66 research outputs found

    BioAPI, standardization

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    BioAPI is a comprehensive definition of an API for biometric-related applications, which can be adopted by any kind of application and under any kind of platform. Although defined in ANSI C language, there are also specifications in object-oriented languages, such as the specified family of standards ISO/IEC 30106 [3]. The basic specification is currently being revised as to build up a new 3.0 version that integrates all the evolutions that BioAPI has accomplished in the past years

    Biometric Standards Survey

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    This document presents a quick survey on the most important standards regarding biometric technologies, concentrating mainly in those concerning the smartcard environment

    Object-oriented BioAPI standard

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    BioAPI is the specification of ISO/IEC 19784-1 (also known as BioAPI) for object-oriented programming languages. It is standardized in the ISO/IEC 30106 series of standards and includes alanguage-independent specification of its architecture in part 1, while the rest of the parts details the specification in different object-oriented programming languages, such as Java (in part 2) and C# (in part 3). For the language-specific definitions, also some open-source reference implementations have been defined

    Service Integration for Biometric Authentication

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    Unimodaalsete biomeetriliste süsteemide kasvav kasutuselevõtt era- ja riigiasutustes näitab biomeetriliste autentimissüsteemide edu. See aga ei tähenda, et biomeetrilised süsteemid pakuvad terviklikku autentimislahendust. Unimodaalsetes biomeetrilistes süsteemides ilmneb hulk piiranguid, mida on võimalik ületada kasutades multimodaalseid biomeetrilisi autentimissüsteeme. Multimodaalseid süsteeme peetakse töökindlamaks ja võimeliseks rahuldama rangeid jõudlusvajadusi. Lisaks võimaldavad multimodaalsed süsteemid arvestada mitteuniversaalsuse probleemiga ja tõhusalt tõrjuda võltsimisrünnakuid. Vaatamata suhtelistele eelistele on multimodaalsete biomeetriliste süsteemide realisatsioon ja kasutusmugavus jäänud fundamentaalseks väljakutseks tarkvaraarenduses. Multimodaalsed süsteemid on enamasti sulam unimodaalsetest süsteemidest, mis on valitud vastavalt äriprotsessi ja vaadeldava keskkonna nõuetele. Nende süsteemide mitmekesisus, lähtekoodi kättesaadavus ja juurutamisvajadused muudavad nende arenduse ja kasutuselevõtu oluliselt kulukamaks. Tarkvaraarendajatena üritame me lihtsustada arendusprotsessi ja minimeerides selleks vajamineva jõupingutuse suurust. Seetõttu keskendub see töö olemasolevate biomeetriliste süsteemide taaskasutatavaks muutmisele. Eesmärgiks on kirjeldada teenuste integratsiooni raamistik, mis automatiseerib heterogeensete biomeetriliste süsteemide sujuvat seadistamist ja paigaldust ning vähendab arenduse töömahtu ja sellega seotud kulutusi. Selle eesmärgi saavutamiseks kõrvaldame me vajaduse korduva stsenaariumipõhise ühilduvate süsteemide arenduse ja integratsiooni järgi. Biomeetriliste süsteemide arendus muudetakse ühekordseks tööks. Me esitleme ka vahendeid heterogeensetest avatud lähetekoodiga ja kommerts biomeetrilistest süsteemidest koosnevate multimodaalsete biomeetriliste süsteemide seadistamiseks ja paigaldamiseks lähtuvalt valdkonnaspetsiifilistest autentimisvajadustest. Võrreldes levinud praktikatega vähendab meie lähenemine stsenaariumi-spetsiifilise biomeetrilise autentimissüsteemi arendusele ja paigaldusele kuluvat töö hulka 46,42%.The success of biometric authentication systems is evident from the increasing rate of adoption of unimodal biometric systems in civil and governmental applications. However, this does not imply that biometric systems offer a complete authentication solution. Unimodal biometric systems exhibit a multitude of limitations which can be overcome by using multimodal biometric authentication systems. Multimodal systems are considered more reliable, and capable of meeting stringent performance needs and addressing the problem of non-universality and spoof attacks effectively. Despite the relative advantages, implementation and usability of multimodal biometric systems remain a fundamental software engineering challenge. Multimodal systems are usually an amalgamation of unimodal biometric systems chosen in accordance with the needs dictated by the business process(es) and the respective environment under consideration. The heterogeneity, availability of source code, and deployment needs for these systems incur significantly higher development and adaption costs. Being software engineers, we naturally strive to simplify the engineering process and minimize the required amount of effort. Therefore this work focuses on making the existing biometric systems reusable. The objective is to define a service integration framework which automates seamless configuration, and deployment of heterogeneous biometric systems, and minimizes the development effort and related costs. In this effort we replace the need for development and integration of scenario-specific compatible systems by repetitive scenario-specific configuration and deployment of multimodal biometric systems. The development of biometric systems is minimized to a one-time effort. We also present tools for configuration and deployment, which respectively configure and deploy multimodal biometric systems comprising of heterogeneous open source and/or commercial biometric systems required for fulfillment of domain specific authentication needs. In comparison to the prevalent practices, our approach reduces the effort required for developing and deploying reliable scenario-specific biometric authentication systems by 46.42%

