93 research outputs found

    Evolutionary robotics and neuroscience

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    Neurological disorders leading to mechanical dysfunction of the esophagus: an emergent behavior of a neuromechanical dynamical system

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    An understanding how neurological disorders lead to mechanical dysfunction of the esophagus requires knowledge of the neural circuit of the enteric nervous system. Historically, this has been elusive. Here, we present an empirically guided neural circuit for the esophagus. It has a chain of unidirectionally coupled relaxation oscillators, receiving excitatory signals from stretch receptors along the esophagus. The resulting neuromechanical model reveals complex patterns and behaviors that emerge from interacting components in the system. A wide variety of clinically observed normal and abnormal esophageal responses to distension are successfully predicted. Specifically, repetitive antegrade contractions (RACs) are conclusively shown to emerge from the coupled neuromechanical dynamics in response to sustained volumetric distension. Normal RACs are shown to have a robust balance between excitatory and inhibitory neuronal populations, and the mechanical input through stretch receptors. When this balance is affected, contraction patterns akin to motility disorders are observed. For example, clinically observed repetitive retrograde contractions emerge due to a hyper stretch sensitive wall. Such neuromechanical insights could be crucial to eventually develop targeted pharmacological interventions

    A burst-mode word-serial address-event link--II: receiver design

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    We present a receiver for a scalable multiple-access inter-chip link that communicates binary activity between two-dimensional arrays fabricated in deep submicron CMOS. Recipients are identified by row and column addresses but these addresses are not communicated simultaneously. The row address is followed sequentially by a column address for each active cell in that row; this cuts pad count in half without sacrificing communication capacity. Column addresses are decoded as they are received but cells are not written individually. An entire burst is written to a row in parallel; this increases communication capacity with integration density. Rows are written one by one but bursts are not processed one at a time. The next burst is decoded while the last one is being written; this increases capacity further. We synthesized an asynchronous implementation by performing a series of program decompositions, starting from a high-level description. Links using this design have been implemented successfully in three generations of submicron CMOS technology

    Point-to-point connectivity between neuromorphic chips using address events

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    This paper discusses connectivity between neuromorphic chips, which use the timing of fixed-height fixed-width pulses to encode information. Address-events (log2 (N)-bit packets that uniquely identify one of N neurons) are used to transmit these pulses in real time on a random-access time-multiplexed communication channel. Activity is assumed to consist of neuronal ensembles--spikes clustered in space and in time. This paper quantifies tradeoffs faced in allocating bandwidth, granting access, and queuing, as well as throughput requirements, and concludes that an arbitered channel design is the best choice.The arbitered channel is implemented with a formal design methodology for asynchronous digital VLSI CMOS systems, after introducing the reader to this top-down synthesis technique. Following the evolution of three generations of designs, it is shown how the overhead of arbitrating, and encoding and decoding, can be reduced in area (from N to √N) by organizing neurons into rows and columns, and reduced in time (from log2 (N) to 2) by exploiting locality in the arbiter tree and in the row–column architecture, and clustered activity. Throughput is boosted by pipelining and by reading spikes in parallel. Simple techniques that reduce crosstalk in these mixed analog–digital systems are described

    Design of artificial neural oscillatory circuits for the control of lamprey- and salamander-like locomotion using evolutionary algorithms

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    This dissertation investigates the evolutionary design of oscillatory artificial neural networks for the control of animal-like locomotion. It is inspired by the neural organ¬ isation of locomotor circuitries in vertebrates, and explores in particular the control of undulatory swimming and walking. The difficulty with designing such controllers is to find mechanisms which can transform commands concerning the direction and the speed of motion into the multiple rhythmic signals sent to the multiple actuators typically involved in animal-like locomotion. In vertebrates, such control mechanisms are provided by central pattern generators which are neural circuits capable of pro¬ ducing the patterns of oscillations necessary for locomotion without oscillatory input from higher control centres or from sensory feedback. This thesis explores the space of possible neural configurations for the control of undulatory locomotion, and addresses the problem of how biologically plausible neural controllers can be automatically generated.Evolutionary algorithms are used to design connectionist models of central pattern generators for the motion of simulated lampreys and salamanders. This work is inspired by Ekeberg's neuronal and mechanical simulation of the lamprey [Ekeberg 93]. The first part of the thesis consists of developing alternative neural controllers for a similar mechanical simulation. Using a genetic algorithm and an incremental approach, a variety of controllers other than the biological configuration are successfully developed which can control swimming with at least the same efficiency. The same method is then used to generate synaptic weights for a controller which has the observed biological connectivity in order to illustrate how the genetic algorithm could be used for developing neurobiological models. Biologically plausible controllers are evolved which better fit physiological observations than Ekeberg's hand-crafted model. Finally, in collaboration with Jerome Kodjabachian, swimming controllers are designed using a developmental encoding scheme, in which developmental programs are evolved which determine how neurons divide and get connected to each other on a two-dimensional substrate.The second part of this dissertation examines the control of salamander-like swimming and trotting. Salamanders swim like lampreys but, on the ground, they switch to a trotting gait in which the trunk performs a standing wave with the nodes at the girdles. Little is known about the locomotion circuitry of the salamander, but neurobiologists have hypothesised that it is based on a lamprey-like organisation. A mechanical sim¬ ulation of a salamander-like animat is developed, and neural controllers capable of exhibiting the two types of gaits are evolved. The controllers are made of two neural oscillators projecting to the limb motoneurons and to lamprey-like trunk circuitry. By modulating the tonic input applied to the networks, the type of gait, the speed and the direction of motion can be varied.By developing neural controllers for lamprey- and salamander-like locomotion, this thesis provides insights into the biological control of undulatory swimming and walking, and shows how evolutionary algorithms can be used for developing neurobiological models and for generating neural controllers for locomotion. Such a method could potentially be used for designing controllers for swimming or walking robots, for instance

