46 research outputs found

    Video Compression from the Hardware Perspective

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    CABAC accelerator architectures for video compression in future multimedida : a survey

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    The demands for high quality, real-time performance and multi-format video support in consumer multimedia products are ever increasing. In particular, the future multimedia systems require efficient video coding algorithms and corresponding adaptive high-performance computational platforms. The H.264/AVC video coding algorithms provide high enough compression efficiency to be utilized in these systems, and multimedia processors are able to provide the required adaptability, but the algorithms complexity demands for more efficient computing platforms. Heterogeneous (re-)configurable systems composed of multimedia processors and hardware accelerators constitute the main part of such platforms. In this paper, we survey the hardware accelerator architectures for Context-based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (CABAC) of Main and High profiles of H.264/AVC. The purpose of the survey is to deliver a critical insight in the proposed solutions, and this way facilitate further research on accelerator architectures, architecture development methods and supporting EDA tools. The architectures are analyzed, classified and compared based on the core hardware acceleration concepts, algorithmic characteristics, video resolution support and performance parameters, and some promising design directions are discussed. The comparative analysis shows that the parallel pipeline accelerator architecture seems to be the most promising

    RVC-CAL dataflow implementations of MPEG AVC/H.264 CABAC decoding

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    International audienceThis paper describes the implementation of the MPEG AVC CABAC entropy decoder using the RVC-CAL dataflow programming language. CABAC is the Context based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding entropy decoder that is used by the MPEG AVC/H.264 main and high profile video standard. CABAC algorithm provides increased compression efficiency, however presents a higher complexity compared to other entropy coding algorithms. This implementation of the CABAC entropy decoder using RVC-CAL proofs that complex algorithms can be implemented using a high level design language. This paper analyzes in detail two possible methods of implementing the CABAC entropy decoder in the dataflow paradigm

    A Deeply Pipelined CABAC Decoder for HEVC Supporting Level 6.2 High-tier Applications

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    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is the latest video coding standard that specifies video resolutions up to 8K Ultra-HD (UHD) at 120 fps to support the next decade of video applications. This results in high-throughput requirements for the context adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC) entropy decoder, which was already a well-known bottleneck in H.264/AVC. To address the throughput challenges, several modifications were made to CABAC during the standardization of HEVC. This work leverages these improvements in the design of a high-throughput HEVC CABAC decoder. It also supports the high-level parallel processing tools introduced by HEVC, including tile and wavefront parallel processing. The proposed design uses a deeply pipelined architecture to achieve a high clock rate. Additional techniques such as the state prefetch logic, latched-based context memory, and separate finite state machines are applied to minimize stall cycles, while multibypass- bin decoding is used to further increase the throughput. The design is implemented in an IBM 45nm SOI process. After place-and-route, its operating frequency reaches 1.6 GHz. The corresponding throughputs achieve up to 1696 and 2314 Mbin/s under common and theoretical worst-case test conditions, respectively. The results show that the design is sufficient to decode in real-time high-tier video bitstreams at level 6.2 (8K UHD at 120 fps), or main-tier bitstreams at level 5.1 (4K UHD at 60 fps) for applications requiring sub-frame latency, such as video conferencing

