346,136 research outputs found

    Determination of the suitable drilling operating parameters in different geological formations El-Sharara Oil Field (South-Western Libya)

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    Purpose. The objective of this study is to determine the best operating conditions for the most notable drilling parameters (i.e. weight on bit (WOB), rotary drilling speed (RPM), and characteristics of drilling fluid) using field data obtained from El-Sharara Oil Field. Methods. The used data has been extracted from daily drilling reports of well named (NC-186/K04h) field. Such data contains information about the geological formations, casing strings, drill-bits, fuel consumption, flow rate of drilling fluid and other drilling parameters. Findings. The results reveal that, the lower geological formations of El-Sharara Oil Field, the harder are the upper formations. Therefore, it is recommended to apply heavy loads (i.e. WOB of 45000 lb) with low drilling speed (i.e. 100 rpm) in the lower formations; and to apply small loads (i.e. WOB of 19000 lb) with high drilling speed (i.e. 160 rpm) in the upper formations. Originality. This study evaluates the performance of drilling operation based on the interaction between rock formations and machine drilling parameters. Practical implications. Understanding such interaction between rock formations and machine drilling parameters will remarkably improve the rate of penetration (ROP) in the related geological formations. Consequently, the overall drilling costs will be reduced in terms of drilling time, life of drill-bit and fuel consumption.Мета. Визначення оптимальних експлуатаційних умов для технологічних параметрів буріння – осьового навантаження на долото (ОНД), швидкості обертального буріння (ШOБ), характеристик бурового розчину на основі емпіричних даних, отриманих на нафтовому родовищі Ель-Шарара. Методика. У роботі вивчені та систематизовані дані експлуатації нафтової свердловини NC-186/K04h, що містять інформацію про геологічні формації родовища, обсадних колонах, бурових коронках, витрат палива і бурової рідини та інших параметрах буріння. Результати. Дослідження показало, що, чим нижче розташовані нафтоносні геологічні формації Ель-Шарара, тим міцніше породи верхніх формацій. Рекомендовано застосовувати велике навантаження (ОНД – близько 104 кг), при низькій ШOБ (100 об/хв) у нижніх формаціях; і мале навантаження (ОНД – 86 кг) при високій ШOБ (160 об/хв) – у верхніх формаціях. Встановлено кореляційний взаємозв’язок комплексу технологічних параметрів буріння з умовами геологічних формацій родовища. Наукова новизна. Для умов нафтового родовища Ель-Шарара дана наукова оцінка ефективності буріння на основі встановлення взаємозв’язку параметрів формацій і бурових установок. Практична значимість. Врахування взаємозв’язку геологічних формацій і параметрів механічного буріння дозволить суттєво підвищити швидкість проходки свердловин, при цьому загальні витрати на буріння будуть скорочені за рахунок зменшення часу буріння, споживання палива та збільшення терміну служби бурових коронок.Цель. Определение оптимальных эксплуатационных условий для технологических параметров бурения – осевой нагрузки на долото (ОНД), скорости вращательного бурения (СВБ), характеристик бурового раствора на основе эмпирических данных, полученных на нефтяном месторождении Эль-Шарара. Методика. В работе изучены и систематизированы данные о эксплуатации нефтяной скважины NC-186/K04h, которые содержат информацию о геологических формациях месторождения, обсадных колоннах, буровых коронках, расходе топлива и буровой жидкости, а также других параметрах бурения. Результаты. Исследование показало, что, чем ниже расположены нефтеносные геологические формации Эль-Шарара, тем тверже породы верхних формаций. Рекомендуется применять большую нагрузку (ОНД – около 104 кг), при низкой СВБ (100 вр/мин) в нижних формациях; и малую нагрузку (ОНД – 86 кг) при высокой СВБ (160 вр/мин) – в верхних формациях. Установлена корреляционная взаимосвязь комплекса технологических параметров бурения с условиями геологических формаций месторождения. Научная новизна. Для условий нефтяного месторождения Эль-Шарара дана научная оценка эффективности бурения на основе установления взаимосвязи параметров формаций и буровых установок. Практическая значимость. Учет взаимосвязи геологических формаций и параметров механического бурения позволит существенно увеличить скорость проходки скважин, при этом общие затраты на бурение будут сокращены за счет уменьшения времени бурения, потребления топлива и увеличения срока службы буровых коронок.The authors declare that the paper has not been originated under any project and no funding has been raised for this research

    Complementary code and digital filtering for detection of weak VHF radar signals from the mesoscale

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    The SOUSY-VHF-Radar operates at a frequency of 53.5 MHz in a valley in the Harz mountains, Germany, 90 km from Hanover. The radar controller, which is programmed by a 16-bit computer holds 1024 program steps in core and controls, via 8 channels, the whole radar system: in particular the master oscillator, the transmitter, the transmit-receive-switch, the receiver, the analog to digital converter, and the hardware adder. The high-sensitivity receiver has a dynamic range of 70 dB and a video bandwidth of 1 MHz. Phase coding schemes are applied, in particular for investigations at mesospheric heights, in order to carry out measurements with the maximum duty cycle and the maximum height resolution. The computer takes the data from the adder to store it in magnetic tape or disc. The radar controller is programmed by the computer using simple FORTRAN IV statements. After the program has been loaded and the computer has started the radar controller, it runs automatically, stopping at the program end. In case of errors or failures occurring during the radar operation, the radar controller is shut off caused either by a safety circuit or by a power failure circuit or by a parity check system

