1,825 research outputs found

    On the impact of video stalling and video quality in the case of camera switching during adaptive streaming of sports content

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    The widespread usage of second screens, in combination with mobile video streaming technologies like HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS), enable new means for taking end-users' Quality of Experience (QoE) to the next level. For sports events, these technological evolutions can, for example, enhance the overall engagement of remote fans or give them more control over the content. In this paper, we consider the case of adaptively streaming multi-camera sports content to tablet devices, enabling the end-user to dynamically switch cameras. Our goal is to subjectively evaluate the trade-off between video stalling duration (as a result of requesting another camera feed) and initial video quality of the new feed. Our results show that short video stallings do not significantly influence overall quality ratings, that quality perception is highly influenced by the video quality at the moment of camera switching and that large quality fluctuations should be avoided

    STEER: Exploring the dynamic relationship between social information and networked media through experimentation

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    With the growing popularity of social networks, online video services and smart phones, the traditional content consumers are becoming the editors and broadcasters of their own stories. Within the EU FP7 project STEER, project partners have developed a novel system of new algorithms and toolsets that extract and analyse social informatics generated by social networks. Combined with advanced networking technologies, the platform creates services that offer more personalized and accurate content discovery and retrieval services. The STEER system has been deployed in multiple geographical locations during live social events such as the 2014 Winter Olympics. Our use case experiments demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the underlying technologies

    Survey of Transportation of Adaptive Multimedia Streaming service in Internet

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    [DE] World Wide Web is the greatest boon towards the technological advancement of modern era. Using the benefits of Internet globally, anywhere and anytime, users can avail the benefits of accessing live and on demand video services. The streaming media systems such as YouTube, Netflix, and Apple Music are reining the multimedia world with frequent popularity among users. A key concern of quality perceived for video streaming applications over Internet is the Quality of Experience (QoE) that users go through. Due to changing network conditions, bit rate and initial delay and the multimedia file freezes or provide poor video quality to the end users, researchers across industry and academia are explored HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS), which split the video content into multiple segments and offer the clients at varying qualities. The video player at the client side plays a vital role in buffer management and choosing the appropriate bit rate for each such segment of video to be transmitted. A higher bit rate transmitted video pauses in between whereas, a lower bit rate video lacks in quality, requiring a tradeoff between them. The need of the hour was to adaptively varying the bit rate and video quality to match the transmission media conditions. Further, The main aim of this paper is to give an overview on the state of the art HAS techniques across multimedia and networking domains. A detailed survey was conducted to analyze challenges and solutions in adaptive streaming algorithms, QoE, network protocols, buffering and etc. It also focuses on various challenges on QoE influence factors in a fluctuating network condition, which are often ignored in present HAS methodologies. Furthermore, this survey will enable network and multimedia researchers a fair amount of understanding about the latest happenings of adaptive streaming and the necessary improvements that can be incorporated in future developments.Abdullah, MTA.; Lloret, J.; Canovas Solbes, A.; GarcĂ­a-GarcĂ­a, L. (2017). Survey of Transportation of Adaptive Multimedia Streaming service in Internet. Network Protocols and Algorithms. 9(1-2):85-125. doi:10.5296/npa.v9i1-2.12412S8512591-

    Ad-hoc Stream Adaptive Protocol

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    With the growing market of smart-phones, sophisticated applications that do extensive computation are common on mobile platform; and with consumers’ high expectation of technologies to stay connected on the go, academic researchers and industries have been making efforts to find ways to stream multimedia contents to mobile devices. However, the restricted wireless channel bandwidth, unstable nature of wireless channels, and unpredictable nature of mobility, has been the major road block for wireless streaming advance forward. In this paper, various recent studies on mobility and P2P system proposal are explained and analyzed, and propose a new design based on existing P2P systems, aimed to solve the wireless and mobility issues

    Assessing quality of experience of IPTV and video on demand services in real-life environments

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    The ever growing bandwidth in access networks, in combination with IPTV and video on demand (VoD) offerings, opens up unlimited possibilities to the users. The operators can no longer compete solely on the number of channels or content and increasingly make high definition channels and quality of experience (QoE) a service differentiator. Currently, the most reliable way of assessing and measuring QoE is conducting subjective experiments, where human observers evaluate a series of short video sequences, using one of the international standardized subjective quality assessment methodologies. Unfortunately, since these subjective experiments need to be conducted in controlled environments and pose limitations on the sequences and overall experiment duration they cannot be used for real-life QoE assessment of IPTV and VoD services. In this article, we propose a novel subjective quality assessment methodology based on full-length movies. Our methodology enables audiovisual quality assessment in the same environments and under the same conditions users typically watch television. Using our new methodology we conducted subjective experiments and compared the outcome with the results from a subjective test conducted using a standardized method. Our findings indicate significant differences in terms of impairment visibility and tolerance and highlight the importance of real-life QoE assessment

