30 research outputs found

    Assessing the geometric diversity of cytochrome P450 ligand conformers by hierarchical clustering with a stop criterion.

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    International audienceAn algorithm is presented, which exhibits a computed number of rigid conformers of an input small molecule, covering the geometric diversity in the conformational space, with minimal structural redundancy. The algorithm calls a conformer generator, then performs an agglomerative hierarchical clustering with the modified clustering gain as the stop criterion. The number of classes is computed without an arbitrary parameter. A representative conformer is selected in each class, and nonrepresentative conformers are discarded. For illustration, the algorithm has been applied on a database containing 70 ligands of the cytochrome CYP 3A4, showing that the structural flexibility of each ligand is indeed handled via a small number of its representative conformers. The method is valid for all small molecules

    About the Algebraic Solutions of Smallest Enclosing Cylinders Problems

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    Given n points in Euclidean space E^d, we propose an algebraic algorithm to compute the best fitting (d-1)-cylinder. This algorithm computes the unknown direction of the axis of the cylinder. The location of the axis and the radius of the cylinder are deduced analytically from this direction. Special attention is paid to the case d=3 when n=4 and n=5. For the former, the minimal radius enclosing cylinder is computed algebrically from constrained minimization of a quartic form of the unknown direction of the axis. For the latter, an analytical condition of existence of the circumscribed cylinder is given, and the algorithm reduces to find the zeroes of an one unknown polynomial of degree at most 6. In both cases, the other parameters of the cylinder are deduced analytically. The minimal radius enclosing cylinder is computed analytically for the regular tetrahedron and for a trigonal bipyramids family with a symmetry axis of order 3.Comment: 13 pages, 0 figure; revised version submitted to publication (previous version is a copy of the original one of 2010

    Cytochromes P450: Drug Metabolism, Bioactivation and Biodiversity 2.0

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    This book, "Cytochromes P450: Drug Metabolism, Bioactivation and Biodiversity", presents five papers on human cytochrome P450 (CYP) and P450 reductase, three reviews on the role of CYPs in humans and their use as biomarkers, six papers on CYPs in microorganisms, and one study on CYP in insects. The first paper reports the in silico modeling of human CYP3A4 access channels. The second uses structural methods to explain the mechanism-based inactivation of CYP3A4 by mibefradil, 6,7-dihydroxy-bergamottin, and azamulin. The third article compares electron transfer in CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 using structural and biochemical methods, and the fourth uses kinetic methods to study electron transfer to CYP2C8 allelic mutants. The fifth article characterizes electron transfer between the reductase and CYP using in silico and in vitro methods, focusing on the conformations of the reductase. Then, two reviews describe clinical implications in cardiology and oncology and the role of fatty acid metabolism in cardiology and skin diseases. The second review is on the potential use of circulating extracellular vesicles as biomarkers. Five papers analyze the CYPomes of diverse microorganisms: the Bacillus genus, Mycobacteria, the fungi Tremellomycetes, Cyanobacteria, and Streptomyces. The sixth focuses on a specific Mycobacterium CYP, CYP128, and its importance in M. tuberculosis. The subject of the last paper is CYP in Sogatella furcifera, a plant pest, and its resistance to the insecticide sulfoxaflor

    Identification of structure activity relationships in primary screening data of high-throughput screening assays

