10 research outputs found

    An SDN-based solution for horizontal auto-scaling and load balancing of transparent VNF clusters

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    © 2021 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)This paper studies the problem of the dynamic scaling and load balancing of transparent virtualized network functions (VNFs). It analyzes different particularities of this problem, such as loop avoidance when performing scaling-out actions, and bidirectional flow affinity. To address this problem, a software-defined networking (SDN)-based solution is implemented consisting of two SDN controllers and two OpenFlow switches (OFSs). In this approach, the SDN controllers run the solution logic (i.e., monitoring, scaling, and load-balancing modules). According to the SDN controllers instructions, the OFSs are responsible for redirecting traffic to and from the VNF clusters (i.e., load-balancing strategy). Several experiments were conducted to validate the feasibility of this proposed solution on a real testbed. Through connectivity tests, not only could end-to-end (E2E) traffic be successfully achieved through the VNF cluster, but the bidirectional flow affinity strategy was also found to perform well because it could simultaneously create flow rules in both switches. Moreover, the selected CPU-based load-balancing method guaranteed an average imbalance below 10% while ensuring that new incoming traffic was redirected to the least loaded instance without requiring packet modification. Additionally, the designed monitoring function was able to detect failures in the set of active members in near real-time and active new instances in less than a minute. Likewise, the proposed auto-scaling module had a quick response to traffic changes. Our solution showed that the use of SDN controllers along with OFS provides great flexibility to implement different load-balancing, scaling, and monitoring strategies.Postprint (published version

    Automotive Cognitive Access: Towards customized vehicular communication system

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    The evolution of Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Virtualization of mobile Network Functions (NFV) have enabled the new ways of managing mobile access systems and are seen as a major technological foundation of the Fifth Generation (5G) of mobile networks. With the appearance of 5G specifications, the mobile system architecture has the transition from a network of entities to a network of functions. This paradigm shift led to new possibilities and challenges. Existing mobile communication systems rely on closed and inflexible hardware-based architectures both at the access and core network. It implies significant challenges in implementing new techniques to maximize the network capacity, scalability and increasing performance for diverse data services. This work focuses preliminary on the architectural evolutions needed to solve challenges perceived for the next generation of mobile networks. I consider Software defined plus Virtualization featured Mobile Network (S+ MN) architecture as a baseline reference model, aiming at the further improvements to support the access requirements for diverse user groups. I consider an important class of things, vehicles, which needs efficient mobile internet access at both the system and application levels. I identify and describe key requirements of emerging vehicular communications and assess existing standards to determine their limitations. To provide optimized wireless communications for the specific user group, the 5G systems come up with network slicing as a potential solution to create customized networks. Network slicing has the capability to facilitates dynamic and efficient allocation of network resources and support diverse service scenarios and services. A network slice can be broadly defined as an end-to-end logically isolated network that includes end devices as well as access and core network functions. To this effect, I describe the enhanced behaviour of S+ MN architecture for the collection of network resources and details the potential functional grouping provided by S+ MN architecture that paves the way to support automotive slicing. The proposed enhancements support seamless connection mobility addressing the automotive access use case highly mobile environment. I follow the distribution of gateway functions to solve the problem of unnecessary long routes and delays. Exploiting the open SDN capabilities, the proposed S+ NC is able to parallelize the execution of certain control plane messages thus enabling the signalling optimisation. Furthermore, it enables the (Re)selection of efficient data plane paths with implied upper-layer service continuity mechanisms that remove the chains of IP address preservation for session continuity during IP anchor relocation. An implementation setup validates the proposed evolutions, including its core functionalities implemented using the ns-3 network simulator. The proposed slicing scheme has been evaluated through a number of scenarios such as numbers of signalling messages processed by control entities for an intersystem handover procedure relative to current mobile network architecture. I also perform the performance improvement analysis based on simulation results. Furthermore, I experimentally prove the feasibility of using Multipath TCP for connection mobility in intersystem handover scenario. The experiments run over the Linux Kernel implementation of Multipath TCP developed over the last years. I extend the Multipath TCP path management to delegates the management of the data paths according to the application needs. The implementation results have shown that the proposed S+ MN slicing architecture and enhancements achieve benefits in multiple areas, for example improving the mobility control and management, maintaining QoS, smooth handover, session continuity and efficient slice management and orchestration

    Mobile Oriented Future Internet (MOFI)

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    This Special Issue consists of seven papers that discuss how to enhance mobility management and its associated performance in the mobile-oriented future Internet (MOFI) environment. The first two papers deal with the architectural design and experimentation of mobility management schemes, in which new schemes are proposed and real-world testbed experimentations are performed. The subsequent three papers focus on the use of software-defined networks (SDN) for effective service provisioning in the MOFI environment, together with real-world practices and testbed experimentations. The remaining two papers discuss the network engineering issues in newly emerging mobile networks, such as flying ad-hoc networks (FANET) and connected vehicular networks

