63 research outputs found

    Approximate controllability of semilinear control systems in hilbert spaces

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    This paper deals with the approximate controllability of semilinear evolution systems in Hilbert spaces. Sufficient condition for approximate controllability have been obtained under natural conditions.Publisher's Versio

    Approximate controllability of Sobolev type fractional stochastic nonlocal nonlinear differential equations in Hilbert spaces

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    We introduce a new notion called fractional stochastic nonlocal condition, and then we study approximate controllability of class of fractional stochastic nonlinear differential equations of Sobolev type in Hilbert spaces. We use Hölder's inequality, fixed point technique, fractional calculus, stochastic analysis and methods adopted directly from deterministic control problems for the main results. A new set of sufficient conditions is formulated and proved for the fractional stochastic control system to be approximately controllable. An example is given to illustrate the abstract results

    New discussion concerning to optimal control for semilinear population dynamics system in Hilbert spaces

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    The objective of our paper is to investigate the optimal control of semilinear population dynamics system with diffusion using semigroup theory. The semilinear population dynamical model with the nonlocal birth process is transformed into a standard abstract semilinear control system by identifying the state, control, and the corresponding function spaces. The state and control spaces are assumed to be Hilbert spaces. The semigroup theory is developed from the properties of the population operators and Laplacian operators. Then the optimal control results of the system are obtained using the C0-semigroup approach, fixed point theorem, and some other simple conditions on the nonlinear term as well as on operators involved in the model

    Approximate controllability of a second-order neutral stochastic differential equation with state dependent delay

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    In this paper, the existence and uniqueness of mild solution is initially obtained by use of measure of noncompactness and simple growth conditions. Then the conditions for approximate controllability are investigated for the distributed second-order neutral stochastic differential system with respect to the approximate controllability of the corresponding linear system in a Hilbert space. We construct controllability operators by using simple and fundamental assumptions on the system components. We use the lemma, which implies the approximate controllability of the associated linear system. This lemma is also described as a geometrical relation between the range of the operator B and the subspaces Ni⊥, i = 1, 2, 3, associated with sine and cosine operators in L2([0, a], X) and L2([0, a], LQ). Eventually, we show that the reachable set of the stochastic control system lies in the reachable set of its associated linear control system. An example is provided to illustrate the presented theory. &nbsp

    (SI10-083) Approximate Controllability of Infinite-delayed Second-order Stochastic Differential Inclusions Involving Non-instantaneous Impulses

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    This manuscript investigates a broad class of second-order stochastic differential inclusions consisting of infinite delay and non-instantaneous impulses in a Hilbert space setting. We first formulate a new collection of sufficient conditions that ensure the approximate controllability of the considered system. Next, to investigate our main findings, we utilize stochastic analysis, the fundamental solution, resolvent condition, and Dhage’s fixed point theorem for multi-valued maps. Finally, an application is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the obtained results

    Approximate Controllability of Delayed Fractional Stochastic Differential Systems with Mixed Noise and Impulsive Effects

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    We herein report a new class of impulsive fractional stochastic differential systems driven by mixed fractional Brownian motions with infinite delay and Hurst parameter H^(1/2,1)\hat{\cal H} \in ( 1/2, 1). Using fixed point techniques, a qq-resolvent family, and fractional calculus, we discuss the existence of a piecewise continuous mild solution for the proposed system. Moreover, under appropriate conditions, we investigate the approximate controllability of the considered system. Finally, the main results are demonstrated with an illustrative example.Comment: Please cite this paper as follows: Hakkar, N.; Dhayal, R.; Debbouche, A.; Torres, D.F.M. Approximate Controllability of Delayed Fractional Stochastic Differential Systems with Mixed Noise and Impulsive Effects. Fractal Fract. 2023, 7, 104. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract702010

    Complete Controllability of Fractional Neutral Differential Systems in Abstract Space

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    By using fractional power of operators and Sadovskii fixed point theorem, we study the complete controllability of fractional neutral differential systems in abstract space without involving the compactness of characteristic solution operators introduced by us

    On the approximate controllability of some semilinear partial functional integrodifferential equations with unbonded delay

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    This work concerns the study of the approximate controllability for some nonlinear partial functional integrodifferential equation with infinite delay arising in the modelling of materials with memory, in the framework of Hilbert spaces. We give sufficient conditions that ensure the approximate controllability of the system by supposing that its linear undelayed is part approximately controllable, admits a resolvent operator in the sense of Grimmer, and by making use of the measure of noncompactness and the Mönch fixed-point Theorem. As a result, we obtain a generalization of several important results in the literature, without assuming the compactness of the resolvent operator. An example of applications is given for illustration