16 research outputs found

    Context Sensitive Access Control Model TI for Business Processes

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    Kontrola pristupa odnosno autorizacija, u širem smislu, razmatra na koji način korisnici mogu pristupiti resursima računarskog sistema i na koji način ih koristiti. Ova disertacija se bavi problemima kontrole pristupa u poslovnim sistemima. Tema disertacije je formalna specifkacija modela kontekstno zavisne kontrole pristupa u poslovnim sistemima koji je baziran na RBAC modelu kontrole pristupa. Uvođenjem kontekstno zavisne kontrole pristupa omogućeno je defnisanje složenijih prava pristupa koje u postojećim modelima kontrole pristupa za poslovne sisteme nije bilo moguće realizovati ili bi njihova realizacija bila komplikovana. Dati model primenljiv je u različitim poslovnim sistemima, a podržava defnisanje prava pristupa kako za jednostavne tako i za slo·zene poslovne tokove. Sistem je verifkovan na dva realna poslovna procesa pomoću razvijenog prototipa. Prikazana prototipska implementacija koja ispunjava ciljeve u pogledu funkcionalnosti postavljene pred sistem predstavlja potvrdu praktične vrednosti predloženog modela.Access control is concerned with the way in which users can access to resources in the computer system. This dissertation focuses on problems of access control for business processes. The subject of the dissertation is a formal specification of the RBAC-based context sensitive access control model for business processes. By using a context-sensitive access control it is possible to define more complex access control policies whose implementation in existing access control models for business processes is not possible or is very complicated. The given model is applicable in diferent business systems, and supports the definition of access control policies for both simple and complex business processes. The model's prototype is verified by two case studies on real business processes. The presented prototype implementation represents a proof of the proposed model's practical value

    Generación automática de servicios WEB a partir de modelos conceptuales

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    Los servicios Web facilitan el acceso a la funcionalidad de las aplicaciones a través de Internet, aportan grandes ventajas como el acceso a servicios desde cualquier punto de la red, simplifican el acceso a la funcionalidad y facilitan la interoperabilidad entre servicios y entre aplicaciones, permitiendo integrar la funcionalidad de distintas aplicaciones empresariales. Además, proporcionan estándares y mecanismos para llevar a cabo el comercio electrónico y han convertido la Web en un marco para el desarrollo de aplicaciones distribuidas, extendiéndose a todos los dominios de aplicación. Los servicios Web son el mecanismo ideal para la implementación de las Arquitecturas Orientadas a Servicios (SOA) para sistemas de información integrados y distribuidos. La evolución natural de los métodos de producción de software, y de OOMethod / OOWS en particular, plantean la necesidad de mejorar el proceso de producci'on de software. Para mejorarlo, se debe de dotar del soporte necesario para el desarrollo de aplicaciones Web sobre SOA disponiendo de una estrategia de generación automática de aplicaciones. La generación automática debe poder dar soporte, de forma transparente, a las diferentes aproximaciones tecnológicas existentes en el ámbito de los servicios Web en la actualidad. Esta tesis presenta un método, dentro del ámbito de la Ingeniería Web, que diseñaa e implementa de manera automática servicios Web a partir de modelos conceptuales. El método presentado ha sido desarrollado basándose en el Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos (MDD). De esta forma, el método utiliza un conjunto de modelos que representan la aplicación a desarrollar y mediante la aplicación de transformaciones de Modelo-A-Texto se obtiene el diseño e implementación de los servicios Web que representan el sistema modelado. El método propuesto en esta tesis está soportado por una herramienta llamada DISWOOM.Ruiz Server, M. (2010). Generación automática de servicios WEB a partir de modelos conceptuales [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8346Palanci

    A software-framework for the development of business application systems based on business process models

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    Die Geschäftsprozessmodellierung hat sich in der Praxis als Grundlage für die Ableitung fachlicher Anforderungen an betriebliche Anwendungssysteme weitgehend etabliert. Die anschließende Übertragung der fachlichen Modelle auf eine software-technische Implementierungsplattform bedeutet hingegen häufig einen methodischen Bruch und ist daher sehr aufwändig sowie komplex. Eine software-technische Implementierungsplattform, deren Konzepte sich an den Fachkonzepten der Geschäftsprozessmodellierung orientieren, kann diesen Übergang vereinfachen und die Systementwicklungsaufgabe hinsichtlich Aufwand und Komplexität deutlich verringern. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Konzeption und Realisierung eines Software-Frameworks als flexible Basismaschine für die Entwicklung betrieblicher Anwendungssysteme auf Basis der SOM-Methodik. Das Framework bietet ausgehend von den fachlichen Modellen des Anwendungssystems anwendungsneutrale Software-Komponenten zu dessen vollständiger software-technischer Abbildung.Business process modeling is in practice an established way to deduct business and functional requirements for business application systems. The subsequent mapping of such business models onto a software-technical implementation platform usually implies a methodic break and is in consequence both costly and complex. A software-technical implementation platform, in contrast, whose concepts are aligned with the functional concepts of business process modeling, can simplify this transition and significantly reduce the task of application development regarding effort and complexity. This thesis describes the conception and implementation of a software-framework as a flexible basis machine for the development of business application systems based on the SOM-methodology. Based on the methodology‘s functional models of an application system the framework offers application-neutral software-components for a comprehensive mapping of the model and implementation of the application

    Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation

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    This paper summarizes the results of an industry case study that introduced a cross-system business process automation solution based on a combination of SOA and BPM standard technologies (i.e., BPMN, BPEL, WSDL). Besides discussing major weaknesses of the existing, custom-built, solution and comparing them against experiences with the developed prototype, the paper presents a course of action for transforming the current solution into the proposed solution. This includes a general approach, consisting of four distinct steps, as well as specific action items that are to be performed for every step. The discussion also covers language and tool support and challenges arising from the transformation

    Computer Supported Cooperative Work Applications for the Design of Buildings based on an integrated Building Model Management

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    Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Konzeption und prototypische Umsetzung von Techniken des Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) im Rahmen einer integrierten objektorientierten und dynamischen Bauwerksmodellverwaltung zur Unterstützung der Bauwerksplanung. Die Planung von Bauwerken ist durch einen hohen Grad an Arbeitsteiligkeit, aber auch durch eine schwache Strukturierung der ablaufenden Prozesse gekennzeichnet. Besonders durch den Unikatcharakter des Planungsgegenstands \'Bauwerk\' ergeben sich signifikante Unterschiede zum Entwurf anderer, durch Serienfertigung produzierter Industriegüter. Zunehmend wird die Planung von Bauwerken in Virtual Enterprises ausgeführt, die sich durch eine dynamische Organisationsstruktur, geographische Verteilung der Partner, schwer normierbare Informationsflüsse und eine häufig stark heterogene informationstechnische Infrastruktur auszeichnen. Zur rechnerinternen Repräsent! ation des Planungsgegenstands haben sich objektorientierte Bauwerksmodelle bewährt. Aufgrund der Veränderlichkeit der Bauwerke und deren rechnerinterner Repräsentation im Laufe des Bauwerkslebenszyklus ist eine dynamische Anpassung der Modelle unumgänglich. Derartige in Form von Taxonomien dargestellte dynamische Bauwerksmodellstrukturen können gemeinsam mit den in Instanzform vorliegenden konkreten Projektinformationen in entsprechenden Modellverwaltungssystemen (MVS) gehandhabt werden. Dabei wird aufgrund der Spezialisierung und Arbeitsteilung im Planungsprozess von einer inhaltlich verknüpften Partialmodellstruktur, die räumlich verteilt sein kann, ausgegangen. Die vorgeschlagenen Methoden zur Koordinierung der Teamarbeit in der Bauwerksplanung beruhen auf der Nutzung von CSCW–Techniken für \'Gemeinsame Informationsräume\' und \'Workgroup Computing\', die im Kontext der als Integrationsbasis fungierenden Modellverwaltungssysteme umgesetzt werden. Dazu werden die zur d! ynamischen Bauwerksmodellierung erforderlichen Metaebenenfunk! tionalitäten sowie Ansätze zur Implementierung von Modellverwaltungskernen systematisiert. Ebenso werden notwendige Basistechniken für die Realisierung von MVS untersucht und eine Architektur zur rollenspezifischen Präsentation dynamischer Modellinhalte vorgestellt. Da klassische Schichtenmodelle nicht auf die Verhältnisse in Virtual Enterprises angewendet werden können, wird eine physische Systemarchitektur mit einem zentralen Projektserver, Domänenservern und Domänenclients vorgestellt. Ebenso werden Techniken zur Sicherung des autorisierten Zugriffs sowie des Dokumentencharakters beschrieben. Zur Unterstützung der asynchronen Phasen der Kooperation wird der gemeinsame Informationsraum durch Mappingtechniken zur Propagation und Notifikation von Änderungsdaten bezüglich relevanter Modellinformationen ergänzt. Zur Unterstützung synchroner Phasen werden Techniken zur Schaffung eines gemeinsamen Kontexts durch relaxierte WYSIWIS–Präsentationen auf Basis der Modellinformationen! verbunden mit Telepresence–Techniken vorgestellt. Weiterhin werden Methoden zur Sicherung der Group–Awareness für alle Kooperationsphasen betrachtet.The thesis covers the conceptual design and the prototypical realisation of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)– techniques within the scope of an integrated, object-oriented, dynamic model management system for the support of building planning activities. The planning of buildings is characterised by a high degree of collaboration but by a weak structuring of the processes, too. Significant differences between the design of buildings and industrial goods produced by series production are implied by the uniqueness of a building. Increasingly, the planning of buildings is accomplished by Virtual Enterprises. These are characterised by a dynamic organisation structure, geographic dispersion of the involved planning experts, information flows, which are hard to standardise, and a frequently very heterogeneous information-technology infrastructure. Object oriented building models have proven to be a suitable base for! the binary representation of planning subject information. Due to the changeability of both building structures and their binary representation during the building life cycle, a dynamical adaptation of the models is indispensable. Dynamic building models, which are represented by taxonomic information, can be handled together with actual project information, which is stored in taxonomy instances within an appropriate model management system. Due to the specialisation and the division of labour in the planning process, a semantic linked but spatial distributed partial model structure is applied. The recommended methods for the coordination of teamwork in the planning process are based on the application of CSCW-techniques for \'Shared Information Spaces\' and \'Workgroup Computing\' in the context of model management systems acting as an foundation for planning information integration. The required meta level functionalities for dynamic building modelling and appropriate! implementation approaches for modelling kernels are systemat! ised. The necessary base techniques for the realisation of model management systems are explored. An architecture for the role specific presentation of dynamic model content is introduced, too. Due to the inadequacy of conventional multi-tier models for an application in Virtual Enterprises, an appropriate physical system architecture with a central project server, domain servers and domain clients is introduced. The thesis covers techniques, which ensure the authorised access to information and the authenticity of planning documents, too. For an adequate support of the asynchronous phases of collaboration, the Shared Information Space is supplied with mapping mechanisms for the propagation and user notification of changes in the relevant planning information. Synchronous collaboration can be performed by means of relaxed WYSIWIS-presentations connected with telepresence mechanisms in order to create a shared context for the planners. Furthermore, methods for the provis! ion of group-awareness for all co-operation phases are treated

