499 research outputs found

    Automatically configuring parallelism for hybrid layouts

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    Distributed processing frameworks process data in parallel by dividing it into multiple partitions and each partition is processed in a separate task. The number of tasks is always created based on the total file size. However, this can lead to launch more tasks than needed in the case of hybrid layouts, because they help to read less data for certain operations (i.e., projection, selection). The over-provisioning of tasks may increase the job execution time and induce significant waste of computing resources. The latter due to the fact that each task introduces extra overhead (e.g., initialization, garbage collection, etc.). To allow a more efficient use of resources and reduce the job execution time, we propose a cost-based approach that decides the number of tasks based on the data being read. The proposed cost-model can be utilized in a multi-objective approach to decide both the number of tasks and number of machines for execution.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Storage format selection and optimization for materialized intermediate results in data-intensive flows

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    Tesi en modalitat de cotuela: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Technische Universität DresdenModern organizations produce and collect large volumes of data, that need to be processed repeatedly and quickly for gaining business insights. For such processing, typically, Data-intensive Flows (DIFs) are deployed on distributed processing frameworks. The DIFs of different users have many computation overlaps (i.e., parts of the processing are duplicated), thus wasting computational resources and increasing the overall cost. The output of these computation overlaps (known as intermediate results) can be materialized for reuse, which helps in reducing the cost and saves computational resources if properly done. Furthermore, the way such outputs are materialized must be considered, as different storage layouts (i.e., horizontal, vertical, and hybrid) can be used to reduce the I/O cost. In this PhD work, we first propose a novel approach for automatically materializing the intermediate results of DIFs through a multi-objective optimization method, which can tackle multiple and conflicting quality metrics. Next, we study the behavior of different operators of DIFs that are the first to process the loaded materialized results. Based on this study, we devise a rule-based approach, that decides the storage layout for materialized results based on the subsequent operation types. Despite improving the cost in general, the heuristic rules do not consider the amount of data read while making the choice, which could lead to a wrong decision. Thus, we design a cost model that is capable of finding the right storage layout for every scenario. The cost model uses data and workload characteristics to estimate the I/O cost of a materialized intermediate results with different storage layouts and chooses the one which has minimum cost. The results show that storage layouts help to reduce the loading time of materialized results and overall, they improve the performance of DIFs. The thesis also focuses on the optimization of the configurable parameters of hybrid layouts. We propose ATUN-HL (Auto TUNing Hybrid Layouts), which based on the same cost model and given the workload and characteristics of data, finds the optimal values for configurable parameters in hybrid layouts (i.e., Parquet). Finally, the thesis also studies the impact of parallelism in DIFs and hybrid layouts. Our proposed cost model helps to devise an approach for fine-tuning the parallelism by deciding the number of tasks and machines to process the data. Thus, the cost model proposed in this thesis, enables in choosing the best possible storage layout for materialized intermediate results, tuning the configurable parameters of hybrid layouts, and estimating the number of tasks and machines for the execution of DIFs.Las organizaciones producen y recopilan grandes volúmenes de datos, que deben procesarse de forma repetitiva y rápida para obtener información relevante para la empresa. Para tal procesamiento, por lo general, se emplean flujos intensivos de datos (DIFs por sussiglas en inglés) en entornos de procesamiento distribuido. Los DIFs de diferentes usuarios tienen elementos comunes (es decir, se duplican partes del procesamiento, lo que desperdicia recursos computacionales y aumenta el coste en general). Los resultados intermedios de varios DIFs pueden pues coincidir y se pueden por tanto materializar para facilitar su reutilización, lo que ayuda a reducir el coste y ahorrar recursos si se realiza correctamente. Además, la forma en qué se materializan dichos resultados debe ser considerada. Por ejemplo, diferentes tipos de diseño lógico de los datos (es decir, horizontal, vertical o híbrido) se pueden utilizar para reducir el coste de E/S. En esta tesis doctoral, primero proponemos un enfoque novedoso para materializar automáticamente los resultados intermedios de los DIFs a través de un método de optimización multi-objetivo, que puede considerar