24 research outputs found

    Robust nonlinear generalized predictive control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor with an anti-windup compensator

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    This paper presents a robust nonlinear generalized predictive control (RNGPC) strategy applied to a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) for speed trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection. The nonlinear predictive control law is derived by using a newly defined design cost function. The Taylor series expansion is used to carry out the prediction in a finite horizon. No information about the external perturbation and parameters uncertainties are needed to ensure the robustness of the proposed RNGPC. Moreover, to maintain the phase current within the limits using saturation blocks, a cascaded structure is adopted and an anti-windup compensator is proposed. The validity of the proposed control strategy is implemented on a dSPACE DS1104 board driving in real-time a 0.25 kW PMSM. Experimental results have demonstrated the stability, robustness and the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy regarding trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection

    Modeling and control of a push-pull converter for photovoltaic microinverters operating in island mode

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    [EN] This paper presents the modeling and control of a push-pull converter integrated into a two-stage photovoltaic microinverter operating in island mode without backup energy storage components (batteries). A push-pull small signal model is presented, from which they are derived all transfer functions needed to implement the controllers that regulate the output current, input voltage and output voltage interacting with the MPPT algorithm. A significant contribution of the paper is the proposal of an innovative control structure that simultaneously regulates in island mode both the ac voltage and the dc voltage of the panels, in order to place it in the best operation point. Such operation point is calculated by a specific control loop that interacts with the MPPT algorithm. To validate the proposed concept, simulations in PSIM (TM) were carried out. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Grant ENE2009-13998-C02-02.Trujillo Rodríguez, CL.; Velasco De La Fuente, D.; Figueres Amorós, E.; Garcerá Sanfeliú, G.; Ortega, R. (2011). Modeling and control of a push-pull converter for photovoltaic microinverters operating in island mode. Applied Energy. 88(8):2824-2834. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2011.01.053S2824283488

    3D Line Following for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles

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    When designing guidance controllers for unmanned underwater vehicles, an assumption is often made that the vessel operates at a constant depth. However, in many applications the desired depth often changes with the position of the vessel in the horizontal plane. This paper addresses the problem of three dimensional line following with the application to underactuated underwater vehicles. The problem is resolved by separating the desired line into two components. The main contribution of this paper is the design of 3D line following controllers for underactuated underwater vehicles. The control design is based on constant controlled surge speed and a simplifi ed decoupled model of an under water vehicle. Detailed design procedure is presented. The simulation results are obtained from a complex, coupled model, which proves that the proposed algorithm can be used on real vehicles

    Moving towards the maximum speed in stepping motors by means of enlarging the bandwidth of the current controller

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    This paper pursues to maximise the mechanical speed when using stepping motors (SM) without position sensors in order to achieve a rapid-response manufacturing whenever any equipment based on such electrical machines is involved. The novelty of this paper is the fact that not only the bandwidth of the current controllers is improved for such maximization of the SM mechanical speed, as traditionally done in previous works, but also a comprehensive approach has been addressed. Such global approach starts justifying why the traditional PI controller is not sufficient and it includes the analytical tuning of the current controllers, considering implementation tiny issues (but of paramount importance) such as the delays caused by the processor and the sample and hold current measurements. It is proved and justified that this previously mentioned issues, which are often omitted, play a crucial role when trying to maximise the speed of the SM, since the electrical fundamental frequencies of the SM move close to the sampling frequency. Therefore, the analytical process to tune and implement the current controllers will have to be done in discrete-time domain, i.e. using the Z transform and treating the SM drive as a sampled data system. Experimental waveforms and results based on real prototypes will prove the validity of the entire research. Finally, a real case-study based on Printed Circuit Board (PCB) prototyping machine which is composed by two stepper machines, is fully reported. Such PCB prototype is the fruitful collaboration between the University (research institution) and a private company (industry). © 2016 Elsevier LtdPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Simulink modeling and design of an efficient hardware-constrained FPGA-based PMSM speed controller

