94 research outputs found

    Method and system for environmentally adaptive fault tolerant computing

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    A method and system for adapting fault tolerant computing. The method includes the steps of measuring an environmental condition representative of an environment. An on-board processing system's sensitivity to the measured environmental condition is measured. It is determined whether to reconfigure a fault tolerance of the on-board processing system based in part on the measured environmental condition. The fault tolerance of the on-board processing system may be reconfigured based in part on the measured environmental condition

    Design and Evaluation of Preemptive Control Signature Checking for Distributed Applications

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems Laborator

    An Experimental Evaluation of the REE SIFT Environment for Spaceborne Applications

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems Laborator

    A self-healing framework for general software systems

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    Modern systems must guarantee high reliability, availability, and efficiency. Their complexity, exacerbated by the dynamic integration with other systems, the use of third- party services and the various different environments where they run, challenges development practices, tools and testing techniques. Testing cannot identify and remove all possible faults, thus faulty conditions may escape verification and validation activities and manifest themselves only after the system deployment. To cope with those failures, researchers have proposed the concept of self-healing systems. Such systems have the ability to examine their failures and to automatically take corrective actions. The idea is to create software systems that can integrate the knowledge that is needed to compensate for the effects of their imperfections. This knowledge is usually codified into the systems in the form of redundancy. Redundancy can be deliberately added into the systems as part of the design and the development process, as it occurs for many fault tolerance techniques. Although this kind of redundancy is widely applied, especially for safety- critical systems, it is however generally expensive to be used for common use software systems. We have some evidence that modern software systems are characterized by a different type of redundancy, which is not deliberately introduced but is naturally present due to the modern modular software design. We call it intrinsic redundancy. This thesis proposes a way to use the intrinsic redundancy of software systems to increase their reliability at a low cost. We first study the nature of the intrinsic redundancy to demonstrate that it actually exists. We then propose a way to express and encode such redundancy and an approach, Java Automatic Workaround, to exploit it automatically and at runtime to avoid system failures. Fundamentally, the Java Automatic Workaround approach replaces some failing operations with other alternative operations that are semantically equivalent in terms of the expected results and in the developer’s intent, but that they might have some syntactic difference that can ultimately overcome the failure. We qualitatively discuss the reasons of the presence of the intrinsic redundancy and we quantitatively study four large libraries to show that such redundancy is indeed a characteristic of modern software systems. We then develop the approach into a prototype and we evaluate it with four open source applications. Our studies show that the approach effectively exploits the intrinsic redundancy in avoiding failures automatically and at runtime

    Mobile Databases: a Selection of Open Issues and Research Directions

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    International audienceThis paper reports on the main results of a specific action on mobile databases conducted by CNRS in France from October 2001 to December 2002. The objective of this action was to review the state of progress in mobile databases and identify major research directions for the French database community. Rather than provide a survey of all important issues in mobile databases, this paper gives an outline of the directions in which the action participants are now engaged, namely: copy synchronization in disconnected computing, mobile transactions, database embedded in ultra-light devices, data confidentiality, P2P dissemination models and middleware adaptability

    Conception et implémentation de systèmes résilients par une approche à composants

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    L'évolution des systèmes pendant leur vie opérationnelle est incontournable. Les systèmes sûrs de fonctionnement doivent évoluer pour s'adapter à des changements comme la confrontation à de nouveaux types de fautes ou la perte de ressources. L'ajout de cette dimension évolutive à la fiabilité conduit à la notion de résilience informatique. Parmi les différents aspects de la résilience, nous nous concentrons sur l'adaptativité. La sûreté de fonctionnement informatique est basée sur plusieurs moyens, dont la tolérance aux fautes à l'exécution, où l'on attache des mécanismes spécifiques (Fault Tolerance Mechanisms, FTMs) à l'application. A ce titre, l'adaptation des FTMs à l'exécution s'avère un défi pour développer des systèmes résilients. Dans la plupart des travaux de recherche existants, l'adaptation des FTMs à l'exécution est réalisée de manière préprogrammée ou se limite à faire varier quelques paramètres. Tous les FTMs envisageables doivent être connus dès le design du système et déployés et attachés à l'application dès le début. Pourtant, les changements ont des origines variées et, donc, vouloir équiper un système pour le pire scénario est impossible. Selon les observations pendant la vie opérationnelle, de nouveaux FTMs peuvent être développés hors-ligne, mais intégrés pendant l'exécution. On dénote cette capacité comme adaptation agile, par opposition à l'adaptation préprogrammée. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une approche pour développer des systèmes sûrs de fonctionnement flexibles dont les FTMs peuvent s'adapter à l'exécution de manière agile par des modifications à grain fin pour minimiser l'impact sur l'architecture initiale. D'abord, nous proposons une classification d'un ensemble de FTMs existants basée sur des critères comme le modèle de faute, les caractéristiques de l'application et les ressources nécessaires. Ensuite, nous analysons ces FTMs et extrayons un schéma d'exécution générique identifiant leurs parties communes et leurs points de variabilité. Après, nous démontrons les bénéfices apportés par les outils et les concepts issus du domaine du génie logiciel, comme les intergiciels réflexifs à base de composants, pour développer une librairie de FTMs adaptatifs à grain fin. Nous évaluons l'agilité de l'approche et illustrons son utilité à travers deux exemples d'intégration : premièrement, dans un processus de développement dirigé par le design pour les systèmes ubiquitaires et, deuxièmement, dans un environnement pour le développement d'applications pour des réseaux de capteurs. ABSTRACT : Evolution during service life is mandatory, particularly for long-lived systems. Dependable systems, which continuously deliver trustworthy services, must evolve to accommodate changes e.g., new fault tolerance requirements or variations in available resources. The addition of this evolutionary dimension to dependability leads to the notion of resilient computing. Among the various aspects of resilience, we focus on adaptivity. Dependability relies on fault tolerant computing at runtime, applications being augmented with fault tolerance mechanisms (FTMs). As such, on-line adaptation of FTMs is a key challenge towards resilience. In related work, on-line adaption of FTMs is most often performed in a preprogrammed manner or consists in tuning some parameters. Besides, FTMs are replaced monolithically. All the envisaged FTMs must be known at design time and deployed from the beginning. However, dynamics occurs along multiple dimensions and developing a system for the worst-case scenario is impossible. According to runtime observations, new FTMs can be developed off-line but integrated on-line. We denote this ability as agile adaption, as opposed to the preprogrammed one. In this thesis, we present an approach for developing flexible fault-tolerant systems in which FTMs can be adapted at runtime in an agile manner through fine-grained modifications for minimizing impact on the initial architecture. We first propose a classification of a set of existing FTMs based on criteria such as fault model, application characteristics and necessary resources. Next, we analyze these FTMs and extract a generic execution scheme which pinpoints the common parts and the variable features between them. Then, we demonstrate the use of state-of-the-art tools and concepts from the field of software engineering, such as component-based software engineering and reflective component-based middleware, for developing a library of fine-grained adaptive FTMs. We evaluate the agility of the approach and illustrate its usability throughout two examples of integration of the library: first, in a design-driven development process for applications in pervasive computing and, second, in a toolkit for developing applications for WSNs

