37 research outputs found

    Problem Based Learning on Newton's Law: Can It Improve Student Creativity?

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    Creativity is important in facing a challenging future life. Therefore, current learning is focused on not only values but also soft skills such as student creativity. Few teachers provide opportunities for students to develop their creativity in the classroom. This creativity can be developed and trained through various learning strategies. Probem-based learning was chosen in this study as a means to increase students' creativity through two learning methods, experiment and demonstration.  This study seeks to determine the effect of experimental and demonstration methods with problem-based learning model on student creativity on Newton's law material.  The subjects included 72 tenth-grade science students in Surakarta, Central Java.  They were selected using the purposed random sampling technique where out of 8 tenth-grade science students in SMA Al Islam, Surakarta, 2 classes that met the research category were selected.  This experimental study collected the data using pretest and posttest for cognitive data and questionnaire using a Likert scale for student creativity data. Data were analyzed descriptively through independent sample t-test. The results showed that both methods through problem-based learning model had a significant effect on the level of student creativity. From the characteristics of the methods and the number of students in the high creativity category, experimental method is superior to be applied. It is implied that teachers can use the experimental method with problem-based learning model in Newton's law to develop student creativity soft skills

    The Effectiveness of Mobile Learning: A Critical Review of Empirical Literature

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    ワイヤレスモバイル技術は多様な教育状況の中に取り入れられてきた。モバイル学習の長所は学習者がいつでもどこでも学習を可能にすることであり,多くの研究者は学習の新しい変革の可能性を信じている。しかし,いくつかの研究は学習者が学習にモバイルデバイスを使うことを好まないことに加え,技術の限界について批判している。モバイル学習への疑問があったとしてもモバイル学習をそれぞれのフィールドで実践してきた多様な研究は肯定的な結果を報告している。本論文は,これらのモバイル学習の効果を評価してきた実証研究を概説する。その結果,モバイル学習は相互作用を促進し,学習成果を高め,クラスの管理を支援し,非公式学習に積極的に使われることが示された。この結果に基づき,モバイル学習の可能性と将来の挑戦について議論した。Wireless mobile technology has been adopted in a various education contexts. The advantage of mobile learning is that it allows learners to study at anytime and anywhere. Researchers believe that it heralds a new revolution on learning. However, some studies criticize this facility from the point of view of technical limitation, as well as learners’ unwillingness to use mobile devices in their learning. Even though there have been doubts about mobile learning, researches on the application of activity which apply mobile learning in various fields have reported positive results. This paper reviews the empirical studies which have evaluated mobile learning’s effectiveness. Results indicate that mobile learning facilitates interaction, improves learning performance, supports class management and is actively employed for the purpose of informal learning. Based on these results, the potential of mobile learning and future challenges are discussed

    How Mobile Devices Affect Students According To Teachers' Beliefs

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    The purpose of this study is to examine teachers' beliefs concerning the effects on students using mobile devices, and to determine whether these beliefs vary according to the demographic characteristics and Internet usage purposes. For this purpose, a demographic information questionnaire and the scale developed by Diker Coskun & Kizilkaya Cumaoglu (2013) were revised with validity and reliability studies and utilized on teachers (N=200). In total, the scale has three dimensions (with a total of 15 items). These are social effects (9 items), psychological effects (3 items), and learning-related effects (3 items). According to the results of the study, teachers believe that students are affected by mobile devices on all three dimensions of the scale (social, psychological, and learning dimensions). The most striking finding of the study is related to the learning dimension of the beliefs concerning mobile devices scale. In every Internet usage purpose examined within the study, it was determined that the teachers' beliefs concerning the "learning" dimension are always more positive than those that do not use the Internet for any given purpose

    m-AssIST: Interaction and scaffolding matters in authentic assessment

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    Authentic assessment is important in formal and informal learning. Technology has the potential to be used to support the assessment of higher order skills particularly with respect to real life tasks. In particular, the use of mobile devices allows the learner to increase her interactions with physical objects, various environments (indoors and outdoors spaces), augmented digital information and with peers. Those interactions can be monitored and automatically assessed in a way that is similar to traditional objective tests. However, in order to facilitate a meaningful interaction with formative purposes, we propose that the assessment process can be assisted through scaffolding mechanisms that transform the mobile system into a ‘more capable peer’. In this context, this paper presents the m-AssIST model which captures the necessary emergent properties to design and analyse m-assessment activities. The model is used to analyse the benefits and limitations of existing m-test based systems. This paper discusses the importance of meaningful interactions, and the provision of scaffolding mechanisms to support formative and authentic assessment