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    The aim of the thesis was to identify structure activity relationships (SAR) in the primary screening data of high-throughput screening (HTS) assays. The strategy was to perform a hierarchical clustering of the molecules, assign the primary screening data to the created clusters and derive models from the clusters. The models should serve to identify singletons, clusters enriched with actives, not confirmed hits and false-negatives. Two hierarchical clustering algorithms, NIPALSTREE and hierarchical k-means have been developed and adapted for this purpose, respectively. A graphical user interface (GUI) has been implemented to extract SAR from the clustering results. Retrospective and prospective applications of the clustering approach were performed. SAR models were created by combining the clustering results with different chemoinformatic methods. NIPALSTREE projects a data set onto one dimension using principle component analysis. The data set is sorted according to the scoring vector and split at the median position into two subsets. The algorithm is applied recursively onto the subsets. The hierarchical k-means recursively separates a data set into two clusters using the k-means algorithm. Both algorithms are capable of clustering large data sets with more than a million data points. They were validated and compared to each other on the basis of different structural classes. NIPALSTREE provided with the loading vectors first insights into SAR whereas the hierarchical k-means yielded superior results. A GUI was developed allowing the display of and the navigation in the clustering results. Functionalities were integrated to analyse the clusters in the dendrogram, molecules in a cluster, and physicochemical properties of a molecule. Measures were developed to identify clusters enriched with actives, to characterize singletons and to analyse selectivity and specificity. Different protease inhibitors of the COBRA database were examined using the hierarchical k-means algorithm. Supported by similarity searches and nearest neighbour analyses thrombin inhibitor singletons were quickly isolated and displayed in the dendrogram. By scaling enrichment factors to the logarithm of the dendrogram level, clusters enriched with different structural classes of factor Xa inhibitors were simultaneously identified. The observed co-clustering of other protease inhibitors provided a deeper insight into selectivity and specificity and shows the utility of the approach for constructing focussed screening libraries. Specificity was analyzed by extracting and clustering relative frequencies of the protease inhibitors from the clusters of dendrogram level 7. A unique ligand based point of view on the pocketome of the protease enzymes was obtained. To identify not confirmed hits and false-negatives in the primary screening data of HTS assays, three assays were retrospectively analysed with the hierarchical k-means algorithm. A rule catalogue was developed judging hits in terminal clusters based on the cluster size, the percent control values of the entries in a cluster, the overall hit rate, the hit rate in the cluster and the environment of a cluster in the dendrogram. It resulted in the identification of a high proportion of not confirmed hits and provided for each hit a rating in context of related non-hits. This allows prioritizing compounds for follow-up studies. Non-hits and hits were retrieved from terminal clusters containing hits. Molecules bearing false-negative scaffolds were co-extracted and enriched. To minimize the number of false-positives in the extracted lists, Bayesian regularized artificial neutral network classification models were trained with the data. Applying the models marked improvement of enrichment factors