    Biometrics Systems and Technologies: A survey

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    In a nutshell, a biometric security system requires a user to provide some biometric features which are then verified against some stored biometric templates. Nowadays, the traditional password based authentication method tends to be replaced by advanced biometrics technologies. Biometric based authentication is becoming increasingly appealing and common for most of the human-computer interaction devices. To give only one recent example, Microsoft augmented its brand new Windows 10 OS version with the capability of supporting face recognition when the user login in. This chapter does not intend to cover a comprehensive and detailed list of biometric techniques. The chapter rather aims at briefly discussing biometric related items, including principles, definitions, biometric modalities and technologies along with their advantages, disadvantages or limitations, and biometric standards, targeting unfamiliar readers. It also mentions the attributes of a biometric system as well as attacks on biometrics. Important reference sources are pointed out so that the interested reader may gain deeper in-depth knowledge by consulting them

    Reversing the Irreversible: A Survey on Inverse Biometrics

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    With the widespread use of biometric recognition, several issues related to the privacy and security provided by this technology have been recently raised and analysed. As a result, the early common belief among the biometrics community of templates irreversibility has been proven wrong. It is now an accepted fact that it is possible to reconstruct from an unprotected template a synthetic sample that matches the bona fide one. This reverse engineering process, commonly referred to as \textit{inverse biometrics}, constitutes a severe threat for biometric systems from two different angles: on the one hand, sensitive personal data (i.e., biometric data) can be derived from compromised unprotected templates; on the other hand, other powerful attacks can be launched building upon these reconstructed samples. Given its important implications, biometric stakeholders have produced over the last fifteen years numerous works analysing the different aspects related to inverse biometrics: development of reconstruction algorithms for different characteristics; proposal of methodologies to assess the vulnerabilities of biometric systems to the aforementioned algorithms; development of countermeasures to reduce the possible effects of attacks. The present article is an effort to condense all this information in one comprehensive review of: the problem itself, the evaluation of the problem, and the mitigation of the problem. The present article is an effort to condense all this information in one comprehensive review of: the problem itself, the evaluation of the problem, and the mitigation of the problem.Comment: 18 pages, journal, surve

    Evaluación de conformidad con ISO/IEC 19784-1 para algoritmos de identificación biométrica

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    Como toda tecnología que busca una implantación segura, fiable, y eficaz, la biometría necesita de la estandarización. Esa estandarización ha de tener a su vez maneras seguras, fiables, y eficaces de probarse. Esta será la tarea que podemos proclamar principal objetivo del proyecto. Numerosos proyectos del ámbito de la Biometría son llevados a cabo en el departamento de Tecnología Electrónica, de modo que la realización del presente trabajo se ha apoyado en herramientas en las que otras personas ya han estado o están trabajando. La aplicación desarrollada que se explica en este documento se ha probado con los BSP generados por el Grupo Universitario de Tecnologías de la Identificación (GUTI), sobre modalidades biométricas basadas en Iris y Huella, comprobando que se cumple la norma ISO/IEC 19784‐1 que regula la especificación Biometric Application Programming Interface (en adelante BioAPI) en su versión 2.0. El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar una aplicación con la que, dado un algoritmo de identificación biométrica, se evalúe si cumple con el API biométrico definido en ISO/IEC 19784‐1. Ese algoritmo de identificación biométrica en este caso serán dos, que corresponden a los BSP mencionados en el apartado anterior. Los BSP están basados en: 1) reconocimiento de la huella dactilar 2) reconocimiento de iris ocular. Dado el incremento actual de este tipo de técnicas, es cada vez más necesario poder comprobar de un modo rápido y fiable que cumplen con los estándares que internacionalmente se estipulan. El cumplimiento de dicha norma garantiza una seguridad y facilidad de adaptación de aplicaciones distintas y en lugares distintos. La mayor parte del trabajo, pues, se ha centrado en el desarrollo del algoritmo que consigue comunicarse con los BSP y chequea en que medida cumplen con las normas de conformidad.Ingeniería Técnica en Electrónic

    Development of a generic fingerprint authentication framework

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    Estágio realizado na ALERT Life Sciences Computing, S. ATese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Standardization of biometric products and services

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    Biometrija je znanost koja se bavi istraživanjem mogućnosti prepoznavanja osoba na temelju njihovih fizičkih i/ili psiholoških značajki. Mnogi znanstvenici ostavili su značajan trag u povijesti i dali su glavne temelje da bi se biometrija razvila u znanost kakva je nama poznata danas. Brz razvoj i napredak tehnologije doveo je do razvijanja internacionalnih standarda u svim područjima, pa tako i biometriji. Tema ovog rada je Standardizacija biometrijskih proizvoda i usluga. U radu je ukratko prikazan sam pojam biometrije, postojeće karakteristike i njen povijesni razvoj. Veći dio rada predstavlja analiza postojećih standarda u biometriji, a kao praktični dio prikazano je par primjera za korištenje biometrije u Republici Hrvatskoj