12 research outputs found

    Sistem Marketplace Penitipan Hewan Dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi React Native

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    Keeping animals is a very fun hobby because pets can be entertainment in itself to relieve fatigue from daily activities. But there are certain times, the owner doesn't have time to take care of the pet, especially if there are tasks out of town for a few days, or other activities. Pet care is a solution to keep pets taken care of while their owners don't have time to take care of them. Animal care provides care facilities for pets that are deposited. Currently, many provide animal care services with the aim of helping facilitate the search for the best animal care services and according to needs. Developed a mobile application system in the form of an animal care marketplace using React Native technology. The purpose of making this system is so that animal owners can find animal care centers according to their wishes. There are two users who play a role in this system, namely animal owners and animal day care workers. The animal owner's user system can determine a message schedule to entrust animals to the care feature and choose the cage to be occupied. The advantage of this feature is that pet owners can also know the condition of their pets, because each officer will send information. Through testing this system, it is known that there are about 73% of users who want to use this system. This system helps people who have pets not to worry about doing care

    Sistem Marketplace Penitipan Hewan Dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi React Native

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    Keeping animals is a very fun hobby because pets can be entertainment in itself to relieve fatigue from daily activities. But there are certain times, the owner doesn't have time to take care of the pet, especially if there are tasks out of town for a few days, or other activities. Pet care is a solution to keep pets taken care of while their owners don't have time to take care of them. Animal care provides care facilities for pets that are deposited. Currently, many provide animal care services with the aim of helping facilitate the search for the best animal care services and according to needs. Developed a mobile application system in the form of an animal care marketplace using React Native technology. The purpose of making this system is so that animal owners can find animal care centers according to their wishes. There are two users who play a role in this system, namely animal owners and animal day care workers. The animal owner's user system can determine a message schedule to entrust animals to the care feature and choose the cage to be occupied. The advantage of this feature is that pet owners can also know the condition of their pets, because each officer will send information. Through testing this system, it is known that there are about 73% of users who want to use this system. This system helps people who have pets not to worry about doing care

    Wykorzystanie Node.js w tworzeniu aplikacjach sterowanych zdarzeniami

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    This paper discusses a new programming method - event driven programming. This method is compared with other popular ways of implementing web services to find its weak points and discover in which areas of modern web applications it could be implemented.W niniejszej publikacji omówiona została nowa technika tworzenia oprogramowania – programowanie sterowane zdarzeniami. Została ona porównana z innymi popularnymi technikami tworzenia serwisów w celu ujawnienia słabych punktów oraz sprawdzeniu, w jakich obszarach aplikacji internetowych nadaje się do stosowania

    Design of an open source-based control platform for an underwater remotely operated vehicle

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    This paper reports on the design of an open source-based control platform for the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Visor3. The vehicle’s original closed source-based control platform is first described. Due to the limitations of the previous infrastructure, modularity and flexibility are identified as the main guidelines for the proposed design. This new design includes hardware, firmware, software, and control architectures. Open-source hardware and software platforms are used for the development of the new system’s architecture, with support from the literature and the extensive experience acquired with the development of robotic exploration systems. This modular approach results in several frameworks that facilitate the functional expansion of the whole solution, the simplification of fault diagnosis and repair processes, and the reduction of development time, to mention a few

    Exploiting Input Sanitization for Regex Denial of Service

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    Web services use server-side input sanitization to guard against harmful input. Some web services publish their sanitization logic to make their client interface more usable, e.g., allowing clients to debug invalid requests locally. However, this usability practice poses a security risk. Specifically, services may share the regexes they use to sanitize input strings — and regex-based denial of service (ReDoS) is an emerging threat. Although prominent service outages caused by ReDoS have spurred interest in this topic, we know little about the degree to which live web services are vulnerable to ReDoS. In this paper, we conduct the first black-box study measuring the extent of ReDoS vulnerabilities in live web services. We apply the Consistent Sanitization Assumption: that client-side sanitization logic, including regexes, is consistent with the sanitization logic on the server-side. We identify a service’s regex-based input sanitization in its HTML forms or its API, find vulnerable regexes among these regexes, craft ReDoS probes, and pinpoint vulnerabilities. We analyzed the HTML forms of 1,000 services and the APIs of 475 services. Of these, 355 services publish regexes; 17 services publish unsafe regexes; and 6 services are vulnerable to ReDoS through their APIs (6 domains; 15 subdomains). Both Microsoft and Amazon Web Services patched their web services as a result of our disclosure. Since these vulnerabilities were from API specifications, not HTML forms, we proposed a ReDoS defense for a popular API validation library, and our patch has been merged. To summarize: in client-visible sanitization logic, some web services advertise ReDoS vulnerabilities in plain sight. Our results motivate short-term patches and long-term fundamental solutions

    Decision Analytics Using Permissioned Blockchain “Commledger”

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    The advent of Blockchain has introduced a paradigm shift in the area of Scientific Computing. The decision analytics embodiment in current technology fabric has introduced a need of incorporating Blockchain with industrial technology ecosystem. The utilization of Blockchain has introduced gaps in terms of standard business processes, while the data is being processed using the concept of traditional RDBMS and NoSQL data formats. The lag of permissioned and permissionless Blockchain is the problem area which is dealt with in this doctoral dissertation to provide a Proof of Permission (PoP) protocol for any organization or entity to tailor according to their environmental constraints. There has been a need of an opensource protocol that organizations can customize according to their needs, which is not bound of using only REST interactions. The research presented in this thesis provides such a solution for the industry. The provided propositions are the use of Tiered Asynchronous Locking Algorithm (TALA) to generate a key for securing an Authenticated Data Acceptance Marker (ADAM) block for a permissioned Blockchain Community Ledger (CommLedger)

