723 research outputs found

    Smallest k-Enclosing Rectangle Revisited

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    Given a set of n points in the plane, and a parameter k, we consider the problem of computing the minimum (perimeter or area) axis-aligned rectangle enclosing k points. We present the first near quadratic time algorithm for this problem, improving over the previous near-O(n^{5/2})-time algorithm by Kaplan et al. [Haim Kaplan et al., 2017]. We provide an almost matching conditional lower bound, under the assumption that (min,+)-convolution cannot be solved in truly subquadratic time. Furthermore, we present a new reduction (for either perimeter or area) that can make the time bound sensitive to k, giving near O(n k) time. We also present a near linear time (1+epsilon)-approximation algorithm to the minimum area of the optimal rectangle containing k points. In addition, we study related problems including the 3-sided, arbitrarily oriented, weighted, and subset sum versions of the problem

    Reconfiguration of 3D Crystalline Robots Using O(log n) Parallel Moves

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    We consider the theoretical model of Crystalline robots, which have been introduced and prototyped by the robotics community. These robots consist of independently manipulable unit-square atoms that can extend/contract arms on each side and attach/detach from neighbors. These operations suffice to reconfigure between any two given (connected) shapes. The worst-case number of sequential moves required to transform one connected configuration to another is known to be Theta(n). However, in principle, atoms can all move simultaneously. We develop a parallel algorithm for reconfiguration that runs in only O(log n) parallel steps, although the total number of operations increases slightly to Theta(nlogn). The result is the first (theoretically) almost-instantaneous universally reconfigurable robot built from simple units.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Minimum Perimeter-Sum Partitions in the Plane

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    Let P be a set of n points in the plane. We consider the problem of partitioning P into two subsets P_1 and P_2 such that the sum of the perimeters of CH(P_1) and CH(P_2) is minimized, where CH(P_i) denotes the convex hull of P_i. The problem was first studied by Mitchell and Wynters in 1991 who gave an O(n^2) time algorithm. Despite considerable progress on related problems, no subquadratic time algorithm for this problem was found so far. We present an exact algorithm solving the problem in O(n log^4 n) time and a (1+e)-approximation algorithm running in O(n + 1/e^2 log^4(1/e)) time

    Higher Sobolev Regularity of Convex Integration Solutions in Elasticity: The Dirichlet Problem with Affine Data in int(Klc)\text{int}(K^{lc})

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    In this article we continue our study of higher Sobolev regularity of flexible convex integration solutions to differential inclusions arising from applications in materials sciences. We present a general framework yielding higher Sobolev regularity for Dirichlet problems with affine data in int(Klc)\text{int}(K^{lc}). This allows us to simultaneously deal with linear and nonlinear differential inclusion problems. We show that the derived higher integrability and differentiability exponent has a lower bound, which is independent of the position of the Dirichlet boundary data in int(Klc)\text{int}(K^{lc}). As applications we discuss the regularity of weak isometric immersions in two and three dimensions as well as the differential inclusion problem for the geometrically linear hexagonal-to-rhombic and the cubic-to-orthorhombic phase transformations occurring in shape memory alloys.Comment: 50 pages, 13 figure

    A design flow for performance planning : new paradigms for iteration free synthesis

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    In conventional design, higher levels of synthesis produce a netlist, from which layout synthesis builds a mask specification for manufacturing. Timing anal ysis is built into a feedback loop to detect timing violations which are then used to update specifications to synthesis. Such iteration is undesirable, and for very high performance designs, infeasible. The problem is likely to become much worse with future generations of technology. To achieve a non-iterative design flow, early synthesis stages should use wire planning to distribute delays over the functional elements and interconnect, and layout synthesis should use its degrees of freedom to realize those delays

    Coverage & cooperation: Completing complex tasks as quickly as possible using teams of robots

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    As the robotics industry grows and robots enter our homes and public spaces, they are increasingly expected to work in cooperation with each other. My thesis focuses on multirobot planning, specifically in the context of coverage robots, such as robotic lawnmowers and vacuum cleaners. Two problems unique to multirobot teams are task allocation and search. I present a task allocation algorithm which balances the workload amongst all robots in the team with the objective of minimizing the overall mission time. I also present a search algorithm which robots can use to find lost teammates. It uses a probabilistic belief of a target robot’s position to create a planning tree and then searches by following the best path in the tree. For robust multirobot coverage, I use both the task allocation and search algorithms. First the coverage region is divided into a set of small coverage tasks which minimize the number of turns the robots will need to take. These tasks are then allocated to individual robots. During the mission, robots replan with nearby robots to rebalance the workload and, once a robot has finished its tasks, it searches for teammates to help them finish their tasks faster

    Efficient bulk-loading methods for temporal and multidimensional index structures

