9 research outputs found

    Are developers aware of the architectural impact of their changes?

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    Although considered one of the most important decisions in a software development lifecycle, empirical evidence on how developers perform and perceive architectural changes is still scarce. Given the large implications of architectural decisions, we do not know whether developers are aware of their changes' impact on the software's architecture, whether awareness leads to better changes, and whether automatically making developers aware would prevent degradation. Therefore, we use code review data of 4 open source systems to investigate the intent and awareness of developers when performing changes. We extracted 8,900 reviews for which the commits are available. 2,152 of the commits have changes in their computed architectural metrics, and 338 present significant changes to the architecture. We manually inspected all reviews for commits with significant changes and found that only in 38% of the time developers are discussing the impact of their changes on the architectural structure, suggesting a lack of awareness. Finally, we observed that developers tend to be more aware of the architectural impact of their changes when the architectural structure is improved, suggesting that developers should be automatically made aware when their changes degrade the architectural structure

    CROP: linking code reviews to source code changes

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    Code review has been widely adopted by both industrial and open source software development communities. Research in code review is highly dependant on real-world data, and although existing researchers have attempted to provide code review datasets, there is still no dataset that links code reviews with complete versions of the system's code base mainly because reviewed versions are not kept in the system's version control repository. Thus, we present CROP, the Code Review Open Platform, the first curated code review repository that links review data with isolated complete versions (snapshots) of the source code at the time of review. CROP currently provides data for 8 software systems, 48,975 reviews and 112,617 patches, including versions of the systems that are inaccessible in the systems' original repositories. Moreover, CROP is extensible, and it will be continuously curated and extended

    Software restructuring: understanding longitudinal architectural changes and refactoring

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    The complexity of software systems increases as the systems evolve. As the degradation of the system's structure accumulates, maintenance effort and defect-proneness tend to increase. In addition, developers often opt to employ sub-optimal solutions in order to achieve short-time goals, in a phenomenon that has been recently called technical debt. In this context, software restructuring serves as a way to alleviate and/or prevent structural degradation. Restructuring of software is usually performed in either higher or lower levels of granularity, where the first indicates broader changes in the system's structural architecture and the latter indicates refactorings performed to fewer and localised code elements. Although tools to assist architectural changes and refactoring are available, there is still no evidence these approaches are widely adopted by practitioners. Hence, an understanding of how developers perform architectural changes and refactoring in their daily basis and in the context of the software development processes they adopt is necessary. Current software development is iterative and incremental with short cycles of development and release. Thus, tools and processes that enable this development model, such as continuous integration and code review, are widespread among software engineering practitioners. Hence, this thesis investigates how developers perform longitudinal and incremental architectural changes and refactoring during code review through a wide range of empirical studies that consider different moments of the development lifecycle, different approaches, different automated tools and different analysis mechanisms. Finally, the observations and conclusions drawn from these empirical investigations extend the existing knowledge on how developers restructure software systems, in a way that future studies can leverage this knowledge to propose new tools and approaches that better fit developers' working routines and development processes

    The Impact of Code Review on Architectural Changes

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    Although considered one of the most important decisions in the software development lifecycle, empirical evidence on how developers perform and perceive architectural changes remains scarce. Architectural decisions have far-reaching consequences yet, we know relatively little about the level of developers' awareness of their changes' impact on the software's architecture. We also know little about whether architecture-related discussions between developers lead to better architectural changes. To provide a better understanding of these questions, we use the code review data from 7 open source systems to investigate developers' intent and awareness when performing changes alongside the evolution of the changes during the reviewing process. We extracted the code base of 18,400 reviews and 51,889 revisions. 4,171 of the reviews have changes in their computed architectural metrics, and 731 present significant changes to the architecture. We manually inspected all reviews that caused significant changes and found that developers are discussing the impact of their changes on the architectural structure in only 31% of the cases, suggesting a lack of awareness. Moreover, we noticed that in 73% of the cases in which developers provided architectural feedback during code review, the comments were addressed, where the final merged revision tended to exhibit higher architectural improvement than reviews in which the system's structure is not discussed