    Barriers to Removing Barriers of Online Learning

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    In response to the turmoil and anxiety created by the COVID-19 pandemic, many universities transitioned to online delivery with limited support and resources. University teachers adapted to the online environment to ensure the effectiveness of students’ reaching their outcomes. Using the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a framework, this study analysed ethnographic data from two experienced university teacher narratives about their online teaching strategies in two different university settings, in a developed and a developing country. The results showed that teachers used similar strategies based on the affordances provided within the Learning Management Systems (LMS) and by accessing other existing technological tools. However, the results showed inequalities in students’ participation due to their financial, economic, and socio-cultural backgrounds. This paper emphasises the need to investigate personalised and inclusive learning for consolidating and accommodating social and geographical barriers to minimise inequalities in students’ access to education. Students should not be deprived by the digital and technical divide limiting equal opportunities for learning and development in the so-called ‘global village’ in the 21st century and beyond

    Deliverable 4.4 - Review effective feedback and formative assessment in e-learning

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    This systematic review is written in the frame of a European Union funded project called Supporting Lifelong learning with ICT Inquiry-Based Education (LIBE). Through this project, an e-learning environment will be developed for young low educational achievers (aged 16-24). A crucial part in every educational intervention is assessment and feedback. Hence, to contribute to this project, this study aims to review literature regarding computer based feedback and formative assessment in e-learning. Three different approaches are considered as formative assessment, namely: ‘diagnostic testing’ (DT), ‘data based decision making’ (DBDM) and ‘assessment for learning’ (AFL). The search and selection procedure for this review resulted in 19 studies about the effects of feedback and formative assessment in elearning. Four interrelated themes emerged within this body of literature: (1) the effect on achievement, (2) the effect on motivation, (3) self-regulated learning and (4) the effect of learner characteristics. Results are elaborated around those themes and implications for the LIBE project are drawn

    Virtual learning scenarios for qualitative assessment in higher education 3D arts

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    Using enhanced learning technologies (TEL) including immersive virtual reality environments, we are seeking to achieve a new way of assessing subjects of 3D arts. We have developed a project based on Scenario Centered Curriculum (SCC), where the students have to think, design, convey, validate, and build a civil project using new technologies that help in the assessment process. We have used gamification techniques and game engines to evaluate planned tasks in which students can demonstrate the skills they developed in the scenarios. The assessment is integrated in the creation of a 3D complex model focused on the construction of a building in a virtual space. This whole process will be carried out by gamification techniques to embed the assessment of the 3D models with the objective of improving students learning.Author's final draf

    Efecto de la metodología mobile learning en la enseñanza universitaria : meta-análisis de las investigaciones publicadas en WOS y Scopus

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    La implementación de dispositivos móviles en la enseñanza universitaria es una realidad que precisa poner el foco de atención en el efecto que están teniendo en el aprendizaje. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar el efecto de la metodología mobile learning en la enseñanza universitaria a partir de la revisión de la literatura científica en las bases de datos Web of Science y Scopus. Se ha seguido una estrategia metodológica de revisión sistemática con meta-análisis tomando como base una población de 9.686 artículos. De la muestra resultante (n = 22) se han analizado 5 variables sustantivas y metodológicas. Entre los resultados, resalta la variabilidad en los ámbitos de enseñanza donde se implementan los dispositivos móviles. Asimismo, se constata que el mobile learning produce efectos estadísticamente significativos en el aprendizaje. Todo ello nos lleva a replantearnos cuál es el papel actual de las tecnologías móviles emergentes en la enseñanza universitariaThe implementation of mobile devices in university education is a reality that needs to focus on the effect they are having on learning. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of the mobile learning methodology in university teaching from on the review of the scientific literature in Web of Science and Scopus databases. A methodological strategy of systematic review with meta-analysis has been followed, based on a population of 9,686 scientific articles. From the resulting sample (n = 22), 5 substantive and methodological variables were analyzed. Among the results obtained, it is highlighted the variability in the teaching areas where mobile devices are implemented. Likewise, it is noted that mobile learning produces statistically significant effects on learning. All this leads us to rethink what is the current role of emerging mobile technologies in university educatio