múltiples y contradictorias métricas de calidad. A continuación, estudiamos el comportamiento de diferentes operadores de DIF que acceden directamente a los resultados materializados. Sobre la base de este estudio, ideamos un enfoque basado en reglas, que decide el diseño del almacenamiento para los resultados materializados en función de los tipos de operaciones que los utilizan directamente. A pesar de mejorar el coste en general, las reglas heurísticas no consideran estadísticas sobre la cantidad de datos leídos al hacer la elección, lo que podría llevar a una decisión errónea. Consecuentemente, diseñamos un modelo de costos que es capaz de encontrar el diseño de almacenamiento adecuado para cada escenario dependiendo de las características de los datos almacenados. El modelo de costes usa estadísticas y características de acceso para estimar el coste de E/S de un resultado intervii medio materializado con diferentes diseños de almacenamiento y elige el de menor coste. Los resultados muestran que los diseños de almacenamiento ayudan a reducir el tiempo de carga de los resultados materializados y, en general, mejoran el rendimiento de los DIF. La tesis también presta atención a la optimización de los parámetros configurables de diseños híbridos. Proponemos así ATUN-HL (Auto TUNing Hybrid Layouts), que, basado en el mismo modelo de costes, las características de los datos y el tipo de acceso que se está haciendo, encuentra los valores óptimos para los parámetros de configuración en disponibles Parquet (una implementación de diseños híbridos para Hadoop Distributed File System). Finalmente, esta tesis estudia el impacto del paralelismo en DIF y diseños híbridos. El modelo de coste propuesto ayuda a idear un enfoque para ajustar el paralelismo al decidir la cantidad de tareas y máquinas para procesar los datos. En resumen, el modelo de costes propuesto permite elegir el mejor diseño de almacenamiento posible para los resultados intermedios materializados, ajustar los parámetros configurables de diseños híbridos y estimar el número de tareas y máquinas para la ejecución de DIF.Moderne Unternehmen produzieren und sammeln große Datenmengen, die wiederholt und schnell verarbeitet werden müssen, um geschäftliche Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Für die Verarbeitung dieser Daten werden typischerweise Datenintensive Prozesse (DIFs) auf verteilten Systemen wie z.B. MapReduce bereitgestellt. Dabei ist festzustellen, dass die DIFs verschiedener Nutzer sich in großen Teilen überschneiden, wodurch viel Arbeit mehrfach geleistet, Ressourcen verschwendet und damit die Gesamtkosten erhöht werden. Um diesen Effekt entgegenzuwirken, können die Zwischenergebnisse der DIFs für spätere Wiederverwendungen materialisiert werden. Hierbei müssen vor allem die unterschiedlichen Speicherlayouts (horizontal, vertikal und hybrid) berücksichtigt werden. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz zur automatischen Materialisierung der Zwischenergebnisse von DIFs durch eine mehrkriterielle Optimierungsmethode vorgeschlagen, der in der Lage ist widersprüchliche Qualitätsmetriken zu behandeln. Des Weiteren wird untersucht die Wechselwirkung zwischen verschiedenen Operatortypen und unterschiedlichen Speicherlayouts untersucht. Basierend auf dieser Untersuchung wird ein regelbasierter Ansatz vorgeschlagen, der das Speicherlayout für materialisierte Ergebnisse, basierend auf den nachfolgenden Operationstypen, festlegt. Obwohl sich die Gesamtkosten für die Ausführung der DIFs im Allgemeinen verbessern, ist der heuristische Ansatz nicht in der Lage die gelesene Datenmenge bei der Auswahl des Speicherlayouts zu berücksichtigen. Dies kann in einigen Fällen zu falschen Entscheidung führen. Aus diesem Grund wird ein Kostenmodell entwickelt, mit dem für jedes Szenario das richtige Speicherlayout gefunden werden kann. Das Kostenmodell schätzt anhand von Daten und Auslastungsmerkmalen die E/A-Kosten eines materialisierten Zwischenergebnisses mit unterschiedlichen Speicherlayouts und wählt das kostenminimale aus. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Speicherlayouts die Ladezeit materialisierter Ergebnisse verkürzen und insgesamt die Leistung von DIFs verbessern. Die Arbeit befasst sich auch mit der Optimierung der konfigurierbaren Parameter von hybriden Layouts. Konkret wird der sogenannte ATUN-HLAnsatz (Auto TUNing Hybrid Layouts) entwickelt, der auf der Grundlage des gleichen Kostenmodells und unter Berücksichtigung der Auslastung und der Merkmale der Daten die optimalen Werte für konfigurierbare Parameter in Parquet, d.h. eine Implementierung von hybrider Layouts. Schließlich werden in dieser Arbeit auch die Auswirkungen von Parallelität in DIFs und hybriden Layouts untersucht. Dazu wird ein Ansatz entwickelt, der in der Lage ist die Anzahl der Aufgaben und dafür notwendigen Maschinen automatisch zu bestimmen. Zusammengefasst lässt sich festhalten, dass das in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagene Kostenmodell es ermöglicht, das bestmögliche Speicherlayout für materialisierte Zwischenergebnisse zu ermitteln, die konfigurierbaren Parameter hybrider Layouts festzulegen und die Anzahl der Aufgaben und Maschinen für die Ausführung von DIFs zu schätzenPostprint (published version

