751 research outputs found

    Finding Bad Code Smells with Neural Network Models

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    Code smell refers to any symptom introduced in design or implementation phases in the source code of a program. Such a code smell can potentially cause deeper and serious problems during software maintenance. The existing approaches to detect bad smells use detection rules or standards using a combination of different object-oriented metrics. Although a variety of software detection tools have been developed, they still have limitations and constraints in their capabilities. In this paper, a code smell detection system is presented with the neural network model that delivers the relationship between bad smells and object-oriented metrics by taking a corpus of Java projects as experimental dataset. The most well-known object-oriented metrics are considered to identify the presence of bad smells. The code smell detection system uses the twenty Java projects which are shared by many users in the GitHub repositories. The dataset of these Java projects is partitioned into mutually exclusive training and test sets. The training dataset is used to learn the network model which will predict smelly classes in this study. The optimized network model will be chosen to be evaluated on the test dataset. The experimental results show when the modelis highly trained with more dataset, the prediction outcomes are improved more and more. In addition, the accuracy of the model increases when it performs with higher epochs and many hidden layers

    Techniques for calculating software product metrics threshold values: A systematic mapping study

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    Several aspects of software product quality can be assessed and measured using product metrics. Without software metric threshold values, it is difficult to evaluate different aspects of quality. To this end, the interest in research studies that focus on identifying and deriving threshold values is growing, given the advantage of applying software metric threshold values to evaluate various software projects during their software development life cycle phases. The aim of this paper is to systematically investigate research on software metric threshold calculation techniques. In this study, electronic databases were systematically searched for relevant papers; 45 publications were selected based on inclusion/exclusion criteria, and research questions were answered. The results demonstrate the following important characteristics of studies: (a) both empirical and theoretical studies were conducted, a majority of which depends on empirical analysis; (b) the majority of papers apply statistical techniques to derive object-oriented metrics threshold values; (c) Chidamber and Kemerer (CK) metrics were studied in most of the papers, and are widely used to assess the quality of software systems; and (d) there is a considerable number of studies that have not validated metric threshold values in terms of quality attributes. From both the academic and practitioner points of view, the results of this review present a catalog and body of knowledge on metric threshold calculation techniques. The results set new research directions, such as conducting mixed studies on statistical and quality-related studies, studying an extensive number of metrics and studying interactions among metrics, studying more quality attributes, and considering multivariate threshold derivation. 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: Authors thanks to the Molde University College-Specialized Univ. in Logistics, Norway for the support of Open access fund.Scopus2-s2.0-8512089773

    On the relation between architectural smells and source code changes

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    Although architectural smells are one of the most studied type of architectural technical debt, their impact on maintenance effort has not been thoroughly investigated. Studying this impact would help to understand how much technical debt interest is being paid due to the existence of architecture smells and how this interest can be calculated. This work is a first attempt to address this issue by investigating the relation between architecture smells and source code changes. Specifically, we study whether the frequency and size of changes are correlated with the presence of a selected set of architectural smells. We detect architectural smells using the Arcan tool, which detects architectural smells by building a dependency graph of the system analyzed and then looking for the typical structures of the architectural smells. The findings, based on a case study of 31 open-source Java systems, show that 87% of the analyzed commits present more changes in artifacts with at least one smell, and the likelihood of changing increases with the number of smells. Moreover, there is also evidence to confirm that change frequency increases after the introduction of a smell and that the size of changes is also larger in smelly artifacts. These findings hold true especially in Medium–Large and Large artifacts