    Efficient Coding of Transform Coefficient Levels in Hybrid Video Coding

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    All video coding standards of practical importance, such as Advanced Video Coding (AVC), its successor High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), and the state-of-the-art Versatile Video Coding (VVC), follow the basic principle of block-based hybrid video coding. In such an architecture, the video pictures are partitioned into blocks. Each block is first predicted by either intra-picture or motion-compensated prediction, and the resulting prediction errors, referred to as residuals, are compressed using transform coding. This thesis deals with the entropy coding of quantization indices for transform coefficients, also referred to as transform coefficient levels, as well as the entropy coding of directly quantized residual samples. The entropy coding of quantization indices is referred to as level coding in this thesis. The presented developments focus on both improving the coding efficiency and reducing the complexity of the level coding for HEVC and VVC. These goals were achieved by modifying the context modeling and the binarization of the level coding. The first development presented in this thesis is a transform coefficient level coding for variable transform block sizes, which was introduced in HEVC. It exploits the fact that non-zero levels are typically concentrated in certain parts of the transform block by partitioning blocks larger than \square{4} samples into \square{4} sub-blocks. Each \square{4} sub-block is then coded similarly to the level coding specified in AVC for \square{4} transform blocks. This sub-block processing improves coding efficiency and has the advantage that the number of required context models is independent of the set of supported transform block sizes. The maximum number of context-coded bins for a transform coefficient level is one indicator for the complexity of the entropy coding. An adaptive binarization of absolute transform coefficient levels using Rice codes is presented that reduces the maximum number of context-coded bins from 15 (as used in AVC) to three for HEVC. Based on the developed selection of an appropriate Rice code for each scanning position, this adaptive binarization achieves virtually the same coding efficiency as the binarization specified in AVC for bit-rate operation points typically used in consumer applications. The coding efficiency is improved for high bit-rate operation points, which are used in more advanced and professional applications. In order to further improve the coding efficiency for HEVC and VVC, the statistical dependencies among the transform coefficient levels of a transform block are exploited by a template-based context modeling developed in this thesis. Instead of selecting the context model for a current scanning position primarily based on its location inside a transform block, already coded neighboring locations inside a local template are utilized. To further increase the coding efficiency achieved by the template-based context modeling, the different coding phases of the initially developed level coding are merged into a single coding phase. As a consequence, the template-based context modeling can utilize the absolute levels of the neighboring frequency locations, which provides better conditional probability estimates and further improves coding efficiency. This template-based context modeling with a single coding phase is also suitable for trellis-coded quantization (TCQ), since TCQ is state-driven and derives the next state from the current state and the parity of the current level. TCQ introduces different context model sets for coding the significance flag depending on the current state. Based on statistical analyses, an extension of the state-dependent context modeling of TCQ is presented, which further improves the coding efficiency in VVC. After that, a method to reduce the complexity of the level coding at the decoder is presented. This method separates the level coding into a coding phase exclusively consisting of context-coded bins and another one consisting of bypass-coded bins only. For retaining the state-dependent context selection, which significantly contributes to the coding efficiency of TCQ, a dedicated parity flag is introduced and coded with context models in the first coding phase. An adaptive approach is then presented that further reduces the worst-case complexity, effectively lowering the maximum number of context-coded bins per transform coefficient to 1.75 without negatively affecting the coding efficiency. In the last development presented in this thesis, a dedicated level coding for transform skip blocks, which often occur in screen content applications, is introduced for VVC. This dedicated level coding better exploits the statistical properties of directly quantized residual samples for screen content. Various modifications to the level coding improve the coding efficiency for this type of content. Examples for these modifications are a binarization with additional context-coded flags and the coding of the sign information with adaptive context models

    Bit rate transcoding of H.264/AVC based on rate shaping and requantization

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    Parallel algorithms and architectures for low power video decoding

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-204).Parallelism coupled with voltage scaling is an effective approach to achieve high processing performance with low power consumption. This thesis presents parallel architectures and algorithms designed to deliver the power and performance required for current and next generation video coding. Coding efficiency, area cost and scalability are also addressed. First, a low power video decoder is presented for the current state-of-the-art video coding standard H.264/AVC. Parallel architectures are used along with voltage scaling to deliver high definition (HD) decoding at low power levels. Additional architectural optimizations such as reducing memory accesses and multiple frequency/voltage domains are also described. An H.264/AVC Baseline decoder test chip was fabricated in 65-nm CMOS. It can operate at 0.7 V for HD (720p, 30 fps) video decoding and with a measured power of 1.8 mW. The highly scalable decoder can tradeoff power and performance across >100x range. Second, this thesis demonstrates how serial algorithms, such as Context-based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (CABAC), can be redesigned for parallel architectures to enable high throughput with low coding efficiency cost. A parallel algorithm called the Massively Parallel CABAC (MP-CABAC) is presented that uses syntax element partitions and interleaved entropy slices to achieve better throughput-coding efficiency and throughput-area tradeoffs than H.264/AVC. The parallel algorithm also improves scalability by providing a third dimension to tradeoff coding efficiency for power and performance. Finally, joint algorithm-architecture optimizations are used to increase performance and reduce area with almost no coding penalty. The MP-CABAC is mapped to a highly parallel architecture with 80 parallel engines, which together delivers >10x higher throughput than existing H.264/AVC CABAC implementations. A MP-CABAC test chip was fabricated in 65-nm CMOS to demonstrate the power-performance-coding efficiency tradeoff.by Vivienne. Sze.Ph.D

