103 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Fuzzy Time Series Technique for Forecasting Univariate Data

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    In this paper a hybrid forecasting technique that integrates Cat Swarm optimization Clustering (CSO-C) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with Fuzzy Time Series (FTS) forecasting is presented. In the three stages of FTS, CSO-C found application at the fuzzification module where its efficient capability in terms of data classification was utilized to neutrally divide the universe of discourse into unequal parts. Then, disambiguated fuzzy relationships were obtained using Fuzzy Set Group (FSG). In the final stage, PSO was adopted for optimization; by tuning weights assigned to fuzzy sets in a rule. This rule is a fuzzy logical relationship induced from FSG. The forecasting results showed that the proposed method outperformed other existing methods; using RMSE and MAPE as performance metrics.            

    Peramalan Fuzzy Time Series-Markov Chain dengan Algoritma Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Konsep peramalan dengan fuzzy time series semakin banyak dikembangkan untuk menyelesaikan berbagai masalah. Panjang interval dan proses defuzzifikasi merupakan dua faktor penting yang mempengaruhi keakuratan hasil peramalan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggabungkan metode fuzzy time series-markov chain dengan algoritma particle swarm optimization. Aturan rantai markov digunakan pada proses defuzzifikasi untuk mengatasi himpunan fuzzy yang berulang dan menentukan pembobotan yang tepat. Sementara itu, algoritma particle swarm optimization digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan panjang interval fuzzy time series dengan menganggap semesta pembicaraan sebagai ruang pencarian dan interval sebagai partikel. Penulis menggunakan nilai Average Forecasting Error Rate (AFER) untuk melihat tingkat akurasi dari peramalan. Modifikasi tersebut diterapkan untuk meramalkan harga saham pembukaan PT. Astra International Tbk dan menunjukkan performa yang sangat baik dengan nilai AFER sebesar 0,9555%

    A Fuzzy Time Series-Based Model Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Weighted Rules

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    During the last decades, a myriad of fuzzy time series models have been proposed in scientific literature. Among the most accurate models found in fuzzy time series, the high-order ones are the most accurate. The research described in this paper tackles three potential limitations associated with the application of high-order fuzzy time series models. To begin with, the adequacy of forecast rules lacks consistency. Secondly, as the model's order increases, data utilization diminishes. Thirdly, the uniformity of forecast rules proves to be highly contingent on the chosen interval partitions. To address these likely drawbacks, we introduce a novel model based on fuzzy time series that amalgamates the principles of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and weighted summation. Our results show that our approach models accurately the time series in comparison with previous methods

    A Fuzzy Time Series-Based Model Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Weighted Rules

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    During the last decades, a myriad of fuzzy time series models have been proposed in scientific literature. Among the most accurate models found in fuzzy time series, the high-order ones are the most accurate. The research described in this paper tackles three potential limitations associated with the application of high-order fuzzy time series models. To begin with, the adequacy of forecast rules lacks consistency. Secondly, as the model's order increases, data utilization diminishes. Thirdly, the uniformity of forecast rules proves to be highly contingent on the chosen interval partitions. To address these likely drawbacks, we introduce a novel model based on fuzzy time series that amalgamates the principles of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and weighted summation. Our results show that our approach models accurately the time series in comparison with previous methods

    Fuzzy time series analysis and prediction using swarm optimized hybrid model.

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    Time series forecasting has an extensive trajectory record in the fields of business, economics, energy, population dynamics, tourism, etc. where factor models, neural network models, Bayesian models are exceedingly applied for effective prediction. It has been exemplified in numerous forecasting surveys that finding an individual forecasting model to achieve the best performances for all potential situations is inadequate. Moreover, modern research endeavour has focused on a deeper understanding of the grounds. Rather than aim for designing a single superior model, it focused on the forecasting methods that are effective under certain situations. For instance, due to the qualitative nature of forecasting, a business can come up with diverse scenarios depending on the interpretation of data. Therefore, the organizations never rely on any individual forecasting model solely, rather focused on sets of individual models to attain the best possible knowledge of the future. The time series forecasting model has a great impact in terms of prediction. Many forecasting models related to fuzzy time series were proposed in the past decades. These models were widely applied to various problem domains, especially in dealing with forecasting problems where historical data are linguistic values. A hybrid forecasting method can be effective to improve forecast accuracy by merging sets of the individual forecasting models. Numerous hybrid forecasting models have been proposed last couple of years that combined fuzzy time series with the evolutionary algorithms, but the performance of the models is not quite satisfactory. In this research, a novel hybrid fuzzy time series forecasting model is proposed that used the historical data as the universe of discourse and the automatic clustering algorithm to cluster the universe of discourse by adjusting the clusters into intervals. Furthermore, the particle swarm optimization algorithm is also examined to improve forecasted accuracy. The proposed method is considered to forecast student enrolment of the University of Alabama. The model achieves a significant improvement in forecast accuracy as compared to state-of-the-art hybrid fuzzy time series forecasting models. It is obvious from the literature that no forecasting technique is appropriate for all situations. There is substantial evidence to demonstrate that combining individual forecasts produces gains in forecasting accuracy. The addition of quantitative forecasts to qualitative forecasts may reduce forecast accuracy. Individual forecasts are combined based on either the simple arithmetic average method or an artificial neural network. Research has not yet revealed the conditions for the optimal forecast combinations. This thesis provides a few contributions to enhance the existing combination model. A set of Individual forecasting models is used to form a novel combination forecasting model based on the characteristics of resulting forecasts. All methods derived in this thesis are thoroughly tested on several standard datasets. The related characteristics of the resulting forecasts are observed to have different error decompositions both for hybrid and combination forecasting model. Advanced combination structures are investigated to take advantage of the knowledge of the forecast generation processes

