695 research outputs found

    Advanced Visualization and Intuitive User Interface Systems for Biomedical Applications

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    Modern scientific research produces data at rates that far outpace our ability to comprehend and analyze it. Such sources include medical imaging data and computer simulations, where technological advancements and spatiotemporal resolution generate increasing amounts of data from each scan or simulation. A bottleneck has developed whereby medical professionals and researchers are unable to fully use the advanced information available to them. By integrating computer science, computer graphics, artistic ability and medical expertise, scientific visualization of medical data has become a new field of study. The objective of this thesis is to develop two visualization systems that use advanced visualization, natural user interface technologies and the large amount of biomedical data available to produce results that are of clinical utility and overcome the data bottleneck that has developed. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a tool used to study the quantities associated with the movement of blood by computer simulation. We developed methods of processing spatiotemporal CFD data and displaying it in stereoscopic 3D with the ability to spatially navigate through the data. We used this method with two sets of display hardware: a full-scale visualization environment and a small-scale desktop system. The advanced display and data navigation abilities provide the user with the means to better understand the relationship between the vessel\u27s form and function. Low-cost 3D, depth-sensing cameras capture and process user body motion to recognize motions and gestures. Such devices allow users to use hand motions as an intuitive interface to computer applications. We developed algorithms to process and prepare the biomedical and scientific data for use with a custom control application. The application interprets user gestures as commands to a visualization tool and allows the user to control the visualization of multi-dimensional data. The intuitive interface allows the user to control the visualization of data without manual contact with an interaction device. In developing these methods and software tools we have leveraged recent trends in advanced visualization and intuitive interfaces in order to efficiently visualize biomedical data in such a way that provides meaningful information that can be used to further appreciate it


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    Flow visualization plays an important role in many scientific and engineering disciplines such as climate modeling, turbulent combustion, and automobile design. The most common method for flow visualization is to display integral flow lines such as streamlines computed from particle tracing. Effective streamline visualization should capture flow patterns and display them with appropriate density, so that critical flow information can be visually acquired. In this dissertation, we present several approaches that facilitate expressive flow field visualization and exploration. First, we design a unified information-theoretic framework to model streamline selection and viewpoint selection as symmetric problems. Two interrelated information channels are constructed between a pool of candidate streamlines and a set of sample viewpoints. Based on these information channels, we define streamline information and viewpoint information to select best streamlines and viewpoints, respectively. Second, we present a focus+context framework to magnify small features and reduce occlusion around them while compacting the context region in a full view. This framework parititions the volume into blocks and deforms them to guide streamline repositioning. The desired deformation is formulated into energy terms and achieved by minimizing the energy function. Third, measuring the similarity of integral curves is fundamental to many tasks such as feature detection, pattern querying, streamline clustering and hierarchical exploration. We introduce FlowString that extracts shape invariant features from streamlines to form an alphabet of characters, and encodes each streamline into a string. The similarity of two streamline segments then becomes a specially designed edit distance between two strings. Leveraging the suffix tree, FlowString provides a string-based method for exploratory streamline analysis and visualization. A universal alphabet is learned from multiple data sets to capture basic flow patterns that exist in a variety of flow fields. This allows easy comparison and efficient query across data sets. Fourth, for exploration of vascular data sets, which contain a series of vector fields together with multiple scalar fields, we design a web-based approach for users to investigate the relationship among different properties guided by histograms. The vessel structure is mapped from the 3D volume space to a 2D graph, which allow more efficient interaction and effective visualization on websites. A segmentation scheme is proposed to divide the vessel structure based on a user specified property to further explore the distribution of that property over space

    Mixed-reality visualization environments to facilitate ultrasound-guided vascular access