    Exploiting the power of multiplicity: a holistic survey of network-layer multipath

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    The Internet is inherently a multipath network: For an underlying network with only a single path, connecting various nodes would have been debilitatingly fragile. Unfortunately, traditional Internet technologies have been designed around the restrictive assumption of a single working path between a source and a destination. The lack of native multipath support constrains network performance even as the underlying network is richly connected and has redundant multiple paths. Computer networks can exploit the power of multiplicity, through which a diverse collection of paths is resource pooled as a single resource, to unlock the inherent redundancy of the Internet. This opens up a new vista of opportunities, promising increased throughput (through concurrent usage of multiple paths) and increased reliability and fault tolerance (through the use of multiple paths in backup/redundant arrangements). There are many emerging trends in networking that signify that the Internet's future will be multipath, including the use of multipath technology in data center computing; the ready availability of multiple heterogeneous radio interfaces in wireless (such as Wi-Fi and cellular) in wireless devices; ubiquity of mobile devices that are multihomed with heterogeneous access networks; and the development and standardization of multipath transport protocols such as multipath TCP. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive survey of the literature on network-layer multipath solutions. We will present a detailed investigation of two important design issues, namely, the control plane problem of how to compute and select the routes and the data plane problem of how to split the flow on the computed paths. The main contribution of this paper is a systematic articulation of the main design issues in network-layer multipath routing along with a broad-ranging survey of the vast literature on network-layer multipathing. We also highlight open issues and identify directions for future work

    Scalable and Reliable Middlebox Deployment

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    Middleboxes are pervasive in modern computer networks providing functionalities beyond mere packet forwarding. Load balancers, intrusion detection systems, and network address translators are typical examples of middleboxes. Despite their benefits, middleboxes come with several challenges with respect to their scalability and reliability. The goal of this thesis is to devise middlebox deployment solutions that are cost effective, scalable, and fault tolerant. The thesis includes three main contributions: First, distributed service function chaining with multiple instances of a middlebox deployed on different physical servers to optimize resource usage; Second, Constellation, a geo-distributed middlebox framework enabling a middlebox application to operate with high performance across wide area networks; Third, a fault tolerant service function chaining system

    On Improving Efficiency of Data-Intensive Applications in Geo-Distributed Environments

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    Distributed systems are pervasively demanded and adopted in nowadays for processing data-intensive workloads since they greatly accelerate large-scale data processing with scalable parallelism and improved data locality. Traditional distributed systems initially targeted computing clusters but have since evolved to data centers with multiple clusters. These systems are mostly built on top of homogeneous, tightly integrated resources connected in high-speed local-area networks (LANs), and typically require data to be ingested to a central data center for processing. Today, with enormous volumes of data continuously generated from geographically distributed locations, direct adoption of such systems is prohibitively inefficient due to the limited system scalability and high cost for centralizing the geo-distributed data over the wide-area networks (WANs). More commonly, it becomes a trend to build geo-distributed systems wherein data processing jobs are performed on top of geo-distributed, heterogeneous resources in proximity to the data at vastly distributed geo-locations. However, critical challenges and mechanisms for efficient execution of data-intensive applications in such geo-distributed environments are unclear by far. The goal of this dissertation is to identify such challenges and mechanisms, by extensively using the research principles and methodology of conventional distributed systems to investigate the geo-distributed environment, and by developing new techniques to tackle these challenges and run data-intensive applications with efficiency at scale. The contributions of this dissertation are threefold. Firstly, the dissertation shows that the high level of resource heterogeneity exhibited in the geo-distributed environment undermines the scalability of geo-distributed systems. Virtualization-based resource abstraction mechanisms have been introduced to abstract the hardware, network, and OS resources throughout the system, to mitigate the underlying resource heterogeneity and enhance the system scalability. Secondly, the dissertation reveals the overwhelming performance and monetary cost incurred by indulgent data sharing over the WANs in geo-distributed systems. Network optimization approaches, including linear- programming-based global optimization, greedy bin-packing heuristics, and TCP enhancement, are developed to optimize the network resource utilization and circumvent unnecessary expenses imposed on data sharing in WANs. Lastly, the dissertation highlights the importance of data locality for data-intensive applications running in the geo-distributed environment. Novel data caching and locality-aware scheduling techniques are devised to improve the data locality.Doctor of Philosoph