    A Weighted Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Model

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    Fish swarmed Fuzzy Time Series for Photovoltaic’s Forecasting in Microgrid

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    Forecasting irradiation and temperature is important for designing photovoltaic systems because these two factors have a significant impact on system performance. Irradiation refers to the amount of solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface, and directly affects the amount of energy that can be generated by a photovoltaic system. Therefore, accurate irradiation forecasting is essential for estimating the amount of energy a photovoltaic system can produce, and can assist in determining the appropriate system size, configuration, and orientation to maximize energy output. Temperature also plays an important role in the performance of a photovoltaic system. With increasing temperature, the efficiency of the solar cell decreases, which means that the energy output of the system also decreases. Therefore, accurate temperature forecasts are essential for estimating system energy output, selecting suitable materials, and designing effective cooling systems to prevent overheating. In summary, forecasting irradiation and temperature is important for designing photovoltaic systems as it helps in determining suitable system size, configuration, orientation, material selection, and cooling system, which ultimately results in higher energy output and better system performance. In recent decades, many forecasting models have been built on the idea of fuzzy time series. There are several forecasting models proposed by integrating fuzzy time series with heuristic or evolutionary algorithms such as genetic algorithms, but the results are not satisfactory. To improve forecasting accuracy, a new hybrid forecasting model combines fish swarm optimization algorithm with fuzzy time series. The results of irradiance prediction/forecasting with the smallest error are using the type of Fuzzy Time Series prediction model optimized with FSOA with RMSE is 0.83832

    A novel two – factor high order fuzzy time series with applications to temperature and futures exchange forecasting

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    High order fuzzy time series forecasting methods are more suitable than first order fuzzy time series forecasting methods in dealing with linguistic values. However, existing high order methods lack persuasiveness in dealing objectively with multiple – factor fuzzy time series, recurrent number of fuzzy relationships, and assigning weights to elements of fuzzy forecasting rules. In this paper, a novel two – factor high – order fuzzy time series forecasting method based on fuzzy C-means clustering and particle swarm optimization is proposed to resolve these drawbacks. Fuzzy C-means clustering is utilized in the fuzzification phase to objectively partition the universe of discourse and enable processing of multiple factors. Then, particle swarm optimization is utilized to assign optimal weights to elements of fuzzy forecasting rules. Daily average temperatures of Taipei and Taiwan Futures Exchange (TAIFEX) are used as benchmark data. Average forecasting error performance of 0.85% was obtained for Taipei Temperature forecast. Mean squared error performance of 199.57 was obtained for Taiwan Futures Exchange forecast. The forecasting results showed that the proposed method has higher forecasting performance than other existing methods.Keywords: fuzzy time series, fuzzy c-mean clustering, particle swarm optimization, forecasting, fuzzy relationship

    The cross-association relation based on intervals ratio in fuzzy time series

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    The fuzzy time series (FTS) is a forecasting model based on linguistic values. This forecasting method was developed in recent years after the existing ones were insufficiently accurate. Furthermore, this research modified the accuracy of existing methods for determining and the partitioning universe of discourse, fuzzy logic relationship (FLR), and variation historical data using intervals ratio, cross association relationship, and rubber production Indonesia data, respectively. The modifed steps start with the intervals ratio to partition the determined universe discourse. Then the triangular fuzzy sets were built, allowing fuzzification. After this, the FLR are built based on the cross association relationship, leading to defuzzification. The average forecasting error rate (AFER) was used to compare the modified results and the existing methods. Additionally, the simulations were conducted using rubber production Indonesia data from 2000-2020. With an AFER result of 4.77%<10%, the modification accuracy has a smaller error than previous methods, indicating  very good forecasting criteria. In addition, the coefficient values of D1 and D2 were automatically obtained from the intervals ratio algorithm. The future works modified the partitioning of the universe of discourse using frequency density to eliminate unused partition intervals

    The Forecasting of Labour Force Participation and the Unemployment Rate in Poland and Turkey Using Fuzzy Time Series Methods

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    Fuzzy time series methods based on the fuzzy set theory proposed by Zadeh (1965) was first introduced by Song and Chissom (1993). Since fuzzy time series methods do not have the assumptions that traditional time series do and have effective forecasting performance, the interest on fuzzy time series approaches is increasing rapidly. Fuzzy time series methods have been used in almost all areas, such as environmental science, economy and finance. The concepts of labour force participation and unemployment have great importance in terms of both the economy and sociology of countries. For this reason there are many studies on their forecasting. In this study, we aim to forecast the labour force participation and unemployment rate in Poland and Turkey using different fuzzy time series methods