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    Today's software development is driven by software processes and practices that when followed increase the chances of building high quality software products. Not following these guidelines results in increased risk that the goal for the software's quality characteristics cannot be reached. Current process analysis approaches are limited in identifying and understanding process deviations and ultimately fail in comprehending why a process does not work in a given environment and what steps of the process have to be changed and tailored. In this work I will present a methodology for formulating, identifying and investigating process violations in the execution of software processes. The methodology, which can be thought of as "Process Conformance Testing", consists of a four step iterative model, compromising templates and tools. A strong focus is set on identifying violations in a cost efficient and unobtrusive manner by utilizing automatically collected data gathered through commonly used software development tools, such as version control systems. To evaluate the usefulness and correctness of the model a series of four studies have been conducted in both classroom and professional environments. A total of eight different software processes have been investigated and tested. The results of the studies show that the steps and iterative character of the methodology are useful for formulating and tailoring violation detection strategies and investigating violations in classroom study environments and professional environments. All the investigated processes were violated in some way, which emphasizes the importance of conformance measurement. This is especially important when running an empirical study to evaluate the effectiveness of a software process, as the experimenters want to make sure they are evaluating the specified process and not a variation of it. Violation detection strategies were tailored based upon analysis of the history of violations and feedback from then enactors and mangers yielding greater precision of identification of non-conformities. The overhead cost of the approach is shown to be feasible with a 3.4% (professional environment) and 12.1% (classroom environment) overhead. One interesting side result is that process enactors did not always follow the process for good reason, e.g. the process was not tailored for the environment, it was not specified at the right level of granularity, or was too difficult to follow. Two specific examples in this thesis are XP Pair Switching and Test Driven Development. In XP Pair Switching, the practice was violated because the frequency of switching was too high. The definition of Test Driven Development is simple and clear but requires a fair amount of discipline to follow, especially by novice programmers

    On the evolution and impact of architectural smells—an industrial case study

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    Architectural smells (AS) are notorious for their long-term impact on the Maintainability and Evolvability of software systems. The majority of research work has investigated this topic by mining software repositories of open source Java systems, making it hard to generalise and apply them to an industrial context and other programming languages. To address this research gap, we conducted an embedded multiple-case case study, in collaboration with a large industry partner, to study how AS evolve in industrial embedded systems. We detect and track AS in 9 C/C++ projects with over 30 releases for each project that span over two years of development, with over 20 millions lines of code in the last release only. In addition to these quantitative results, we also interview 12 among the developers and architects working on these projects, collecting over six hours of qualitative data about the usefulness of AS analysis and the issues they experienced while maintaining and evolving artefacts affected by AS. Our quantitative findings show how individual smell instances evolve over time, how long they typically survive within the system, how they overlap with instances of other smell types, and finally what the introduction order of smell types is when they overlap. Our qualitative findings, instead, provide insights on the effects of AS on the long-term maintainability and evolvability of the system, supported by several excerpts from our interviews. Practitioners also mention what parts of the AS analysis actually provide actionable insights that they can use to plan refactoring activities

