913 research outputs found

    Lightweight Automated Feature Monitoring for Data Streams

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    Monitoring the behavior of automated real-time stream processing systems has become one of the most relevant problems in real world applications. Such systems have grown in complexity relying heavily on high dimensional input data, and data hungry Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. We propose a flexible system, Feature Monitoring (FM), that detects data drifts in such data sets, with a small and constant memory footprint and a small computational cost in streaming applications. The method is based on a multi-variate statistical test and is data driven by design (full reference distributions are estimated from the data). It monitors all features that are used by the system, while providing an interpretable features ranking whenever an alarm occurs (to aid in root cause analysis). The computational and memory lightness of the system results from the use of Exponential Moving Histograms. In our experimental study, we analyze the system's behavior with its parameters and, more importantly, show examples where it detects problems that are not directly related to a single feature. This illustrates how FM eliminates the need to add custom signals to detect specific types of problems and that monitoring the available space of features is often enough.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. AutoML, KDD22, August 14-17, 2022, Washington, DC, U

    Bayesian anomaly detection methods for social networks

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    Learning the network structure of a large graph is computationally demanding, and dynamically monitoring the network over time for any changes in structure threatens to be more challenging still. This paper presents a two-stage method for anomaly detection in dynamic graphs: the first stage uses simple, conjugate Bayesian models for discrete time counting processes to track the pairwise links of all nodes in the graph to assess normality of behavior; the second stage applies standard network inference tools on a greatly reduced subset of potentially anomalous nodes. The utility of the method is demonstrated on simulated and real data sets.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS329 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A comparative study of anomaly detection methods for gross error detection problems.

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    The chemical industry requires highly accurate and reliable measurements to ensure smooth operation and effective monitoring of processing facilities. However, measured data inevitably contains errors from various sources. Traditionally in flow systems, data reconciliation through mass balancing is applied to reduce error by estimating balanced flows. However, this approach can only handle random errors. For non-random errors (called gross errors, GEs) which are caused by measurement bias, instrument failures, or process leaks, among others, this approach would return incorrect results. In recent years, many gross error detection (GED) methods have been proposed by the research community. It is recognised that the basic principle of GED is a special case of the detection of outliers (or anomalies) in data analytics. With the developments of Machine Learning (ML) research, patterns in the data can be discovered to provide effective detection of anomalous instances. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of the application of ML-based Anomaly Detection methods (ADMs) in the GED context on a number of synthetic datasets and compare the results with several established GED approaches. We also perform data transformation on the measurement data and compare its associated results to the original results, as well as investigate the effects of training size on the detection performance. One class Support Vector Machine outperformed other ADMs and five selected statistical tests for GED on Accuracy, F1 Score, and Overall Power while Interquartile Range (IQR) method obtained the best selectivity outcome among the top 6 AMDs and the five statistical tests. The results indicate that ADMs can potentially be applied to GED problems

    Anomaly Detection and Exploratory Causal Analysis for SAP HANA

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    Nowadays, the good functioning of the equipment, networks and systems will be the key for the business of a company to continue operating because it is never avoidable for the companies to use information technology to support their business in the era of big data. However, the technology is never infallible, faults that give rise to sometimes critical situations may appear at any time. To detect and prevent failures, it is very essential to have a good monitoring system which is responsible for controlling the technology used by a company (hardware, networks and communications, operating systems or applications, among others) in order to analyze their operation and performance, and to detect and alert about possible errors. The aim of this thesis is thus to further advance the field of anomaly detection and exploratory causal inference which are two major research areas in a monitoring system, to provide efficient algorithms with regards to the usability, maintainability and scalability. The analyzed results can be viewed as a starting point for the root cause analysis of the system performance issues and to avoid falls in the system or minimize the time of resolution of the issues in the future. The algorithms were performed on the historical data of SAP HANA database at last and the results gained in this thesis indicate that the tools have succeeded in providing some useful information for diagnosing the performance issues of the system

    Enhancing Computer Network Security through Improved Outlier Detection for Data Streams

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    V několika posledních letech se metody strojového učení (zvláště ty zabývající se detekcí odlehlých hodnot - OD) v oblasti kyberbezpečnosti opíraly o zjišťování anomálií síťového provozu spočívajících v nových schématech útoků. Detekce anomálií v počítačových sítích reálného světa se ale stala stále obtížnější kvůli trvalému nárůstu vysoce objemných, rychlých a dimenzionálních průběžně přicházejících dat (SD), pro která nejsou k dispozici obecně uznané a pravdivé informace o anomalitě. Účinná detekční schémata pro vestavěná síťová zařízení musejí být rychlá a paměťově nenáročná a musejí být schopna se potýkat se změnami konceptu, když se vyskytnou. Cílem této disertace je zlepšit bezpečnost počítačových sítí zesílenou detekcí odlehlých hodnot v datových proudech, obzvláště SD, a dosáhnout kyberodolnosti, která zahrnuje jak detekci a analýzu, tak reakci na bezpečnostní incidenty jako jsou např. nové zlovolné aktivity. Za tímto účelem jsou v práci navrženy čtyři hlavní příspěvky, jež byly publikovány nebo se nacházejí v recenzním řízení časopisů. Zaprvé, mezera ve volbě vlastností (FS) bez učitele pro zlepšování již hotových metod OD v datových tocích byla zaplněna navržením volby vlastností bez učitele pro detekci odlehlých průběžně přicházejících dat označované jako UFSSOD. Následně odvozujeme generický koncept, který ukazuje dva aplikační scénáře UFSSOD ve spojení s online algoritmy OD. Rozsáhlé experimenty ukázaly, že UFSSOD coby algoritmus schopný online zpracování vykazuje srovnatelné výsledky jako konkurenční metoda upravená pro OD. Zadruhé představujeme nový aplikační rámec nazvaný izolovaný les založený na počítání výkonu (PCB-iForest), jenž je obecně schopen využít jakoukoliv online OD metodu založenou na množinách dat tak, aby fungovala na SD. Do tohoto algoritmu integrujeme dvě varianty založené na klasickém izolovaném lese. Rozsáhlé experimenty provedené na 23 multidisciplinárních datových sadách týkajících se bezpečnostní problematiky reálného světa ukázaly, že PCB-iForest jasně překonává už zavedené konkurenční metody v 61 % případů a dokonce dosahuje ještě slibnějších výsledků co do vyváženosti mezi výpočetními náklady na klasifikaci a její úspěšností. Zatřetí zavádíme nový pracovní rámec nazvaný detekce odlehlých hodnot a rozpoznávání schémat útoku proudovým způsobem (SOAAPR), jenž je na rozdíl od současných metod schopen zpracovat výstup z různých online OD metod bez učitele proudovým způsobem, aby získal informace o nových schématech útoku. Ze seshlukované množiny korelovaných poplachů jsou metodou SOAAPR vypočítány tři různé soukromí zachovávající podpisy podobné otiskům prstů, které charakterizují a reprezentují potenciální scénáře útoku s ohledem na jejich komunikační vztahy, projevy ve vlastnostech dat a chování v čase. Evaluace na dvou oblíbených datových sadách odhalila, že SOAAPR může soupeřit s konkurenční offline metodou ve schopnosti korelace poplachů a významně ji překonává z hlediska výpočetního času . Navíc se všechny tři typy podpisů ve většině případů zdají spolehlivě charakterizovat scénáře útoků tím, že podobné seskupují k sobě. Začtvrté představujeme algoritmus nepárového kódu autentizace zpráv (Uncoupled MAC), který propojuje oblasti kryptografického zabezpečení a detekce vniknutí (IDS) pro síťovou bezpečnost. Zabezpečuje síťovou komunikaci (autenticitu a integritu) kryptografickým schématem s podporou druhé vrstvy kódy autentizace zpráv, ale také jako vedlejší efekt poskytuje funkcionalitu IDS tak, že vyvolává poplach na základě porušení hodnot nepárového MACu. Díky novému samoregulačnímu rozšíření algoritmus adaptuje svoje vzorkovací parametry na základě zjištění škodlivých aktivit. Evaluace ve virtuálním prostředí jasně ukazuje, že schopnost detekce se za běhu zvyšuje pro různé scénáře útoku. Ty zahrnují dokonce i situace, kdy se inteligentní útočníci snaží využít slabá místa vzorkování.ObhájenoOver the past couple of years, machine learning methods - especially the Outlier Detection (OD) ones - have become anchored to the cyber security field to detect network-based anomalies rooted in novel attack patterns. Due to the steady increase of high-volume, high-speed and high-dimensional Streaming Data (SD), for which ground truth information is not available, detecting anomalies in real-world computer networks has become a more and more challenging task. Efficient detection schemes applied to networked, embedded devices need to be fast and memory-constrained, and must be capable of dealing with concept drifts when they occur. The aim of this thesis is to enhance computer network security through improved OD for data streams, in particular SD, to achieve cyber resilience, which ranges from the detection, over the analysis of security-relevant incidents, e.g., novel malicious activity, to the reaction to them. Therefore, four major contributions are proposed, which have been published or are submitted journal articles. First, a research gap in unsupervised Feature Selection (FS) for the improvement of off-the-shell OD methods in data streams is filled by proposing Unsupervised Feature Selection for Streaming Outlier Detection, denoted as UFSSOD. A generic concept is retrieved that shows two application scenarios of UFSSOD in conjunction with online OD algorithms. Extensive experiments have shown that UFSSOD, as an online-capable algorithm, achieves comparable results with a competitor trimmed for OD. Second, a novel unsupervised online OD framework called Performance Counter-Based iForest (PCB-iForest) is being introduced, which generalized, is able to incorporate any ensemble-based online OD method to function on SD. Two variants based on classic iForest are integrated. Extensive experiments, performed on 23 different multi-disciplinary and security-related real-world data sets, revealed that PCB-iForest clearly outperformed state-of-the-art competitors in 61 % of cases and even achieved more promising results in terms of the tradeoff between classification and computational costs. Third, a framework called Streaming Outlier Analysis and Attack Pattern Recognition, denoted as SOAAPR is being introduced that, in contrast to the state-of-the-art, is able to process the output of various online unsupervised OD methods in a streaming fashion to extract information about novel attack patterns. Three different privacy-preserving, fingerprint-like signatures are computed from the clustered set of correlated alerts by SOAAPR, which characterize and represent the potential attack scenarios with respect to their communication relations, their manifestation in the data's features and their temporal behavior. The evaluation on two popular data sets shows that SOAAPR can compete with an offline competitor in terms of alert correlation and outperforms it significantly in terms of processing time. Moreover, in most cases all three types of signatures seem to reliably characterize attack scenarios to the effect that similar ones are grouped together. Fourth, an Uncoupled Message Authentication Code algorithm - Uncoupled MAC - is presented which builds a bridge between cryptographic protection and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) for network security. It secures network communication (authenticity and integrity) through a cryptographic scheme with layer-2 support via uncoupled message authentication codes but, as a side effect, also provides IDS-functionality producing alarms based on the violation of Uncoupled MAC values. Through a novel self-regulation extension, the algorithm adapts its sampling parameters based on the detection of malicious actions on SD. The evaluation in a virtualized environment clearly shows that the detection rate increases over runtime for different attack scenarios. Those even cover scenarios in which intelligent attackers try to exploit the downsides of sampling

    Cyber Security

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    This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Annual Conference on Cyber Security, CNCERT 2021, held in Beijing, China, in AJuly 2021. The 14 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 51 submissions. The papers are organized according to the following topical sections: ​data security; privacy protection; anomaly detection; traffic analysis; social network security; vulnerability detection; text classification

    A novel symbolization technique for time-series outlier detection

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    The detection of outliers in time series data is a core component of many data-mining applications and broadly applied in industrial applications. In large data sets algorithms that are efficient in both time and space are required. One area where speed and storage costs can be reduced is via symbolization as a pre-processing step, additionally opening up the use of an array of discrete algorithms. With this common pre-processing step in mind, this work highlights that (1) existing symbolization approaches are designed to address problems other than outlier detection and are hence sub-optimal and (2) use of off-the-shelf symbolization techniques can therefore lead to significant unnecessary data corruption and potential performance loss when outlier detection is a key aspect of the data mining task at hand. Addressing this a novel symbolization method is motivated specifically targeting the end use application of outlier detection. The method is empirically shown to outperform existing approaches