7 research outputs found

    BiGlobal stability analysis in curvilinear coordinates of massively separated lifting bodies

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    A methodology based on spectral collocation numerical methods for global flow stability analysis of incompressible external flows is presented. A potential shortcoming of spectral methods, namely the handling of the complex geometries encountered in global stability analysis, has been dealt with successfully in past works by the development of spectral-element methods on unstructured meshes. The present contribution shows that a certain degree of regularity of the geometry may be exploited in order to build a global stability analysis approach based on a regular spectral rectangular grid in curvilinear coordinates and conformal mappings. The derivation of the stability linear operator in curvilinear coordinates is presented along with the discretisation method. Unlike common practice to the solution of the same problem, the matrix discretising the eigenvalue problem is formed and stored. Subspace iteration and massive parallelisation are used in order to recover a wide window of its leading Ritz system. The method is applied to two external flows, both of which are lifting bodies with separation occurring just downstream of the leading edge. Specifically the flow configurations are a NACA 0015 airfoil, and an ellipse of aspect ratio 8 chosen to closely approximate the geometry of the airfoil. Both flow configurations are at an angle of attack of 18, with a Reynolds number based on the chord length of 200. The results of the stability analysis for both geometries are presented and illustrate analogous features

    Global Instability on Laminar Separation Bubbles-Revisited

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    In the last 3 years, global linear instability of LSB has been revisited, using state-of-the-art hardware and algorithms. Eigenspectra of LSB flows have been understood and classified in branches of known and newly-discovered eigenmodes. Major achievements: World-largest numerical solutions of global eigenvalue problems are routinely performed. Key aerodynamic phenomena have been explained via critical point theory, applied to our global mode results. Theoretical foundation for control of LSB flows has been laid. Global mode of LSB at the origin of observable phenomena. U-separation on semi-infinite plate. Stall cells on (stalled) airfoil. Receptivity/Sensitivity/AFC feasible (practical?) via: Adjoint EVP solution. Direct/adjoint coupling (the Crete connection). Minor effect of compressibility on global instability in the subsonic compressible regime. Global instability analysis of LSB in realistic supersonic flows apparently quite some way down the horizon

    On the Birth of Stall Cells on Airfoils

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    Critical point theory asserts that two-dimensional topologies are defined as degeneracies and any three-dimensional disturbance of a two-dimensional flow will lead to a new three-dimensional flowfield topology, regardless of the disturbance amplitude. Here, the topology of the composite flowfields reconstructed by linear superposition of the two-dimensional flow around a stalled airfoil and the leading stationary three-dimensional global eigenmode has been studied. In the conditions monitored the two-dimensional flow is steady and laminar and is separated over a fraction of the suction side, while the amplitudes considered in the linear superposition are small enough for the linearization assumption to be valid. The multiple topological bifurcations resulting have been analysed in detail; the surface streamlines generated by the leading stationary global mode of the separated flow have been found to be strongly reminiscent of the characteristic stall cells, observed experimentally on airfoils just beyond stall in both laminar and turbulent flow

    Structural changes of laminar separation bubbles induced by global linear instability

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    The topology of the composite flow fields reconstructed by linear superposition of a two-dimensional boundary layer flow with an embedded laminar separation bubble and its leading three-dimensional global eigenmodes has been studied. According to critical point theory, the basic flow is structurally unstable; it is shown that in the presence of three-dimensional disturbances the degenerate basic flow topology is replaced by a fully three-dimensional pattern, regardless of the amplitude of the superposed linear perturbations. Attention has been focused on the leading stationary eigenmode of the laminar separation bubble discovered by Theofilis; the composite flow fields have been fully characterized with respect to the generation and evolution of their critical points. The stationary global mode is shown to give rise to a three-dimensional flow field which is equivalent to the classical U-shaped separation, defined by Hornung & Perry, and induces topologies on the surface streamlines that are resemblant to the characteristic stall cells observed experimentally

    Order 10 4 speedup in global linear instability analysis using matrix formation

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    A unified solution framework is presented for one-, two- or three-dimensional complex non-symmetric eigenvalue problems, respectively governing linear modal instability of incompressible fluid flows in rectangular domains having two, one or no homogeneous spatial directions. The solution algorithm is based on subspace iteration in which the spatial discretization matrix is formed, stored and inverted serially. Results delivered by spectral collocation based on the Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto (CGL) points and a suite of high-order finite-difference methods comprising the previously employed for this type of work Dispersion-Relation-Preserving (DRP) and Padé finite-difference schemes, as well as the Summationby- parts (SBP) and the new high-order finite-difference scheme of order q (FD-q) have been compared from the point of view of accuracy and efficiency in standard validation cases of temporal local and BiGlobal linear instability. The FD-q method has been found to significantly outperform all other finite difference schemes in solving classic linear local, BiGlobal, and TriGlobal eigenvalue problems, as regards both memory and CPU time requirements. Results shown in the present study disprove the paradigm that spectral methods are superior to finite difference methods in terms of computational cost, at equal accuracy, FD-q spatial discretization delivering a speedup of ð (10 4). Consequently, accurate solutions of the three-dimensional (TriGlobal) eigenvalue problems may be solved on typical desktop computers with modest computational effort

    Linear modal instabilities around post-stall swept finite-aspect ratio wings at low Reynolds numbers

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    Linear modal instabilities of flow over finite-span untapered wings have been investigated numerically at Reynolds number 400, at a range of angles of attack and sweep on two wings having aspect ratios 4 and 8. Base flows have been generated by direct numerical simulation, marching the unsteady incompressible three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations to a steady state, or using selective frequency damping to obtain stationary linearly unstable flows. Unstable three-dimensional linear global modes of swept wings have been identified for the first time using spectral-element time-stepping solvers. The effect of the wing geometry and flow parameters on these modes has been examined in detail. An increase of the angle of attack was found to destabilize the flow, while an increase of the sweep angle had the opposite effect. On unswept wings, TriGlobal analysis revealed that the most unstable global mode peaks in the midspan region of the wake; the peak of the mode structure moves towards the tip as sweep is increased. Data-driven analysis was then employed to study the effects of wing geometry and flow conditions on the nonlinear wake. On unswept wings, the dominant mode at low angles of attack is a Kelvin-Helmholtz-like instability, qualitatively analogous with global modes of infinite-span wings under same conditions. At higher angles of attack and moderate sweep angles, the dominant mode is a structure denominated the interaction mode. At high sweep angles, this mode evolves into elongated streamwise vortices on higher aspect ratio wings, while on shorter wings it becomes indistinguishable from tip-vortex instability.Comment: 41 pages, 27 figure