123,128 research outputs found

    Multi-feature Bottom-up Processing and Top-down Selection for an Object-based Visual Attention Model

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    Artificial vision systems can not process all the information that they receive from the world in real time because it is highly expensive and inefficient in terms of computational cost. However, inspired by biological perception systems, it is possible to develop an artificial attention model able to select only the relevant part of the scene, as human vision does. This paper presents an attention model which draws attention over perceptual units of visual information, called proto-objects, and which uses a linear combination of multiple low-level features (such as colour, symmetry or shape) in order to calculate the saliency of each of them. But not only bottom-up processing is addressed, the proposed model also deals with the top-down component of attention. It is shown how a high-level task can modulate the global saliency computation, modifying the weights involved in the basic features linear combination.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), proyectos: TIN2008-06196 y TIN2012-38079-C03-03. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Műhelyvallomás: egyén és közösség a Zeneakadémián

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    Celebración de la fiesta de la bandera, de 1928, en la Plaza de Bolívar.La Ley 28 de 1925, artículo 1°, decretó la creación de la Fiesta Nacional de la Bandera, que debía celebrarse el 7 de agosto de cada año. En esta celebración todos los colegios de la ciudad debían realizar el juramento a la bandera

    Rivalry and Violence in Lope\u27s \u3cem\u3eEl Castigo Sin Verganza\u3c/em\u3e

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    Cesáreo Bandera published Mimesis conflictiva in 1975, at least a decade ahead of its time in terms of its reception by the comediantes. Using the ideas of René Girard, Bandera focuses primarily on Don Quixote, but a significant section of the monograph is devoted to a discussion of La vida es sueño. His discussion is wide ranging, dealing with the relationship between subject and object; the nature of, and processes surrounding, the sacrificial victim; the necessary relationship between truth, violence, civilization, reason, and illusion; the role of desire and (in)differentiation in rivalry; and the all-pervasive influence of the other in human relations. Unfortunately, Bandera\u27s book and his approach to the comedia have been largely ignored or vitiated as unable to account for every detail in the play. Ciriaco Morón-Arroyo accuses Bandera (along with Freud and Derrida) of trying \u27\u27to find a radical principle or a radical reality out of which the rest of things would become meaningful (85), dismissing most of Bandera\u27s arguments with the statement that literature cannot be approached only from this point of view (79). Not only is this assertion unfair to Bandera\u27s work, which in no way excludes the possibility of multiple approaches to the comedia or any other literary texts, but it also neglects the interesting perspective that Girard and Bandera have to offer. The purpose of this present study is to continue the discussion of Girard\u27s Violence and the Sacred, not with respect to La vida es sueño but rather to Lope\u27s El castigo sin venganza. Considering the nature of Girard\u27s ideas regarding the relationship among sex, violence, the sacred, rivalry, and the double bind, his study would seem to have a natural association not just to this comedia but to the wife-murder plays in general

    ¡La bandera!...¡Hay que esconder la bandera!

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    El material, elaborado por la Dirección de Educación Primaria, está destinada a los alumnos de 4to grado que realizan la promesa de lealtad a la bandera. Esta historieta forma parte de una colección de relatos relacionados con las efemérides patrias incluidos en el libro “Efemérides, entre el mito y la historia”. En estas páginas conocerán un relato que narra un episodio protagonizado por Manuel Belgrano. Se van a enterar de algo que lo preocupaba: la falta de un símbolo que identificara a los grupos que estaban a favor de la revolución. No fue tarea sencilla crear la bandera, tuvo marchas y contramarchas

    Distribution of the Bandera Shale of the Marmaton Group, Middle Pennsylvanian of Southeastern Kansas

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    In southeastern Kansas, the Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) Bandera Shale consists of sandstone, shale, limestone, and coal deposited between two carbonate formations, the underlying Pawnee Limestone and the overlying Altamont Limestone. Isopach maps and cross sections indicate that the Bandera Shale thickens southeastward towards the Oklahoma and Missouri borders. Analysis of gamma-ray-log signatures, augmented by neutron-log signatures, indicates that the Bandera Shale is rich in mudstone, with sandstones limited to intervals ranging from 10 ft to 30 ft (3-9.1 m) in thickness. Comparisons with previously studied cored and logged siliciclastic portions of overlying Missourian lithologies suggest that the Bandera Shale consists of various proportions of sandstone, siltstone, clay-rich shale, and calcite-cemented sandstone. Exposures of the Bandera Shale in Bourbon County, Kansas, consist of interbedded shale and calcite-cemented, fine-grained sandstone. Sandstone beds, ranging from 3 cm to 20 cm (1.2-7.9 in) in thickness, are, in places, rhythmically laminated with organic-rich and organic-poor lamina forming 2-mm (0.8-in)-thick couplets. Many sandstone bedding surfaces in the lower and middle portion of the Bandera Shale are bioturbated with horizontal feeding trails and some vertical burrows that suggest marine environments. Thicker sandstone units are either trough cross-bedded, with sets up to 1.5 m (4.9 ft) thick, or amalgamated ripple cross-laminated and flaser-laminated. Outcrop observations coupled with subsurface analysis indicated that Bandera Shale in southeastern Kansas was deposited as a siliciclastic complex that prograded westward during a sea-level lowstand. Siliciclastic sediments may have been deposited in a clastic wedge or deltaic complex, but sedimentary characteristics observed in outcrops record marine influence at least along the margins of the complex. Rhythmic stratification within sandstone beds that are interbedded with shale resemble tidal features described elsewhere in the Pennsylvanian of North America and suggest that embayments were present where tidal cells were amplified along a morphologically irregular shoreline. Bioturbated sandstone units, interbedded with clay shale, record high-energy events that influenced sand distribution

