1,478 research outputs found

    Assessment of the biophysical characteristics of rangeland community using scatterometer and optical measurements

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    Research activities for the following study areas are summarized: single scattering of parallel direct and axially symmetric diffuse solar radiation in vegetative canopies; the use of successive orders of scattering approximations (SOSA) for treating multiple scattering in a plant canopy; reflectance of a soybean canopy using the SOSA method; and C-band scatterometer measurements of the Konza tallgrass prairie

    Comparison of SMOS and SMAP Soil Moisture Retrieval Approaches Using Tower-based Radiometer Data over a Vineyard Field

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    The objective of this study was to compare several approaches to soil moisture (SM) retrieval using L-band microwave radiometry. The comparison was based on a brightness temperature (TB) data set acquired since 2010 by the L-band radiometer ELBARA-II over a vineyard field at the Valencia Anchor Station (VAS) site. ELBARA-II, provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the scientific program of the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission, measures multiangular TB data at horizontal and vertical polarization for a range of incidence angles (30-60). Based on a three year data set (2010-2012), several SM retrieval approaches developed for spaceborne missions including AMSR-E (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS), SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) and SMOS were compared. The approaches include: the Single Channel Algorithm (SCA) for horizontal (SCA-H) and vertical (SCA-V) polarizations, the Dual Channel Algorithm (DCA), the Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM) and two simplified approaches based on statistical regressions (referred to as 'Mattar' and 'Saleh'). Time series of vegetation indices required for three of the algorithms (SCA-H, SCA-V and Mattar) were obtained from MODIS observations. The SM retrievals were evaluated against reference SM values estimated from a multiangular 2-Parameter inversion approach. The results obtained with the current base line algorithms developed for SMAP (SCA-H and -V) are in very good agreement with the reference SM data set derived from the multi-angular observations (R2 around 0.90, RMSE varying between 0.035 and 0.056 m3m3 for several retrieval configurations). This result showed that, provided the relationship between vegetation optical depth and a remotely-sensed vegetation index can be calibrated, the SCA algorithms can provide results very close to those obtained from multi-angular observations in this study area. The approaches based on statistical regressions provided similar results and the best accuracy was obtained with the Saleh methods based on either bi-angular or bipolarization observations (R2 around 0.93, RMSE around 0.035 m3m3). The LPRM and DCA algorithms were found to be slightly less successful in retrieving the 'reference' SM time series (R2 around 0.75, RMSE around 0.055 m3m3). However, the two above approaches have the great advantage of not requiring any model calibrations previous to the SM retrievals

    TRMM-TMI satellite observed soil moisture and vegetation density (1998-2005) show strong connection with El Nino in eastern Australia

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    Spatiotemporal patterns in soil moisture and vegetation water content across mainland Australia were investigated from 1998 through 2005, using TRMM/TMI passive microwave observations. The Empirical Orthogonal Function technique was used to extract dominant spatial and temporal patterns in retrieved estimates of moisture content for the top 1-cm of soil (θ) and vegetation moisture content (via optical depth τ). The dominant temporal θ and τ patterns were strongly correlated to the El Niño Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) in spring (

    Statistical analysis and combination of active and passive microwave remote sensing methods for soil moisture retrieval

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    Knowledge about soil moisture and its spatio-temporal dynamics is essential for the improvement of climate and hydrological modeling, including drought and flood monitoring and forecasting, as well as weather forecasting models. In recent years, several soil moisture products from active and passive microwave remote sensing have become available with high temporal resolution and global coverage. Thus, the validation and evaluation of spatial and temporal soil moisture patterns are of great interest, for improving soil moisture products as well as for their proper use in models or other applications. This thesis analyzes the different accuracy levels of global soil moisture products and identifies the major influencing factors on this accuracy based on a small catchment example. Furthermore, on global scale, structural differences betweenthe soil moisture products were investigated. This includes in particular the representation of spatial and temporal patterns, as well as a general scaling law of soil moisture variability with extent scale. The results of the catchment scale as well as the global scale analyses identified vegetation to have a high impact on the accuracy of remotely sensed soil moisture products. Therefore, an improved method to consider vegetation characteristics in pasive soil moisture retrieval from active radar satellite data was developed and tested. The knowledge gained by this thesis will contribute to improve soil moisture retrieval of current and future microwave remote sensors (e.g. SMOS or SMAP)

    Multi-Sensor Historical Climatology of Satellite-Derived Global Land Surface Moisture

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    A historical climatology of continuous satellite-derived global land surface soil moisture is being developed. The data consist of surface soil moisture retrievals derived from all available historical and active satellite microwave sensors, including Nimbus-7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer, Defense Meteorological Satellites Program Special Sensor Microwave Imager, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager, and Aqua Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS, and span the period from November 1978 through the end of 2007. This new data set is a global product and is consistent in its retrieval approach for the entire period of data record. The moisture retrievals are made with a radiative transfer-based land parameter retrieval model. The various sensors have different technical specifications, including primary wavelength, spatial resolution, and temporal frequency of coverage. These sensor specifications and their effect on the data retrievals are discussed. The model is described in detail, and the quality of the data with respect to the different sensors is discussed as well. Examples of the different sensor retrievals illustrating global patterns are presented. Additional validation studies were performed with large-scale observational soil moisture data sets and are also presented. The data will be made available for use by the general science community

    Muiti-Sensor Historical Climatology of Satellite-Derived Global Land Surface Moisture