    History of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children , c.1980-2000

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    Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 24 May 2011. Introduction by Professor David Gordon, World Federation for Medical Education.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 24 May 2011. Introduction by Professor David Gordon, World Federation for Medical Education.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 24 May 2011. Introduction by Professor David Gordon, World Federation for Medical Education.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 24 May 2011. Introduction by Professor David Gordon, World Federation for Medical Education.The Avon Longitudinal Survey of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) arose from a proposal in the mid-1980s to design a cohort study in Europe which concentrated on the health of children. The UK-side of this was developed in the former county of Avon and the study has followed more than 14000 children, due between April 1991 and December 1992, from their mothers' pregnancies onwards. A vast amount of data has been collected on health, lifestyle, and environment as well as biological samples of urine, blood and DNA. This has been used to establish genetic and environmental determinants of development and health. With an introduction by Professor David Gordon, this volume addresses the origin and development of ALSPAC, the problems of funding such a major study, the variety of methodologies employed, and the ethical questions associated with the project. Contributors include several of the major scientists involved with ALSPAC including Professor Jean Golding, Scientific and Executive Director of the study until December 2005, as well as clinical scientists, epidemiologists, members of the ethics committee, field workers and study parents.https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/272

    Satellite on-board processing for earth resources data

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    Results of a survey of earth resources user applications and their data requirements, earth resources multispectral scanner sensor technology, and preprocessing algorithms for correcting the sensor outputs and for data bulk reduction are presented along with a candidate data format. Computational requirements required to implement the data analysis algorithms are included along with a review of computer architectures and organizations. Computer architectures capable of handling the algorithm computational requirements are suggested and the environmental effects of an on-board processor discussed. By relating performance parameters to the system requirements of each of the user requirements the feasibility of on-board processing is determined for each user. A tradeoff analysis is performed to determine the sensitivity of results to each of the system parameters. Significant results and conclusions are discussed, and recommendations are presented

    The Development of Sports Medicine in Twentieth-century Britain

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    Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 29 June 2007. Introduction by Dr John Lloyd Parry, Institute of Sports and Exercise Medicine. First published by the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, 2009. ©The Trustee of the Wellcome Trust, London, 2009. All volumes are freely available online at: www.history.qmul.ac.uk/research/modbiomed/wellcome_witnesses/Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 29 June 2007. Introduction by Dr John Lloyd Parry, Institute of Sports and Exercise Medicine.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 29 June 2007. Introduction by Dr John Lloyd Parry, Institute of Sports and Exercise Medicine.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 29 June 2007. Introduction by Dr John Lloyd Parry, Institute of Sports and Exercise Medicine.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 29 June 2007. Introduction by Dr John Lloyd Parry, Institute of Sports and Exercise Medicine.Sports medicine has grown in importance and visibility in recent years, yet as a discipline it struggled to gain broad recognition within the medical profession from c.1952 until specialty status was granted in 2005. It has also been neglected by historians: we have little beyond the image of a coach with his ‘magic sponge’ as a cure for all injuries, although the late twentieth-century picture is of new specialists developing high-tech interventions for elite athletes. This Witness Seminar arose from the Wellcome Trust-funded project on ‘Sport and Medicine in Britain, 1920–2000’ at the University of Manchester and examined the establishment of a recognizably modern specialty. Chaired by Professor Domhnall MacAuley, topics addressed included the importance of the 1948 London Olympics; the first 4-minute mile; training and altitude physiology; the postwar institutionalization of sports medicine; the relationship between the different main bodies involved in sport and their aims; the changing practice of professionals including physiotherapists, etc.; the relationship of NHS and private sports medicine practitioners and insurance companies; and the key debates within the sports medicine community over the period. Contributors include: Sir Roger Bannister, Dr Malcolm Bottomley, Dr Ian Burney, Professor John Elfed Davies, Professor Charles Galasko, Dr Robin Harland, Dr Vanessa Heggie, Mr Barry Hill, Professor Michael Hobsley, Dr Michael Hutson, Professor Monty Losowsky, Professor Domhnall Macauley (chair), Mrs Rose Macdonald, Professor Donald Macleod, Professor Moira O’Brien, Dr Malcolm Read, Professor Peter Sperryn, Professor Harry Thomason, Dr Dan Tunstall Pedoe and Mrs Sally Williams. Reynolds L A, Tansey E M. (eds) (2009) The development of sports medicine in twentieth century Britain. Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine, vol. 36. London: The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL. ISBN 978 085484 1219The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL is funded by the Wellcome Trust, which is a registered charity, no. 210183

    From spacetime foam to holographic foam cosmology

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    Due to quantum fluctuations, spacetime is foamy on small scales. For maximum spatial resolution of the geometry of spacetime, the holographic model of spacetime foam stipulates that the uncertainty or fluctuation of distance ll is given, on the average, by (llP2)1/3(l l_P^2)^{1/3} where lPl_P is the Planck length. Applied to cosmology, it predicts that the cosmic energy is of critical density and the cosmic entropy is the maximum allowed by the holographic principle. In addition, it requires the existence of unconventional (dark) energy/matter and accelerating cosmic expansion in the present era. We will argue that a holographic foam cosmology of this type has the potential to become a full fledged competitor (with distinct testable consequences) for scalar driven inflation.Comment: 8 pages, TeX; dedicated to Rafael Sorki