    Improving The Fault Tolerance of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols using Aspect-oriented Programming

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    [ES] Las redes ad hoc son redes inalámbricas distribuidas formadas por nodos móviles que se ubican libremente y dinámicamente, capaces de organizarse de manera propia en topologías arbitrarias y temporales, a través de la actuación de los protocolos de encaminamiento. Estas redes permiten a las personas y dispositivos conectarse sin problemas rápidamente, en áreas sin una infraestructura de comunicaciones previa y con un bajo coste. Muchos estudios demuestran que los protocolos de encaminamiento ad hoc se ven amenazados por una variedad de fallos accidentales y maliciosos, como la saturación de vecinos, que puede afectar a cualquier tipo de red ad hoc, y el ruido ambiental, que puede afectar en general a todas las redes inalámbricas. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo y la implementación de estrategias de tolerancia a fallos para mitigar el efecto de las fallos, es esencial para el uso práctico de este tipo de redes. Sin embargo, los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos suelen estar implementados de manera específica, dentro del código fuente de los protocolos de encaminamiento que hace que i) ser reescrito y reorganizado cada vez que una nueva versión de un protocolo se libera, y ii) tener un carácter completamente remodelado y adaptado a las nuevas versiones de los protocolos. Esta tesis de máster explora la viabilidad de utilizar programación orientada a aspectos (AOP), para desarrollar e implementar los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos adecuados para toda una familia de protocolos de encaminamiento, es decir, las versiones actuales y futuras de un protocolo determinado (OLSR en este caso). Por otra parte, se propone una nueva metodología para ampliar estos mecanismos a diferentes familias de protocolos proactivos (OLSR, BATMAN y Babel) con un nuevo concepto de AOP, el metaaspecto. La viabilidad y efectividad de la propuesta se ha evaluado experimentalmente, estableciendo así un nuevo método para mejorar la implementación de la portabilidad y facilidad de mantenimiento de los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos en los protocolos de enrutamiento ad hoc y, por lo tanto, la fiabilidad de las redes ad hoc.[EN] Ad hoc networks are distributed networks consisting of wireless mobile nodes that can freely and dynamically self-organize into arbitrary and temporary topologies, through the operation of routing protocols. These networks allow people and devices to seamlessly interconnect rapidly in areas with no pre-existing communication infrastructure and with a low cost. Many studies show that ad hoc routing protocols are threatened by a variety of accidental and malicious faults, like neighbour saturation, which may affect any kind of ad hoc network, and ambient noise, which may impact all wireless networks in general. Therefore, developing and deploying fault tolerance strategies to mitigate the effect of such faults is essential for the practical use of this kind of networks. However, those fault tolerance mechanisms are usually embedded into the source code of routing protocols which causes that i) they must be rewritten and redeployed whenever a new version of a protocol is released, and ii) they must be completely redeveloped and adapted to new routing protocols. This master thesis explores the feasibility of using Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) to develop and deploy fault tolerance mechanisms suitable for a whole family of routing protocols, i.e. existing and future versions of a given protocol (OLSR in this case). Furthermore, a new methodology is proposed to extend these mechanisms to different families of proactive protocols (OLSR, B.A.T.M.A.N and Babel) using a new concept in AOP, the meta-aspect. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposal is experimentally assessed, thus establishing a new method to improve the deployment, portability, and maintainability of fault tolerance mechanisms for ad hoc routing protocols and, therefore, the dependability of ad hoc networks.Bustos Rodríguez, AJ. (2012). Improving The Fault Tolerance of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols using Aspect-oriented Programming. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18421Archivo delegad

    The secondary and approximate authorization model and its application to Bell-LaPadula policies

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