19 research outputs found

    An SBVR Framework for RESTful Web Applications

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    We propose a framework that can be used to produce functioning web applications from SBVR models. To achieve this, we begin by discussing the concept of declarative application generation and examining the commonalities between SBVR and the RESTful architectural style of the web. We then show how a relational database schema and RESTful interface can be generated from an SBVR model. In this context, we discuss how SBVR can be used to semantically describe hypermedia on the Web and enhance its evolvability and loose coupling properties. Finally, we show that this system is capable of exhibiting process-like behaviour without requiring explicitly defined processes

    An Architecture to infer Business Rules from Event Condition Action Rules implemented in the Persistence Layer

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    The business rules that govern the behaviour of a business process can be hardcoded in different ways in a software application. The modernization or improvement of these applications to a process-oriented perspective implies typically the modification of the business rules. Frequently, legacy systems are not well-documented, and almost always, the documentation they have is not updated. As a consequence many times is necessary the analysis of source code and databases structures to be transformed into a business language more understandable by the business experts involved in the modernization process. Database triggers are one of the artefacts in which business rules are hardcoded. We focus on this kind of artefacts, having in mind to avoid the manual analysis of the triggers by a database expert, and bringing it closer to business experts. To get this aim we need to discover business rules that are hardcoded in triggers, and translate it into vocabularies that are commonly used by business experts. In this paper we propose an ADM-based architecture to discover business rules and rewrite then into a language that can be understood by the business experts.Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a TIN2009-13714Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a TIN2010-20057-C03-02Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a TIN2010-21744-C02-

    Generating SQL Queries from SBVR Rules

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    Declarative technologies have made great strides in expressivity between SQL and SBVR. SBVR models are more expressive that SQL schemas, but not as imminently executable yet. In this paper, we complete the architecture of a system that can execute SBVR models. We do this by describing how SBVR rules can be transformed into SQL DML so that they can be automatically checked against the database using a standard SQL query. In particular, we describe a formalization of the basic structure of an SQL query which includes aggregate functions, arithmetic operations, grouping, and grouping on condition. We do this while staying within a predicate calculus semantics which can be related to the standard SBVR-LF specification and equip it with a concrete semantics for expressing business rules formally. Our approach to transforming SBVR rules into standard SQL queries is thus generic, and the resulting queries can be readily executed on a relational schema generated from the SBVR model

    An animation tool for exploring transactions in a DE

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    Conceptual modeling for the design of intelligent and emergent information systems

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    A key requirement to today's fast changing economic environment is the ability of organizations to adapt dynamically in an effective and efficient manner. Information and Communication Technologies play a crucially important role in addressing such adaptation requirements. The notion of `intelligent software' has emerged as a means by which enterprises can respond to changes in a reactive manner but also to explore, in a pro-active manner, possibilities for new business models. The development of such software systems demands analysis, design and implementation paradigms that recognize the need for ‘co-development’ of these systems with enterprise goals, processes and capabilities. The work presented in this paper is motivated by this need and to this end it proposes a paradigm that recognizes co-development as a knowledge-based activity. The proposed solution is based on a multi-perspective modeling approach that involves (i) modeling key aspects of the enterprise, (ii) reasoning about design choices and (iii) supporting strategic decision-making through simulations. The utility of the approach is demonstrated though a case study in the field of marketing for a start-up company

    Analisis dan Perancangan Domain Specific Language untuk Data Generator pada Relational Database

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    Data dummy seringkali diperlukan dalam proses belajar basis data, pengujian perangkat lunak, pengujian performansi basis data, dan lain-lain. Proses pembuatan data dummy seringkali memerlukan waktu yang tidak sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang Domain Specific Language (DSL) yang dapat digunakan dalam kakas generator data. DSL yang dikembangkan didasarkan pada Data Definition Language (DDL) dari basis data relasional dengan spesifikasi pada sintaks create table. Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah DSL dan grammar yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan proses parsing DDL yang akan menjadi bagian dari kakas generator data.Dummy data is often required in database learning process, software testing, database performance testing, etc. The process of making dummy data often takes a long time. This research aims to design Domain Specific Language (DSL) that can be used in a data generator software. DSL has been developed based on Data Definition Language (DDL) of relational database with specification in create table DDL command. The contribution of the research is a DSL and a grammar for parsing DDL that will be a part of data generator software