    High-Speed FPGA Architecture for CABAC Decoding Acceleration in H.264/AVC Standard

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Journal of Signal Processing Systems. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11265-012-0718-y.[Abstract] Video encoding and decoding are computing intensive applications that require high performance processors or dedicated hardware. Video decoding offers a high parallel processing potential that may be exploited. However, a particular task challenges parallelization: entropy decoding. In H.264 and SVC video standards, this task is mainly carried out using arithmetic decoding, an strictly sequential algorithm that achieves results close to the entropy limit. By accelerating arithmetic decoding, the bottleneck is removed and parallel decoding is enabled. Many works have been published on accelerating pure binary encoding and decoding. However, little research has been done into how to integrate binary decoding with context managing and control without losing performance. In this work we propose a FPGA-based architecture that achieves real time decoding for high-definition video by sustaining a 1 bin per cycle throughput. This is accomplished by implementing fast bin decoding; a novel and area efficient context-managing mechanism; and optimized control scheduling.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn; TIN2010-17541Xunta de Galicia, ConsellerĂ­a de Cultura, EducaciĂłn e OrdenaciĂłn Universitaria; 2010/6Xunta de Galicia, ConsellerĂ­a de Cultura, EducaciĂłn e OrdenaciĂłn Universitaria; 2010/28

    Compression of DNA sequencing data

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    With the release of the latest generations of sequencing machines, the cost of sequencing a whole human genome has dropped to less than US$1,000. The potential applications in several fields lead to the forecast that the amount of DNA sequencing data will soon surpass the volume of other types of data, such as video data. In this dissertation, we present novel data compression technologies with the aim of enhancing storage, transmission, and processing of DNA sequencing data. The first contribution in this dissertation is a method for the compression of aligned reads, i.e., read-out sequence fragments that have been aligned to a reference sequence. The method improves compression by implicitly assembling local parts of the underlying sequences. Compared to the state of the art, our method achieves the best trade-off between memory usage and compressed size. Our second contribution is a method for the quantization and compression of quality scores, i.e., values that quantify the error probability of each read-out base. Specifically, we propose two Bayesian models that are used to precisely control the quantization. With our method it is possible to compress the data down to 0.15 bit per quality score. Notably, we can recommend a particular parametrization for one of our models which—by removing noise from the data as a side effect—does not lead to any degradation in the distortion metric. This parametrization achieves an average rate of 0.45 bit per quality score. The third contribution is the first implementation of an entropy codec compliant to MPEG-G. We show that, compared to the state of the art, our method achieves the best compression ranks on average, and that adding our method to CRAM would be beneficial both in terms of achievable compression and speed. Finally, we provide an overview of the standardization landscape, and in particular of MPEG-G, in which our contributions have been integrated.Mit der Einführung der neuesten Generationen von Sequenziermaschinen sind die Kosten für die Sequenzierung eines menschlichen Genoms auf weniger als 1.000 US-Dollar gesunken. Es wird prognostiziert, dass die Menge der Sequenzierungsdaten bald diejenige anderer Datentypen, wie z.B. Videodaten, übersteigen wird. Daher werden in dieser Arbeit neue Datenkompressionsverfahren zur Verbesserung der Speicherung, Übertragung und Verarbeitung von Sequenzierungsdaten vorgestellt. Der erste Beitrag in dieser Arbeit ist eine Methode zur Komprimierung von alignierten Reads, d.h. ausgelesenen Sequenzfragmenten, die an eine Referenzsequenz angeglichen wurden. Die Methode verbessert die Komprimierung, indem sie die Reads nutzt, um implizit lokale Teile der zugrunde liegenden Sequenzen zu schätzen. Im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik erzielt die Methode das beste Ergebnis in einer gemeinsamen Betrachtung von Speichernutzung und erzielter Komprimierung. Der zweite Beitrag ist eine Methode zur Quantisierung und Komprimierung von Qualitätswerten, welche die Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit jeder ausgelesenen Base quantifizieren. Konkret werden zwei Bayes’sche Modelle vorgeschlagen, mit denen die Quantisierung präzise gesteuert werden kann. Mit der vorgeschlagenen Methode können die Daten auf bis zu 0,15 Bit pro Qualitätswert komprimiert werden. Besonders hervorzuheben ist, dass eine bestimmte Parametrisierung für eines der Modelle empfohlen werden kann, die – durch die Entfernung von Rauschen aus den Daten als Nebeneffekt – zu keiner Verschlechterung der Verzerrungsmetrik führt. Mit dieser Parametrisierung wird eine durchschnittliche Rate von 0,45 Bit pro Qualitätswert erreicht. Der dritte Beitrag ist die erste Implementierung eines MPEG-G-konformen Entropie-Codecs. Es wird gezeigt, dass der vorgeschlagene Codec die durchschnittlich besten Kompressionswerte im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik erzielt und dass die Aufnahme des Codecs in CRAM sowohl hinsichtlich der erreichbaren Kompression als auch der Geschwindigkeit von Vorteil wäre. Abschließend wird ein Überblick über Standards zur Komprimierung von Sequenzierungsdaten gegeben. Insbesondere wird hier auf MPEG-G eingangen, da alle Beiträge dieser Arbeit in MPEG-G integriert wurden

    Análise do HEVC escalável : desempenho e controlo de débito

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesEsta dissertação apresenta um estudo da norma de codificação de vídeo de alta eficiência (HEVC) e a sua extensão para vídeo escalável, SHVC. A norma de vídeo SHVC proporciona um melhor desempenho quando codifica várias camadas em simultâneo do que quando se usa o codificador HEVC numa configuração simulcast. Ambos os codificadores de referência, tanto para a camada base como para a camada superior usam o mesmo modelo de controlo de débito, modelo R-λ, que foi otimizado para o HEVC. Nenhuma otimização de alocação de débito entre camadas foi até ao momento proposto para o modelo de testes (SHM 8) para a escalabilidade do HEVC (SHVC). Derivamos um novo modelo R-λ apropriado para a camada superior e para o caso de escalabilidade espacial, que conduziu a um ganho de BD-débito de 1,81% e de BD-PSNR de 0,025 em relação ao modelo de débito-distorção existente no SHM do SHVC. Todavia, mostrou-se também nesta dissertação que o proposto modelo de R-λ não deve ser usado na camada inferior (camada base) no SHVC e por conseguinte no HEVC.This dissertation provides a study of the High Efficiency Video Coding standard (HEVC) and its scalable extension, SHVC. The SHVC provides a better performance when encoding several layers simultaneously than using an HEVC encoder in a simulcast configuration. Both reference encoders, in the base layer and in the enhancement layer use the same rate control model, R-λ model, which was optimized for HEVC. No optimal bitrate partitioning amongst layers is proposed in scalable HEVC (SHVC) test model (SHM 8). We derived a new R-λ model for the enhancement layer and for the spatial case which led to a DB-rate gain of 1.81% and DB-PSNR gain of 0.025 in relation to the rate-distortion model of SHM-SHVC. Nevertheless, we also show in this dissertation that the proposed model of R-λ should not be used neither in the base layer nor in HEVC