    Automated Field Usability Evaluation Using Generated Task Trees

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    Jedes Produkt hat eine Gebrauchstauglichkeit (Usability). Das umfasst auch Software,Webseiten und Apps auf mobilen Endgeräten und Fernsehern. Im heutigen Anbieterwettbewerb kann Usability ein entscheidender Faktor für den Erfolg eines Produktes sein. Dies gilt speziell für Software, da alternative Angebote meist schnell und einfach verfügbar sind. Daher sollte jede Softwareentwicklung Gebrauchstauglichkeit als eines ihrer Ziele definieren. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wird beim Usability Engineering während der Entwicklung und der Nutzung eines Produkts kontinuierlich dessen Gebrauchstauglichkeit erfasst und verbessert. Hierfür existiert eine Reihe von Methoden, mit denen in allen Projektphasen entsprechende Probleme erkannt und gelöst werden können. Die meisten dieser Methoden sind jedoch nur manuell einsetzbar und daher kostspielig in der Anwendung.    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt ein vollautomatisiertes Verfahren zur Bewertung der Usability von Software. Das Verfahren zählt zu den nutzerorientierten Methoden und kann für Feldstudien eingesetzt werden. In diesem Verfahren werden zunächst detailliert die Aktionen der Nutzer auf der Oberfläche einer Software aufgezeichnet. Aus diesen Aufzeichnungen berechnet das Verfahren ein Modell der Nutzeroberfläche sowie sogenannte Task-Bäume, welche ein Modell der Nutzung der Software sind. Die beiden Modelle bilden die Grundlage für eine anschließende Erkennung von 14 sogenannten Usability Smells. Diese definieren unerwartetes Nutzerverhalten, das auf ein Problem mit der Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Software hinweist. Das Ergebnis des Verfahrens sind detaillierte Beschreibungen zum Auftreten der Smells in den Task-Bäumen und den aufgezeichneten Nutzeraktionen. Dadurch wird ein Bezug zwischen den Aufgaben des Nutzers, den entsprechenden Problemen sowie ursächlichen Elementen der graphischen Oberfläche hergestellt.    Das Verfahren wird anhand von zwei Webseiten und einer Desktopanwendung validiert. Dabei wird zunächst die Repräsentativität der generierten Task-Bäume für das Nutzerverhalten überprüft. Anschließend werden Usability Smells erkannt und die Ergebnisse manuell analysiert sowie mit Ergebnissen aus der Anwendung etablierter Methoden des Usability Engineerings verglichen. Daraus ergeben sich unter anderem Bedingungen, die bei der Erkennung von Usability Smells erfüllt sein müssen.    Die drei Fallstudien, sowie die gesamte Arbeit zeigen, dass das vorgestellte Verfahren fähig ist, vollautomatisiert unterschiedlichste Usabilityprobleme zu erkennen. Dabei wird auch gezeigt, dass die Ergebnisse des Verfahrens genügend Details beinhalten, um ein gefundenes Problem genauer zu beschreiben und Anhaltspunkte für dessen Lösung zu liefern. Außerdem kann das Verfahren andere Methoden der Usabilityevaluation ergänzen und dabei sehr einfach auch im großen Umfang eingesetzt werden.Usability is an important aspect of any kind of product. This also applies for software like desktop applications and websites, as well as apps on mobile devices and smart TVs. In a competitive market, the usability of a software becomes a discriminator between success and failure. This is especially important for software, as alternatives are often close at hand and only one click away. Hence, the software development must strive for highly usable products. Usability engineering allows for continuously measuring and improving the usability of a software during its development and beyond. For this, it offers a broad variety of methods, that support detecting usability issues in early development stages on a prototype level, as well as during the operation of a final software. Unfortunately, most of these methods are applied manually, which increases the effort of their utilization. In this thesis, we describe a fully automated approach for usability evaluation. This approach is a user-oriented method to be applied in the field, i.e., during the operation of a software. For this, it first traces the usage of a software by recording user actions on key stroke level. From these recordings, it compiles a model of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of a software, as well as a usage model in the form of task trees. Based on these models and the recorded actions, our approach performs a detection of 14 different so called usability smells. These smells are exceptional user behavior and indicate usability issues. The result of the application of our approach on a software is a list of findings for each of the smells. These findings provide detailed information about the user tasks that are affected by the related usability issues, as well as about the elements of the GUI that cause the issues. By applying it on two websites and one desktop application, we perform an in-depth validation of our approach in three case studies. In these case studies, we verify if task trees can be generated from recorded user actions and if they are representative for the user behavior. Furthermore, we apply the usability smell detection and analyze the corresponding results with respect to their validity. For this, we also compare the findings with the results of generally accepted usability evaluation methods. Finally, we conclude on the results and derive conditions for findings of our approach, which must be met to consider them as indicators for usability issues. The results of the case studies are promising. They show, that our approach can find, fully automated, a broad range of usability issues. In addition, we show, that the findings can reference in detail the elements of the GUI that cause a usability issue. Our approach is supplemental to established usability engineering methods and can be applied with minimal effort on a large scale