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    Ultrasound-guided needle insertions at the site of the internal jugular vein (IJV) are routinely performed to access the central venous system. Ultrasound-guided insertions maintain high rates of carotid artery puncture, as clinicians rely on 2D information to perform a 3D procedure. The limitations of 2D ultrasound-guidance motivated the research question: “Do 3D ultrasound-based environments improve IJV needle insertion accuracy”. We addressed this by developing advanced surgical navigation systems based on tracked surgical tools and ultrasound with various visualizations. The point-to-line ultrasound calibration enables the use of tracked ultrasound. We automated the fiducial localization required for this calibration method such that fiducials can be automatically localized within 0.25 mm of the manual equivalent. The point-to-line calibration obtained with both manual and automatic localizations produced average normalized distance errors less than 1.5 mm from point targets. Another calibration method was developed that registers an optical tracking system and the VIVE Pro head-mounted display (HMD) tracking system with sub-millimetre and sub-degree accuracy compared to ground truth values. This co-calibration enabled the development of an HMD needle navigation system, in which the calibrated ultrasound image and tracked models of the needle, needle trajectory, and probe were visualized in the HMD. In a phantom experiment, 31 clinicians had a 96 % success rate using the HMD system compared to 70 % for the ultrasound-only approach (p= 0.018). We developed a machine-learning-based vascular reconstruction pipeline that automatically returns accurate 3D reconstructions of the carotid artery and IJV given sequential tracked ultrasound images. This reconstruction pipeline was used to develop a surgical navigation system, where tracked models of the needle, needle trajectory, and the 3D z-buffered vasculature from a phantom were visualized in a common coordinate system on a screen. This system improved the insertion accuracy and resulted in 100 % success rates compared to 70 % under ultrasound-guidance (p=0.041) across 20 clinicians during the phantom experiment. Overall, accurate calibrations and machine learning algorithms enable the development of advanced 3D ultrasound systems for needle navigation, both in an immersive first-person perspective and on a screen, illustrating that 3D US environments outperformed 2D ultrasound-guidance used clinically

    From Molecules to the Masses : Visual Exploration, Analysis, and Communication of Human Physiology