    Current and Future Issues in BPM Research: A European Perspective from the ERCIS Meeting 2010

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    Business process management (BPM) is a still-emerging field in the academic discipline of Information Systems (IS). This article reflects on a workshop on current and future issues in BPM research that was conducted by seventeen IS researchers from eight European countries as part of the 2010 annual meeting of the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS). The results of this workshop suggest that BPM research can meaningfully contribute to investigating a broad variety of phenomena that are of interest to IS scholars, ranging from rather technical (e.g., the implementation of software architectures) to managerial (e.g., the impact of organizational culture on process performance). It further becomes noticeable that BPM researchers can make use of several research strategies, including qualitative, quantitative, and design-oriented approaches. The article offers the participants’ outlook on the future of BPM research and combines their opinions with research results from the academic literature on BPM, with the goal of contributing to establishing BPM as a distinct field of research in the IS discipline

    Langage contrÎlé pour la spécification des rÚgles métier dans le contexte de la modélisation des systÚmes d'information

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    Our thesis focuses on controlled natural languages (CNL) for software engineering. It aims at facilitating the adoption of the business rule approach (BRA) by companies by creating a CNL in order to help business experts in the specification of their business rules. Our solution will allow reducing the semantic gap between business experts and system experts to meet not only the need for mutual understanding between them but also to achieve an automatic transfer of the description of business rules to information systems (IS). The CNL that we have created will also ensure the consistency and the traceability of these rules together with their implementationNotre thĂšse s’inscrit dans le cadre des langages contrĂŽlĂ©s pour le gĂ©nie logiciel. Elle a pour but de faciliter l’adoption de l’approche par rĂšgles mĂ©tier (ARM) par les entreprises en crĂ©ant un langage contrĂŽlĂ© en vue d’aider Ă  la spĂ©cification des rĂšgles mĂ©tier par les experts mĂ©tier. Notre solution va permettre de rĂ©duire la distance sĂ©mantique entre les experts mĂ©tier et les experts systĂšme afin de rĂ©pondre non seulement au besoin d’intercomprĂ©hension entre ces derniers mais aussi pour rĂ©aliser un transfert automatique de la description des rĂšgles mĂ©tier vers les systĂšmes d’information (SI). Ce langage contrĂŽlĂ© que nous avons crĂ©Ă© permettra d’assurer en plus la consistance et la traçabilitĂ© de ces rĂšgles avec leur implantatio

    Knowledge-base and techniques for effective service-oriented programming & management of hybrid processes

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    Recent advances in Web 2.0, SOA, crowd-sourcing, social and collaboration technologies, as well as cloud-computing, have truly transformed the Internet into a global development and deployment platform. As a result, developers have been presented with ubiquitous access to countless Web-services, resources and tools. However, while enabling tremendous automation and reuse opportunities, new productivity challenges have also emerged: The exploitation of services and resources nonetheless requires skilled programmers and a development-centric approach; it is thus inevitably susceptible to the same repetitive, error-prone and time consuming integration work each time a developer integrates a new API. Business Process Management on the other hand were proposed to support service-based integration. It provided the benefit of automation and modelling, which appealed to non-technical domain-experts. The problem however: it proves too rigid for unstructured processes. Thus, without this level of support, building new application either requires extensive manual programming or resorting to homebrew solutions. Alternatively, with the proliferation of SaaS, various such tools could be used for independent portions of the overall process - although this either presupposes conforming to the in-built process, or results in "shadow processes" via use of e-mail or the like, in order to exchange information and share decisions. There has therefore been an inevitable gap in technological support between structured and unstructured processes. To address these challenges, this thesis deals with transitioning process-support from structured to unstructured. We have been motivated to harness the foundational capabilities of BPM for its application to unstructured processes. We propose to achieve this by: First, addressing the productivity challenges of Web-services integration - simplifying this process - whilst encouraging an incremental curation and collective reuse approach. We then extend this to propose an innovative Hybrid-Process Management Platform that holistically combines structured, semi-structured and unstructured activities, based on a unified task-model that encapsulates a spectrum of process specificity. We have thus aimed to bridge the current lacking technology gap. The approach presented has been exposed as service-based libraries and tools. Whereby, we have devised several use-case scenarios and conducted user-studies in order to evaluate the overall effectiveness of our proposed work