630 research outputs found

    Adaptive Feature Engineering Modeling for Ultrasound Image Classification for Decision Support

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    Ultrasonography is considered a relatively safe option for the diagnosis of benign and malignant cancer lesions due to the low-energy sound waves used. However, the visual interpretation of the ultrasound images is time-consuming and usually has high false alerts due to speckle noise. Improved methods of collection image-based data have been proposed to reduce noise in the images; however, this has proved not to solve the problem due to the complex nature of images and the exponential growth of biomedical datasets. Secondly, the target class in real-world biomedical datasets, that is the focus of interest of a biopsy, is usually significantly underrepresented compared to the non-target class. This makes it difficult to train standard classification models like Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Trees, and Nearest Neighbor techniques on biomedical datasets because they assume an equal class distribution or an equal misclassification cost. Resampling techniques by either oversampling the minority class or under-sampling the majority class have been proposed to mitigate the class imbalance problem but with minimal success. We propose a method of resolving the class imbalance problem with the design of a novel data-adaptive feature engineering model for extracting, selecting, and transforming textural features into a feature space that is inherently relevant to the application domain. We hypothesize that by maximizing the variance and preserving as much variability in well-engineered features prior to applying a classifier model will boost the differentiation of the thyroid nodules (benign or malignant) through effective model building. Our proposed a hybrid approach of applying Regression and Rule-Based techniques to build our Feature Engineering and a Bayesian Classifier respectively. In the Feature Engineering model, we transformed images pixel intensity values into a high dimensional structured dataset and fitting a regression analysis model to estimate relevant kernel parameters to be applied to the proposed filter method. We adopted an Elastic Net Regularization path to control the maximum log-likelihood estimation of the Regression model. Finally, we applied a Bayesian network inference to estimate a subset for the textural features with a significant conditional dependency in the classification of the thyroid lesion. This is performed to establish the conditional influence on the textural feature to the random factors generated through our feature engineering model and to evaluate the success criterion of our approach. The proposed approach was tested and evaluated on a public dataset obtained from thyroid cancer ultrasound diagnostic data. The analyses of the results showed that the classification performance had a significant improvement overall for accuracy and area under the curve when then proposed feature engineering model was applied to the data. We show that a high performance of 96.00% accuracy with a sensitivity and specificity of 99.64%) and 90.23% respectively was achieved for a filter size of 13 × 13

    Machine Learning in Ultrasound Computer-Aided Diagnostic Systems: A Survey

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    Thyroid nodule recognition in computed tomography using first order statistics

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    abstract: Background Computed tomography (CT) is one of the popular tools for early detection of thyroid nodule. The pixel intensity of thyroid in CT image is very important information to distinguish nodule from normal thyroid tissue. The pixel intensity in normal thyroid tissues is homogeneous and smooth. In the benign or malignant nodules, the pixel intensity is heterogeneous. Several studies have shown that the first order features in ultrasound image can be used as imaging biomarkers in nodule recognition. Methods In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of utilizing the first order texture features to identify nodule from normal thyroid tissue in CT image. A total of 284 thyroid CT images from 113 patients were collected in this study. We used 150 healthy controlled thyroid CT images from 55 patients and 134 nodule images (50 malignant and 84 benign nodules) from 58 patients who have undergone thyroid surgery. The final diagnosis was confirmed by histopathological examinations. In the presented method, first, regions of interest (ROIs) from axial non-enhancement CT images were delineated manually by a radiologist. Second, average, median, and wiener filter were applied to reduce photon noise before feature extraction. The first-order texture features, including entropy, uniformity, average intensity, standard deviation, kurtosis and skewness were calculated from each ROI. Third, support vector machine analysis was applied for classification. Several statistical values were calculated to evaluate the performance of the presented method, which includes accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and area of under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). Results The entropy, uniformity, mean intensity, standard deviation, skewness (P < 0.05), except kurtosis (P = 0.104) of thyroid tissue with nodules have a significant difference from those of normal thyroid tissue. The optimal classification was obtained from the presented method. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) are 0.880, 0.821, 0.933, 0.917, 0.854, and 0.953 respectively. Conclusion First order texture features can be used as imaging biomarkers, and the presented system can be used to assist radiologists to recognize the nodules in CT image.The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://biomedical-engineering-online.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12938-017-0367-

    Segmentation of ultrasound images of thyroid nodule for assisting fine needle aspiration cytology