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    The aim of this paper is to present a holistic approach to modeling and FPGA implementation of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) speed controller. The whole system is modeled in the Matlab Simulink environment. The controller is then translated to discrete time and remodeled using System Generator blocks, directly synthesizable into FPGA hardware. The algorithm is further refined and factorized to take into account hardware constraints, so as to fit into a low cost FPGA, without significantly increasing the execution time. The resulting controller is then integrated together with sensor interfaces and analysis tools and implemented into an FPGA device. Experimental results validate the controller and verify the design


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    Resumen Este trabajo presenta el diseño de un convertidor de CD/CD Boost y la simulación de este en un sistema de generación fotovoltaico (SGF) particular operando en modo red. Para controlar este convertidor, se implementa un control con lazo de realimentación en corriente y un algoritmo para el seguimiento del máximo punto de potencia (MPPT) mediante la técnica de perturbar y observar(P&O). El objetivo de este modo es inyectar potencia activa a la red eléctrica local en función de la capacidad de generación del SGF. El diseño de control para el esquema propuesto se realiza a través de sisotool de MATLAB® en la que se sintoniza y simulan los controladores, posteriormente se prueba el esquema de control propuesto mediante el software PSIM® versión 9.1, en el que se simula el SGF propuesto y se observa el rendimiento del convertidor Boost bajo estas condiciones. Palabras Clave: Convertidor Boost, MATLAB, MPPT; Modo red, Generación fotovoltaica. Abstract This work presents the design of a DC / DC Boost converter and its simulation in a particular photovoltaic generation system (PGS) operating in grid mode. To control this converter, a current feedback loop control and an algorithm for the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) are implemented using the perturb and observe (P&O) technique. The objective of this mode is to inject active power into the local electricity grid based on the generation capacity of the PGS. The control design for the proposed scheme is carried out through MATLAB® sisotool in which the controllers are tuned and simulated, then the proposed control scheme is tested using the PSIM® version 9.1 software, in which the proposed SGF is simulated and the performance of the Boost converter is observed under these conditions Keywords: Boost Converter, MATLAB, MPPT, Grid mode, photovoltaic generation

    Robust nonlinear predictive controller for multivariable nonlinear systems with different relative degree

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    This paper presents a robust nonlinear generalized predictive control (RNGPC) strategy applied to a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) for speed trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection. The nonlinear predictive control law is derived by using a newly defined design cost function. The Taylor series expansion is used to carry out the prediction in a finite horizon. No information about the external perturbation and parameters uncertainties are needed to ensure the robustness of the proposed RNGPC. Moreover, to maintain the phase current within the limits using saturation blocks, a cascaded structure is adopted and an anti-windup compensator is proposed. The validity of the proposed control strategy is implemented on a dSPACE DS1104 board driving in real-time a 0.25 kW PMSM. Experimental results have demonstrated the stability, robustness and the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy regarding trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection

    Kaskadisäädön anti-windup-toteutus MATLABin S-funktiolla

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    Kaskadisäätö on kehittynyt säätöpiirirakenne, jota käytetään yleisesti esimerkiksi prosessiteollisuudessa. Rakenne koostuu kahdesta tai useammasta itsenäisestä säätimestä ja sen hyöty perustuu kasvaneeseen järjestelmästä saatavan mittaustiedon määrään. Anti-windup viittaa toimilaitteiden rajallisista kyvyistä johtuvien ongelmien huomioimiseen. Windup-ilmiön mahdollisuus on huomioitava kaikissa säätöpiirin säätimissä siten, että yhdessä säätimessä tapahtuva erikoistilanne ei vaikuta negatiivisesti muiden piirissä olevien säätimien toimintaan. Tässä työssä toteutetaan kaskadisäätöpiirin simulaattori käyttäen MATLABin S-funktiota PI-tyyppisten säätimien luomiseen. Toteutetussa kaskadipiirissä on anti-windup-toiminto, joka on luotu käyttäen tracking back-calculation -rakennetta. Tässä työssä huomioitavat erikoistilanteet ovat kaskadipiirin sekundäärisäätimen paikallisen asetusarvon kytkentä ja sekundäärisäätimen manuaalinen ohjaus. S-funktioilla toteutetun simulaattorin oikeellinen toiminta varmistetaan tekemällä samanlainen kaskadipiirin simulaattori alkeislohkoja käyttäen. Toteutusten eroja vertaillaan ajamalla simulaattorien läpi testiskenaario, joka simuloi toimilaitteen saturoitumista, sekundäärisäätimen paikallisen asetusarvon, sekundäärisäätimen manuaaliohjauksen käyttöä sekä askelmaisen häiriön vaikutusta säätöpiirin ulostuloon. Häiriöitä kohdistetaan sekä simulaattorissa ohjattavan järjestelmän primääri- että sekundääriprosessiin. Simulaattorissa ohjattava järjestelmä ei perustu mihinkään reaaliseen järjestelmään ja sen ominaisuudet on valittu mielivaltaisesti. Työssä toteutetun simulaattorin pohjalta on mahdollista luoda simulaattori mitä tahansa kaksitasoista kaskadisäätöpiiriä varten