for the false-negatives was obtained. It proofs the scaffold-hopping potential of the approach. NIPALSTREE, the hierarchical k-means algorithm and self-organising maps were prospectively applied to identify novel lead candidates for dopamine D3 receptors. Compounds with novel scaffolds and low nanomolar binding affinity (65 nM, compound 42) were identified. To provide a deeper insight into the SAR of these molecules, different alternative computational methods were employed. Support vector-based regression and partial least squares were examined. Predictive models for dopamine D2 and D3 receptor binding affinity values were obtained. Important features explaining SAR were extracted from the models. The prospective application of the models to the diverse and novel virtual screening data was of limited success only. Docking studies were performed using a homology model of the dopamine D3 receptor. The visual inspection of the binding modes resulted in the hypothesis of two alternative binding pockets for the aryl moiety of dopamine D3 receptor antagonists. A pharmacophore model was created simultaneously requiring both aryl moieties. Virtual screening with the model identified a nanomolar hit (65 nM, compound 59) corroborating the hypothesis of the two binding pockets and providing a new lead structure for dopamine D3 receptors. The presented data shows that the combined approach of hierarchically clustering a data set in combination with the subsequent usage of the clusters for model generation is suited to extract SAR from screening data. The models are successful in identifying singletons, clusters enriched with actives, not confirmed hits and false-negative scaffolds.Das Ziel der Arbeit war es, Struktur-Aktivitätsbeziehungen (SAR) in primären Screeningdaten von Hochdurchsatzscreening (HTS)- Assays zu finden. Als Strategie sollten die Moleküle hierarchisch geclustert werden, die primären Screeningdaten den gebildeten Clustern zugeordnet und Modelle aus den Clustern abgeleitet werden. Die Modelle sollten das Auffinden von Singletons, mit Hits angereicherter Cluster, nicht bestätigter Hits und falsch Negativer ermöglichen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden zwei hierarchische Clusteralgorithmen, NIPALSTREE und hierarchischer k-means, entwickelt bzw. angepasst. Eine graphische Benutzeroberfläche (GUI) wurde implementiert, um SAR aus den Ergebnissen der Clusterung abzuleiten. Retrospektive und prospektive Anwendungen wurden mit den Clusteransätzen verfolgt. SAR Modelle wurden durch Verwendung der Ergebnisse der Clusterung mit verschiedenen chemoinformatischen Verfahren erstellt. NIPALSTREE projiziert mit Hilfe der Hauptkomponentenanalyse einen Datensatz auf eine Dimension. Der Datensatz wird anhand des Scoringvektors sortiert und, basierend auf dem Median, in zwei Teilmengen aufgetrennt. Der Algorithmus wird rekursiv auf die neu gebildeten Mengen angewandt. Der hierarchische k-means Algorithmus trennt, basierend auf dem k-means Algorithmus, einen Datensatz rekursiv in zwei Cluster auf. Beide Algorithmen sind in der Lage, große Datenmengen mit mehr als einer Million Datenpunkte zu clustern. Sie wurden anhand verschiedener Strukturklassen validiert und miteinander verglichen. NIPALSTREE erbrachte mit dem Loadingvektor erste Einblicke in die SAR, wohingegen der hierarchische k-means zu besseren Ergebnissen führte. Eine GUI wurde entwickelt, die es erlaubt, die Clusterergebnisse darzustellen und darin zu navigieren. Funktionalitäten wurden bereitgestellt, um die Cluster im Dendrogramm, die Moleküle eines Clusters und die physikochemischen Eigenschaften eines Moleküls zu analysieren. Verfahren wurden entwickelt, um mit Hits angereicherte Cluster zu finden, Singletons zu charakterisieren und Selektivität und Spezifität zu analysieren. Verschiedene