayfish-consuming populations, such as in China, USA and Sweden.HZ by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41273087). LN was supported by European Union Marie Curie Actions, Grant FP People 2010 “IRSES Electroacross” and BG by the SAGE-IGERT Fellowship (US National Science Foundation)

    Assessing the link between the Geochemistry of Soils and the Bioaccessibility of Arsenic, Chromium and Lead in the Urban Environment

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    One of the principal pathways for potentially harmful elements (PHE) in soil to enter the human body is through ingestion. The amount of PHE which enters the systemic circulation is governed by the amount of PHE released in the Gastrointestinal Tract, this is the bioaccessible fraction. A geochemical survey of the soils of Northampton, located on ironstone soils with naturally elevated arsenic concentrations, carried out by the BGS G-BASE project showed that 45% of the 275 soils sampled contained total arsenic concentrations exceeding the Environment Agency soil guideline value (SGV) of 32 mg kg-1. A newly validated in-vitro bioaccessibility test was used to measure the bioaccessibility of arsenic and other PHEs on a representative subset of 50 of the soils showed a maximum bioaccessibility value of 10 mg kg-1 arsenic. A systematic study of the relationship between the bioaccessible fraction of arsenic and other PHE with the geochemical make up of the soil, the solid phase distribution of PHE as measured by sequential extraction and the physical properties of the soil( as measured using NIR spectroscopy) showed that the bioaccessibility of different PHEs were governed by the source of the PHE (i.e. anthropogenic or geogenic) and their relative solid phase distribution between iron oxide phases and carbonates. Statistical modelling of the bioaccessible fraction using geochemistry and NIR data also helped to identify the factors controlling the mobility of PHE’s and provided a potential means for predicting bioaccessibility

    Effect of weathering product assemblages on Pb bioaccessibility in mine waste: implications for risk management

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    General assessments of orebody types and associated mine wastes with regards to their environmental signature and human health hazards are needed to help managing present and historical mine waste facilities. Bioaccessibility tests and mineralogical analysis were carried out on mine waste from a systematic sampling of mine sites from the Central Wales orefield, UK. The bioaccessible Pb widely ranged from 270 to 20300 mg/kg (mean 7250 mg/kg; median 4890 mg/kg) and the bioaccessible fraction from 4.53 % to >100 % (mean 33.2 %; median 32.2 %), with significant (p=0.001) differences among the mine sites. This implies sensitivity of bioaccessibility to site-specific conditions and suggests caution in the use of models to assess human health impacts generalised on the basis of the mineral deposit type. Mineralogical similarities of the oxidation products of primary galena provided a better control over the observed Pb bioaccessibility range. The higher Pb bioaccessibility (%) was related to samples containing cerussite, irrespective of the presence of other Pb minerals in the mineral assemblage; lower Pb bioaccessibility resulted where anglesite was the main Pb mineral phase and cerussite was absent. A solubility diagram for the various Pb minerals in the waste was derived using PHREEQC model and the experimental Pb concentration measured in the simulated gastric solution compared with the equilibrium modelling results. For samples containing cerussite, the model well predicted the soluble Pb concentrations measured in the experimental simulated gastric solution, indicative of the carbonate mineral phase control on the Pb in solution for these samples and little kinetic control on the dissolution of cerussite. On the contrary, most mine waste samples containing dominant anglesite and or plumbojarosite (no cerussite) had lower solution Pb values, falling at or below the anglesite and plumbojarosite solubility equilibrium concentrations, implying kinetic or textural factors hindering the dissolution
