868 research outputs found

    Benefits of robust multiobjective optimization for flexible automotive assembly line balancing

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    “This is a pre-print of an article published inJ. Flex Serv Manuf. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10696-018-9309-y ” Chica, M., Bautista, J. & de Armas, J. Flex Serv Manuf J (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10696-018-9309-yChanging conditions and variations in the demand are frequent in real industrial environments. Decision makers have to take into account this uncertainty and manage it properly. One clear example is the automotive industry where manufacturers have to assume an uncertain and heterogeneous demand. For instance, automotive manufacturers must adapt their decisions when balancing the assembly line by considering different flexible solutions. Our proposal is using robust multiobjective optimization and simulation techniques to provide managers with a set of robust and equally-preferred solutions for assembly line balancing. We study a Nissan case where the demand of each product family is uncertain. The problem is addressed by considering a robust multiobjective model for assembly line balancing based on a high number of production plans. After the selection of six different assembly line configurations, we study the implications of robustness metrics based on workstations’ overload. We show that the adverse managerial effects of not having flexible line configuration when demand changes are alleviated. For the real Nissan automotive case, our analysis and conclusions show the managerial and industrial benefits of using robust assembly lines. We also encourage decision makers to use robust multiobjective optimization methods for selecting the most flexible decisions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Multi-objective discrete particle swarm optimisation algorithm for integrated assembly sequence planning and assembly line balancing

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    In assembly optimisation, assembly sequence planning and assembly line balancing have been extensively studied because both activities are directly linked with assembly efficiency that influences the final assembly costs. Both activities are categorised as NP-hard and usually performed separately. Assembly sequence planning and assembly line balancing optimisation presents a good opportunity to be integrated, considering the benefits such as larger search space that leads to better solution quality, reduces error rate in planning and speeds up time-to-market for a product. In order to optimise an integrated assembly sequence planning and assembly line balancing, this work proposes a multi-objective discrete particle swarm optimisation algorithm that used discrete procedures to update its position and velocity in finding Pareto optimal solution. A computational experiment with 51 test problems at different difficulty levels was used to test the multi-objective discrete particle swarm optimisation performance compared with the existing algorithms. A statistical test of the algorithm performance indicates that the proposed multi-objective discrete particle swarm optimisation algorithm presents significant improvement in terms of the quality of the solution set towards the Pareto optimal set

    Mixed-model Sequencing with Reinsertion of Failed Vehicles: A Case Study for Automobile Industry

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    In the automotive industry, some vehicles, failed vehicles, cannot be produced according to the planned schedule due to some reasons such as material shortage, paint failure, etc. These vehicles are pulled out of the sequence, potentially resulting in an increased work overload. On the other hand, the reinsertion of failed vehicles is executed dynamically as suitable positions occur. In case such positions do not occur enough, either the vehicles waiting for reinsertion accumulate or reinsertions are made to worse positions by sacrificing production efficiency. This study proposes a bi-objective two-stage stochastic program and formulation improvements for a mixed-model sequencing problem with stochastic product failures and integrated reinsertion process. Moreover, an evolutionary optimization algorithm, a two-stage local search algorithm, and a hybrid approach are developed. Numerical experiments over a case study show that while the hybrid algorithm better explores the Pareto front representation, the local search algorithm provides more reliable solutions regarding work overload objective. Finally, the results of the dynamic reinsertion simulations show that we can decrease the work overload by ~20\% while significantly decreasing the waiting time of the failed vehicles by considering vehicle failures and integrating the reinsertion process into the mixed-model sequencing problem.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, 5 table

    Solving Many-Objective Car Sequencing Problems on Two-Sided Assembly Lines Using an Adaptive Differential Evolutionary Algorithm

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    The car sequencing problem (CSP) is addressed in this paper. The original environment of the CSP is modified to reflect real practices in the automotive industry by replacing the use of single-sided straight assembly lines with two-sided assembly lines. As a result, the problem becomes more complex caused by many additional constraints to be considered. Six objectives (i.e. many objectives) are optimised simultaneously including minimising the number of colour changes, minimising utility work, minimising total idle time, minimising the total number of ratio constraint violations and minimising total production rate variation. The algorithm namely adaptive multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition hybridised with differential evolution algorithm (AMOEA/D-DE) is developed to tackle this problem. The performances in Pareto sense of AMOEA/D-DE are compared with COIN-E, MODE, MODE/D and MOEA/D. The results indicate that AMOEA/D-DE outperforms the others in terms of convergence-related metrics

