98 research outputs found

    Mapping and Testing Internet of Things Platforms for the Intelligent Maintenance of the Electrical Distribution Network

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    New technologies are crucial in the changing energy sector and the electricity network. The climate change and increasing dependence upon electricity are two main factors in this con-text. Consequently, there is a need to develop the reliability and quality of the electricity distribution system. The study was carried out in cooperation with Vaasan Sähköverkko. They wanted to explore and pilot possible alternatives to internet of things (IoT) technologies to be used in predictive maintenance of the electricity distribution network. The purpose of this study was to examine the features expected from good IoT platforms. Central to this study, was to demonstrate that IoT solutions could be built on these platforms in their operating environments connected to the distribution system. Internet of things platforms are a set of integrated software capabilities. The compared platforms in this study were M-Files, IoT-Ticket, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform. When comparing the selected IoT platforms, data related to different features was collected by implementing four practical cases. The first case was monitoring air conditions at Vaasa primary substation using a Ruuvitag sensor. The second case was use CoreTec and CoreSense to import condition monitoring data from the power transformer at Purola primary substation. The third example was import measurement and status data from the DC system at Alskat primary substation to IoT platforms. In the final case, data was retrieved from MicroSCADA Historian to a comma separated value file and exported to IoT platforms using either the representational state transfer application programmable Interface (REST API) or a Python software development kit. The results of this study demonstrate that it is possible to install of IoT technology on significantly different platforms. M-Files was the IoT platform with largest amount of open questions still remaining. IoT-Ticket appeared to be the easiest option for installation and end use. If an organization were to choose Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform, they would need to find reliable partners to develop the platforms with end users. During this study, it became evident that IoT technology is relatively evolved and organizations should begin using to use it with a low threshold if suitable applications are found. For example, predictive maintenance can be considered as a particularly suitable option for the IoT platform further utilization by a distribution system operator

    Software-defined zero-trust network architecture : Evolution from Purdue model -based networking

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    Digitalization has brought many technological developments which improve the business operations on many industries. In recent years, the drive towards service based solutions has superseded the locally managed solutions towards vendor managed solutions that are managed through the Internet. Unfortunately, the architecture, and the infrastructure which it is based on, have not developed at the same pace. This has led to organizations undermining the architecture and policies designed for it. Therefore, a modern architecture is needed with the capability of supporting these uprising technologies. The objective of this thesis was to find out if Purdue model works as a valid reference architecture for building networks in today’s standards, and if it needs to be replaced, what would be the alternatives. To answer the research question, it was first investigated whether Purdue model can be used for modern network architecture. After that, a literacy review was performed to see what some of the current and modern recommendations are. The literacy review also included research on what some of the current threats to digital platforms are, and how cybersecurity is engineered. It was discovered that zero trust architecture and software defined solutions enhance the overall security and management of the operating environments. The thesis concludes with a logical reference architecture for networks as a suggested solution. The suggested solution is a new network architecture that implements the elements of zero trust and uses software defined networking to manage the underlying infrastructure

    Static analysis for discovering IoT vulnerabilities

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    The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), released the \u201cOWASP Top 10 Internet of Things 2018\u201d list of the high-priority security vulnerabilities for IoT systems. The diversity of these vulnerabilities poses a great challenge toward development of a robust solution for their detection and mitigation. In this paper, we discuss the relationship between these vulnerabilities and the ones listed by OWASP Top 10 (focused on Web applications rather than IoT systems), how these vulnerabilities can actually be exploited, and in which cases static analysis can help in preventing them. Then, we present an extension of an industrial analyzer (Julia) that already covers five out of the top seven vulnerabilities of OWASP Top 10, and we discuss which IoT Top 10 vulnerabilities might be detected by the existing analyses or their extension. The experimental results present the application of some existing Julia\u2019s analyses and their extension to IoT systems, showing its effectiveness of the analysis of some representative case studies

