88 research outputs found

    Statistical meta-analysis of presentation attacks for secure multibiometric systems

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    Prior work has shown that multibiometric systems are vulnerable to presentation attacks, assuming that their matching score distribution is identical to that of genuine users, without fabricating any fake trait. We have recently shown that this assumption is not representative of current fingerprint and face presentation attacks, leading one to overestimate the vulnerability of multibiometric systems, and to design less effective fusion rules. In this paper, we overcome these limitations by proposing a statistical meta-model of face and fingerprint presentation attacks that characterizes a wider family of fake score distributions, including distributions of known and, potentially, unknown attacks. This allows us to perform a thorough security evaluation of multibiometric systems against presentation attacks, quantifying how their vulnerability may vary also under attacks that are different from those considered during design, through an uncertainty analysis. We empirically show that our approach can reliably predict the performance of multibiometric systems even under never-before-seen face and fingerprint presentation attacks, and that the secure fusion rules designed using our approach can exhibit an improved trade-off between the performance in the absence and in the presence of attack. We finally argue that our method can be extended to other biometrics besides faces and fingerprints

    Face Liveness Detection under Processed Image Attacks

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    Face recognition is a mature and reliable technology for identifying people. Due to high-definition cameras and supporting devices, it is considered the fastest and the least intrusive biometric recognition modality. Nevertheless, effective spoofing attempts on face recognition systems were found to be possible. As a result, various anti-spoofing algorithms were developed to counteract these attacks. They are commonly referred in the literature a liveness detection tests. In this research we highlight the effectiveness of some simple, direct spoofing attacks, and test one of the current robust liveness detection algorithms, i.e. the logistic regression based face liveness detection from a single image, proposed by the Tan et al. in 2010, against malicious attacks using processed imposter images. In particular, we study experimentally the effect of common image processing operations such as sharpening and smoothing, as well as corruption with salt and pepper noise, on the face liveness detection algorithm, and we find that it is especially vulnerable against spoofing attempts using processed imposter images. We design and present a new facial database, the Durham Face Database, which is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to have client, imposter as well as processed imposter images. Finally, we evaluate our claim on the effectiveness of proposed imposter image attacks using transfer learning on Convolutional Neural Networks. We verify that such attacks are more difficult to detect even when using high-end, expensive machine learning techniques

    Biometric antispoofing methods: A survey in face recognition

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. J. Galbally, S. Marcel and J. Fierrez, "Biometric Antispoofing Methods", IEEE Access, vol.2, pp. 1530-1552, Dec. 2014In recent decades, we have witnessed the evolution of biometric technology from the rst pioneering works in face and voice recognition to the current state of development wherein a wide spectrum of highly accurate systems may be found, ranging from largely deployed modalities, such as ngerprint, face, or iris, to more marginal ones, such as signature or hand. This path of technological evolution has naturally led to a critical issue that has only started to be addressed recently: the resistance of this rapidly emerging technology to external attacks and, in particular, to spoo ng. Spoo ng, referred to by the term presentation attack in current standards, is a purely biometric vulnerability that is not shared with other IT security solutions. It refers to the ability to fool a biometric system into recognizing an illegitimate user as a genuine one by means of presenting a synthetic forged version of the original biometric trait to the sensor. The entire biometric community, including researchers, developers, standardizing bodies, and vendors, has thrown itself into the challenging task of proposing and developing ef cient protection methods against this threat. The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview on the work that has been carried out over the last decade in the emerging eld of antispoo ng, with special attention to the mature and largely deployed face modality. The work covers theories, methodologies, state-of-the-art techniques, and evaluation databases and also aims at providing an outlook into the future of this very active eld of research.This work was supported in part by the CAM under Project S2009/TIC-1485, in part by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Bio-Shield Project under Grant TEC2012-34881, in part by the TABULA RASA Project under Grant FP7-ICT-257289, in part by the BEAT Project under Grant FP7-SEC-284989 through the European Union, and in part by the Cátedra Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Telefónica

    Bimodal Keystroke Dynamics-Based Authentication for Mobile Application Using Anagram

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    Currently, most of the smartphones recognize uses based on static biometrics, such as face and fingerprint. However, those traits were vulnerable against spoofing attack. For overcoming this problem, dynamic biometrics like the keystroke and gaze are introduced since it is more resistant against spoofing attack. This research focuses on keystroke dynamics for strengthening the user recognition system against spoofing attacks. For recognizing a user, the user keystrokes feature used in the login process is compared with keystroke features stored in the keystroke features database. For evaluating the accuracy of the proposed system, words generated based on the Indonesian anagram are used. Furthermore, for conducting the experiment, 34 participants were asked to type a set of words using the smartphone keyboard. Then, each user’s keystroke is recorded. The keystroke dynamic feature consists of latency and digraph which are extracted from the record. According to the experiment result, the error of the proposed method is decreased by 23.075% of EER with FAR and FRR are decreased by 16.381% and 10.41% respectively, compared with Kim’s method. It means that the proposed method is successful increase the biometrics performance by reducing the error rate

    Biometric Spoofing: A JRC Case Study in 3D Face Recognition

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    Based on newly available and affordable off-the-shelf 3D sensing, processing and printing technologies, the JRC has conducted a comprehensive study on the feasibility of spoofing 3D and 2.5D face recognition systems with low-cost self-manufactured models and presents in this report a systematic and rigorous evaluation of the real risk posed by such attacking approach which has been complemented by a test campaign. The work accomplished and presented in this report, covers theories, methodologies, state of the art techniques, evaluation databases and also aims at providing an outlook into the future of this extremely active field of research.JRC.G.6-Digital Citizen Securit

    Biometric Liveness Detection Using Gaze Information

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    This thesis is concerned with liveness detection for biometric systems and in particular for face recognition systems. Biometric systems are well studied and have the potential to provide satisfactory solutions for a variety of applications. However, presentation attacks (spoofng), where an attempt is made at subverting them system by making a deliberate presentation at the sensor is a serious challenge to their use in unattended applications. Liveness detection techniques can help with protecting biometric systems from attacks made through the presentation of artefacts and recordings at the sensor. In this work novel techniques for liveness detection are presented using gaze information. The notion of natural gaze stability is introduced and used to develop a number of novel features that rely on directing the gaze of the user and establishing its behaviour. These features are then used to develop systems for detecting spoofng attempts. The attack scenarios considered in this work include the use of hand held photos and photo masks as well as video reply to subvert the system. The proposed features and systems based on them were evaluated extensively using data captured from genuine and fake attempts. The results of the evaluations indicate that gaze-based features can be used to discriminate between genuine and imposter. Combining features through feature selection and score fusion substantially improved the performance of the proposed features