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    Det overordnede mÄlet med denne avhandlingen er tverrfaglig anvendelse av medisinske illustrasjons- og visualiseringsteknikker for Ä utforske, analysere og formidle aspekter ved fysiologi til publikum med ulik faglig nivÄ og bakgrunn. Fysiologi beskriver de biologiske prosessene som skjer i levende vesener over tid. Vitenskapen om fysiologi er kompleks, men samtidig kritisk for vÄr forstÄelse av hvordan levende organismer fungerer. Fysiologi dekker en stor bredde romlig-temporale skalaer og fordrer behovet for Ä kombinere og bygge bro mellom basalfagene (biologi, fysikk og kjemi) og medisin. De senere Ärene har det vÊrt en eksplosjon av nye, avanserte eksperimentelle metoder for Ä detektere og karakterisere fysiologiske data. Volumet og kompleksiteten til fysiologiske data krever effektive strategier for visualisering for Ä komplementere dagens standard analyser. Hvilke tilnÊrminger som benyttes i visualiseringen mÄ nÞye balanseres og tilpasses formÄlet med bruken av dataene, enten dette er for Ä utforske dataene, analysere disse eller kommunisere og presentere dem. Arbeidet i denne avhandlingen bidrar med ny kunnskap innen teori, empiri, anvendelse og reproduserbarhet av visualiseringsmetoder innen fysiologi. FÞrst i avhandlingen er en rapport som oppsummerer og utforsker dagens kunnskap om muligheter og utfordringer for visualisering innen fysiologi. Motivasjonen for arbeidet er behovet forskere innen visualiseringsfeltet, og forskere i ulike anvendelsesomrÄder, har for en sammensatt oversikt over flerskala visualiseringsoppgaver og teknikker. Ved Ä bruke sÞk over et stort spekter av metodiske tilnÊrminger, er dette den fÞrste rapporten i sitt slag som kartlegger visualiseringsmulighetene innen fysiologi. I rapporten er faglitteraturen oppsummert slik at det skal vÊre enkelt Ä gjÞre oppslag innen ulike tema i rom-og-tid-skalaen, samtidig som litteraturen er delt inn i de tre hÞynivÄ visualiseringsoppgavene data utforsking, analyse og kommunikasjon. Dette danner et enkelt grunnlag for Ä navigere i litteraturen i feltet og slik danner rapporten et godt grunnlag for diskusjon og forskningsmuligheter innen feltet visualisering og fysiologi. Basert pÄ arbeidet med rapporten var det sÊrlig to omrÄder som det er Þnskelig for oss Ä fortsette Ä utforske: (1) utforskende analyse av mangefasetterte fysiologidata for ekspertbrukere, og (2) kommunikasjon av data til bÄde eksperter og ikke-eksperter. Arbeidet vÄrt av mangefasetterte fysiologidata er oppsummert i to studier i avhandlingen. Hver studie omhandler prosesser som foregÄr pÄ forskjellige romlig-temporale skalaer og inneholder konkrete eksempler pÄ anvendelse av metodene vurdert av eksperter i feltet. I den fÞrste av de to studiene undersÞkes konsentrasjonen av molekylÊre substanser (metabolitter) ut fra data innsamlet med magnetisk resonansspektroskopi (MRS), en avansert biokjemisk teknikk som brukes til Ä identifisere metabolske forbindelser i levende vev. Selv om MRS kan ha svÊrt hÞy sensitivitet og spesifisitet i medisinske anvendelser, er analyseresultatene fra denne modaliteten abstrakte og vanskelige Ä forstÄ ogsÄ for medisinskfaglige eksperter i feltet. VÄr designstudie som undersÞkte oppgavene og kravene til ekspertutforskende analyse av disse dataene fÞrte til utviklingen av SpectraMosaic. Dette er en ny applikasjon som gjÞr det mulig for domeneeksperter Ä analysere konsentrasjonen av metabolitter normalisert for en hel kohort, eller etter prÞveregion, individ, opptaksdato, eller status pÄ hjernens aktivitetsnivÄ ved undersÞkelsestidspunktet. I den andre studien foreslÄs en metode for Ä utfÞre utforskende analyser av flerdimensjonale fysiologiske data i motsatt ende av den romlig-temporale skalaen, nemlig pÄ populasjonsnivÄ. En effektiv arbeidsflyt for utforskende dataanalyse mÄ kritisk identifisere interessante mÞnstre og relasjoner, noe som blir stadig vanskeligere nÄr dimensjonaliteten til dataene Þker. Selv om dette delvis kan lÞses med eksisterende reduksjonsteknikker er det alltid en fare for at subtile mÞnstre kan gÄ tapt i reduksjonsprosessen. Isteden presenterer vi i studien DimLift, en iterativ dimensjonsreduksjonsteknikk som muliggjÞr brukeridentifikasjon av interessante mÞnstre og relasjoner som kan ligge subtilt i et datasett gjennom dimensjonale bunter. NÞkkelen til denne metoden er brukerens evne til Ä styre dimensjonalitetsreduksjonen slik at den fÞlger brukerens egne undersÞkelseslinjer. For videre Ä undersÞke kommunikasjon til eksperter og ikke-eksperter, studeres i neste arbeid utformingen av visualiseringer for kommunikasjon til publikum med ulike nivÄer av ekspertnivÄ. Det er naturlig Ä forvente at eksperter innen et emne kan ha ulike preferanser og kriterier for Ä vurdere en visuell kommunikasjon i forhold til et ikke-ekspertpublikum. Dette pÄvirker hvor effektivt et bilde kan benyttes til Ä formidle en gitt scenario. Med utgangspunkt i ulike teknikker innen biomedisinsk illustrasjon og visualisering, gjennomfÞrte vi derfor en utforskende studie av kriteriene som publikum bruker nÄr de evaluerer en biomedisinsk prosessvisualisering mÄlrettet for kommunikasjon. Fra denne studien identifiserte vi muligheter for ytterligere konvergens av biomedisinsk illustrasjon og visualiseringsteknikker for mer mÄlrettet visuell kommunikasjonsdesign. SÊrlig beskrives i stÞrre dybde utviklingen av semantisk konsistente retningslinjer for farging av molekylÊre scener. Hensikten med slike retningslinjer er Ä heve den vitenskapelige kompetansen til ikke-ekspertpublikum innen molekyler visualisering, som vil vÊre spesielt relevant for kommunikasjon til befolkningen i forbindelse med folkehelseopplysning. All kode og empiriske funn utviklet i arbeidet med denne avhandlingen er Äpen kildekode og tilgjengelig for gjenbruk av det vitenskapelige miljÞet og offentligheten. Metodene og funnene presentert i denne avhandlingen danner et grunnlag for tverrfaglig biomedisinsk illustrasjon og visualiseringsforskning, og Äpner flere muligheter for fortsatt arbeid med visualisering av fysiologiske prosesser.The overarching theme of this thesis is the cross-disciplinary application of medical illustration and visualization techniques to address challenges in exploring, analyzing, and communicating aspects of physiology to audiences with differing expertise. Describing the myriad biological processes occurring in living beings over time, the science of physiology is complex and critical to our understanding of how life works. It spans many spatio-temporal scales to combine and bridge the basic sciences (biology, physics, and chemistry) to medicine. Recent years have seen an explosion of new and finer-grained experimental and acquisition methods to characterize these data. The volume and complexity of these data necessitate effective visualizations to complement standard analysis practice. Visualization approaches must carefully consider and be adaptable to the user's main task, be it exploratory, analytical, or communication-oriented. This thesis contributes to the areas of theory, empirical findings, methods, applications, and research replicability in visualizing physiology. Our contributions open with a state-of-the-art report exploring the challenges and opportunities in visualization for physiology. This report is motivated by the need for visualization researchers, as well as researchers in various application domains, to have a centralized, multiscale overview of visualization tasks and techniques. Using a mixed-methods search approach, this is the first report of its kind to broadly survey the space of visualization for physiology. Our approach to organizing the literature in this report enables the lookup of topics of interest according to spatio-temporal scale. It further subdivides works according to any combination of three high-level visualization tasks: exploration, analysis, and communication. This provides an easily-navigable foundation for discussion and future research opportunities for audience- and task-appropriate visualization for physiology. From this report, we identify two key areas for continued research that begin narrowly and subsequently broaden in scope: (1) exploratory analysis of multifaceted physiology data for expert users, and (2) communication for experts and non-experts alike. Our investigation of multifaceted physiology data takes place over two studies. Each targets processes occurring at different spatio-temporal scales and includes a case study with experts to assess the applicability of our proposed method. At the molecular scale, we examine data from magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), an advanced biochemical technique used to identify small molecules (metabolites) in living tissue that are indicative of metabolic pathway activity. Although highly sensitive and specific, the output of this modality is abstract and difficult to interpret. Our design study investigating the tasks and requirements for expert exploratory analysis of these data led to SpectraMosaic, a novel application enabling domain researchers to analyze any permutation of metabolites in ratio form for an entire cohort, or by sample region, individual, acquisition date, or brain activity status at the time of acquisition. A second approach considers the exploratory analysis of multidimensional physiological data at the opposite end of the spatio-temporal scale: population. An effective exploratory data analysis workflow critically must identify interesting patterns and relationships, which becomes increasingly difficult as data dimensionality increases. Although this can be partially addressed with existing dimensionality reduction techniques, the nature of these techniques means that subtle patterns may be lost in the process. In this approach, we describe DimLift, an iterative dimensionality reduction technique enabling user identification of interesting patterns and relationships that may lie subtly within a dataset through dimensional bundles. Key to this method is the user's ability to steer the dimensionality reduction technique to follow their own lines of inquiry. Our third question considers the crafting of visualizations for communication to audiences with different levels of expertise. It is natural to expect that experts in a topic may have different preferences and criteria to evaluate a visual communication relative to a non-expert audience. This impacts the success of an image in communicating a given scenario. Drawing from diverse techniques in biomedical illustration and visualization, we conducted an exploratory study of the criteria that audiences use when evaluating a biomedical process visualization targeted for communication. From this study, we identify opportunities for further convergence of biomedical illustration and visualization techniques for more targeted visual communication design. One opportunity that we discuss in greater depth is the development of semantically-consistent guidelines for the coloring of molecular scenes. The intent of such guidelines is to elevate the scientific literacy of non-expert audiences in the context of molecular visualization, which is particularly relevant to public health communication. All application code and empirical findings are open-sourced and available for reuse by the scientific community and public. The methods and findings presented in this thesis contribute to a foundation of cross-disciplinary biomedical illustration and visualization research, opening several opportunities for continued work in visualization for physiology.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Cognitive Foundations for Visual Analytics

