32 research outputs found

    High Efficiency PFC Frontend for Class-D Amplifiers

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    Implementation of Sliding Mode Control in a Semi Bridgeless Boost Converter with Power Factor Correction

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    ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a new sliding surface for controlling a Semi-Bridgeless Boost Converter (SBBC) which simultaneously includes Power Factor Correction (PFC) and DC bus regulation. The proposed sliding surface is composed of three terms: First, a normalized DC voltage error term for controlling DC bus and rejecting DC voltage disturbances, normalization was performed for increasing system robustness during start-up and large disturbances. Second, an AC current error term for implementing a PFC scheme and guarantying fast current stabilization during disturbances. Third, an integral of AC current error term for increasing the stability of the overall system. Also, an Adaptive Hysteresis Band (AHB) is implemented for keeping constant the switching frequency and reducing the THDi. The proposed sliding surface was validated by means of sliding mode conditions and Lyapunov stability criteria. Simulations for comparing performance were performed between: a cascade PI control, a hybrid PI-Sliding Mode Control (PI-SMC), and Sliding Mode Control (SMC) with the proposed surface; additionally, it is presented an stability analysis for the proposed surface in start-up and under large perturbations. It is also presented experimental results for PI-SMC and SMC implemented in a SBBC prototype. The proposed surface implemented in the SMC presents the best dynamic behavior removing DC over voltages and responding faster under DC voltage changes or DC load current perturbations

    Desain Dan Implementasi Konverter AC-DC Boost Bridgeless Dengan Power Factor Correction

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    Teknologi konverter berkembang cukup pesat seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dibidang konversi energi listrik. Mobil listrik sebagai salah satu produk yang ramah lingkungan, membutuhkan konverter AC-DC untuk mencatu daya listrik pada baterai mobil listrik. Berbagai jenis topologi AC-DC berkembang misalnya konverter AC-DC boost konvensional, AC-DC boost bridgeless, dan lain-lain. Masing-masing konverter memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini didesain dan diimplementasikan konverter AC-DC boost bridgeless. Pada dasarnya, perbedaan antara topologi bridgeless dengan topologi konvensional adalah dua buah MOSFET sebagai perangkat penyaklaran pada topologi konverter AC-DC boost bridgeless. Selain itu, untuk mempertahankan efektivitas boost pada konverter ini, dua induktor diberikan pada sisi masukan konverter AC-DC boost bridgeless. Dalam implementasi Tugas Akhir ini menghasilkan konverter AC-DC boost bridgeless yang memiliki faktor daya pada sisi masukan arus bolak-balik mendekati satu dengan teknik kontrol arus dengan efisiensi rata-rata 88,90 %. ===================================================================================================== Converter technologies have developed rapidly along with the development of electric energy conversion technologies. Electric cars as one of the environmentally friendly products, requires AC-DC converter to distribute electrical power to the electric car batteries. Various types of AC-DC topologies evolve eg AC-DC boost converter conventional, AC-DC boost bridgeless, and others. Each converter has its advantages and disadvantages. In this Final Project was designed and implemented AC-DC boost converter bridgeless. Basically, the difference between the bridgeless topology with conventional topology is two MOSFET as a switching device on the AC-DC bridgeless boost converter. In addition, to maintain the effectiveness of the boost converter, the two inductors are given on the input side of the AC-DC bridgeless boost converter. In This Final Project implementation resulted in AC-DC bridgeless boost converter which has the power factor at the input side of the alternating current close to one or unity with current control technique and efficiency average at 88,90%

    Variable frequency drive optimization using torque ripple control and self-Tuning PI controller with PSO

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    Drive’s output power must be restricted for the prevention of stresses over higher components in the input power system while utilizing a three-phase Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) which has powered from a single-phase AC source. To resolve this problem, we introduced a novel motor q-axis current (M-QAC) with torque ripple control (TRC) of an induction motor and self-tuning PI controller with particle swarm optimization (STP-PSO) for mitigating the stress over induction motor by the torque ripple elimination and controlling. Our proposed approach has an information related to the different parts stresses of the VFD which includes the terminal block and the diodes in the input side, DC bus capacitors, torque ripple, harmonics in the current and active performance for sudden changes in the speed and load. Our proposed model is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink environment. In this  paper the standard dc-bus voltage ripple-based fold- back, q-axis average current fold-back and q-axis ripple current fold-back methods are utilized for the comparative analysis. Also the comparative analysis of proposed M-QAC, TRC and STP-PSO methodologies are provide with respect to steady-state values of peak-to-peak dc voltage (Vdc), peak-to-peak input current (IINPUT), input RMS current (IRMS), motor speed and the output power. Extensive simulated performance show that the STP-PSO obtained superior results over conventional standard dc-bus voltage ripple-based fold-back method, M-QAC and TRC schemes