    Data-centric security : towards a utopian model for protecting corporate data on mobile devices

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    Data-centric security is significant in understanding, assessing and mitigating the various risks and impacts of sharing information outside corporate boundaries. Information generally leaves corporate boundaries through mobile devices. Mobile devices continue to evolve as multi-functional tools for everyday life, surpassing their initial intended use. This added capability and increasingly extensive use of mobile devices does not come without a degree of risk - hence the need to guard and protect information as it exists beyond the corporate boundaries and throughout its lifecycle. Literature on existing models crafted to protect data, rather than infrastructure in which the data resides, is reviewed. Technologies that organisations have implemented to adopt the data-centric model are studied. A utopian model that takes into account the shortcomings of existing technologies and deficiencies of common theories is proposed. Two sets of qualitative studies are reported; the first is a preliminary online survey to assess the ubiquity of mobile devices and extent of technology adoption towards implementation of data-centric model; and the second comprises of a focus survey and expert interviews pertaining on technologies that organisations have implemented to adopt the data-centric model. The latter study revealed insufficient data at the time of writing for the results to be statistically significant; however; indicative trends supported the assertions documented in the literature review. The question that this research answers is whether or not current technology implementations designed to mitigate risks from mobile devices, actually address business requirements. This research question, answered through these two sets qualitative studies, discovered inconsistencies between the technology implementations and business requirements. The thesis concludes by proposing a realistic model, based on the outcome of the qualitative study, which bridges the gap between the technology implementations and business requirements. Future work which could perhaps be conducted in light of the findings and the comments from this research is also considered

    Bioinspired metaheuristic algorithms for global optimization

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    This paper presents concise comparison study of newly developed bioinspired algorithms for global optimization problems. Three different metaheuristic techniques, namely Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization (APSO), Firefly Algorithm (FA), and Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) are investigated and implemented in Matlab environment. These methods are compared on four unimodal and multimodal nonlinear functions in order to find global optimum values. Computational results indicate that GWO outperforms other intelligent techniques, and that all aforementioned algorithms can be successfully used for optimization of continuous functions

    Experimental Evaluation of Growing and Pruning Hyper Basis Function Neural Networks Trained with Extended Information Filter

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    In this paper we test Extended Information Filter (EIF) for sequential training of Hyper Basis Function Neural Networks with growing and pruning ability (HBF-GP). The HBF neuron allows different scaling of input dimensions to provide better generalization property when dealing with complex nonlinear problems in engineering practice. The main intuition behind HBF is in generalization of Gaussian type of neuron that applies Mahalanobis-like distance as a distance metrics between input training sample and prototype vector. We exploit concept of neuron’s significance and allow growing and pruning of HBF neurons during sequential learning process. From engineer’s perspective, EIF is attractive for training of neural networks because it allows a designer to have scarce initial knowledge of the system/problem. Extensive experimental study shows that HBF neural network trained with EIF achieves same prediction error and compactness of network topology when compared to EKF, but without the need to know initial state uncertainty, which is its main advantage over EKF