    Dickson polynomial-based secure group authentication scheme for Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) paves the way for the modern smart industrial applications and cities. Trusted Authority acts as a sole control in monitoring and maintaining the communications between the IoT devices and the infrastructure. The communication between the IoT devices happens from one trusted entity of an area to the other by way of generating security certificates. Establishing trust by way of generating security certificates for the IoT devices in a smart city application can be of high cost and expensive. In order to facilitate this, a secure group authentication scheme that creates trust amongst a group of IoT devices owned by several entities has been proposed. The majority of proposed authentication techniques are made for individual device authentication and are also utilized for group authentication; nevertheless, a unique solution for group authentication is the Dickson polynomial based secure group authentication scheme. The secret keys used in our proposed authentication technique are generated using the Dickson polynomial, which enables the group to authenticate without generating an excessive amount of network traffic overhead. IoT devices' group authentication has made use of the Dickson polynomial. Blockchain technology is employed to enable secure, efficient, and fast data transfer among the unique IoT devices of each group deployed at different places. Also, the proposed secure group authentication scheme developed based on Dickson polynomials is resistant to replay, man-in-the-middle, tampering, side channel and signature forgeries, impersonation, and ephemeral key secret leakage attacks. In order to accomplish this, we have implemented a hardware-based physically unclonable function. Implementation has been carried using python language and deployed and tested on Blockchain using Ethereum Goerli’s Testnet framework. Performance analysis has been carried out by choosing various benchmarks and found that the proposed framework outperforms its counterparts through various metrics. Different parameters are also utilized to assess the performance of the proposed blockchain framework and shows that it has better performance in terms of computation, communication, storage and latency

    Navigating the IoT landscape: Unraveling forensics, security issues, applications, research challenges, and future

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    Given the exponential expansion of the internet, the possibilities of security attacks and cybercrimes have increased accordingly. However, poorly implemented security mechanisms in the Internet of Things (IoT) devices make them susceptible to cyberattacks, which can directly affect users. IoT forensics is thus needed for investigating and mitigating such attacks. While many works have examined IoT applications and challenges, only a few have focused on both the forensic and security issues in IoT. Therefore, this paper reviews forensic and security issues associated with IoT in different fields. Future prospects and challenges in IoT research and development are also highlighted. As demonstrated in the literature, most IoT devices are vulnerable to attacks due to a lack of standardized security measures. Unauthorized users could get access, compromise data, and even benefit from control of critical infrastructure. To fulfil the security-conscious needs of consumers, IoT can be used to develop a smart home system by designing a FLIP-based system that is highly scalable and adaptable. Utilizing a blockchain-based authentication mechanism with a multi-chain structure can provide additional security protection between different trust domains. Deep learning can be utilized to develop a network forensics framework with a high-performing system for detecting and tracking cyberattack incidents. Moreover, researchers should consider limiting the amount of data created and delivered when using big data to develop IoT-based smart systems. The findings of this review will stimulate academics to seek potential solutions for the identified issues, thereby advancing the IoT field.Comment: 77 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Blockchain in maritime cybersecurity

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    Blockchain technologies can be used for many different purposes from handling large amounts of data to creating better solutions for privacy protection, user authentication and a tamper proof ledger which lead to growing interest among industries. Smart contracts, fog nodes and different consensus methods create a scalable environment to secure multi-party connections with equal trust of participanting nodes’ identity. Different blockchains have multiple options for methodologies to use in different environments. This thesis has focused on Ethereum based open-source solutions that fit the remote pilotage environment the best. Autonomous vehicular networks and remote operatable devices have been a popular research topic in the last few years. Remote pilotage in maritime environment is persumed to reach its full potential with fully autonomous vessels in ten years which makes the topic interesting for all researchers. However cybersecurity in these environments is especially important because incidents can lead to financial loss, reputational damage, loss of customer and industry trust and environmental damage. These complex environments also have multiple attack vectors because of the systems wireless nature. Denial-of-service (DoS), man-in-the-middle (MITM), message or executable code injection, authentication tampering and GPS spoofing are one of the most usual attacks against large IoT systems. This is why blockchain can be used for creating a tamper proof environment with no single point-of-failure. After extensive research about best performing blockchain technologies Ethereum seemed the most preferable for decentralised maritime environment. In comparison to most of 2021 blockchain technologies that have focused on financial industries and cryptocurrencies, Ethereum has focused on decentralizing applications within many different industries. This thesis provides three Ethereum based blockchain protocol solutions and one operating system for these protocols. All have different features that add to the base blockchain technology but after extensive comparison two of these protocols perform better in means of concurrency and privacy. Hyperledger Fabric and Quorum provide many ways of tackling privacy, concurrency and parallel execution issues with consistent high throughput levels. However Hyperledger Fabric has far better throughput and concurrency management. This makes the solution of Firefly operating system with Hyperledger Fabric blockchain protocol the most preferable solution in complex remote pilotage fairway environment