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    Nahezu alle naturwissenschaftlichen Bereiche profitieren von neuesten Analyse- und Verarbeitungsmethoden für große Datenmengen. Diese Verfahren setzten eine effiziente Verarbeitung von geo- und zeitbezogenen Daten voraus, da die Zeit und die Position wichtige Attribute vieler Daten sind. Die effiziente Anfrageverarbeitung wird insbesondere durch den Einsatz von Indexstrukturen ermöglicht. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit liegen zwei Indexstrukturen: Multiversion B-Baum (MVBT) und R-Baum. Die erste Struktur wird für die Verwaltung von zeitbehafteten Daten, die zweite für die Indexierung von mehrdimensionalen Rechteckdaten eingesetzt. Ständig- und schnellwachsendes Datenvolumen stellt eine große Herausforderung an die Informatik dar. Der Aufbau und das Aktualisieren von Indexen mit herkömmlichen Methoden (Datensatz für Datensatz) ist nicht mehr effizient. Um zeitnahe und kosteneffiziente Datenverarbeitung zu ermöglichen, werden Verfahren zum schnellen Laden von Indexstrukturen dringend benötigt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit widmen wir uns der Frage, ob es ein Verfahren für das Laden von MVBT existiert, das die gleiche I/O-Komplexität wie das externe Sortieren besitz. Bis jetzt blieb diese Frage unbeantwortet. In dieser Arbeit haben wir eine neue Kostruktionsmethode entwickelt und haben gezeigt, dass diese gleiche Zeitkomplexität wie das externe Sortieren besitzt. Dabei haben wir zwei algorithmische Techniken eingesetzt: Gewichts-Balancierung und Puffer-Bäume. Unsere Experimenten zeigen, dass das Resultat nicht nur theoretischer Bedeutung ist. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit der Frage, ob und wie statistische Informationen über Geo-Anfragen ausgenutzt werden können, um die Anfrageperformanz von R-Bäumen zu verbessern. Unsere neue Methode verwendet Informationen wie Seitenverhältnis und Seitenlängen eines repräsentativen Anfragerechtecks, um einen guten R-Baum bezüglich eines häufig eingesetzten Kostenmodells aufzubauen. Falls diese Informationen nicht verfügbar sind, optimieren wir R-Bäume bezüglich der Summe der Volumina von minimal umgebenden Rechtecken der Blattknoten. Da das Problem des Aufbaus von optimalen R-Bäumen bezüglich dieses Kostenmaßes NP-hart ist, führen wir zunächst das Problem auf ein eindimensionales Partitionierungsproblem zurück, indem wir die Daten bezüglich optimierte raumfüllende Kurven sortieren. Dann lösen wir dieses Problem durch Einsatz vom dynamischen Programmieren. Die I/O-Komplexität des Verfahrens ist gleich der von externem Sortieren, da die I/O-Laufzeit der Methode durch die Laufzeit des Sortierens dominiert wird. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit haben wir die entwickelten Partitionierungsvefahren für den Aufbau von Geo-Histogrammen eingesetzt, da diese ähnlich zu R-Bäumen eine disjunkte Partitionierung des Raums erzeugen. Ergebnisse von intensiven Experimenten zeigen, dass sich unter Verwendung von neuen Partitionierungstechniken sowohl R-Bäume mit besserer Anfrageperformanz als auch Geo-Histogrammen mit besserer Schätzqualität im Vergleich zu Konkurrenzverfahren generieren lassen

    A study of stochastic 2D Minority CA : would wearing stripes be a fatality for snob people ?

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    Cellular automata are usually associated with synchronous deterministic dynamics, and their asynchronous or stochastic versions have been far less studied although relevant for modeling purposes. The study of their asynchronous dynamics is all the more needed that their asynchronous behaviors are drastically different from their synchronous ones. This paper analyzes the dynamics of a two-dimensional cellular automaton, 2D Minority, under fully asynchronous dynamics, where only one random cell updates at each time step. This cellular automaton is of particular interest in computer science, biology or social science for instance, and already presents a rich variety of behaviors although the apparent simplicity of its transition rule. In particular, it captures some important features, like the emergence of striped patterns, which are common, according to experiments, to other important automata, such as Game of Life. In this paper, we present a mathematical analysis of the first steps and the last steps of the asynchronous dynamics of 2D Minority. Our results are based on the definition of an interaction energy and rely on the analysis of the dynamics of the borders between competing regions. Our results are a first step towards a complete analysis of this stochastic cellular automaton. Many questions remain open: in particular describing mathematically the middle part of the evolution of 2D Minority where many regions compete with each other, or defining similar parameters (energy, borders,...) for other automata (such as Game of Life) that present similarities with 2D Minority in their asynchronous behaviors

    Filling algorithms and analyses for layout density control

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