Proteaseinhibitoren aus der COBRA-Datenbank wurden mit dem hierarchischen k-means Algorithmus näher betrachtet. Mit Hilfe von Ähnlichkeitssuchen und nächsten Nachbaranalysen wurden Thrombininhibitorsingletons im Dendrogram in kürzester Zeit isoliert und dargestellt. Cluster, die mit verschiedenen Strukturklassen von Faktor-Xa-Inhibitoren angereichert waren, wurden, durch Skalierung des Anreicherungsfaktors auf den Logarithmus der Dendrogrammebene, gleichzeitig im Dendrogramm identifiziert. Eine Clusterung der Faktor-Xa-Inhibitoren mit anderen Proteaseinhibitoren wurde beobachtet. Sie erbrachte einen vertieften Einblick in Selektivität und Spezifität und zeigt die Anwendbarkeit des Ansatzes zur Erstellung fokussierter Screeningbibliotheken. Durch Extrahierung und Clusterung der relativen Anteile der Proteaseinhibitoren aus den Clustern von Dendrogrammebene sieben wurde die Spezifität der Proteaseinhibitoren analysiert. Eine spezifische, Liganden basierte Betrachtung des Pocketoms der Proteaseenzyme wurde erhalten. Um nicht bestätigte Hits und falsch Negative in den primären Screening Daten von HTS Assays zu finden, wurden drei Assays in Retrospektive mit dem hierarchischen k-means analysiert. Ein Regelwerk wurde entwickelt, welches Hits anhand der Clustergröße, des Prozent-Kontrollwertes der Einträge eines Clusters, der Gesamthitrate, der Hitrate in einem Cluster und der Umgebung des Clusters im Dendrogramm bewertet. Das Regelwerk führte zum Auffindung eines großen Anteils nicht bestätigter Hits. Zudem wurde für jeden Hit eine Bewertung im Kontext verwandter Nichthits erhalten. Dies erlaubt ein Priorisieren von Molekülen für Folgeuntersuchungen. Nichthits und Hits wurden aus Endcluster, die Hits enthielten, extrahiert. Moleküle mit falsch negativen Molekülgrundgerüsten wurden koextrahiert und angereichert. Um falsch Positive in den extrahierten Listen zu minimieren, wurden Bayesische regularisierte neuronale Klassifizierungsnetze mit den Daten trainiert. Die Anwendung der Modelle ergab eine deutliche Verbesserung der Anreicherungsfaktoren der falsch Negativen. Es zeigt, dass die Methode in der Lage ist, einen Molekülgrundgerüstwechsel durchzuführen. NIPALSTREE, der hierarchische k-means und selbst organisierende Karten wurden prospektiv angewandt, um neue Leitstrukturkandidaten für Dopamin-D3-Rezeptoren zu finden. Moleküle mit neuen Molekülgrundgerüsten und Bindungsaffinitäten im niedrigen nanomolaren Bereich wurden gefunden (65 nM für Molekül 42). Um einen tieferen Einblick in die SAR dieser Moleküle zu erhalten, wurden verschiede Computerverfahren verwendet. Supportvektorregression und PLS („partial least squares“) wurden untersucht. Es war möglich, voraussagende Modelle für Dopamin-D2 und D3 Bindungsaffinitäten zu erstellen. Die SAR erklärende Moleküleigenschaften konnten aus den Modellen extrahiert werden. Die prospektive Anwendung der Modelle auf die diversen und neuen virtuellen Screeningdaten war nur von begrenztem Erfolg. Dockingstudien wurden mit einem Homologiemodell des Dopamin-D3-Rezeptors durchgeführt. Die visuelle Begutachtung der Bindemoden führte zur Hypothese zweier alternativer Bindetaschen für den Aryl-Rest von Dopamin-D3-Rezeptorantagonisten. Ein Pharmakophormodell wurde erstellt, welches beide Aryl-Reste gleichzeitig benötigt. Ein virtuelles Screening mit dem Modell identifizierte einen nanomolaren Hit (65 nM für Molekül 59), welcher die Hypothese unterstützt und eine neue Leitstruktur für Dopamin-D3-Rezeptoren darstellt. Die vorgestellten Daten zeigen, dass der kombinierte Ansatz aus hierarchischer Clusterung und anschließender Verwendung der Cluster zur Modellerstellung, SAR in HTS-Daten findet. Die Modelle sind geeignet zum Auffinden von Singletons, mit Hits angereichter Cluster, nicht bestätigter Hits und falsch negativer Molekülgrundgerüste