    Innovative and integrated new solutions for sustainable employability project

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    Innovative and Integrated New Solutions for Sustainable Employability (INTENSE) project aims at improving youth employment in Europe. It is focused on a sub-group so-called NEETs (not in education, employment and training) which is not reached (compare Eurofound 2012, Eurofound 2015) by usual means of employment centred initiatives for educationally deprived youth with psychosocial, mental, multifactorial problems, problematic lifestyles, disabilities, etc. Eurofound 2015, identifies a europe-wide need of this target group to be addressed. They also include the call for the development of holistic approaches in order to achieve sustainability. The above- mentioned need provides the stimulus for the consortium to develop (1st part of the project) and test (2nd part of the project) a client-centered educational concept. In essence, the following 3 dimensions are taken into account: 1st dimension - Compensation. The compensatory aspect concerns the assignment of a Transition Coach who works systemically and enables the clients to recognise their own educational needs, to ask for the coach's support on their own initiative, to develop their own goals and work on the achievement of the latter in an independent manner. 2nd dimension - prevention. The studies which identified the need for a holistic approach, define the requirement of national support systems to act in a preventive manner in order to produce as few NEETs as possible and, if applicable, start the holistic approach at an early stage. 3rd dimension - Structure and Cooperation. The issue going hand in hand with the points mentioned above is the explanation of structural aspects with regards to the success of integrated approaches. By involving the stakeholders at an early stage and throughout the entire project, a solid basis for achieving cross-sectoral cooperation is created. The role of the University of Malaga is to ensure the evaluation of the project development (1st part of the project) and implementation (2nd part of the project) using modern, and scientific methods. For this purpose, the university will apply the Stufflebeam Model during the development phase and evaluates the implementation phase according to effectiveness and efficiency by applying the Contribution Analysis (Mayne 2008).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Una semilla de discordia : la entrada de Bandera Roja en el PSUC

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    Segons els records i testimonis de molts antics comunistes, un dels fets que van marcar la trajectòria clandestina del Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya (PSUC) va ser la incorporació a les seves files del nucli d'activistes procedents de l'Organització Comunista d'Espanya (Bandera Roja) a 1974. Un esdeveniment que en opinió d'aquells, va alterar els equilibris interns del partit i va representar un factor, d'entre molts, que expliquen la crisi del PSUC en els anys de la transició a la democràcia. Aquest article és analitzar tot el procés d'entrada del grup de "Bandera Roja" al PSUC, descriure el contingut de les negociacions entre les direccions d'ambdues organitzacions i avaluar l'impacte que realment va tenir en la militància comunista.Según los recuerdos y testimonios de muchos antiguos comunistas, uno de los hechos que marcaron la trayectoria clandestina del Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya (PSUC) fue la incorporación en sus filas del núcleo de activistas procedentes de la Organización Comunista de España (Bandera Roja) en 1974. Un acontecimiento que en opinión de aquellos, alteró los equilibrios internos del partido y representó un factor, de entre muchos, que explican la crisis del PSUC en los años de la transición a la democracia. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar todo el proceso de entrada del grupo de "Bandera Roja" en el PSUC, describir el contenido de las negociaciones entre las direcciones de ambas organizaciones y evaluar el impacto que realmente tuvo en la militancia comunista.As many former Communists recall and explain, one of the events which marked the clandestine path of the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia (Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya) was the 1974 incorporation into its ranks of core activists from the Communist Organization of Spain-Red Flag (Organización Comunista de España-Bandera Roja), also known as "Bandera Roja" ("Red Flag"). According to these communists, this event altered the internal balance of the PSUC and was one of many factors behind the crisis the party experienced during the transition to democracy. This paper aims to analyse the process of the integration of the "Red Flag" group into the PSUC, to describe the negotiations between the leaders of both organisations and to assess the actual impact this incorporation had within the communist militancy

    “La mascarada femenina: la narratividad fotográfica de Noelia García Bandera”

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    Recorrido por la trayectoria y obra de la fotógrafa Noelia García Bandera

    MGMT 640-101: Intro to Entrepreneurship

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