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    In this report, we provide an overview of scientific/technical literature on information visualization and VA. Topics discussed include an update and overview of the extensive literature search conducted for this study, the nature and purpose of the field, major research thrusts, and scientific foundations. We review methodologies for evaluating and measuring the impact of VA technologies as well as taxonomies that have been proposed for various purposes to support the VA community. A cognitive science perspective underlies each of these discussions

    Visualizing Set Relations and Cardinalities Using Venn and Euler Diagrams

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    In medicine, genetics, criminology and various other areas, Venn and Euler diagrams are used to visualize data set relations and their cardinalities. The data sets are represented by closed curves and the data set relationships are depicted by the overlaps between these curves. Both the sets and their intersections are easily visible as the closed curves are preattentively processed and form common regions that have a strong perceptual grouping effect. Besides set relations such as intersection, containment and disjointness, the cardinality of the sets and their intersections can also be depicted in the same diagram (referred to as area-proportional) through the size of the curves and their overlaps. Size is a preattentive feature and so similarities, differences and trends are easily identified. Thus, such diagrams facilitate data analysis and reasoning about the sets. However, drawing these diagrams manually is difficult, often impossible, and current automatic drawing methods do not always produce appropriate diagrams. This dissertation presents novel automatic drawing methods for different types of Euler diagrams and a user study of how such diagrams can help probabilistic judgement. The main drawing algorithms are: eulerForce, which uses a force-directed approach to lay out Euler diagrams; eulerAPE, which draws area-proportional Venn diagrams with ellipses. The user study evaluated the effectiveness of area- proportional Euler diagrams, glyph representations, Euler diagrams with glyphs and text+visualization formats for Bayesian reasoning, and a method eulerGlyphs was devised to automatically and accurately draw the assessed visualizations for any Bayesian problem. Additionally, analytic algorithms that instantaneously compute the overlapping areas of three general intersecting ellipses are provided, together with an evaluation of the effectiveness of ellipses in drawing accurate area-proportional Venn diagrams for 3-set data and the characteristics of the data that can be depicted accurately with ellipses

