129 research outputs found

    Advances in Motion Estimators for Applications in Computer Vision

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    abstract: Motion estimation is a core task in computer vision and many applications utilize optical flow methods as fundamental tools to analyze motion in images and videos. Optical flow is the apparent motion of objects in image sequences that results from relative motion between the objects and the imaging perspective. Today, optical flow fields are utilized to solve problems in various areas such as object detection and tracking, interpolation, visual odometry, etc. In this dissertation, three problems from different areas of computer vision and the solutions that make use of modified optical flow methods are explained. The contributions of this dissertation are approaches and frameworks that introduce i) a new optical flow-based interpolation method to achieve minimally divergent velocimetry data, ii) a framework that improves the accuracy of change detection algorithms in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, and iii) a set of new methods to integrate Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1HMRSI) data into threedimensional (3D) neuronavigation systems for tumor biopsies. In the first application an optical flow-based approach for the interpolation of minimally divergent velocimetry data is proposed. The velocimetry data of incompressible fluids contain signals that describe the flow velocity. The approach uses the additional flow velocity information to guide the interpolation process towards reduced divergence in the interpolated data. In the second application a framework that mainly consists of optical flow methods and other image processing and computer vision techniques to improve object extraction from synthetic aperture radar images is proposed. The proposed framework is used for distinguishing between actual motion and detected motion due to misregistration in SAR image sets and it can lead to more accurate and meaningful change detection and improve object extraction from a SAR datasets. In the third application a set of new methods that aim to improve upon the current state-of-the-art in neuronavigation through the use of detailed three-dimensional (3D) 1H-MRSI data are proposed. The result is a progressive form of online MRSI-guided neuronavigation that is demonstrated through phantom validation and clinical application.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Ramifications of Projectile Velocity on the Ballistic Dart Penetration of Sand

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    With the advent of novel in-situ experimental measurement techniques, highly resolved quantitative observations of dynamic events within granular media can now be made. In particular, high speed imagery and digital analysis now allow for the ballistic behaviors of sand to be examined not only across a range of event velocities but across multiple length scales. In an attempt to further understand the dynamic behavior of granular media, these new experimental developments were implemented utilizing high speed photography coupled with piezo-electric stress gauges to observe visually accessible ballistic events of a dart penetrating Ottawa sand. Projectile velocities ranged from 100 to over 300 meters per second with two distinct chosen fields of view to capture bulk and grain-scale behaviors. Each event was analyzed using the digital image correlation technique, particle image velocimetry from which two dimensional, temporally resolved, velocity fields were extracted, from which bulk granular flow and compaction wave propagation were observed and quantified. By comparing bulk, in situ, velocity field behavior resultant from dart penetration, momentum transfer could be quantified measuring radius of influence or dilatant fluid approximations from which a positive correlation was found across the explored velocity regime, including self similar tendencies. This was, however, not absolute as persistent scatter was observed attributed to granular heterogeneous effects. These were tentatively measured in terms of an irreversible energy amount calculated via energy balance. Grain scale analysis reveals analogous behavior to the bulk response with more chaotic structure, though conclusions were limited by the image processing method to qualitative observations. Even so, critical granular behaviors could be seen, such as densification, pore collapse, and grain fracture from which basic heterogeneous phenomena could be examined. These particularly dominated near nose interactions at high projectile velocities. Resulting empirical models and observations from all approaches provide a baseline from which other studies across may be compared, a metric against which penetrator effectiveness may be evaluated, and an alternative way to validate computationally based analyses. Velocity analysis was further contrasted with piezo-resistive stress gauge data in an effort to pair heterogeneous mechanisms in the bulk stress response. Phenomena such as grain fracture and densification were successfully observed in conjunction with a unique stress signature. Comparing stress responses across the tested velocity spectrum confirm conditional similitude with deviations a low projectile velocities attributed to domination by heterogeneous mechanisms

    NASA/American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Summer Faculty Fellowship Program, 1991

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    In a series of collaborations between NASA research and development centers and nearby universities, engineering faculty members spent 10 weeks working with professional peers on research. The Summer Faculty Program Committee of the American Society of Engineering Education supervises the programs. The objects were the following: (1) to further the professional knowledge of qualified engineering and science faculty members; (2) to stimulate and exchange ideas between participants and NASA; (3) to enrich and refresh the research and teaching activities of the participants' institutions; and (4) to contribute to the research objectives of the NASA center

