284 research outputs found

    Advanced photonic and electronic systems WILGA 2016

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    Young Researchers Symposium WILGA on Photonics Applications and Web Engineering has been organized since 1998, two times a year. Subject area of the Wilga Symposium are advanced photonic and electronic systems in all aspects: theoretical, design and application, hardware and software, academic, scientific, research, development, commissioning and industrial, but also educational and development of research and technical staff. Each year, during the international Spring edition, the Wilga Symposium is attended by a few hundred young researchers, graduated M.Sc. students, Ph.D. students, young doctors, young research workers from the R&D institutions, universities, innovative firms, etc. Wilga, gathering through years the organization experience, has turned out to be a perfect relevant information exchange platform between young researchers from Poland with participation  of international guests, all active in the research areas of electron and photon technologies, electronics, photonics, telecommunications, automation, robotics and information technology, but also technical physics. The paper summarizes the achievements of the 38th Spring Edition of 2016 WILGA Symposium, organized in Wilga Village Resort owned by Warsaw University of technology

    Intrinsic Fibre Strain Sensor Interrogation Using Broadband Interferometry

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    Strain measurement is an essential part of quality control and monitoring for many engineering purposes. One of the best types of strain sensors is a fibre optic strain sensor. Optical fibre sensors have the exclusive upper hand and unique features compared to more traditional sensors, which make them very enticing for various purposes, notably those with demanding conditions where other conventional electrical sensors normally fail. Due to the harsh environment, explosion risks, durability, and massive electromagnetic noises, well-known electrical sensors are impermissible in numerous technical and industrial applications. The fibre optic sensors can endure severe conditions (pressure, high temperature) and offer complete electromagnetic immunity. Thus, fibre optic sensors are a viable alternative for these types of purposes. This thesis talks about: •What are the strain and different types of strain sensors? o Traditional mechanical and electrical strain sensors as well as some backgrounds to what a fibre optic is, and various kinds of fibre optic gauges. •The advantages and disadvantages of fibre optic gauges. •Different methods of fibre sensing and their modulation and demodulation techniques. o Various interferometry sensors and techniques like Michelson, Fabry-Perot, Mach-Zehnder and Sagnac. •Commercial research about the Fabry-Perot. o Choosing the Fabry-Perot (Intrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer)sensor, its advantages over other fibre optic sensors. •Setting up the testing system and various test steps that were taken, such as building two plastic jigs for the test. •Data analysis of the system, signal processing (Takeda method), different cropping and filtration of the signal to achieve the slope, and consequently calculate the strain, error%, stability, and various sensor characteristics. •The conclusion explains the need for the research, how the test was done and what it achieved