    A mathematical model and artificial bee colony algorithm for the lexicographic bottleneck mixed-model assembly line balancing problem

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Typically, the total number of required workstations are minimised for a given cycle time (this problem is referred to as type-1), or cycle time is minimised for a given number of workstations (this problem is referred to as type-2) in traditional balancing of assembly lines. However, variation in workload distributions of workstations is an important indicator of the quality of the obtained line balance. This needs to be taken into account to improve the reliability of an assembly line against unforeseeable circumstances, such as breakdowns or other failures. For this aim, a new problem, called lexicographic bottleneck mixed-model assembly line balancing problem (LB-MALBP), is presented and formalised. The lexicographic bottleneck objective, which was recently proposed for the simple single-model assembly line system in the literature, is considered for a mixed-model assembly line system. The mathematical model of the LB-MALBP is developed for the first time in the literature and coded in GAMS solver, and optimal solutions are presented for some small scale test problems available in the literature. As it is not possible to get optimal solutions for the large-scale instances, an artificial bee colony algorithm is also implemented for the solution of the LB-MALBP. The solution procedures of the algorithm are explored illustratively. The performance of the algorithm is also assessed using derived well-known test problems in this domain and promising results are observed in reasonable CPU times

    Best matching processes in distributed systems

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    The growing complexity and dynamic behavior of modern manufacturing and service industries along with competitive and globalized markets have gradually transformed traditional centralized systems into distributed networks of e- (electronic) Systems. Emerging examples include e-Factories, virtual enterprises, smart farms, automated warehouses, and intelligent transportation systems. These (and similar) distributed systems, regardless of context and application, have a property in common: They all involve certain types of interactions (collaborative, competitive, or both) among their distributed individuals—from clusters of passive sensors and machines to complex networks of computers, intelligent robots, humans, and enterprises. Having this common property, such systems may encounter common challenges in terms of suboptimal interactions and thus poor performance, caused by potential mismatch between individuals. For example, mismatched subassembly parts, vehicles—routes, suppliers—retailers, employees—departments, and products—automated guided vehicles—storage locations may lead to low-quality products, congested roads, unstable supply networks, conflicts, and low service level, respectively. This research refers to this problem as best matching, and investigates it as a major design principle of CCT, the Collaborative Control Theory. The original contribution of this research is to elaborate on the fundamentals of best matching in distributed and collaborative systems, by providing general frameworks for (1) Systematic analysis, inclusive taxonomy, analogical and structural comparison between different matching processes; (2) Specification and formulation of problems, and development of algorithms and protocols for best matching; (3) Validation of the models, algorithms, and protocols through extensive numerical experiments and case studies. The first goal is addressed by investigating matching problems in distributed production, manufacturing, supply, and service systems based on a recently developed reference model, the PRISM Taxonomy of Best Matching. Following the second goal, the identified problems are then formulated as mixed-integer programs. Due to the computational complexity of matching problems, various optimization algorithms are developed for solving different problem instances, including modified genetic algorithms, tabu search, and neighbourhood search heuristics. The dynamic and collaborative/competitive behaviors of matching processes in distributed settings are also formulated and examined through various collaboration, best matching, and task administration protocols. In line with the third goal, four case studies are conducted on various manufacturing, supply, and service systems to highlight the impact of best matching on their operational performance, including service level, utilization, stability, and cost-effectiveness, and validate the computational merits of the developed solution methodologies

    Using response surface design to determine the optimal parameters of genetic algorithm and a case study

