51 research outputs found

    Analysis and Detection of Pathological Voice using Glottal Source Features

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    Automatic detection of voice pathology enables objective assessment and earlier intervention for the diagnosis. This study provides a systematic analysis of glottal source features and investigates their effectiveness in voice pathology detection. Glottal source features are extracted using glottal flows estimated with the quasi-closed phase (QCP) glottal inverse filtering method, using approximate glottal source signals computed with the zero frequency filtering (ZFF) method, and using acoustic voice signals directly. In addition, we propose to derive mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) from the glottal source waveforms computed by QCP and ZFF to effectively capture the variations in glottal source spectra of pathological voice. Experiments were carried out using two databases, the Hospital Universitario Principe de Asturias (HUPA) database and the Saarbrucken Voice Disorders (SVD) database. Analysis of features revealed that the glottal source contains information that discriminates normal and pathological voice. Pathology detection experiments were carried out using support vector machine (SVM). From the detection experiments it was observed that the performance achieved with the studied glottal source features is comparable or better than that of conventional MFCCs and perceptual linear prediction (PLP) features. The best detection performance was achieved when the glottal source features were combined with the conventional MFCCs and PLP features, which indicates the complementary nature of the features

    Detección automática de voz hipernasal de niños con labio y paladar hendido a partir de vocales y palabras del español usando medidas clásicas y análisis no lineal

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    RESUMEN: Este artículo presenta un sistema para la detección automática de señales de voz hipernasales basado en la combinación de dos diferentes esquemas de caracterización aplicados en las cinco vocales del español y dos palabras seleccionadas. El primer esquema está basado en características clásicas como perturbaciones del periodo fundamental, medidas de ruido y coeficientes cepstrales en la frecuencia de Mel. El segundo enfoque está basado en medidas de dinámica no lineal. Las características más relevantes son seleccionadas usando dos técnicas: análisis de componentes principales y selección flotante hacia adelante secuencial. La decisión acerca de si un registro de voz es hipernasal o sano es tomada usando una máquina de soporte vectorial de margen suave. Los experimentos consideran grabaciones de las cinco vocales del idioma español y las palabras y se consideran, asimismo, tres conjuntos de características: (1) el enfoque clásico, (2) el análisis de dinámica no lineal y (3) la combinación de ambos esquemas. En general, los aciertos son mayores y más estables cuando las características clásicas y no lineales son combinadas, indicando que el análisis de dinámica no lineal se complementa con el esquema clásico.ABSTRACT: This paper presents a system for the automatic detection of hypernasal speech signals based on the combination of two different characterization approaches applied to the five spanish vowels and two selected words. The first approach is based on classical features such as pitch period perturbations, noise measures, and Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). The second approach is based on the Non-Linear Dynamics (NLD) analysis. The most relevant features are selected and sorted using two techniques: Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Sequential Forward Floating Selection (SFFS). The decision about whether a voice record is hypernasal or healthy is taken using a Soft Margin - Support Vector Machine (SM-SVM). Experiments upon recordings of the five Spanish vowels and the words are performed considering three different set of features: (1) the classical approach, (2) the NLD analysis, and (3) the combination of the classical and NLD measures. In general, the accuracies are higher and more stable when the classical and NLD features are combined, indicating that the NLD analysis is complementary to the classical approach

    Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications

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    The International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA) came into being in 1999 from the particularly felt need of sharing know-how, objectives and results between areas that until then seemed quite distinct such as bioengineering, medicine and singing. MAVEBA deals with all aspects concerning the study of the human voice with applications ranging from the neonate to the adult and elderly. Over the years the initial issues have grown and spread also in other aspects of research such as occupational voice disorders, neurology, rehabilitation, image and video analysis. MAVEBA takes place every two years always in Firenze, Italy. This edition celebrates twenty years of uninterrupted and succesfully research in the field of voice analysis

    Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications

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    The International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA) came into being in 1999 from the particularly felt need of sharing know-how, objectives and results between areas that until then seemed quite distinct such as bioengineering, medicine and singing. MAVEBA deals with all aspects concerning the study of the human voice with applications ranging from the newborn to the adult and elderly. Over the years the initial issues have grown and spread also in other fields of research such as occupational voice disorders, neurology, rehabilitation, image and video analysis. MAVEBA takes place every two years in Firenze, Italy. This edition celebrates twenty-two years of uninterrupted and successful research in the field of voice analysis

    Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications

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    The MAVEBA Workshop proceedings, held on a biannual basis, collect the scientific papers presented both as oral and poster contributions, during the conference. The main subjects are: development of theoretical and mechanical models as an aid to the study of main phonatory dysfunctions, as well as the biomedical engineering methods for the analysis of voice signals and images, as a support to clinical diagnosis and classification of vocal pathologies

    Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications

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    This book of Proceedings collects the papers presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, MAVEBA 2003, held 10-12 December 2003, Firenze, Italy. The workshop is organised every two years, and aims to stimulate contacts between specialists active in research and industrial developments, in the area of voice analysis for biomedical applications. The scope of the Workshop includes all aspects of voice modelling and analysis, ranging from fundamental research to all kinds of biomedical applications and related established and advanced technologies

    Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications

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    The MAVEBA Workshop proceedings, held on a biannual basis, collect the scientific papers presented both as oral and poster contributions, during the conference. The main subjects are: development of theoretical and mechanical models as an aid to the study of main phonatory dysfunctions, as well as the biomedical engineering methods for the analysis of voice signals and images, as a support to clinical diagnosis and classification of vocal pathologies

    Automatic analysis of pathological speech

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    De ernst van een spraakstoornis wordt vaak gemeten a.d.h.v. spraakverstaanbaarheid. Deze maat wordt in de klinische praktijk vaak bepaald met een perceptuele test. Zo’n test is van nature subjectief vermits de therapeut die de test afneemt de (stoornis van de) patiënt vaak kent en ook vertrouwd is met het gebruikte testmateriaal. Daarom is het interessant te onderzoeken of men met spraakherkenning een objectieve beoordelaar van verstaanbaarheid kan creëren. In deze thesis wordt een methodologie uitgewerkt om een gestandaardiseerde perceptuele test, het Nederlandstalig Spraakverstaanbaarheidsonderzoek (NSVO), te automatiseren. Hiervoor wordt gebruik gemaakt van spraakherkenning om de patiënt fonologisch en fonemisch te karakteriseren en uit deze karakterisering een spraakverstaanbaarheidsscore af te leiden. Experimenten hebben aangetoond dat de berekende scores zeer betrouwbaar zijn. Vermits het NSVO met nonsenswoorden werkt, kunnen vooral kinderen hierdoor leesfouten maken. Daarom werden nieuwe methodes ontwikkeld, gebaseerd op betekenisdragende lopende spraak, die hiertegen robuust zijn en tegelijk ook in verschillende talen gebruikt kunnen worden. Met deze nieuwe modellen bleek het mogelijk te zijn om betrouwbare verstaanbaarheidsscores te berekenen voor Vlaamse, Nederlandse en Duitse spraak. Tenslotte heeft het onderzoek ook belangrijke stappen gezet in de richting van een automatische karakterisering van andere aspecten van de spraakstoornis, zoals articulatie en stemgeving
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