    Componentes em fibra ótica para comunicações óticas e sensores

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia FísicaNos últimos anos, a Optoelectrónica tem sido estabelecida como um campo de investigação capaz de conduzir a novas soluções tecnológicas. As conquistas abundantes no campo da óptica e lasers, bem como em comunicações ópticas têm sido de grande importância e desencadearam uma série de inovações. Entre o grande número de componentes ópticos existentes, os componentes baseados em fibra óptica são principalmente relevantes devido à sua simplicidade e à elevada de transporte de dados da fibra óptica. Neste trabalho foi focado um destes componentes ópticos: as redes de difracção em fibra óptica, as quais têm propriedades ópticas de processamento únicas. Esta classe de componentes ópticos é extremamente atraente para o desenvolvimento de dispositivos de comunicações ópticas e sensores. O trabalho começou com uma análise teórica aplicada a redes em fibra e foram focados os métodos de fabricação de redes em fibra mais utilizados. A inscrição de redes em fibra também foi abordado neste trabalho, onde um sistema de inscrição automatizada foi implementada para a fibra óptica de sílica, e os resultados experimentais mostraram uma boa aproximação ao estudo de simulação. Também foi desenvolvido um sistema de inscrição de redes de Bragg em fibra óptica de plástico. Foi apresentado um estudo detalhado da modulação acústico-óptica em redes em fibra óptica de sílica e de plástico. Por meio de uma análise detalhada dos modos de excitação mecânica aplicadas ao modulador acústico-óptico, destacou-se que dois modos predominantes de excitação acústica pode ser estabelecidos na fibra óptica, dependendo da frequência acústica aplicada. Através dessa caracterização, foi possível desenvolver novas aplicações para comunicações ópticas. Estudos e implementação de diferentes dispositivos baseados em redes em fibra foram realizados, usando o efeito acústico-óptico e o processo de regeneração em fibra óptica para várias aplicações tais como rápido multiplexador óptico add-drop, atraso de grupo sintonizável de redes de Bragg, redes de Bragg com descolamento de fase sintonizáveis, método para a inscrição de redes de Bragg com perfis complexos, filtro sintonizável para equalização de ganho e filtros ópticos notch ajustáveis.In the last years, the Optoelectronics has been established as a top field of research able to drive towards new technological solutions. The abundant achievements in the field of optics as well in optical communications have been of great importance and triggered a number of innovations. Among the large group of existing optical components, optical fiber components are mainly relevant due to three factors: their simplicity, their nature as an optical fiber based component and the capability of optical fiber to carry information. In this thesis the focus was on one of these optical components: optical fiber gratings, which have unique optical processing properties and are quite interesting for the development of devices for optical communications and sensing applications. The work started with a theoretical analysis applied to fiber gratings and continues with the most used fiber gratings production methods. The inscription of fiber gratings was also addressed in this work, where an automated inscription setup has been implemented for silica fiber, and experimental results showed a good approximation to the simulation study. Also, the inscription setup for gratings in polymer optical fiber was developed. A detailed analysis of the acousto-optic modulation in fiber gratings in silica and polymer optical fiber was presented. By means of a detailed analysis of the mechanical excitation modes applied to the modulator set, it was noticed that two predominant modes of acoustic excitation can be found in the optical fiber depending on the applied acoustic frequency. Through this characterization, it was possible to develop new applications. Studies and implementation of different devices based on fiber gratings were performed, using acousto-optic effect and regeneration process in optical fiber for photonic applications such as fast add-drop multiplexer, tunability of the fiber Bragg grating group delay, tunable phase-shift fiber Bragg grating, tunable mode coupler, method for inscription of complex fiber Bragg grating profiles, gain equalization filter and adjustable notch filters

    POF 2016: 25th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibres - proceedings

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    Fiber Bragg Grating Based Sensors and Systems

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    This book is a collection of papers that originated as a Special Issue, focused on some recent advances related to fiber Bragg grating-based sensors and systems. Conventionally, this book can be divided into three parts: intelligent systems, new types of sensors, and original interrogators. The intelligent systems presented include evaluation of strain transition properties between cast-in FBGs and cast aluminum during uniaxial straining, multi-point strain measurements on a containment vessel, damage detection methods based on long-gauge FBG for highway bridges, evaluation of a coupled sequential approach for rotorcraft landing simulation, wearable hand modules and real-time tracking algorithms for measuring finger joint angles of different hand sizes, and glaze icing detection of 110 kV composite insulators. New types of sensors are reflected in multi-addressed fiber Bragg structures for microwave–photonic sensor systems, its applications in load-sensing wheel hub bearings, and more complex influence in problems of generation of vortex optical beams based on chiral fiber-optic periodic structures. Original interrogators include research in optical designs with curved detectors for FBG interrogation monitors; demonstration of a filterless, multi-point, and temperature-independent FBG dynamical demodulator using pulse-width modulation; and dual wavelength differential detection of FBG sensors with a pulsed DFB laser

    Design and Development of an Optical Chip Interferometer For High Precision On-Line Surface Measurement