    Electromagnetic compatibility issues of electrical and electronic devices

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    The PhD dissertation addresses EMC issues of electrical and electronic devices. In the first part of this work (Part_01), EMC fundamentals are briefly resumed and discussed, particularly focusing on EMC susceptibility and conducted/radiated emissions. Subsequently, attention is moved to both intentional and nonintentional EMI sources, particularly on RFID devices and power electronic converters respectively. These last are very widespread in several application fields, such as battery chargers, personal computers, electrical drives and grid interfaces. They consists of passive elements (inductors, capacitors, etc.), which are appropriately coupled by means of switching devices in order to guarantee appropriate voltage and/or current supply. The inherent switching nature of power electronic converters make them non-intentional EMI sources, may leading to high levels of conducted and/or radiated emissions. Particularly, conducted emissions are mainly due to unsuitable coupling among heat sinks, wires and printed circuits. Whereas radiated emissions are due to the switching devices, which behave as antenna when operate at high frequency value. Thus, the second part of this PhD dissertation (Part_02) deals with modelling and simulation of power electronic converters, whose switching frequencies generally lie within several hundred kilohertz. Then, several experimental results are presented regarding EMC tests performed in an RF anechoic chamber, highlighting the most critical EMC issues in terms of both conducted and radiated emission levels. The last part of this work (Part_03) is devoted to EMC susceptibility/immunity of implantable medical devices. At the present time these kinds of electrical and electronic devices are implanted even from a very young age, allowing more people to live a normal life. Consequently, EMC issues related to them are becoming increasingly relevant for both researcher and manufacturer, international standards being slightly outdated. In this context, an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) have been considered with the aim of determining an EMC characterization in terms of sensing performances. This goal is achieved by developing a suitable sensing test procedure, which allows the evaluation of the ICD susceptibility level at different patient state of health. The proposed testing procedure has been validated through several experimental tests, which have been performed in the RF anechoic chamber above-mentioned. It assures pre-compliance of the tests in accordance with international standards, shielding against uncontrolled EMI sources. Experimental results are finally reported and discussed, highlighting the effectiveness of the proposed procedure

    H-bridge inverter loading analysis for an Energy Management System

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    The Department of the Navy (DON) is committed to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has said, The underlying reasons for reform are clear. Our energy sources are not secure, we need to be more efficient in energy use, and we emit too much carbon. Microgrids utilizing an Energy Management System (EMS) may be the answer to control and route power more efficiently. The power quality achieved from a single phase pulse-width modulation (PWM) voltage source inverter (VSI) (the heart of an EMS) driving an inductive and capacitive (LC) filter with linear and non-linear loads was investigated in this thesis. The open loop PWM waveforms are compared to the power quality standards for ship board power, MIL-STD-1399-300B. This quantifies the performance limits of open loop PWM, which is the simplest control strategy for a single-phase VSI. Closed loop control is shown to be necessary when larger loads are connected to the VSI in order to prevent output voltage sag.http://archive.org/details/hbridgeinverterl1094534706Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Regenerative Suspension System Modeling and Control

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    Many energy indicators show an increase in the world’s energy deficit. Demand for portable energy sources is growing and has increased the market for energy harvesters and regenerative systems. This work investigated the implementation of a regenerative suspension in a two-degree-of freedom (2-DOF) quarter-car suspension system. First, an active controller was designed and implemented. It showed 69% improvement in rider comfort and consumed 8 – 9 W of power to run the linear motor used in the experiment. A regenerative suspension system was then designed to save the energy normally spent in active suspensions, approximately several kilowatts in an actual car. Regenerative suspension is preferable because it can regenerate energy. Experimental investigations were then conducted to find generator constants and damping coefficients. Additionally, generator damping effects and power regeneration in the quarter-car test bed were also investigated. The experiments showed that a linear regenerative damper can suppress up to 22% of vibrations and harvest 2% of the disturbance power. Since both harvesting and damping capabilities were noticeable in this test bed, it was used to implement regenerative suspension, and a regenerative controller was developed to provide riders with additional comfort. To implement this regenerative controller, an electronic interface was designed to facilitate controlling the regenerative force and storing energy after the rectification process. The electronic interface used was a symmetrical-bridgeless boost converter (SBBC) due to its few components and even fewer control efforts. The converter was then modeled in a manner that made the current and voltage in phase for the maximum power factor. The converter control allowed the motor’s external load to be presented as of variable resistance with the unity power factor. The generator was then considered a voltage source for energy regeneration purposes. The controller was designed to control regenerative force at a frequency of 20 kHz. This frequency was sufficient to enable another controller to manipulate the desired regenerative damping force, which was chosen to be 1 kHz. The input to this controller was the generator voltage used to determine the polarity of pulse-width modulation (PWM). Therefore, a combination of converter and controller was able to take the place of an active controller. A different controller was then designed to manipulate the desired damping force. This regenerative controller was designed in a manner similar to that of a semi-active controller. It improved vibration suppression and enhanced harvesting capabilities. The regenerative suspension showed better results than a passive suspension. The improvements are minimal at this time, but there is the potential for greater improvement with a more efficient controller. The harvested energy was so small in this experiment because the damper was inefficient. In practice, the damper’s efficiency should be improved. A regenerative damper will be more economical than a passive damper, and suppress more vibration at the same time. The active suspension system showed superior performance. Conversely, the regenerative system showed only modest performance but also regenerated energy. However, a regenerative suspension can be combined with an active suspension to enhance the rider’s comfort and provide energy regeneration