    Improving the Tractography Pipeline: on Evaluation, Segmentation, and Visualization

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    Recent advances in tractography allow for connectomes to be constructed in vivo. These have applications for example in brain tumor surgery and understanding of brain development and diseases. The large size of the data produced by these methods lead to a variety problems, including how to evaluate tractography outputs, development of faster processing algorithms for tractography and clustering, and the development of advanced visualization methods for verification and exploration. This thesis presents several advances in these fields. First, an evaluation is presented for the robustness to noise of multiple commonly used tractography algorithms. It employs a Monte–Carlo simulation of measurement noise on a constructed ground truth dataset. As a result of this evaluation, evidence for obustness of global tractography is found, and algorithmic sources of uncertainty are identified. The second contribution is a fast clustering algorithm for tractography data based on k–means and vector fields for representing the flow of each cluster. It is demonstrated that this algorithm can handle large tractography datasets due to its linear time and memory complexity, and that it can effectively integrate interrupted fibers that would be rejected as outliers by other algorithms. Furthermore, a visualization for the exploration of structural connectomes is presented. It uses illustrative rendering techniques for efficient presentation of connecting fiber bundles in context in anatomical space. Visual hints are employed to improve the perception of spatial relations. Finally, a visualization method with application to exploration and verification of probabilistic tractography is presented, which improves on the previously presented Fiber Stippling technique. It is demonstrated that the method is able to show multiple overlapping tracts in context, and correctly present crossing fiber configurations

    Supporting Exploratory Search Tasks Through Alternative Representations of Information

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    Information seeking is a fundamental component of many of the complex tasks presented to us, and is often conducted through interactions with automated search systems such as Web search engines. Indeed, the ubiquity of Web search engines makes information so readily available that people now often turn to the Web for all manners of information seeking needs. Furthermore, as the range of online information seeking tasks grows, more complex and open-ended search activities have been identified. One type of complex search activities that is of increasing interest to researchers is exploratory search, where the goal involves "learning" or "investigating", rather than simply "looking-up". Given the massive increase in information availability and the use of online search for tasks beyond simply looking-up, researchers have noted that it becomes increasingly challenging for users to effectively leverage the available online information for complex and open-ended search activities. One of the main limitations of the current document retrieval paradigm offered by modern search engines is that it provides a ranked list of documents as a response to the searcher’s query with no further support for locating and synthesizing relevant information. Therefore, the searcher is left to find and make sense of useful information in a massive information space that lacks any overview or conceptual organization. This thesis explores the impact of alternative representations of search results on user behaviors and outcomes during exploratory search tasks. Our inquiry is inspired by the premise that exploratory search tasks require sensemaking, and that sensemaking involves constructing and interacting with representations of knowledge. As such, in order to provide the searchers with more support in performing exploratory activities, there is a need to move beyond the current document retrieval paradigm by extending the support for locating and externalizing semantic information from textual documents and by providing richer representations of the extracted information coupled with mechanisms for accessing and interacting with the information in ways that support exploration and sensemaking. This dissertation presents a series of discrete research endeavour to explore different aspects of providing information and presenting this information in ways that both extraction and assimilation of relevant information is supported. We first address the problem of extracting information – that is more granular than documents – as a response to a user's query by developing a novel information extraction system to represent documents as a series of entity-relationship tuples. Next, through a series of designing and evaluating alternative representations of search results, we examine how this extracted information can be represented such that it extends the document-based search framework's support for exploratory search tasks. Finally, we assess the ecological validity of this research by exploring error-prone representations of search results and how they impact a searcher's ability to leverage our representations to perform exploratory search tasks. Overall, this research contributes towards designing future search systems by providing insights into the efficacy of alternative representations of search results for supporting exploratory search activities, culminating in a novel hybrid representation called Hierarchical Knowledge Graphs (HKG). To this end we propose and develop a framework that enables a reliable investigation of the impact of different representations and how they are perceived and utilized by information seekers