    Storage Format Selection and Optimization for Materialized Intermediate Results in Data-Intensive Flows

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    Modern organizations produce and collect large volumes of data, that need to be processed repeatedly and quickly for gaining business insights. For such processing, typically, Data-intensive Flows (DIFs) are deployed on distributed processing frameworks. The DIFs of different users have many computation overlaps (i.e., parts of the processing are duplicated), thus wasting computational resources and increasing the overall cost. The output of these computation overlaps (known as intermediate results) can be materialized for reuse, which helps in reducing the cost and saves computational resources if properly done. Furthermore, the way such outputs are materialized must be considered, as different storage layouts (i.e., horizontal, vertical, and hybrid) can be used to reduce the I/O cost. In this PhD work, we first propose a novel approach for automatically materializing the intermediate results of DIFs through a multi-objective optimization method, which can tackle multiple and conflicting quality metrics. Next, we study the behavior of different operators of DIFs that are the first to process the loaded materialized results. Based on this study, we devise a rule-based approach, that decides the storage layout for materialized results based on the subsequent operation types. Despite improving the cost in general, the heuristic rules do not consider the amount of data read while making the choice, which could lead to a wrong decision. Thus, we design a cost model that is capable of finding the right storage layout for every scenario. The cost model uses data and workload characteristics to estimate the I/O cost of a materialized intermediate results with different storage layouts and chooses the one which has minimum cost. The results show that storage layouts help to reduce the loading time of materialized results and overall, they improve the performance of DIFs. The thesis also focuses on the optimization of the configurable parameters of hybrid layouts. We propose ATUN-HL (Auto TUNing Hybrid Layouts), which based on the same cost model and given the workload and characteristics of data, finds the optimal values for configurable parameters in hybrid layouts (i.e., Parquet). Finally, the thesis also studies the impact of parallelism in DIFs and hybrid layouts. Our proposed cost model helps to devise an approach for fine-tuning the parallelism by deciding the number of tasks and machines to process the data. Thus, the cost model proposed in this thesis, enables in choosing the best possible storage layout for materialized intermediate results, tuning the configurable parameters of hybrid layouts, and estimating the number of tasks and machines for the execution of DIFs.Moderne Unternehmen produzieren und sammeln große Datenmengen, die wiederholt und schnell verarbeitet werden müssen, um geschäftliche Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Für die Verarbeitung dieser Daten werden typischerweise Datenintensive Prozesse (DIFs) auf verteilten Systemen wie z.B. MapReduce bereitgestellt. Dabei ist festzustellen, dass die DIFs verschiedener Nutzer sich in großen Teilen überschneiden, wodurch viel Arbeit mehrfach geleistet, Ressourcen verschwendet und damit die Gesamtkosten erhöht werden. Um diesen Effekt entgegenzuwirken, können die Zwischenergebnisse der DIFs für spätere Wiederverwendungen materialisiert werden. Hierbei müssen vor allem die unterschiedlichen Speicherlayouts (horizontal, vertikal und hybrid) berücksichtigt werden. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz zur automatischen Materialisierung der Zwischenergebnisse von DIFs durch eine mehrkriterielle Optimierungsmethode vorgeschlagen, der in der Lage ist widersprüchliche Qualitätsmetriken zu behandeln. Des Weiteren wird untersucht die Wechselwirkung zwischen verschiedenen peratortypen und unterschiedlichen Speicherlayouts untersucht. Basierend auf dieser Untersuchung wird ein regelbasierter Ansatz vorgeschlagen, der das Speicherlayout für materialisierte Ergebnisse, basierend auf den nachfolgenden Operationstypen, festlegt. Obwohl sich die Gesamtkosten für die Ausführung der DIFs im Allgemeinen verbessern, ist der heuristische Ansatz nicht in der Lage die gelesene Datenmenge bei der Auswahl des Speicherlayouts zu berücksichtigen. Dies kann in einigen Fällen zu falschen Entscheidung führen. Aus diesem Grund wird ein Kostenmodell entwickelt, mit dem für jedes Szenario das richtige Speicherlayout gefunden werden kann. Das Kostenmodell schätzt anhand von Daten und Auslastungsmerkmalen die E/A-Kosten eines materialisierten Zwischenergebnisses mit unterschiedlichen Speicherlayouts und wählt das kostenminimale aus. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Speicherlayouts die Ladezeit materialisierter Ergebnisse verkürzen und insgesamt die Leistung von DIFs verbessern. Die Arbeit befasst sich auch mit der Optimierung der konfigurierbaren Parameter von hybriden Layouts. Konkret wird der sogenannte ATUN-HL Ansatz (Auto TUNing Hybrid Layouts) entwickelt, der auf der Grundlage des gleichen Kostenmodells und unter Berücksichtigung der Auslastung und der Merkmale der Daten die optimalen Werte für konfigurierbare Parameter in Parquet, d.h. eine Implementierung von hybrider Layouts. Schließlich werden in dieser Arbeit auch die Auswirkungen von Parallelität in DIFs und hybriden Layouts untersucht. Dazu wird ein Ansatz entwickelt, der in der Lage ist die Anzahl der Aufgaben und dafür notwendigen Maschinen automatisch zu bestimmen. Zusammengefasst lässt sich festhalten, dass das in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagene Kostenmodell es ermöglicht, das bestmögliche Speicherlayout für materialisierte Zwischenergebnisse zu ermitteln, die konfigurierbaren Parameter hybrider Layouts festzulegen und die Anzahl der Aufgaben und Maschinen für die Ausführung von DIFs zu schätzen