    MediaSync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization

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    This book provides an approachable overview of the most recent advances in the fascinating field of media synchronization (mediasync), gathering contributions from the most representative and influential experts. Understanding the challenges of this field in the current multi-sensory, multi-device, and multi-protocol world is not an easy task. The book revisits the foundations of mediasync, including theoretical frameworks and models, highlights ongoing research efforts, like hybrid broadband broadcast (HBB) delivery and users' perception modeling (i.e., Quality of Experience or QoE), and paves the way for the future (e.g., towards the deployment of multi-sensory and ultra-realistic experiences). Although many advances around mediasync have been devised and deployed, this area of research is getting renewed attention to overcome remaining challenges in the next-generation (heterogeneous and ubiquitous) media ecosystem. Given the significant advances in this research area, its current relevance and the multiple disciplines it involves, the availability of a reference book on mediasync becomes necessary. This book fills the gap in this context. In particular, it addresses key aspects and reviews the most relevant contributions within the mediasync research space, from different perspectives. Mediasync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization is the perfect companion for scholars and practitioners that want to acquire strong knowledge about this research area, and also approach the challenges behind ensuring the best mediated experiences, by providing the adequate synchronization between the media elements that constitute these experiences

    Energy efficient mobile video streaming using mobility

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    Undeniably the support of data services over the wireless Internet is becoming increasingly challenging with the plethora of different characteristic requirements of each service type. Evidently, about half of the data traffic shifted across the Internet to date consists of multimedia content such as video clips or music files that necessitate stringent real-time constraints in playback and for which increasing volumes of data should be shifted with the introduction of higher quality content. This work recasts the problem of multimedia content delivery in the mobile Internet. We propose an optimization framework with the major tenet being that real-time playback constraints can be satisfied while at the same time enabling controlled delay tolerance in packet transmission by capitalizing on pre-fetching and data buffering. More specifically two strategies are proposed amenable for real time implementation that utilize the inherent delay tolerance of popular applications based on different flavors of HTTP streaming. The proposed mechanisms have the potential of achieving many-fold energy efficiency gains at no cost on the perceived user experience

    Technological convergence in audiovisual media technologies

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    This paper presents the results of a large-scale survey on viewing practices. Data from over 10,000 cases are used to explore the adoption-use diffusion gap and the correlation structures in the frequencies of the use of multiple channels (e.g. linear television, download, Vod) on multiple devices. The results show that although a lot of devices capable of audiovisual playback are adopted, few (only computers) of them are used to consume television content. Furthermore, in terms of viewing frequencies, the data suggest spill over effects of using multiple devices, rather than a displacement. Finally, it shows there is a stable tendency to use multiple delivery channels within devices, rather than forming a pattern between devices. That is, channels usage frequencies are correlated within devices, rather than scattered among devices

    Provider-Controlled Bandwidth Management for HTTP-based Video Delivery

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    Over the past few years, a revolution in video delivery technology has taken place as mobile viewers and over-the-top (OTT) distribution paradigms have significantly changed the landscape of video delivery services. For decades, high quality video was only available in the home via linear television or physical media. Though Web-based services brought video to desktop and laptop computers, the dominance of proprietary delivery protocols and codecs inhibited research efforts. The recent emergence of HTTP adaptive streaming protocols has prompted a re-evaluation of legacy video delivery paradigms and introduced new questions as to the scalability and manageability of OTT video delivery. This dissertation addresses the question of how to enable for content and network service providers the ability to monitor and manage large numbers of HTTP adaptive streaming clients in an OTT environment. Our early work focused on demonstrating the viability of server-side pacing schemes to produce an HTTP-based streaming server. We also investigated the ability of client-side pacing schemes to work with both commodity HTTP servers and our HTTP streaming server. Continuing our client-side pacing research, we developed our own client-side data proxy architecture which was implemented on a variety of mobile devices and operating systems. We used the portable client architecture as a platform for investigating different rate adaptation schemes and algorithms. We then concentrated on evaluating the network impact of multiple adaptive bitrate clients competing for limited network resources, and developing schemes for enforcing fair access to network resources. The main contribution of this dissertation is the definition of segment-level client and network techniques for enforcing class of service (CoS) differentiation between OTT HTTP adaptive streaming clients. We developed a segment-level network proxy architecture which works transparently with adaptive bitrate clients through the use of segment replacement. We also defined a segment-level rate adaptation algorithm which uses download aborts to enforce CoS differentiation across distributed independent clients. The segment-level abstraction more accurately models application-network interactions and highlights the difference between segment-level and packet-level time scales. Our segment-level CoS enforcement techniques provide a foundation for creating scalable managed OTT video delivery services

    MarathOn Multiscreen: group television watching and interaction in a viewing ecology

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    This paper reports and discusses the findings of an exploratory study into collaborative user practice with a multiscreen television application. MarathOn Multiscreen allows users to view, share and curate amateur and professional video footage of a community marathon event. Our investigations focused on collaborative sharing practices across different viewing activities and devices, the roles taken by different devices in a viewing ecology, and observations on how users consume professional and amateur content. Our Work uncovers significant differences in user behaviour and collaboration when engaged in more participatory viewing activities, such as sorting and ranking footage, which has implications for awareness of other users’ interactions while viewing together and alone. In addition, user appreciation and use of amateur video content is dependent not only on quality and activity but their personal involvement in the contents
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