    Taxonomy of Attacks on Open-Source Software Supply Chains

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    The widespread dependency on open-source software makes it a fruitful target for malicious actors, as demonstrated by recurring attacks. The complexity of today's open-source supply chains results in a significant attack surface, giving attackers numerous opportunities to reach the goal of injecting malicious code into open-source artifacts that is then downloaded and executed by victims. This work proposes a general taxonomy for attacks on open-source supply chains, independent of specific programming languages or ecosystems, and covering all supply chain stages from code contributions to package distribution. Taking the form of an attack tree, it covers 107 unique vectors, linked to 94 real-world incidents, and mapped to 33 mitigating safeguards. User surveys conducted with 17 domain experts and 134 software developers positively validated the correctness, comprehensiveness and comprehensibility of the taxonomy, as well as its suitability for various use-cases. Survey participants also assessed the utility and costs of the identified safeguards, and whether they are used

    Derivação de um estilo arquitetural para o front-end de sistemas baseados em React.js com base em projetos Open Source

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    O desenvolvimento de aplicações Web ao longo dos anos se tornou mais complexa e a necessidade de se utilizar frameworks para facilitar a criação e manutenção se tornou predominante. Por consequência, alguns frameworks ganharam espaço no mercado: An gular, Vue.js e React.js. O último deles não possui uma arquitetura definida e em com paração com os demais projetos é o mais popular. O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar a arquitetura de projetos Open Source que são desenvolvidos com o framework React.js e extrair elementos comuns para uma proposta de arquitetura. O resultado obtido mostra que os projetos selecionados seguem regras semelhantes ao que diz respeito a separação de conceitos de camada de visual e da camada de manipulação de estado, como também um comportamento semelhante na modularização de funcionalidades.Over the years, the development of Web applications was become more complex and the need to use an frameworks more common. As consequence, some frameworks become popular: Angular, Vue.js and React.js. The last one doesn’t have a defined architecture and is the most popular of them. The main goal of this project is to analyse Open Source projects that use React.js and extract common elements of the architecture. The conclu sion of the project show that all projects have common patterns related with visual and state manipulation segregation and a similar patterns for modularity of functionalities

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Manajemen Event Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya Malang)

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    Event dapat didefinisikan sebagai suatu kegiatan yang diselenggarakan guna memperingati hal-hal penting sepanjang hidup manusia baik secara individu ataupun kelompok (Noor, 2013). Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) sangat aktif dalam menyelenggarakan event seperti seminar, workshop, lomba dan lain-lain. Event tersebut dapat diselenggarakan oleh organisasi mahasiswa atau unit kerja fakultas. Untuk dapat mengadakan event di FIA UB tentunya pengaju event harus melalui prosedur tertentu. Prosedur pengajuan event berbeda-beda tergantung pengaju event, resource yang diperlukan serta lokasi penyelenggaraan event. Namun terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang timbul dalam proses pengajuan event di FIA UB. Dari perspektif pengaju event, masalah yang timbul antara lain pengaju event tidak mengetahui status pengajuan event yang diajukannya, tidak mengetahui status ketersediaan venue dan banyak pengaju event yang tidak mengetahui alur pengajuan event. Dari perspektif TU Subbag Umum & Perlengkapan, pengecekan ketersediaan venue dan pencatatan data peminjaman venue yang masih dilakukan didalam file kurang efisien dan memakan waktu. Sehingga dibuatlah aplikasi Manajemen Event untuk mempermudah proses pengajuan event, peminjaman venue dan pencairan dana. Untuk mengimplementasikan aplikasi Manajemen Event, penulis akan menggunakan Node.js dengan bantuan framework Express sebagai back-end dan SemanticUI yang merupakan framework CSS untuk membantu mempercepat pengimplementasian front-end dari aplikasi ini. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pengujian unit, pengujian validasi dan pengujian browser compatibility. Pada pengujian unit, seluruh independent paths telah diuji dan seluruhnya valid. Hasil pengujian validasi juga menunjukkan nilai 100% valid. Sedangkan hasil pengujian browser compatibility menunjukkan aplikasi dapat dijalankan secara sempurna (tanpa kehilangan fungsionalitas) di peramban Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox dan Opera

    Web Application for Inspecting Results of Automatic Video Processing and Manual Annotations

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá implementací webové aplikace pro získávání cenných dat pro anotování. Data se získávají převážně z videí a obrázků, ale mohou to také být deepfakes obrázky a gify. Pro detekování objektů ve videu se používá knihovna YOLO - You Only Look Once. Celá aplikace je vyvíjena v Node.js, na kterém běží backend aplikace a React pro vývoj frontendu. Pro lepší pochopení vývoje webových aplikací je v textu taktéž popsán historický vývoj webových technologií.The thesis pursues the implementation of the web application for obtaining valuable data for anotation. Data are mainly collected from videos and images, but they can be obtained from deepfakes images and gifs as well. The YOLO - You Only Look Once is used for object detection in the videos. Whole application is developed in node.js and react. Node.js for backend and react for frontend. For a better understanding of web application, there is also historical description of the web technologies.