    P450 biochips : development of a protein microarray platform for investigating cytochrome P450 clinical drug metabolism

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 224-243).This thesis describes the development of a novel cytochrome P450 array format, the P450 Biochip that allows quantitative and truly high-throughput measurement of cytochrome P450-mediated turnover reactions in sub-nanolitre volumes

    Sixth Biennial Report : August 2001 - May 2003

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    Lead optimization for new antimalarials and Successful lead identification for metalloproteinases: A Fragment-based approach Using Virtual Screening

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    Lead optimization for new antimalarials and Successful lead identification for metalloproteinases: A Fragment-based approach Using Virtual Screening Computer-aided drug design is an essential part of the modern medicinal chemistry, and has led to the acceleration of many projects. The herein described thesis presents examples for its application in the field of lead optimization and lead identification for three metalloproteins. DOXP-reductoisomerase (DXR) is a key enzyme of the mevalonate independent isoprenoid biosynthesis. Structure-activity relationships for 43 DXR inhibitors are established, derived from protein-based docking, ligand-based 3D QSAR and a combination of both approaches as realized by AFMoC. As part of an effort to optimize the properties of the established inhibitor Fosmidomycin, analogues have been synthesized and tested to gain further insights into the primary determinants of structural affinity. Unfortunately, these structures still leave the active Fosmidomycin conformation and detailed reaction mechanism undetermined. This fact, together with the small inhibitor data set provides a major challenge for presently available docking programs and 3D QSAR tools. Using the recently developed protein tailored scoring protocol AFMoC precise prediction of binding affinities for related ligands as well as the capability to estimate the affinities of structurally distinct inhibitors has been achieved. Farnesyltransferase is a zinc-metallo enzyme that catalyzes the posttranslational modification of numerous proteins involved in intracellular signal transduction. The development of farnesyltransferase inhibitors is directed towards the so-called non-thiol inhibitors because of adverse drug effects connected to free thiols. A first step on the way to non-thiol farnesyltransferase inhibitors was the development of an CAAX-benzophenone peptidomimetic based on a pharmacophore model. On its basis bisubstrate analogues were developed as one class of non-thiol farnesyltransferase inhibitors. In further studies two aryl binding and two distinct specificity sites were postulated. Flexible docking of model compounds was applied to investigate the sub-pockets and design highly active non-thiol farnesyltransferase inhibitor. In addition to affinity, special attention was paid towards in vivo activity and species specificity. The second part of this thesis describes a possible strategy for computer-aided lead discovery. Assembling a complex ligand from simple fragments has recently been introduced as an alternative to traditional HTS. While frequently applied experimentally, only a few examples are known for computational fragment-based approaches. Mostly, computational tools are applied to compile the libraries and to finally assess the assembled ligands. Using the metalloproteinase thermolysin (TLN) as a model target, a computational fragment-based screening protocol has been established. Starting with a data set of commercially available chemical compounds, a fragment library has been compiled considering (1) fragment likeness and (2) similarity to known drugs. The library is screened for target specificity, resulting in 112 fragments to target the zinc binding area and 75 fragments targeting the hydrophobic specificity pocket of the enzyme. After analyzing the performance of multiple docking programs and scoring functions forand the most 14 candidates are selected for further analysis. Soaking experiments were performed for reference fragment to derive a general applicable crystallization protocol for TLN and subsequently for new protein-fragment complex structures. 3-Methylsaspirin could be determined to bind to TLN. Additional studies addressed a retrospective performance analysis of the applied scoring functions and modification on the screening hit. Curios about the differences of aspirin and 3-methylaspirin, 3-chloroaspirin has been synthesized and affinities could be determined to be 2.42 mM; 1.73 mM und 522 μM respectively. The results of the thesis show, that computer aided drug design approaches could successfully support projects in lead optimization and lead identification. fragments in general, the fragments derived from the screening are docke

    Field-based Proteochemometric Models Derived from 3D Protein Structures : A Novel Approach to Visualize Affinity and Selectivity Features