    Autotuning for Automatic Parallelization on Heterogeneous Systems

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationDataflow pipeline models are widely used in visualization systems. Despite recent advancements in parallel architecture, most systems still support only a single CPU or a small collection of CPUs such as a SMP workstation. Even for systems that are specifically tuned towards parallel visualization, their execution models only provide support for data-parallelism while ignoring taskparallelism and pipeline-parallelism. With the recent popularization of machines equipped with multicore CPUs and multi-GPU units, these visualization systems are undoubtedly falling further behind in reaching maximum efficiency. On the other hand, there exist several libraries that can schedule program executions on multiple CPUs and/or multiple GPUs. However, due to differences in executing a task graph and a pipeline along with their APIs being considerably low-level, it still remains a challenge to integrate these run-time libraries into current visualization systems. Thus, there is a need for a redesigned dataflow architecture to fully support and exploit the power of highly parallel machines in large-scale visualization. The new design must be able to schedule executions on heterogeneous platforms while at the same time supporting arbitrarily large datasets through the use of streaming data structures. The primary goal of this dissertation work is to develop a parallel dataflow architecture for streaming large-scale visualizations. The framework includes supports for platforms ranging from multicore processors to clusters consisting of thousands CPUs and GPUs. We achieve this in our system by introducing the notion of Virtual Processing Elements and Task-Oriented Modules along with a highly customizable scheduler that controls the assignment of tasks to elements dynamically. This creates an intuitive way to maintain multiple CPU/GPU kernels yet still provide coherency and synchronization across module executions. We have implemented these techniques into HyperFlow which is made of an API with all basic dataflow constructs described in the dissertation, and a distributed run-time library that can be used to deploy those pipelines on multicore, multi-GPU and cluster-based platforms