    A Framework for Students Profile Detection

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    Some of the biggest problems tackling Higher Education Institutions are students’ drop-out and academic disengagement. Physical or psychological disabilities, social-economic or academic marginalization, and emotional and affective problems, are some of the factors that can lead to it. This problematic is worsened by the shortage of educational resources, that can bridge the communication gap between the faculty staff and the affective needs of these students. This dissertation focus in the development of a framework, capable of collecting analytic data, from an array of emotions, affects and behaviours, acquired either by human observations, like a teacher in a classroom or a psychologist, or by electronic sensors and automatic analysis software, such as eye tracking devices, emotion detection through facial expression recognition software, automatic gait and posture detection, and others. The framework establishes the guidance to compile the gathered data in an ontology, to enable the extraction of patterns outliers via machine learning, which assist the profiling of students in critical situations, like disengagement, attention deficit, drop-out, and other sociological issues. Consequently, it is possible to set real-time alerts when these profiles conditions are detected, so that appropriate experts could verify the situation and employ effective procedures. The goal is that, by providing insightful real-time cognitive data and facilitating the profiling of the students’ problems, a faster personalized response to help the student is enabled, allowing academic performance improvements

    Multifaceted biological insights from a draft genome sequence of the tobacco hornworm moth, \u3cem\u3eManduca sexta\u3c/em\u3e

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    Manduca sexta, known as the tobacco hornworm or Carolina sphinx moth, is a lepidopteran insect that is used extensively as a model system for research in insect biochemistry, physiology, neurobiology, development, and immunity. One important benefit of this species as an experimental model is its extremely large size, reaching more than 10 g in the larval stage. M. sexta larvae feed on solanaceous plants and thus must tolerate a substantial challenge from plant allelochemicals, including nicotine. We report the sequence and annotation of the M. sexta genome, and a survey of gene expression in various tissues and developmental stages. The Msex_1.0 genome assembly resulted in a total genome size of 419.4 Mbp. Repetitive sequences accounted for 25.8% of the assembled genome. The official gene set is comprised of 15,451 protein-coding genes, of which 2498 were manually curated. Extensive RNA-seq data from many tissues and developmental stages were used to improve gene models and for insights into gene expression patterns. Genome wide synteny analysis indicated a high level of macrosynteny in the Lepidoptera. Annotation and analyses were carried out for gene families involved in a wide spectrum of biological processes, including apoptosis, vacuole sorting, growth and development, structures of exoskeleton, egg shells, and muscle, vision, chemosensation, ion channels, signal transduction, neuropeptide signaling, neurotransmitter synthesis and transport, nicotine tolerance, lipid metabolism, and immunity. This genome sequence, annotation, and analysis provide an important new resource from a well-studied model insect species and will facilitate further biochemical and mechanistic experimental studies of many biological systems in insects

    Mathematical frameworks for oscillatory network dynamics in neuroscience

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    The tools of weakly coupled phase oscillator theory have had a profound impact on the neuroscience community, providing insight into a variety of network behaviours ranging from central pattern generation to synchronisation, as well as predicting novel network states such as chimeras. However, there are many instances where this theory is expected to break down, say in the presence of strong coupling, or must be carefully interpreted, as in the presence of stochastic forcing. There are also surprises in the dynamical complexity of the attractors that can robustly appear—for example, heteroclinic network attractors. In this review we present a set of mathemat- ical tools that are suitable for addressing the dynamics of oscillatory neural networks, broadening from a standard phase oscillator perspective to provide a practical frame- work for further successful applications of mathematics to understanding network dynamics in neuroscience

    Multifaceted biological insights from a draft genome sequence of the tobacco hornworm moth, Manduca sexta

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    Manduca sexta, known as the tobacco hornworm or Carolina sphinx moth, is a lepidopteran insect that is used extensively as a model system for research in insect biochemistry, physiology, neurobiology, development, and immunity. One important benefit of this species as an experimental model is its extremely large size, reaching more than 10 g in the larval stage. M. sexta larvae feed on solanaceous plants and thus must tolerate a substantial challenge from plant allelochemicals, including nicotine. We report the sequence and annotation of the M. sexta genome, and a survey of gene expression in various tissues and developmental stages. The Msex_1.0 genome assembly resulted in a total genome size of 419.4 Mbp. Repetitive sequences accounted for 25.8% of the assembled genome. The official gene set is comprised of 15,451 protein-coding genes, of which 2498 were manually curated. Extensive RNA-seq data from many tissues and developmental stages were used to improve gene models and for insights into gene expression patterns. Genome wide synteny analysis indicated a high level of macrosynteny in the Lepidoptera. Annotation and analyses were carried out for gene families involved in a wide spectrum of biological processes, including apoptosis, vacuole sorting, growth and development, structures of exoskeleton, egg shells, and muscle, vision, chemosensation, ion channels, signal transduction, neuropeptide signaling, neurotransmitter synthesis and transport, nicotine tolerance, lipid metabolism, and immunity. This genome sequence, annotation, and analysis provide an important new resource from a well-studied model insect species and will facilitate further biochemical and mechanistic experimental studies of many biological systems in insect

    Articles indexats publicats per investigadors del Campus de Terrassa: 2013

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    Aquest informe recull els 228 treballs publicats per 177 investigadors/es del Campus de Terrassa en revistes indexades al Journal Citation Report durant el 2013Preprin
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