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    Designing drugs that are selective is crucial in pharmaceutical research to avoid unwanted side effects. To decipher selectivity of drug targets, computational approaches that utilize the sequence and structural information of the protein binding pockets are frequently exploited. In addition to methods that rely only on protein information, quantitative approaches such as proteochemometrics (PCM) use the combination of protein and ligand descriptions to derive quantitative relationships with binding affinity. PCM aims to explain cross-interactions between the different proteins and ligands, hence facilitating our understanding of selectivity. The main goal of this dissertation is to develop and apply field-based PCM to improve the understanding of relevant molecular interactions through visual illustrations. Field-based description that depends on the 3D structural information of proteins enhances visual interpretability of PCM models relative to the frequently used sequence-based descriptors for proteins. In these field-based PCM studies, knowledge-based fields that explain polarity and lipophilicity of the binding pockets and WaterMap-derived fields that elucidate the positions and energetics of water molecules are used together with the various 2D / 3D ligand descriptors to investigate the selectivity profiles of kinases and serine proteases. Field-based PCM is first applied to protein kinases, for which designing selective inhibitors has always been a challenge, owing to their highly similar ATP binding pockets. Our studies show that the method could be successfully applied to pinpoint the regions influencing the binding affinity and selectivity of kinases. As an extension of the initial studies conducted on a set of 50 kinases and 80 inhibitors, field-based PCM was used to build classification models on a large dataset (95 kinases and 1572 inhibitors) to distinguish active from inactive ligands. The prediction of the bioactivities of external test set compounds or kinases with accuracies over 80% (Matthews correlation coefficient, MCC: ~0.50) and area under the ROC curve (AUC) above 0.8 together with the visual inspection of the regions promoting activity demonstrates the ability of field-based PCM to generate both predictive and visually interpretable models. Further, the application of this method to serine proteases provides an overview of the sub-pocket specificities, which is crucial for inhibitor design. Additionally, alignment-independent Zernike descriptors derived from fields were used in PCM models to study the influence of protein superimpositions on field comparisons and subsequent PCM modelling.Lääketutkimuksessa selektiivisten lääkeaineiden suunnittelu on ratkaisevan tärkeää haittavaikutusten välttämiseksi. Kohdeselektiivisyyden selvittämiseen käytetään usein tietokoneavusteisia menetelmiä, jotka hyödyntävät proteiinien sitoutumiskohtien sekvenssi- ja rakennetietoja. Proteiinilähtöisten menetelmien lisäksi kvantitatiiviset menetelmät kuten proteokemometria (proteochemometrics, PCM) yhdistävät sekä proteiinin että ligandin tietoja muodostaessaan kvantitatiivisen suhteen sitoutumisaffiniteettiin. PCM pyrkii selittämään eri proteiinien ja ligandien vuorovaikutuksia ja näin auttaa ymmärtämään selektiivisyyttä. Väitöstutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää ja hyödyntää kenttäpohjaista proteokemometriaa, joka auttaa ymmärtämään relevantteja molekyylitasoisia vuorovaikutuksia visuaalisen esitystavan kautta. Proteiinin kolmiulotteisesta rakenteesta riippuva kenttäpohjainen kuvaus helpottaa PCM-mallien tulkintaa, etenkin usein käytettyihin sekvenssipohjaisiin kuvauksiin verrattuna. Näissä kenttäpohjaisissa PCM-mallinnuksissa käytettiin tietoperustaisia sitoutumistaskun polaarisuutta ja lipofiilisyyttä kuvaavia kenttiä ja WaterMap-ohjelman tuottamia vesimolekyylien sijaintia ja energiaa havainnollistavia kenttiä yhdessä lukuisten ligandia kuvaavien 2D- ja 3D-deskriptorien kanssa. Malleja sovellettiin kinaasien ja seriiniproteaasien selektiivisyysprofiilien tutkimukseen. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä osassa kenttäpohjaista PCM-mallinnusta sovellettiin proteiinikinaaseihin, joille selektiivisten inhibiittorien suunnittelu on haastavaa samankaltaisten ATP sitoutumistaskujen takia. Tutkimuksemme osoitti menetelmän soveltuvan kinaasien sitoutumisaffiniteettia ja selektiivisyyttä ohjaavien alueiden osoittamiseen. Jatkona 50 kinaasia ja 80 inhibiittoria käsittäneelle alkuperäiselle tutkimukselle rakensimme kenttäpohjaisia PCM-luokittelumalleja suuremmalle joukolle kinaaseja (95) ja inhibiittoreita (1572) erotellaksemme aktiiviset ja inaktiiviset ligandit toisistaan. Ulkoisen testiyhdiste- tai testikinaasijoukon bioaktiivisuuksien ennustaminen yli 80 % tarkkuudella (Matthews korrelaatiokerroin, MCC noin 0,50) ja ROC-käyrän alle jäävä ala (AUC) yli 0,8 yhdessä aktiivisuutta tukevien alueiden visuaalisen tarkastelun kanssa osoittivat kenttäpohjaisen PCM:n pystyvän tuottamaan sekä ennustavia että visuaalisesti ymmärrettäviä malleja. Tutkimuksen toisessa osassa metodin soveltaminen seriiniproteaaseihin tuotti yleisnäkemyksen sitoutumistaskun eri osien spesifisyyksistä, mikä on ensiarvoisen tärkeää inhibiittorien suunnittelulle. Lisäksi kentistä johdettuja, proteiinien päällekkäinasettelusta riippumattomia Zernike-deskriptoreita hyödynnettiin PCM-malleissa arvioidaksemme proteiinien päällekkäinasettelun vaikutusta kenttien vertailuun ja sen jälkeiseen PCM-mallinnukseen

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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