20 research outputs found

    Felted Paper Circuits Using Joomchi

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    The integration of electronics and paper is a burgeoning topic for tangible interaction. Here we show how to use the Korean technique of hand-felting paper known as joomchi to embed electronics in paper after the sheet forming process. This method requires the use of specialized papers that are amenable to joomchi. We present embedded LEDs, multilayer circuit “sheets”, and speakers. While labor-intensive, joomchi both enables one to completely integrate paper and electronics, while also making tangible connections between ancient and modern craft

    A cuttable multi-touch sensor

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    We propose cutting as a novel paradigm for ad-hoc customization of printed electronic components. As a first instantiation, we contribute a printed capacitive multi-touch sensor, which can be cut by the end-user to modify its size and shape. This very direct manipulation allows the end-user to easily make real-world objects and surfaces touch-interactive, to augment physical prototypes and to enhance paper craft. We contribute a set of technical principles for the design of printable circuitry that makes the sensor more robust against cuts, damages and removed areas. This includes novel physical topologies and printed forward error correction. A technical evaluation compares different topologies and shows that the sensor remains functional when cut to a different shape.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Cluster of Excellence Multimodal Computing and Interaction, German Federal Excellence Initiative

    PolySurface:a design approach for rapid prototyping of shape-changing displays using semi-solid surfaces

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    We present a design approach for rapid fabrication of high fidelity interactive shape-changing displays using bespoke semi-solid surfaces. This is achieved by segmenting virtual representations of the given data and mapping it to a dynamic physical polygonal surface. First, we establish the design and fabrication approach for generating semi-solid reconfigurable surfaces. Secondly, we demonstrate the generalizability of this approach by presenting design sessions using datasets provided by experts from a diverse range of domains. Thirdly, we evaluate user engagement with the prototype hardware systems that are built. We learned that all participants, all of whom had no previous interaction with shape-changing displays, were able to successfully design interactive hardware systems that physically represent data specific to their work. Finally, we reflect on the content generated to understand if our approach is effective at representing intended output based on a set of user defined functionality requirements

    PolySurface: a design approach for rapid prototyping of shape-changing displays using semi-solid surfaces

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    We present a design approach for rapid fabrication of high fidelity interactive shape-changing displays using bespoke semi-solid surfaces. This is achieved by segmenting virtual representations of the given data and mapping it to a dynamic physical polygonal surface. First, we establish the design and fabrication approach for generating semi-solid reconfigurable surfaces. Secondly, we demonstrate the generalizability of this approach by presenting design sessions using datasets provided by experts from a diverse range of domains. Thirdly, we evaluate user engagement with the prototype hardware systems that are built. We learned that all participants, all of whom had no previous interaction with shape-changing displays, were able to successfully design interactive hardware systems that physically represent data specific to their work. Finally, we reflect on the content generated to understand if our approach is effective at representing intended output based on a set of user defined functionality requirements

    Embedding smart materials into products to motivate the user: Flexers, a smarter approach to finger splinting

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    This research study has been supported by the EU-funded FP7 collaborative research project Light.Touch.Matters (LTM), under agreement no. 310311

    Pervasive, Intelligent Materiality for Smart Interactivity

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    The advance of R&D allows products to be “smart”, meaning capable of understanding how to react to users’ behaviour and their context of use. While this can contribute to engineer materials firmly centered on their performances, it also poses greater demands on understanding the behaviours and intentions pursued by human agents, so as to allow the degree of intelligence and interactions that materials can be equipped with. This paper investigates how pervasive, intelligent materiality can be deployed to make people interact with products in a more immediate and effective way, with the aim to design for Smart Interactivity. Based on a review of applied cases of Smart Materials (SMs), this paper proposes a stimulus-action system that bridges the users action possibilities with smart materials attributes.El desarrollo de R&D ha permitido que sus productos puedan ser “inteligentes”, esto significa que son capaces de entender cómo reaccionar al comportamiento de los usuarios y en el contexto que los usen. Además de contribuir a su rendimiento basado en la estructura firme de estos materiales, también posee grandes exigencias relativas al entendimiento de su comportamiento y las intenciones deseadas por los agentes humanos y permitir el grado de inteligencia y las interacciones con los materiales que están equipados. Este artículo investiga como de penetrante, la inteligencia del material puede ser usada para hacer que las interactividades de las personas con los productos sean muchas más efectivas, con el fin de desinar las Interactividad Inteligentes. Basándonos en una revisión de las aplicaciones de Materiales Inteligentes, este artículo propone una acción-estímulo en el sistema mediante los puentes de las acciones de los posibles usuarios con las propiedades de los materiales inteligentes.O desenvolvimento de P & D permitiu que seus produtos fossem "inteligentes", o que significa que eles são capazes de entender como reagir ao comportamento dos usuários e no contexto em que os utilizam. Além de contribuir para o seu desempenho com base na estrutura firme desses materiais, possui também grandes demandas relacionadas à compreensão de seu comportamento e às intenções desejadas pelos agentes humanos e permitem o grau de inteligência e interação com os materiais que são equipados. Este artigo investiga quão penetrante, a inteligência do material pode ser usada para tornar as interatividades das pessoas com os produtos muito mais eficazes, a fim de definir a Interatividade Inteligente. Com base em uma revisão das aplicações de Materiais Inteligentes, este artigo propõe uma ação-estímulo no sistema, unindo as ações de potenciais usuários com as propriedades de materiais inteligentes

    Foldwatch:using origami-inspired paper prototypes to explore the extension of output space in smartwatches