    Astro - A Low-Cost, Low-Power Cluster for CPU-GPU Hybrid Computing using the Jetson TK1

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    With the rising costs of large scale distributed systems many researchers have began looking at utilizing low power architectures for clusters. In this paper, we describe our Astro cluster, which consists of 46 NVIDIA Jetson TK1 nodes each equipped with an ARM Cortex A15 CPU, 192 core Kepler GPU, 2 GB of RAM, and 16 GB of flash storage. The cluster has a number of advantages when compared to conventional clusters including lower power usage, ambient cooling, shared memory between the CPU and GPU, and affordability. The cluster is built using commodity hardware and can be setup for relatively low costs while providing up to 190 single precision GFLOPS of computing power per node due to its combined GPU/CPU architecture. The cluster currently uses one 48-port Gigabit Ethernet switch and runs Linux for Tegra, a modified version of Ubuntu provided by NVIDIA as its operating system. Common file systems such as PVFS, Ceph, and NFS are supported by the cluster and benchmarks such as HPL, LAPACK, and LAMMPS are used to evaluate the system. At peak performance, the cluster is able to produce 328 GFLOPS of double precision and a peak of 810W using the LINPACK benchmark placing the cluster at 324th place on the Green500. Single precision benchmarks result in a peak performance of 6800 GFLOPs. The Astro cluster aims to be a proof-of-concept for future low power clusters that utilize a similar architecture. The cluster is installed with many of the same applications used by top supercomputers and is validated using the several standard supercomputing benchmarks. We show that with the rise of low-power CPUs and GPUs, and the need for lower server costs, this cluster provides insight into how ARM and CPU-GPU hybrid chips will perform in high-performance computing

    Architectural explorations for streaming accelerators with customized memory layouts

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    El concepto básico de la arquitectura mono-nucleo en los procesadores de propósito general se ajusta bien a un modelo de programación secuencial. La integración de multiples núcleos en un solo chip ha permitido a los procesadores correr partes del programa en paralelo. Sin embargo, la explotación del enorme paralelismo disponible en muchas aplicaciones de alto rendimiento y de los datos correspondientes es difícil de conseguir usando unicamente multicores de propósito general. La aparición de aceleradores tipo streaming y de los correspondientes modelos de programación han mejorado esta situación proporcionando arquitecturas orientadas al proceso de flujos de datos. La idea básica detrás del diseño de estas arquitecturas responde a la necesidad de procesar conjuntos enormes de datos. Estos dispositivos de alto rendimiento orientados a flujos permiten el procesamiento rapido de datos mediante el uso eficiente de computación paralela y comunicación entre procesos. Los aceleradores streaming orientados a flujos, igual que en otros procesadores, consisten en diversos componentes micro-arquitectonicos como por ejemplo las estructuras de memoria, las unidades de computo, las unidades de control, los canales de Entrada/Salida y controles de Entrada/Salida, etc. Sin embargo, los requisitos del flujo de datos agregan algunas características especiales e imponen otras restricciones que afectan al rendimiento. Estos dispositivos, por lo general, ofrecen un gran número de recursos computacionales, pero obligan a reorganizar los conjuntos de datos en paralelo, maximizando la independiencia para alimentar los recursos de computación en forma de flujos. La disposición de datos en conjuntos independientes de flujos paralelos no es una tarea sencilla. Es posible que se tenga que cambiar la estructura de un algoritmo en su conjunto o, incluso, puede requerir la reescritura del algoritmo desde cero. Sin embargo, todos estos esfuerzos para la reordenación de los patrones de las aplicaciones de acceso a datos puede que no sean muy útiles para lograr un rendimiento óptimo. Esto es debido a las posibles limitaciones microarquitectonicas de la plataforma de destino para los mecanismos hardware de prefetch, el tamaño y la granularidad del almacenamiento local, y la flexibilidad para disponer de forma serial los datos en el interior del almacenamiento local. Las limitaciones de una plataforma de streaming de proposito general para el prefetching de datos, almacenamiento y demas procedimientos para organizar y mantener los datos en forma de flujos paralelos e independientes podría ser eliminado empleando técnicas a nivel micro-arquitectonico. Esto incluye el uso de memorias personalizadas especificamente para las aplicaciones en el front-end de una arquitectura streaming. El objetivo de esta tesis es presentar exploraciones arquitectónicas de los aceleradores streaming con diseños de memoria personalizados. En general, la tesis cubre tres aspectos principales de tales aceleradores. Estos aspectos se pueden clasificar como: i) Diseño de aceleradores de aplicaciones específicas con diseños de memoria personalizados, ii) diseño de aceleradores con memorias personalizadas basados en plantillas, y iii) exploraciones del espacio de diseño para dispositivos orientados a flujos con las memorias estándar y personalizadas. Esta tesis concluye con la propuesta conceptual de una Blacksmith Streaming Architecture (BSArc). El modelo de computación Blacksmith permite la adopción a nivel de hardware de un front-end de aplicación específico utilizando una GPU como back-end. Esto permite maximizar la explotación de la localidad de datos y el paralelismo a nivel de datos de una aplicación mientras que proporciona un flujo mayor de datos al back-end. Consideramos que el diseño de estos procesadores con memorias especializadas debe ser proporcionado por expertos del dominio de aplicación en la forma de plantillas.The basic concept behind the architecture of a general purpose CPU core conforms well to a serial programming model. The integration of more cores on a single chip helped CPUs in running parts of a program in parallel. However, the utilization of huge parallelism available from many high performance applications and the corresponding data is hard to achieve from these general purpose multi-cores. Streaming accelerators and the corresponding programing models improve upon this situation by providing throughput oriented architectures. The basic idea behind the design of these architectures matches the everyday increasing requirements of processing huge data sets. These high-performance throughput oriented devices help in high performance processing of data by using efficient parallel computations and streaming based communications. The throughput oriented streaming accelerators ¿ similar to the other processors ¿ consist of numerous types of micro-architectural components including the memory structures, compute units, control units, I/O channels and I/O controls etc. However, the throughput requirements add some special features and impose other restrictions for the performance purposes. These devices, normally, offer a large number of compute resources but restrict the applications to arrange parallel and maximally independent data sets to feed the compute resources in the form of streams. The arrangement of data into independent sets of parallel streams is not an easy and simple task. It may need to change the structure of an algorithm as a whole or even it can require to write a new algorithm from scratch for the target application. However, all these efforts for the re-arrangement of application data access patterns may still not be very helpful to achieve the optimal performance. This is because of the possible micro-architectural constraints of the target platform for the hardware pre-fetching mechanisms, the size and the granularity of the local storage and the flexibility in data marshaling inside the local storage. The constraints of a general purpose streaming platform on the data pre-fetching, storing and maneuvering to arrange and maintain it in the form of parallel and independent streams could be removed by employing micro-architectural level design approaches. This includes the usage of application specific customized memories in the front-end of a streaming architecture. The focus of this thesis is to present architectural explorations for the streaming accelerators using customized memory layouts. In general the thesis covers three main aspects of such streaming accelerators in this research. These aspects can be categorized as : i) Design of Application Specific Accelerators with Customized Memory Layout ii) Template Based Design Support for Customized Memory Accelerators and iii) Design Space Explorations for Throughput Oriented Devices with Standard and Customized Memories. This thesis concludes with a conceptual proposal on a Blacksmith Streaming Architecture (BSArc). The Blacksmith Computing allow the hardware-level adoption of an application specific front-end with a GPU like streaming back-end. This gives an opportunity to exploit maximum possible data locality and the data level parallelism from an application while providing a throughput natured powerful back-end. We consider that the design of these specialized memory layouts for the front-end of the device are provided by the application domain experts in the form of templates. These templates are adjustable according to a device and the problem size at the device's configuration time. The physical availability of such an architecture may still take time. However, simulation framework helps in architectural explorations to give insight into the proposal and predicts potential performance benefits for such an architecture