    Advancements in dual-pump broadband CARS for supersonic combustion measurements

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    Space- and time-resolved measurements of temperature and species mole fractions of nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen were obtained with a dual-pump coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) system in hydrogen-fueled supersonic combustion free jet flows. These measurements were taken to provide time-resolved fluid properties of turbulent supersonic combustion for use in the creation and verification of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models. CFD models of turbulent supersonic combustion flow currently facilitate the design of air- breathing supersonic combustion ramjet (scramjet) engines. Measurements were made in supersonic axi-symmetric free jets of two scales. First, the measurement system was tested in a laboratory environment using a laboratory-scale burner (∼10 mm at nozzle exit). The flow structures of the laboratory-burner were too small to be resolved with the CARS measurements volume, but the composition and temperature of the jet allowed the performance of the system to be evaluated. Subsequently, the system was tested in a burner that was approximately 6 times larger, whose length scales are better resolved by the CARS measurement volume. During both these measurements, weaknesses of the CARS system, such as sensitivity to vibrations and beam steering and inability to measure temperature or species concentrations in hydrogen fuel injection regions were identified. Solutions were then implemented in improved CARS systems. One of these improved systems is a dual-pump broadband CARS technique called, Width Increased Dual-pump Enhanced CARS (WIDECARS). The two lowest rotational energy levels of hydrogen detectable by WIDECARS are H2 S(3) and H2 S(4). The detection of these lines gives the system the capability to measure temperature and species concentrations in regions of the flow containing pure hydrogen fuel at room temperature. WIDECARS is also designed for measurements of all the major species (except water) in supersonic combustion flows fueled with hydrogen and hydrogen/ethylene mixtures (N2, O 2, H2, C2H4, CO, and CO2). This instrument can characterize supersonic combustion fueled with surrogate fuel mixtures of hydrogen and ethylene. This information can lead to a better understanding of the chemistry and performance of supersonic combustion fueled with cracked jet propulsion (JP)-type fuel

    A Destruction/Contraction Gradient Coordinates a Persistent and Polarized Global Actin Flow to Control Cell Directionality

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    Cell motility is hypothesised to be regulated by a step-wise series of events, beginning with leading-edge extension of the membrane. However, it is unclear how rapid leading-edge movements are capable of generating coordinated cell motion. Posterior to the leading edge is the flowing Actin network, which generates cellular propulsive forces. This flow is driven by a combination of Actin polymerisation pushing against the leading-edge, and myosin mediated contraction of the Actin network. Yet, it is unknown how this flow is organised and whether it is involved in controlling cell migration. Through the development of novel computational tools, I show that Actin retrograde flow in developmentally dispersing Drosophila macrophages is highly coherent. Mathematical analysis of Actin flow within macrophages reveals distinct regions of network compression, which are highly persistent in time compared with the leading edge. This data also highlights super-convergent regions within the flow field that represent a sudden transition from retrograde to anterograde Actin motion, whose polarity with respect to the nucleus strongly correlates with cell motion. This unveils a structure and asymmetry to global Actin flow within migrating cells, which I hypothesise is responsible for driving movement through a ‘rear wheel drive’ mechanism of cell migration as opposed to the putative leading-edge mediated ‘front wheel drive’ mechanism of directing cell motion

    Investigating the Structures of Turbulence in a Multi-stream, Rectangular, Supersonic Jet