    Kaskadisäädön anti-windup-toteutus MATLABin S-funktiolla

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    Kaskadisäätö on kehittynyt säätöpiirirakenne, jota käytetään yleisesti esimerkiksi prosessiteollisuudessa. Rakenne koostuu kahdesta tai useammasta itsenäisestä säätimestä ja sen hyöty perustuu kasvaneeseen järjestelmästä saatavan mittaustiedon määrään. Anti-windup viittaa toimilaitteiden rajallisista kyvyistä johtuvien ongelmien huomioimiseen. Windup-ilmiön mahdollisuus on huomioitava kaikissa säätöpiirin säätimissä siten, että yhdessä säätimessä tapahtuva erikoistilanne ei vaikuta negatiivisesti muiden piirissä olevien säätimien toimintaan. Tässä työssä toteutetaan kaskadisäätöpiirin simulaattori käyttäen MATLABin S-funktiota PI-tyyppisten säätimien luomiseen. Toteutetussa kaskadipiirissä on anti-windup-toiminto, joka on luotu käyttäen tracking back-calculation -rakennetta. Tässä työssä huomioitavat erikoistilanteet ovat kaskadipiirin sekundäärisäätimen paikallisen asetusarvon kytkentä ja sekundäärisäätimen manuaalinen ohjaus. S-funktioilla toteutetun simulaattorin oikeellinen toiminta varmistetaan tekemällä samanlainen kaskadipiirin simulaattori alkeislohkoja käyttäen. Toteutusten eroja vertaillaan ajamalla simulaattorien läpi testiskenaario, joka simuloi toimilaitteen saturoitumista, sekundäärisäätimen paikallisen asetusarvon, sekundäärisäätimen manuaaliohjauksen käyttöä sekä askelmaisen häiriön vaikutusta säätöpiirin ulostuloon. Häiriöitä kohdistetaan sekä simulaattorissa ohjattavan järjestelmän primääri- että sekundääriprosessiin. Simulaattorissa ohjattava järjestelmä ei perustu mihinkään reaaliseen järjestelmään ja sen ominaisuudet on valittu mielivaltaisesti. Työssä toteutetun simulaattorin pohjalta on mahdollista luoda simulaattori mitä tahansa kaksitasoista kaskadisäätöpiiriä varten

    Robust nonlinear generalized predictive control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor with an anti-windup compensator

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    This paper presents a robust nonlinear generalized predictive control (RNGPC) strategy applied to a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) for speed trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection. The nonlinear predictive control law is derived by using a newly defined design cost function. The Taylor series expansion is used to carry out the prediction in a finite horizon. No information about the external perturbation and parameters uncertainties are needed to ensure the robustness of the proposed RNGPC. Moreover, to maintain the phase current within the limits using saturation blocks, a cascaded structure is adopted and an anti-windup compensator is proposed. The validity of the proposed control strategy is implemented on a dSPACE DS1104 board driving in real-time a 0.25 kW PMSM. Experimental results have demonstrated the stability, robustness and the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy regarding trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection