1,051 research outputs found

    Fusion of Spectral Reflectance and Derivative Information for Robust Hyperspectral Land Cover Classification

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    Developments in sensor technology have made high resolution hyperspectral remote sensing data available to the remote sensing analyst for ground cover classification and target recognition tasks. Further, with limited ground-truth data in many real-life operating scenarios, such hyperspectral classification systems often employ dimensionality reduction algorithms. In this thesis, the efficacy of spectral derivative features for hyperspectral analysis is studied. These studies are conducted within the context of both single and multiple classifier systems. Finally, a modification of existing classification techniques is proposed and tested on spectral reflectance and derivative features that adapts the classification systems to the characteristics of the dataset under consideration. Experimental results are reported with handheld, airborne and spaceborne hyperspectral data. Efficacy of the proposed approaches (using spectral derivatives and single or multiple classifiers) as quantified by the overall classification accuracy (expressed in percentage), is significantly greater than that of these systems when exploiting only reflectance information

    Fusing Small-footprint Waveform LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data for Canopy-level Species Classification and Herbaceous Biomass Modeling in Savanna Ecosystems

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    The study of ecosystem structure, function, and composition has become increasingly important in order to gain a better understanding of how impacts wrought by natural disturbances, climate, and human activity can alter ecosystem services provided to a population. Research groups at Rochester Institute of Technology and Carnegie Institution for Science are focusing on characterization of savanna ecosystems and are using data from the Carnegie Airborne Observatory (CAO), which integrates advanced imaging spectroscopy and waveform light detection and ranging (wLiDAR) data. This component of the larger ecosystem project has as a goal the fusion of imaging spectroscopy and small-footprint wLiDAR data in order to improve per-species structural parameter estimation towards classication and herbaceous biomass modeling. Waveform LiDAR has proven useful for extracting high vertical resolution structural parameters, while imaging spectroscopy is a well-established tool for species classication and biochemistry assessment. We hypothesize that the two modalities provide complementary information that could improve per-species structural assessment, species classication, and herbaceous biomass modeling when compared to single modality sensing systems. We explored a statistical approach to data fusion at the feature level, which hinged on our ability to reduce structural and spectral data dimensionality to those data features best suited to assessing these complex systems. The species classification approach was based on stepwise discrimination analysis (SDA) and used feature metrics from hyperspectral imagery (HSI) combined with wLiDAR data, which could help nding correlated features, and in turn improve classiers. It was found that fusing data with the SDA did not improve classication signicantly, especially compared to the HSI classication results. The overall classication accuracies were 53% for both original and PCA-based wLiDAR variables, 73% for the original HSI variables, 71% for PCA-based HSI variables, 73% for the original fusion of wLiDAR and HSI data set, and 74% for the PCA-based fusion variables. The kappa coecients achieved with the original and PCA-based wLiDAR variable classications were 0.41 and 0.44, respectively. For both original and PCA-based HSI classications, the kappa coecients were 0.63 and 0.60, respectively and 0.62 and 0.64 for original and PCA-based fusion variable classications, respectively. These results show that HSI was more successful in grouping important information in a smaller number of variables than wLiDAR and thus inclusion of structural information did not signicantly improve the classication. As for herbaceous biomass modeling, the statistical approach used for the fusion of wLiDAR and HSI was forward selection modeling (FSM), which selects signicant independent metrics and models those to measured biomass. The results were measured in R2 and RMSE, which indicate the similar ndings. Waveform LiDAR performed the poorest with an R2 of 0.07 for original wLiDAR variables and 0.12 for PCA-based wLiDAR variables. The respective RMSE were 19.99 and 19.41. For both original and PCA-based HSI variables, the results were better with R2 of 0.32 and 0.27 and RMSE of 17.27 and 17.80, respectively. For the fusion of original and PCA-based data, the results were comparable to HSI, with R2 values of 0.35 and 0.29 and RMSE of 16.88 and 17.59, respectively. These results indicate that small scale wLiDAR may not be able to provide accurate measurement of herbaceous biomass, although other factors could have contributed to the relatively poor results, such as the senescent state of grass by April 2008, the narrow biomass range that was measured, and the low biomass values, i.e., the limited laser-target interactions. We concluded that although fusion did not result in signicant improvements over single modality approaches in those two use cases, there is a need for further investigation during peak growing season

    Hyperspectral Imaging for Fine to Medium Scale Applications in Environmental Sciences

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    The aim of the Special Issue “Hyperspectral Imaging for Fine to Medium Scale Applications in Environmental Sciences” was to present a selection of innovative studies using hyperspectral imaging (HSI) in different thematic fields. This intention reflects the technical developments in the last three decades, which have brought the capacity of HSI to provide spectrally, spatially and temporally detailed data, favoured by e.g., hyperspectral snapshot technologies, miniaturized hyperspectral sensors and hyperspectral microscopy imaging. The present book comprises a suite of papers in various fields of environmental sciences—geology/mineral exploration, digital soil mapping, mapping and characterization of vegetation, and sensing of water bodies (including under-ice and underwater applications). In addition, there are two rather methodically/technically-oriented contributions dealing with the optimized processing of UAV data and on the design and test of a multi-channel optical receiver for ground-based applications. All in all, this compilation documents that HSI is a multi-faceted research topic and will remain so in the future

    A diver-operated hyperspectral imaging and topographic surveying system for automated mapping of benthic habitats

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    We developed a novel integrated technology for diver-operated surveying of shallow marine ecosystems. The HyperDiver system captures rich multifaceted data in each transect: hyperspectral and color imagery, topographic profiles, incident irradiance and water chemistry at a rate of 15-30 m(2) per minute. From surveys in a coral reef following standard diver protocols, we show how the rich optical detail can be leveraged to generate photopigment abundance and benthic composition maps. We applied machine learning techniques, with a minor annotation effort (<2% of pixels), to automatically generate cm-scale benthic habitat maps of high taxonomic resolution and accuracy (93-97%). The ability to efficiently map benthic composition, photopigment densities and rugosity at reef scales is a compelling contribution to modernize reef monitoring. Seafloor-level hyperspectral images can be used for automated mapping, avoiding operator bias in the analysis and deliver the degree of detail necessary for standardized environmental monitoring. The technique can deliver fast, objective and economic reef survey results, making it a valuable tool for coastal managers and reef ecologists. Underwater hyperspectral surveying shares the vantage point of the high spatial and taxonomic resolution restricted to field surveys, with analytical techniques of remote sensing and provides targeted validation for aerial monitoring

    Identifying individual nutrient deficiencies of grapevine leaves using hyperspectral imaging

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    The efficiency of a vineyard management system is directly related to the effective management of nutritional disorders, which significantly downgrades vine growth, crop yield and wine quality. To detect nutritional disorders, we successfully extracted a wide range of features using hyperspectral (HS) images to identify healthy and individual nutrient deficiencies of grapevine leaves. Features such as mean reflectance, mean first derivative reflectance, variation index, mean spectral ratio, normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and standard deviation (SD) were employed at various stages in the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS) and near-infrared (N.I.R.) regions for our experiment. Leaves were examined visually in the laboratory and grouped as either healthy (i.e. control) or unhealthy. Then, the features of the leaves were extracted from these two groups. In a second experiment, features of individual nutrient-deficient leaves (e.g., N, K and Mg) were also analysed and compared with those of control leaves. Furthermore, a customised support vector machine (SVM) was used to demonstrate that these features can be utilised with a high degree of effectiveness to identify unhealthy samples and not only to distinguish from control and nutrient deficient but also to identify individual nutrient defects. Therefore, the proposed work corroborated that HS imaging has excellent potential to analyse features based on healthiness and individual nutrient deficiencies of grapevine leaves

    A comparison of different optical instruments and machine learning techniques to identify sprouting activity in potatoes during storage

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    The quality of potato tubers is dependent on several attributes been maintained at appropriate levels during storage. One of these attributes is sprouting activity that is initiated from meristematic regions of the tubers (eyes). Sprouting activity is a major problem that contributes to reduced shelf life and elevated sugar content, which affects the marketability of seed tubers as well as fried products. This study compared the capabilities of three different optical systems (1: visible/near-infrared (Vis/NIR) interactance spectroscopy, 2: Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging, 3: NIR transmittance) and machine learning methods to detect sprouting activity in potatoes based on the primordial leaf count (LC). The study was conducted on Frito Lay 1879 and Russet Norkotah cultivars stored at different temperatures and classification models were developed that considered both cultivars combined and classified the tubers as having either high or low sprouting activity. Measurements were performed on whole tubers and sliced samples to see the effect this would have on identifying sprouting activity. Sequential forward selection was applied for wavelength selection and the classification was carried out using K-nearest neighbor, partial least squares discriminant analysis, and soft independent modeling class analogy. The highest classification accuracy values obtained by the hyperspectral imaging system and was 87.5% and 90% for sliced and whole samples, respectively. Data fusion did not show classification improvement for whole tubers, whereas a 7.5% classification accuracy increase was illustrated for sliced samples. By investigating different optical techniques and machine learning methods, this study provides a first step toward developing a handheld optical device for early detection of sprouting activity, enabling advanced aid potato storage management

    Vegetation Cover Analysis of Hazardous Waste Sites in Utah and Arizona Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

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    This study investigated the usability of hyperspectral remote sensing for characterizing vegetation at hazardous waste sites. The specific objectives of this study were to: (1) estimate leaf-area-index (LAI) of the vegetation using three different methods (i.e., vegetation indices, red-edge positioning (REP), and machine learning regression trees), and (2) map the vegetation cover using machine learning decision trees based on either the scaled reflectance data or mixture tuned matched filtering (MTMF)-derived metrics and vegetation indices. HyMap airborne data (126 bands at 2.3 x 2.3 m spatial resolution), collected over the U. S. Department of Energy uranium processing sites near Monticello, Utah and Monument Valley, Arizona, were used. Grass and shrub species were mixed on an engineered disposal cell cover at the Monticello site while shrub species were dominant in the phytoremediation plantings at the Monument Valley site. Regression trees resulted in the best calibration performance of LAI estimation (R-2 > 0.80. The use of REPs failed to accurately predict LAI (R-2 < 0.2). The use of the MTMF-derived metrics (matched filter scores and infeasibility) and a range of vegetation indices in decision trees improved the vegetation mapping when compared to the decision tree classification using just the scaled reflectance. Results suggest that hyperspectral imagery are useful for characterizing biophysical characteristics (LAI) and vegetation cover on capped hazardous waste sites. However, it is believed that the vegetation mapping would benefit from the use of higher spatial resolution hyperspectral data due to the small size of many of the vegetation patches (<1 m) found on the sites.open111

    Uncertainty Assessment of Spectral Mixture Analysis in Remote Sensing Imagery

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    Spectral mixture analysis (SMA), a scheme of sub-pixel-based classifications, is one of the widely used models to map fractional land use and land cover information in remote sensing imagery. It assumes that: 1) a mixed pixel is composed by several pure land cover classes (endmembers) linearly or nonlinearly, and 2) the spectral signature of each endmember is a constant within the entire spatial extent of analysis. SMA has been commonly applied to impervious surface area extraction, vegetation fraction estimation, and land use and land cover change (LULC) mapping. Limitations of SMA, however, still exist. First, the existence of between- and within-class variability prevents the selection of accurate endmembers, which results in poor accuracy of fractional land cover estimates. Weighted spectral mixture analysis (WSMA) and transformed spectral mixture analysis (TSMA) are alternate means to address the within- and between- class variability. These methods, however, have not been analyzed systematically and comprehensively. The effectiveness of each WSMA and TSMA scheme is still unknown, in particular within different urban areas. Second, multiple endmember SMA (MESMA) is a better alternative to address spectral mixture model uncertainties. It, nonetheless, is time consuming and inefficient. Further, incorrect endmember selections may still limit model performance as the best-fit endmember model might not be the optimal model due to the existence of spectral variability. Therefore, this study aims 1) to explore endmember uncertainties by examining WSMA and TSMA modeling comprehensively, and 2) to develop an improved MESMA model in order to address the uncertainties of spectral mixture models. Results of the WSMA examination illustrated that some weighting schemes did reduce endmember uncertainties since they could improve the fractional estimates significantly. The results also indicated that spectral class variance played a key role in addressing the endmember uncertainties, as the better performing weighting schemes were constructed with spectral class variance. In addition, the results of TSMA examination demonstrated that some TSMAs, such as normalized spectral mixture analysis (NSMA), could effectively solve the endmember uncertainties because of their stable performance in different study areas. Results of Class-based MEMSA (C-MESMA) indicated that it could address spectral mixture model uncertainties by reducing a lot of the calculation burden and effectively improving accuracy. Assessment demonstrated that C-MEMSA significantly improving accuracy. Major contributions of this study can be summarized as follow. First, the effectiveness of addressing endmember uncertainties have been fully discussed by examining: 1) the effectiveness of ten weighted spectral mixture models in urban environments; and 2) the effectiveness of 26 transformed spectral mixture models in three locations. Constructive guidance regarding handling endmember uncertainties using WSMA and TSMA have been provided. Second, the uncertainties of spectral mixture model were reduced by developing an improved MESMA model, named C-MESMA. C-MESMA could restrict the distribution of endmembers and reduce the calculation burden of traditional MESMA, increasing SMA accuracy significantly

    Improving hyperspectral band selection by constructing an estimated reference map

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    We investigate band selection for hyperspectral image classification. Mutual information (MI) measures the statistical dependence between two random variables. By modeling the reference map as one of the two random variables, MI can, therefore, be used to select the bands that are more useful for image classification. A new method is proposed to estimate the MI using an optimally constructed reference map, reducing reliance on ground-truth information. To reduce the interferences from noise and clutters, the reference map is constructed by averaging a subset of spectral bands that are chosen with the best capability to approximate the ground truth. To automatically find these bands, we develop a searching strategy consisting of differentiable MI, gradient ascending algorithm, and random-start optimization. Experiments on AVIRIS 92AV3C dataset and Pavia University scene dataset show that the proposed method outperformed the benchmark methods. In AVIRIS 92AV3C dataset, up to 55% of bands can be removed without significant loss of classification accuracy, compared to the 40% from that using the reference map accompanied with the dataset. Meanwhile, its performance is much more robust to accuracy degradation when bands are cut off beyond 60%, revealing a better agreement in the MI calculation. In Pavia University scene dataset, using 45 bands achieved 86.18% classification accuracy, which is only 1.5% lower than that using all the 103 bands