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    Supersonic flight has become a standard for military aircraft, and is being seriously reconsidered for commercial applications. Engine technologies, enabling increased mission capabilities and vehicle performance, have evolved nozzles into complex geometries with intricate flow features. These engineering solutions have advanced at a faster rate than the understanding of the flow physics, however. The full consequences of the flow are thus not known, and using predictive tools becomes exceedingly difficult. Additionally, the increasing velocities associated with supersonic flight exacerbate the preexisting jet noise problem, which has troubled the engineering community for nearly 65 years. Even in the simplest flows, the full consequences of turbulence, e.g. noise production, are not fully understood. For composite flows, the fluid mechanics and acoustic properties have been studied even less sufficiently. Before considering the aeroacoustic problem, the development, structure, and evolution of the turbulent flow-field must be considered. This has prompted an investigation into the compressible flow of a complex nozzle. Experimental evidence is sought to explain the stochastic processes of the turbulent flow issuing from a complex geometry. Before considering the more complicated configuration, an experimental campaign of an axisymmetric jet is conducted. The results from this study are presented, and guide research of the primary flow under investigation. The design of a nozzle representative of future engine technologies is then discussed. Characteristics of this multi-stream rectangular supersonic nozzle are studied via time-resolved schlieren imaging, stereo PIV measurements, dynamic pressure transducers, and far-field acoustics. Experiments are carried out in the anechoic chamber at Syracuse University, and focus primarily on the flow-field. An extensive data set is generated, which reveals a detailed view of a very complex flow. Shear, shock waves, unequal entrainment, compressibility, and geometric features of the nozzle heavily influence the development of this jet plume. In the far-field, the acoustic radiation is found to be highly directional. Noise spectra contain high-frequency tonal signatures, and relations to the turbulent structures are made in an effort to explain the physics responsible for such acoustic generation. Analysis of the flow is made possible by the carefully planned experiments. By acquiring a large number of simultaneous data points, the stochastic processes are studied through statistical approaches. First- and second-order moments are used to describe the steady-state behavior of the flow. The wide array of sensors used in the tests allows for cross-moments to be computed, which provide evidence linking different phenomena. Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is used to separate flow-field quantities into temporal and spatial pieces, which are then further utilized in conjunction with other sensors. Through these methods, a high-frequency instability is discovered in the near-field of the jet, which pervades the flow-field and propagates ubiquitously throughout the acoustic domain. Additionally, the complex shock structure is found to play a vital role in redistributing disturbances throughout the flow. Finally, several POD modes in the side shear layer of the jet are found to be correlated with acoustic production

    An advanced prototyping process for highly accurate models in biomedical applications

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    An integrated prototyping process for the derivation of complex medical models is introduced. The use of medical models can support today’s medicine by improving diagnosis and surgical planning, teaching and patient information. To withstand the challenges of time and accuracy, a process for generating accurate virtual and physical medical models is needed. The introduced process offers the possibility to derive virtual and physical models for biomedical engineering applications. Reviewing the current situation of medical virtual prototyping and rapid prototyping applications, limitations were found related to the influential variables of data acquisition, data processing, virtual reality use, and rapid prototyping manufacturing. An integrated prototyping concept (MPP) is introduced for embedding virtual prototyping and rapid prototyping in biomedical applications. Data processing and 3D modeling of complex anatomical structures from computerized image data were investigated and discussed in detail. Finally, parameter analyses were evaluated to derive optimal parameters needed for preparing 3D models for virtual prototyping and rapid prototyping processing in medicine. Summarizing from the accuracy analysis, the present investigation is the first to examine tomographic scanning as decisive factor for inaccuracy of medical prototyping models. The human nose is an example of a complex anatomical geometry, which has been an object of scientific research interest for several years. One of the applications introduced here uses the developed MPP concept as basis for a procedure that generates animated medical models in a virtual reality environment. Although, attempts are being made to reconstruct the human nose as an experimental rapid prototyping model, a process for accurate reconstruction as a transparent rapid prototyping model is still missing. The MPP concept allows fabricating individual models of the human nose with a high level of accuracy and transparency. Finally, temporal analysis revealed major time improvements in modeling complex anatomical models compared to approaches without optimized process sequences and approved parameters. The prototyping of the human hip was the second example used. The results of this particular example emphasized the strengths of the medial prototyping process in preparing hip models for presurgery planning. Here, accuracy was enhanced considerably. Rapid prototyping hip models can provide assistance as a surgical planning tool in complex cases, especially in improving surgical results and implant stability. Thus, the accuracy and time of model generation is improved, thereby establishing a defined process for medical model generation. Considering the novel findings of broad improvements in accuracy and time, a new field of research is emerging, serving both virtual surgery applications and physical implant generation. The MPP developed in this work can be viewed as an initial approach for launching international standards of prototyping technologies in medicine