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    Smartwatches are highly portable, ubiquitous devices, allowing rich interaction at a small scale. However, the display size can hinder user engagement, limit information display, and presentation style. Most research focuses on exploring ways in which the interaction area of smartwatches can be extended, although this mainly entails simple fold-out displays or additional screens. Conversely, added weight and size can hinder the wearable experience. In response, we took inspiration from origami and explored the design space for new types of lightweight, highly foldable smartwatch, by developing complex paper-prototypes which demonstrate novel ways of extending screen space. We collected data on potential input and output interaction with complex folded smartwatch displays during workshops with expert and non-expert users, discovering application ideas and additional input/output functionality. These insights were used to produce and evaluate a concept video for the FoldWatch prototype

    Extended Skin: Designing Interactive Content for Ubiquitous Computing Materials

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    Current research is inspired by the impact of digital media on disciplinary division. Sim- ultaneously, recognizes the difficulty of engineering (applied science) to consider the humani- ties as fundamental contributors in the process of making. Steaming from a design perspective, the intersection between art (design) and science, questions if these relations can open per- spectives on the matter of designing within a U.C. context, and fundamentally, introduces the question on how this can be done Furthermore, the motivation for this research arises from considering that innovation in technology is happening in the fields typically identified as engineering. And, despite this, the in-corporation of these inventions in life, considering some discussed exceptions, has not typ- ically been present in the concerns of design action and methods. Therefore, the challenge of current research is to contribute to the realm of ubiquitous computing, routed by design, to some degree aiming to contribute to the field. A deeper analysis into the subject of U.C., there is the realization that there is minority presence of the humanities in the discussion of U.C. (Dourish and Bell, 2011). Technological disruption offers continuous inspiration for design innovation within U.C. Furthermore, the inquiry labeled as “material turn” contextualizes a dialogue between nano- technology and traditional materials. Nanotechnology is applied to project development, while considering a human centred design approach. This focus is present throughout this disserta- tion. The research proposal describes SuberSkin, as a responsive surface that works as a screen. The exploration of aesthetical effects is focused on visual properties – using high con- trast between natural cork colors, dark and light brown. The proposal is highly experimental, and ultimately, aims to explore potential routes on cork research, linked to that of U.C. Thus, recreating and transforming this material into an intelligent surface. In sum, this thesis discusses displacement of disciplines suggested as having a positive impact in interdisciplinary thought and for future design. Therefore a methodology, "research through techne" is presented that illustrates this intention.A presente pesquisa é inspirada pelo impacto exercido pelos media digitais na divisão disciplinar. Simultaneamente, reconhece a dificuldade da engenharia (ciência aplicada) em considerar as humanidades como contribuintes fundamentais no processo de fazer. Partindo de uma perspectiva de design e da interseção entre arte (design) e ciência, questiona-se se essas relações poderão abrir perspectivas na criação no âmbito da Computação Ubíqua. Fun- damentalmente, introduz a questão de como poderá ser feito. A motivação para esta pesquisa decorre de considerar que a inovação tecnológica acontece nas áreas normalmente identificadas como engenharia. E, apesar disso, a incor- poração dessas invenções na vida, considerando as exceções discutidas, normalmente não está presente nas preocupações, ação e métodos de design. Portanto, o desafio da pesquisa é con- tribuir para o domínio da Computação Ubíqua, orientada pelo design. Uma análise mais pro- funda sobre o tema da Computação Ubiqua, constata que há na sua discussão uma presença minoritária das humanidades (Dourish e Bell, 2011). A disrupção tecnológica oferece inspiração contínua para inovação de design, e o mesmo se aplica no âmbito da Computação Ubíqua. Além disso, a pesquisa intitulada como “material turn” contextualiza um diálogo entre a nanotecnologia e os materiais tradicionais. A nanotecnologia é aplicada ao desenvolvimento de projetos, considerando uma abordagem de design centrada no ser humano. Este foco está presente ao longo desta dissertação. O projecto de pesquisa descreve SuberSkin, uma superfície responsiva. A exploração centra-se nos efeitos estéticos da cortiça, recorrendo a um contraste entre as suas cores natu- rais: castanho escuro e claro. A proposta é experimental e, em última análise, visa explorar potenciais linhas de investigação ligando a cortiça à Computação Ubíqua. E assim, recriar e transformar este material numa superfície inteligente. Em suma, esta tese discute o deslocamento disciplinar como tendo um impacto posi- tivo no pensamento interdisciplinar e no futuro da prática do design. Consequentemente, apresenta uma metodologia, "investigação através da techne" que a exemplifica

    The Taxonomy, The Technologies, and the Toolkit for Technology-enchanced Movable Paper Craft

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    Drawing the electric

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 84-87).This thesis explores the intersection of craft and electronics by way of paper and conductive ink, a domain that I'm terming papercraft electronics-a synthesis of electronics, drawing, and painting. I investigate the nature of making a physical electronic artifact, and the ways in which that making informs our relationship with both the artifact, specifically, as well as technology writ large. I examine craft-the manual process-as a means for embedding new kinds of personally-significant meaning in electronics, re-positioning electronics fabrication as the creation of personal, unique, hand-crafted artifacts. I do so through a series of case studies oriented around the papercraft electronics domain. Through a sequence of projects, workshops, and evaluations, I examine the personal connection and pride that comes with making, as well as the handmade artifact's place in technology. In particular, I initiate projects around the making of paper sensors, speakers, synthesizers, and audio-augmented artworks.by Samuel Jacoby.S.M