61 research outputs found

    Outline of political relations between the Polish government and the Norwegian government in ex ile in London in the years 1940-1945

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    This article presents some aspects o f political relations between the Polish government and the Norwegian government in years 1940-45 when both governments were in exile in London. The author emphasizes that Polish-Norwegian relations in the period of war were quite tough, full of tensions, misunderstandings and journalistic incidents. While remaining in London, both governments rejected to recognize one another as the significant partners. They encountered different political problems, so the close cooperation between them was doomed from the start. In the conclusions the author underlines that relations with the Soviet Union appeared to be fundamental for Norwegian foreign policy. The Norwegian government was unwilling to cooperate with Poland, as it could have threatened the good relations Norway had with the Soviet Union. Besides Norway felt closer to Great Britain and the United States, whereas Polish plans referred to the cooperation of small countries. That is why their diplomatic relations had rather formal than real character

    Zapożyczenia greckie i łacińskie a polsko-rosyjskie kontakty językowe

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    The article presents an analysis of 140 random lexemes of Greek and Latin origin excerpted from Słownik kieszonkowy polsko-rosyjski i rosyjsko-polski [Pocket Polish-Russian and Russian-Polish Dictionary] edited by I. Mitronova, G. Sinicyna and G. Lipkes. The corpus is, according to lexicographers and linguists, an effect of mutual influences of Polish and Russian languages. The opinions on origins of words differ among researchers, and the article attempts to verify the previously accepted judgements by M. Vasmer, W. Witkowski and Z. Rysiewicz, based on informations included in monographs by D. Moszyńska, H. Leeming, S. Kochman, and in historical dictionaries of both languages. With reference to almost 75% of the analysed material, the direction of loanword acquisition proposed by Vasmer, Witkowski and Rysiewicz has been confirmed. However, for about a quarter of the random sample of words, the accepted opinion is not confirmed by more recent historical dictionaries, nor by the lexical material provided in the monographs. The article proposes new results for the direction of loanword migration in this group of vocabulary

    Eighth Blackbird: strange imaginary animals - part II

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    Zapożyczenia greckie i łacińskie a polsko-rosyjskie kontakty językowe

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    The article presents an analysis of 140 random lexemes of Greek and Latin origin excerpted from Słownik kieszonkowy polsko-rosyjski i rosyjsko-polski [Pocket Polish-Russian and Russian-Polish Dictionary] edited by I. Mitronova, G. Sinicyna and G. Lipkes. The corpus is, according to lexicographers and linguists, an effect of mutual influences of Polish and Russian languages. The opinions on origins of words differ among researchers, and the article attempts to verify the previously accepted judgements by M. Vasmer, W. Witkowski and Z. Rysiewicz, based on informations included in monographs by D. Moszyńska, H. Leeming, S. Kochman, and in historical dictionaries of both languages. With reference to almost 75% of the analysed material, the direction of loanword acquisition proposed by Vasmer, Witkowski and Rysiewicz has been confirmed. However, for about a quarter of the random sample of words, the accepted opinion is not confirmed by more recent historical dictionaries, nor by the lexical material provided in the monographs. The article proposes new results for the direction of loanword migration in this group of vocabulary

    Emigracja rosyjska, ukraińska i białoruska : spuścizna literacka, religijno-filozoficzna, kulturowe zbliżenia - recenzja

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    Kartka z dziejów administracji spraw wewnętrznych RSFRR : na drodze do dekretu z 6 lutego 1922 r.

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    This article is about stages of evolution of the security apparatus in Russia from the time of appointment until the establishment of the Soviet Union in 1922. The starting point is presentation of the positions of the classics of Marxism (Marx, Engels, Plekhanov, Lenin) about the place and role of the apparatus of oppression in the state of the proletariat during the liquidation of the resistance of the exploiting class. Then, were discussed circumstances of the establishment of the CZEKA, its structure and the place in the system of power during the fi rst period of its operation. Much attention was devoted to the description of the confl ict between the socialist-revolutionary fraction of communist party and the Bolsheviks within the Commission itself. Moreover, was presented the terror of CZEKA in the years 1918–1920, then, the causes and consequences of its liquidation in 1922. In the ending remarks, the Author focused on the presentation of institutions, that took over roles and competences of CZEKA – the People’s Commissariat of Internal Aff airs (NKVD) and the State Political Directorate (GPU). He also signaled the creation of counterintelligence, dealing with the protection of the Red Army (Smersh)