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    The incidence of thyroid nodule is very high and generally increases with the age. Thyroid nodule may presage the emergence of thyroid cancer. The thyroid nodule can be completely cured if detected early. Fine needle aspiration cytology is a recognized early diagnosis method of thyroid nodule. There are still some limitations in the fine needle aspiration cytology, and the ultrasound diagnosis of thyroid nodule has become the first choice for auxiliary examination of thyroid nodular disease. If we could combine medical imaging technology and fine needle aspiration cytology, the diagnostic rate of thyroid nodule would be improved significantly. The properties of ultrasound will degrade the image quality, which makes it difficult to recognize the edges for physicians. Image segmentation technique based on graph theory has become a research hotspot at present. Normalized cut (Ncut) is a representative one, which is suitable for segmentation of feature parts of medical image. However, how to solve the normalized cut has become a problem, which needs large memory capacity and heavy calculation of weight matrix. It always generates over segmentation or less segmentation which leads to inaccurate in the segmentation. The speckle noise in B ultrasound image of thyroid tumor makes the quality of the image deteriorate. In the light of this characteristic, we combine the anisotropic diffusion model with the normalized cut in this paper. After the enhancement of anisotropic diffusion model, it removes the noise in the B ultrasound image while preserves the important edges and local details. This reduces the amount of computation in constructing the weight matrix of the improved normalized cut and improves the accuracy of the final segmentation results. The feasibility of the method is proved by the experimental results.Comment: 15pages,13figure

    Artificial Intelligence for Thyroid Nodule Characterization: Where Are We Standing?

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    Machine learning (ML) is an interdisciplinary sector in the subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that creates systems to set up logical connections using algorithms, and thus offers predictions for complex data analysis. In the present review, an up-to-date summary of the current state of the art regarding ML and AI implementation for thyroid nodule ultrasound characterization and cancer is provided, highlighting controversies over AI application as well as possible benefits of ML, such as, for example, training purposes. There is evidence that AI increases diagnostic accuracy and significantly limits inter-observer variability by using standardized mathematical algorithms. It could also be of aid in practice settings with limited sub-specialty expertise, offering a second opinion by means of radiomics and computer-assisted diagnosis. The introduction of AI represents a revolutionary event in thyroid nodule evaluation, but key issues for further implementation include integration with radiologist expertise, impact on workflow and efficiency, and performance monitoring

    Differentiation of thyroid nodules on US using features learned and extracted from various convolutional neural networks

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    Thyroid nodules are a common clinical problem. Ultrasonography (US) is the main tool used to sensitively diagnose thyroid cancer. Although US is non-invasive and can accurately differentiate benign and malignant thyroid nodules, it is subjective and its results inevitably lack reproducibility. Therefore, to provide objective and reliable information for US assessment, we developed a CADx system that utilizes convolutional neural networks and the machine learning technique. The diagnostic performances of 6 radiologists and 3 representative results obtained from the proposed CADx system were compared and analyzed.ope

    Recent Advances in Machine Learning Applied to Ultrasound Imaging

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    Machine learning (ML) methods are pervading an increasing number of fields of application because of their capacity to effectively solve a wide variety of challenging problems. The employment of ML techniques in ultrasound imaging applications started several years ago but the scientific interest in this issue has increased exponentially in the last few years. The present work reviews the most recent (2019 onwards) implementations of machine learning techniques for two of the most popular ultrasound imaging fields, medical diagnostics and non-destructive evaluation. The former, which covers the major part of the review, was analyzed by classifying studies according to the human organ investigated and the methodology (e.g., detection, segmentation, and/or classification) adopted, while for the latter, some solutions to the detection/classification of material defects or particular patterns are reported. Finally, the main merits of machine learning that emerged from the study analysis are summarized and discussed. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Comparative assessment of texture features for the identification of cancer in ultrasound images: a review

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    In this paper, we review the use of texture features for cancer detection in Ultrasound (US) images of breast, prostate, thyroid, ovaries and liver for Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems. This paper shows that texture features are a valuable tool to extract diagnostically relevant information from US images. This information helps practitioners to discriminate normal from abnormal tissues. A drawback of some classes of texture features comes from their sensitivity to both changes in image resolution and grayscale levels. These limitations pose a considerable challenge to CAD systems, because the information content of a specific texture feature depends on the US imaging system and its setup. Our review shows that single classes of texture features are insufficient, if considered alone, to create robust CAD systems, which can help to solve practical problems, such as cancer screening. Therefore, we recommend that the CAD system design involves testing a wide range of texture features along with features obtained with other image processing methods. Having such a competitive testing phase helps the designer to select the best feature combination for a particular problem. This approach will lead to practical US based cancer detection systems which de- liver real benefits to patients by improving the diagnosis accuracy while reducing health care cost