    Studying the Impact of Risk Assessment Analytics on Risk Awareness and Code Review Performance

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    While code review is a critical component of modern software quality assurance, defects can still slip through the review process undetected. Previous research suggests that the main reason for this is a lack of reviewer awareness about the likelihood of defects in proposed changes; even experienced developers may struggle to evaluate the potential risks. If a change’s riskiness is underestimated, it may not receive adequate attention during review, potentially leading to defects being introduced into the codebase. In this thesis, we investigate how risk assessment analytics can influence the level of awareness among developers regarding the potential risks associated with code changes; we also study how effective and efficient reviewers are at detecting defects during code review with the use of such analytics. We conduct a controlled experiment using Gherald, a risk assessment prototype tool that analyzes the riskiness of change sets based on historical data. Following a between-subjects experimental design, we assign participants to the treatment (i.e., with access to Gherald) or control group. All participants are asked to perform risk assessment and code review tasks. Through our experiment with 48 participants, we find that the use of Gherald is associated with statistically significant improvements (one-tailed, unpaired Mann-Whitney U test, α = 0.05) in developer awareness of riskiness of code changes and code review effectiveness. Moreover, participants in the treatment group tend to identify the known defects more quickly than those in the control group; however, the difference between the two groups is not statistically significant. Our results lead us to conclude that the adoption of a risk assessment tool has a positive impact on code review practices, which provides valuable insights for practitioners seeking to enhance their code review process and highlights the importance for further research to explore more effective and practical risk assessment approaches

    Supporting Modern Code Review

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    Modern code review is a lightweight and asynchronous process of auditing code changes that is done by a reviewer other than the author of the changes. Code review is widely used in both open source and industrial projects because of its diverse benefits, which include defect identification, code improvement, and knowledge transfer. This thesis presents three research results on code review. First, we conduct a large-scale developer survey. The objective of the survey is to understand how developers conduct code review and what difficulties they face in the process. We also reproduce the survey questions from the previous studies to broaden the base of empirical knowledge in the code review research community. Second, we investigate in depth the coding conventions applied during code review. These coding conventions guide developers to write source code in a consistent format. We determine how many coding convention violations are introduced, removed, and addressed, based on comments left by reviewers. The results show that developers put a great deal of effort into checking for convention violations, although various convention checking tools are available. Third, we propose a technique that automatically recommends related code review requests. When a new patch is submitted for code review, our technique recommends previous code review requests that contain a patch similar to the new one. Developers can locate meaningful information and development context from our recommendations. With two empirical studies and an automation technique for recommending related code reviews, this thesis broadens the empirical knowledge base for code review practitioners and provides a useful approach that supports developers in streamlining their review efforts

    Code similarity and clone search in large-scale source code data

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    Software development is tremendously benefited from the Internet by having online code corpora that enable instant sharing of source code and online developer's guides and documentation. Nowadays, duplicated code (i.e., code clones) not only exists within or across software projects but also between online code repositories and websites. We call them "online code clones."' They can lead to license violations, bug propagation, and re-use of outdated code similar to classic code clones between software systems. Unfortunately, they are difficult to locate and fix since the search space in online code corpora is large and no longer confined to a local repository. This thesis presents a combined study of code similarity and online code clones. We empirically show that many code snippets on Stack Overflow are cloned from open source projects. Several of them become outdated or violate their original license and are possibly harmful to reuse. To develop a solution for finding online code clones, we study various code similarity techniques to gain insights into their strengths and weaknesses. A framework, called OCD, for evaluating code similarity and clone search tools is introduced and used to compare 34 state-of-the-art techniques on pervasively modified code and boiler-plate code. We also found that clone detection techniques can be enhanced by compilation and decompilation. Using the knowledge from the comparison of code similarity analysers, we create and evaluate Siamese, a scalable token-based clone search technique via multiple code representations. Our evaluation shows that Siamese scales to large-scale source code data of 365 million lines of code and offers high search precision and recall. Its clone search precision is comparable to seven state-of-the-art clone detection tools on the OCD framework. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of Siamese by applying the tool to find online code clones, automatically analyse clone licenses, and recommend tests for reuse