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    Copyright © 2013 Taylor & Francis. This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in International Journal of Production Research on 09 June 2013, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/00207543.2013.784411Genetic algorithms are efficient stochastic search techniques for approximating optimal solutions within complex search spaces and used widely to solve NP hard problems. This algorithm includes a number of parameters whose different levels affect the performance of the algorithm strictly. The general approach to determine the appropriate parameter combination of genetic algorithm depends on too many trials of different combinations and the best one of the combinations that produces good results is selected for the program that would be used for problem solving. A few researchers studied on parameter optimisation of genetic algorithm. In this paper, response surface depended parameter optimisation is proposed to determine the optimal parameters of genetic algorithm. Results are tested for benchmark problems that is most common in mixed-model assembly line balancing problems of type-I (MMALBP-I)

    Assembly Line

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    An assembly line is a manufacturing process in which parts are added to a product in a sequential manner using optimally planned logistics to create a finished product in the fastest possible way. It is a flow-oriented production system where the productive units performing the operations, referred to as stations, are aligned in a serial manner. The present edited book is a collection of 12 chapters written by experts and well-known professionals of the field. The volume is organized in three parts according to the last research works in assembly line subject. The first part of the book is devoted to the assembly line balancing problem. It includes chapters dealing with different problems of ALBP. In the second part of the book some optimization problems in assembly line structure are considered. In many situations there are several contradictory goals that have to be satisfied simultaneously. The third part of the book deals with testing problems in assembly line. This section gives an overview on new trends, techniques and methodologies for testing the quality of a product at the end of the assembling line

    Modeling and Solution Methodologies for Mixed-Model Sequencing in Automobile Industry

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    The global competitive environment leads companies to consider how to produce high-quality products at a lower cost. Mixed-model assembly lines are often designed such that average station work satisfies the time allocated to each station, but some models with work-intensive options require more than the allocated time. Sequencing varying models in a mixed-model assembly line, mixed-model sequencing (MMS), is a short-term decision problem that has the objective of preventing line stoppage resulting from a station work overload. Accordingly, a good allocation of models is necessary to avoid work overload. The car sequencing problem (CSP) is a specific version of the MMS that minimizes work overload by controlling the sequence of models. In order to do that, CSP restricts the number of work-intensive options by applying capacity rules. Consequently, the objective is to find the sequence with the minimum number of capacity rule violations. In this dissertation, we provide exact and heuristic solution approaches to solve different variants of MMS and CSP. First, we provide five improved lower bounds for benchmark CSP instances by solving problems optimally with a subset of options. We present four local search metaheuristics adapting efficient transformation operators to solve CSP. The computational experiments show that the Adaptive Local Search provides a significant advantage by not requiring tuning on the operator weights due to its adaptive control mechanism. Additionally, we propose a two-stage stochastic program for the mixed-model sequencing (MMS) problem with stochastic product failures, and provide improvements to the second-stage problem. To tackle the exponential number of scenarios, we employ the sample average approximation approach and two solution methodologies. On one hand, we develop an L-shaped decomposition-based algorithm, where the computational experiments show its superiority over solving the deterministic equivalent formulation with an off-the-shelf solver. We also provide a tabu search algorithm in addition to a greedy heuristic to tackle case study instances inspired by our car manufacturer partner. Numerical experiments show that the proposed solution methodologies generate high-quality solutions by utilizing a sample of scenarios. Particularly, a robust sequence that is generated by considering car failures can decrease the expected work overload by more than 20\% for both small- and large-sized instances. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that considers stochastic failures of products in MMS. Moreover, we propose a two-stage stochastic program and formulation improvements for a mixed-model sequencing problem with stochastic product failures and integrated reinsertion process. We present a bi-objective evolutionary optimization algorithm, a two-stage bi-objective local search algorithm, and a hybrid local search integrated evolutionary optimization algorithm to tackle the proposed problem. Numerical experiments over a case study show that while the hybrid algorithm provides a better exploration of the Pareto front representation and more reliable solutions in terms of waiting time of failed vehicles, the local search algorithm provides more reliable solutions in terms of work overload objective. Finally, dynamic reinsertion simulations are executed over industry-inspired instances to assess the quality of the solutions. The results show that integrating the reinsertion process in addition to considering vehicle failures can keep reducing the work overload by around 20\% while significantly decreasing the waiting time of the failed vehicles
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