    Anti-Theft Box: Arduino Safety Box with IoT Notifications

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    Theft cases often go unnoticed and are everywhere we are. It can happen in public, at school, at work or even in your own home. Things like this often happen to teens and older adults. Some of them do not have a safe place to store their valuables because of their carelessness. This is because they do not take this seriously. On the other hand, they already have their own safety box which is a great example of keeping items from being stolen or robbed. With the Internet of Things (IoT), this safety box can be improved by adding features that make it even safer to receive notifications on a mobile phone when the safety box is opened. With these improvements, property owners will become more aware of their goods because not everyone around us can be trusted. The use of these notifications is an update that will be created to improve the security of your goods. The methodology used to carry out this project is called Prototyping Method. In this way, prototype can be said to be both a design and an example of an existing system, but not yet fully functional. Prototypes will outline how a system works, and most prototype systems are not yet the perfect system to run

    Automated IoT device identification based on full packet information using real-time network traffic

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    In an Internet of Things (IoT) environment, a large volume of potentially confidential data might be leaked from sensors installed everywhere. To ensure the authenticity of such sensitive data, it is important to initially verify the source of data and its identity. Practically, IoT device identification is the primary step toward a secure IoT system. An appropriate device identification approach can counteract malicious activities such as sending false data that trigger irreparable security issues in vital or emergency situations. Recent research indicates that primary identity metrics such as Internet Protocol (IP) or Media Access Control (MAC) addresses are insufficient due to their instability or easy accessibility. Thus, to identify an IoT device, analysis of the header information of packets by the sensors is of imperative consideration. This paper proposes a combination of sensor measurement and statistical feature sets in addition to a header feature set using a classification-based device identification framework. Various machine Learning algorithms have been adopted to identify different combinations of these feature sets to provide enhanced security in IoT devices. The proposed method has been evaluated through normal and under-attack circumstances by collecting real-time data from IoT devices connected in a lab setting to show the system robustness

    IoT-HASS: A Framework For Protecting Smart Home Environment

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    While many solutions have been proposed for smart home security, the problem that no single solution fully protects the smart home environment still exists. In this research we propose a security framework to protect the smart home environment. The proposed framework includes three engines that complement each other to protect the smart home IoT devices. The first engine is an IDS/IPS module that monitors all traffic in the home network and then detects, alerts users, and/or blocks packets using anomaly-based detection. The second engine works as a device management module that scans and verifies IoT devices in the home network, allowing the user to flag any suspect device. The third engine works as a privacy monitoring module that monitors and detects information transmitted in plaintext and alerts the user if such information is detected. We call the proposed system IoT-Home Advanced Security System or IoT-HASS for short. IoT-HASS was developed using Python 3 and can be implemented in two modes of operation. The in-line mode allows the IoT-HASS to be installed in-line with the traffic inside a Raspberry Pi or a Router. In the in-line mode IoT-HASS acts as an IPS that can detect and block threats as well as alert the user. The second mode is the passive mode where IoT-HASS in not installed in-line with the traffic and can act as an IDS that passively monitors the traffic, detecting threats and alerting the user, but not blocking the attack. IoT-HASS was evaluated via four testing scenarios. It demonstrated superior performance in all testing scenarios in detecting attacks such as DDoS attacks, Brute Force Attacks, and Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks. In each of the four test scenarios, we also tested the device management functionality, which we found to successfully scan and display IoT devices for the homeowner. The extensive evaluating and testing of IoT-HASS showed that IoT-HASS can successfully run in a small device such as a Raspberry Pi, and thus, it will most likely run in an embedded device as an IoT device. Our future research will concentrate on strengthening the current features of IoT-HASS to include additional functionalities