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    Advances in manufacturing and with the demand of achieving faster throughput at a lower cost in any industrial setting have put forward the need for embedded metrology. Embedded metrology is the provision of metrology on the manufacturing platform, enabling measurement without the removal of the workpiece. Providing closer integration of metrology upon the manufacturing platform will improve material processing and reliability of manufacture for high added value products in ultra-high-precision engineering. Currently, almost all available metrology instrumentation is either too bulky, slow, destructive in terms of damaging the surfaces with a contacting stylus or is carried out off-line. One technology that holds promise for improving the current state-of-the-art in the online measurement of surfaces is hybrid photonic integration. This technique provides for the integration of individual optoelectronic components onto silicon daughter boards which are then incorporated on a silica motherboard containing waveguides to produce a complete photonic circuit. This thesis presents first of its kind a novel chip interferometer sensor based on hybrid integration technology for online surface and dimensional metrology applications. The complete metrology sensor system is structured into two parts; hybrid photonic chip and optical probe. The hybrid photonic chip interferometer is based on a silica-on-silicon etched integrated-optic motherboard containing waveguide structures and evanescent couplers. Upon the motherboard, electro-optic components such as photodiodes and a semiconductor gain block are mounted and bonded to provide the required functionality. Optical probe is a separate entity attached to the integrated optic module which serves as optical stylus for surface scanning in two measurement modes a) A single-point for measuring distance and thus form/surface topography through movement of the device or workpiece, b) Profiling (lateral scanning where assessment of 2D surface parameters may be determined in a single shot. Wavelength scanning and phase shifting inteferometry implemented for the retrival of phase information eventually providing the surface height measurement. The signal analysis methodology for the two measurement modes is described as well as a theoretical and experimental appraisal of the metrology capabilities in terms of range and resolution. The incremetal development of various hybrid photonic modules such as wavelength encoder unit, signal detection unit etc. of the chip interferometer are presented. Initial measurement results from various componets of metrology sensor and the surface measurement results in two measurement modes validate the applicability of the described sensor system as a potential metrology tool for online surface measurement applications

    Advanced systems and methods for collecting accurate data in optical coherence tomography

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has recently emerged as a valuable technique in biomedical research and medical diagnostics. OCT based instruments allow acquisi- tion of high-resolution information about the internal structure of translucent organs and tissues without damaging the object. However, unaccounted object movements reduce the quality of acquired data, particularly in functional imaging and in OCT modalities that rely on continuous monitoring. Therefore there is a need for methods that allow mitigating the negative effects of the object movements on the data quality.In this thesis we present several methods and devices that allow improving the ac- curacy of collected data. First we introduce a novel frequency multiplexing method for OCT, which enables simultaneous measurements using several frequency-encoded channels. By doing so, several parameters are measured in the same time, reducing the time to acquire the data and making the technology less sensitive to object movements. We employed the method to extend the functionality of several OCT modalities. We have applied the multiplexer to enable simultaneous en face time domain OCT imag- ing at different depths. We have demonstrated a polarisation sensitive OCT set-up where different multiplexer channels are employed to perform polarisation sensitive measurements.Furthermore, we have demonstrated how the multiplexer can be applied to extend the sensitivity range in swept source based OCT systems. The experiments presented in this thesis illustrate the flexibility of our new multiplexing method, which has proven useful not only for increasing the accuracy of collected data, but as well for increasing the efficiency in using the light from the object.Alternatively, we have investigated tracking as a way to improve the quality of the OCT data acquired from the moving targets. We have demonstrated a closed-loop tracking based set-up that uses low coherence interferometry to continuously monitor the cardiac dynamics of a Drosophila melanogaster embryo

    Massively parallel coherent laser ranging using soliton microcombs

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    Coherent ranging, also known as frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) laser based ranging (LIDAR) is currently developed for long range 3D distance and velocimetry in autonomous driving. Its principle is based on mapping distance to frequency, and to simultaneously measure the Doppler shift of reflected light using frequency chirped signals, similar to Sonar or Radar. Yet, despite these advantages, coherent ranging exhibits lower acquisition speed and requires precisely chirped and highly-coherent laser sources, hindering their widespread use and impeding Parallelization, compared to modern time-of-flight (TOF) ranging that use arrays of individual lasers. Here we demonstrate a novel massively parallel coherent LIDAR scheme using a photonic chip-based microcomb. By fast chirping the pump laser in the soliton existence range of a microcomb with amplitudes up to several GHz and sweep rate up to 10 MHz, the soliton pulse stream acquires a rapid change in the underlying carrier waveform, while retaining its pulse-to-pulse repetition rate. As a result, the chirp from a single narrow-linewidth pump laser is simultaneously transferred to all spectral comb teeth of the soliton at once, and allows for true parallelism in FMCW LIDAR. We demonstrate this approach by generating 30 distinct channels, demonstrating both parallel distance and velocity measurements at an equivalent rate of 3 Mpixel/s, with potential to improve sampling rates beyond 150 Mpixel/s and increase the image refresh rate of FMCW LIDAR up to two orders of magnitude without deterioration of eye safety. The present approach, when combined with photonic phase arrays based on nanophotonic gratings, provides a technological basis for compact, massively parallel and ultra-high frame rate coherent LIDAR systems.Comment: 18 pages, 12 Figure