    Medical Laser-Induced Thermotherapy - Models and Applications

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    Heat has long been utilised as a therapeutic tool in medicine. Laser-induced thermotherapy aims at achieving the local destruction of lesions, relying on the conversion of the light absorbed by the tissue into heat. In interstitial laser-induced thermotherapy, light is focused into thin optical fibres, which are placed deep into the tumour mass. The objective of this work was to increase the understanding of the physical and biological phenomena governing the response to laser-induced thermotherapy, with special reference to treatment of liver tumours and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Mathematical models were used to calculate the distribution of light absorption and the subsequent temperature distribution in laser-irradiated tissues. The models were used to investigate the influence on the temperature distribution of a number of different factors, such as the design of the laser probe, the number of fibres, the optical properties of the tissue, the duration of irradiation, blood perfusion and boundary conditions. New results concerning transurethral microwave thermotherapy were obtained by incorporating the distribution of absorbed microwaves into the model. Prototypes of new laser applicators for anatomically correct treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia were developed and tested ex vivo. Experimental work on liver tumours pointed to the importance of eliminating the blood flow in the liver during treatment to reduce convective heat loss. In addition, it was shown that hepatic inflow occlusion during treatment increased the thermal sensitivity of tumour tissue. The dynamic influence of interstitial laser thermotherapy on liver perfusion was investigated using interstitial laser Doppler flowmetry. Vessel damage after the combined treatment of laser-induced heat treatment and photodynamic therapy was studied

    Adaptive self-mixing interferometry for metrology applications

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    Among the laser based techniques proposed for metrology applications, classical interferometers offer the highest precision measurements. However, the cost of some of the elements involved and the number of optical components used in the setup complicates using them in several industrial applications. Apart from cost, the complexities due to optical alignment and the required quality of the environmental conditions can be quite restrictive for those systems. Within the category of optical interferometers, optical feedback interferometry (OFI), also called self-mixing interferometry (SMI) has the potential to overcome some of the complexities of classical interferometry. It is compact in size, cost effective, robust, self-aligned, and it doesn't require a large number of optical components in the experimental configuration. In OFI, a portion of the emitted laser beam re-enters to the laser cavity after backreflection from the target, causing the wavelength of the laser to change, modifying the power spectrum and consequently the emitted output power, which can be detected for measurement purposes. Thus, the laser operates simultaneously as the light source, the light detector, and as the ultra-sensitive coherent sensor for optical path changes. The present PhD pursued improving the performance of OFI-based sensors using a novel and compact optical system. A solution using an adaptive optical element in the form of a voltage programmable liquid lens was proposed for automated focus adjustments. The amount of backreflected light re-entering the laser cavity could be controlled, and the laser feedback level was adjusted to the best condition in different situations, enabling the power signal to be adjusted to the best possible conditions for measurement. Feedback control enabled the proposal of a novel solution called differential OFI, which improved the measurement resolution down to the nanometre order, even if the displacements were below half-wavelength of the laser, for first time in OFI sensors. Another relevant part of the PhD was devoted to the analysis of speckle-affected optical power signals in feedback interferometers. Speckle effect appears when the displacements of the target are large, and introduces an undesired modulation of the amplitude of the signal. After an analysis of the speckle-affected signal and the main factors contributing to it, two novel solutions were proposed for the control of speckle noise. The adaptive optical head developed previously was used in a real time setup to control the presence of speckle effect, by tracking the signal to noise ratio of the emitted power, and modifying the spot size on the target when required using a feedback loop. Besides, a sensor diversity solution was proposed to enable enhancements in signal detection in fast targets, when real time control could not be applied. Finally, two industrial applications of the technique with the presence of different levels of speckle noise have been presented. A complete measurement methodology for the control of motor shaft runout in permanent magnet electrical motors, enabling complete monitoring of the displacement of the shaft has been developed and implemented in practice. Results here are validated with those obtained using a commercial laser Doppler vibrometer, an equipment with a much higher cost. A second application in the monitoring the displacement of polymer-reinforced beams used in civil engineering under dynamic loading was also demonstrated. Results here are validated using a conventional contact probe (a Linear Vertical Differential Transducer, LVDT). Both applications show that with controlled speckle features OFI performs adequately in industrial environments as a non-contact proximity probe with resolution limited by the constraints defined by the setu
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