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    A historical climatology of continuous satellite derived global land surface soil moisture is being developed. The data set consists of surface soil moisture retrievals from observations of both historical and currently active satellite microwave sensors, including Nimbus-7 SMMR, DMSP SSM/I, TRMM TMI, and AQUA AMSR-E. The data sets span the period from November 1978 through the end of 2006. The soil moisture retrievals are made with the Land Parameter Retrieval Model, a physically-based model which was developed jointly by researchers from the above institutions. These data are significant in that they are the longest continuous data record of observational surface soil moisture at a global scale. Furthermore, while previous reports have intimated that higher frequency sensors such as on SSM/I are unable to provide meaningful information on soil moisture, our results indicate that these sensors do provide highly useful soil moisture data over significant parts of the globe, and especially in critical areas located within the Earth's many arid and semi-arid regions

    Changing Climate and Overgrazing Are Decimating Mongolian Steppes

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    Satellite observations identify the Mongolian steppes as a hotspot of global biomass reduction, the extent of which is comparable with tropical rainforest deforestation. To conserve or restore these grasslands, the relative contributions of climate and human activities to degradation need to be understood. Here we use a recently developed 21-year (1988-2008) record of satellite based vegetation optical depth (VOD, a proxy for vegetation water content and aboveground biomass), to show that nearly all steppe grasslands in Mongolia experienced significant decreases in VOD. Approximately 60% of the VOD declines can be directly explained by variations in rainfall and surface temperature. After removing these climate induced influences, a significant decreasing trend still persists in the VOD residuals across regions of Mongolia. Correlations in spatial patterns and temporal trends suggest that a marked increase in goat density with associated grazing pressures and wild fires are the most likely non-climatic factors behind grassland degradation.Funding for this research was through a University of New South Wales International Postgraduate Award and CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship Program scholarship. The data used in Figure 3b were supported through the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (project number D-04). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    AMSR2 Soil Moisture Product Validation

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    The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) is part of the Global Change Observation Mission-Water (GCOM-W) mission. AMSR2 fills the void left by the loss of the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) after almost 10 years. Both missions provide brightness temperature observations that are used to retrieve soil moisture. Merging AMSR-E and AMSR2 will help build a consistent long-term dataset. Before tackling the integration of AMSR-E and AMSR2 it is necessary to conduct a thorough validation and assessment of the AMSR2 soil moisture products. This study focuses on validation of the AMSR2 soil moisture products by comparison with in situ reference data from a set of core validation sites. Three products that rely on different algorithms were evaluated; the JAXA Soil Moisture Algorithm (JAXA), the Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM), and the Single Channel Algorithm (SCA). Results indicate that overall the SCA has the best performance based upon the metrics considered

    Land Surface Temperature from Ka-band (37 GHZ) Passive Microwave Observations

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    An alternative to thermal infrared satellite sensors for measuring land surface temperature (T<inf>s</inf>) is presented. The 37 GHz vertical polarized brightness temperature is used to derive T<inf>s</inf> because it is considered the most appropriate microwave frequency for temperature retrieval. This channel balances a reduced sensitivity to soil surface characteristics with a relatively high atmospheric transmissivity. It is shown that with a simple linear relationship, accurate values for T<inf>s</inf> can be obtained from this frequency, with a theoretical bias of within 1 K for 70% of vegetated land areas of the globe. Barren, sparsely vegetated, and open shrublands cannot be accurately described with this single channel approach because variable surface conditions become important. The precision of the retrieved land surface temperature is expected to be better than 2.5 K for forests and 3.5 K for low vegetation. This method can be used to complement existing infrared derived temperature products, especially during clouded conditions. With several microwave radiometers currently in orbit, this method can be used to observe the diurnal temperature cycles with surprising accuracy. © 2009 by the American Geophysical Union

    Simulation of SMAP and AMSR2 observations and estimation of multi-frequency vegetation optical depth using a discrete scattering model in the Tibetan grassland

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    Passive microwave observation at multiple frequencies has received increasing research interests due to its capability to provide comprehensive information of land surface properties. This paper contributes to the simulation of land surface emission and estimation of vegetation optical depth (VOD) at multiple frequencies using a discrete scattering model with a single set of model parameter values. Validity of the Tor Vergata (TVG) discrete scattering model in simultaneously reproducing the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) L-band (1.4 GHz) and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) C- (6.925 GHz) and X-band (10.7 GHz) observations over the Tibetan grassland ecosystem is evaluated. Frequency-specific and multi-frequency calibration strategies are implemented to find the suitable set of model parameter values and to isolate the impact of frequency on parameter values. On this basis, the calibrated TVG model is further used to estimate the VOD, and to investigate the impact of microwave frequency and observation angle on the emission simulations and VOD parameterization. The results show that both frequency-specific and multi-frequency calibration strategies achieve comparable and reasonable simulations of SMAP and AMSR2 observations, confirming the feasibility of using an identical physically-based model (i.e. the calibrated TVG model) to simulate multi-frequency land emission driven by a single set of model parameter values. As such, the dependence of emission components and VOD on frequency can be elaborated after isolating the impact of frequency on parameter values. The VOD values derived from the TVG simulations generally increase with increasing frequency and can be linearly correlated to the LAI variations, while current satellite-based retrievals have almost the same magnitude at the L-, C-, and X-band. The explanation for this can be that the retrieved VOD is different from the theoretical definition. Sensitivity test performed using the calibrated TVG model further shows that polarization-dependence of VOD becomes more apparent with the increasing observation angle and frequency. New parameterization has thus been developed to characterize the dependence of VOD on the frequency, observation angle, and polarization for grassland based on the results of sensitivity test. This study may provide new insights in improving model of land emission and retrievals of SM and VOD with physical interpretability based on multi-frequency satellite observations.</p
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