    Connecting Vehicles to the Internet - Strategic Data Transmission for Mobile Nodes using Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    With the advent of autonomous driving, the driving experience for users of connected vehicles changes, as they may enjoy their travel time with entertainment, or work productively. In our modern society, both require a stable Internet access. However, future mobile networks are not expected to be able to satisfy application Quality of Service (QoS) requirements as needed, e.g. during rush hours. To address this problem, this dissertation investigates data transmission strategies that exploit the potential of using a heterogeneous wireless network environment. To this end, we combine two so far distinct concepts, firstly, network selection and, secondly, transmission time selection, creating a joint time-network selection strategy. It allows a vehicle to plan delay-tolerant data transmissions ahead, favoring transmission opportunities with the best prospective flow-network matches. In this context, our first contribution is a novel rating model for perceived transmission quality, which assesses transmission opportunities with respect to application QoS requirement violations, traded off by monetary cost. To enable unified assessment of all data transmissions, it generalizes existing specialized rating models from network selection and transmission time selection and extends them with a novel throughput requirement model. Based on that, we develop a novel joint time-network selection strategy, Joint Transmission Planning (JTP), as our second contribution, planning optimized data transmissions within a defined time horizon. We compare its transmission quality to that of three predominant state-of-the-art transmission strategies, revealing that JTP outperforms the others significantly by up to 26%. Due to extensive scenario variation, we discover broad stability of JTP reaching 87-91% of the optimum. As JTP is a planning approach relying on prediction data, the transmission quality is strongly impaired when executing its plans under environmental changes. To mitigate this impact, we develop a transmission plan adaptation as our third contribution, modifying the planned current transmission online in order to comply with the changes. Even under strong changes of the vehicle movement and the network environment, it sustains 57%, respectively 36%, of the performance gain from planning. Finally, we present our protocol Mobility management for Vehicular Networking (MoVeNet), pooling available network resources of the environment to enable flexible packet dispatching without breaking connections. Its distributed architecture provides broad scalability and robustness against node failures. It complements control mechanisms that allow a demand-based and connection-specific trade-off between overhead and latency. Less than 9 ms additional round trip time in our tests, instant handover and 0 to 4 bytes per-packet overhead prove its efficiency. Employing the presented strategies and mechanisms jointly, users of connected vehicles and other mobile devices can significantly profit from the demonstrated improvements in application QoS satisfaction and reduced monetary cost

    Algorithmes d'adressage et routage pour des réseaux fortement mobiles à grande échelle

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    After successfully connecting machines and people later (world wide web), the new era of In-ternet is about connecting things. Due to increasing demands in terms of addresses, mobility, scalability, security and other new unattended challenges, the evolution of current Internet archi-tecture is subject to major debate worldwide. The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) workshop on Routing and Addressing report described the serious scalability problems faced by large backbone operators in terms of routing and addressing, illustrated by the unsustainable growth of the Default Free Zone (DFZ) routing tables. Some proposals tackled the scalability and IP semantics overload issues with two different approaches: evolutionary approach (backward com-patibility) or a revolutionary approach. Several design objectives (technical or high-level) guided researchers in their proposals. Mobility is definitely one of the main challenges.Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) attracts considerable attention from the research com-munity and the industry for its potential in providing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and passengers services. Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) are emerging as a class of wire-less network, formed between moving vehicles equipped with wireless interfaces (cellular and WiFi) employing heterogeneous communication systems. A VANET is a form of mobile ad-hoc network that provides IVC among nearby vehicles and may involve the use of a nearby fixed equipment on the roadside. The impact of Internet-based vehicular services (infotainment) are quickly developing. Some of these applications, driver assistance services or traffic reports, have been there for a while. But market-enabling applications may also be an argument in favor of a more convenient journey. Such use cases are viewed as a motivation to further adoption of the ITS standards developed within IEEE, ETSI, and ISO.This thesis focuses on applying Future Internet paradigm to vehicle-to-Internet communica-tions in an attempt to define the solution space of Future Vehicular Internet. We first introduce two possible vehicle-to-Internet use cases and great enablers for IP based services : eHealth and Fully-electric Vehicles. We show how to integrate those use cases into IPv6 enabled networks. We further focus on the mobility architectures and determine the fundamental components of a mobility architecture. We then classify those approaches into centralized and distributed to show the current trends in terms of network mobility extension, an essential component to vehicular networking. We eventually analyze the performance of these proposals. In order to define an identifier namespace for vehicular communications, we introduce the Vehicle Identification Numbers are possible candidates. We then propose a conversion algorithm that preserves the VIN characteristics while mapping it onto usable IPv6 networking objects (ad-dresses, prefixes, and Mobile Node Identifiers). We make use of this result to extend LISP-MN protocol with the support of our VIN6 addressing architecture. We also apply those results to group IP-based communications, when the cluster head is in charge of a group of followers.Cette thèse a pour objectif de faire avancer l'état de l'art des communications basée sur Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) dans le domaine des réseaux véhiculaires, et ce dans le cadre des évolutions récentes de IP, notamment l'avènement du Future Internet. Le Future Internet (F.I.) définit un ensemble d'approches pour faire évoluer l'Internet actuel , en particulier l'émergence d'un Internet mobile exigeant en ressources. Les acteurs de ce domaine définissent les contraintes inhérentes aux approches utilisées historiquement dans l'évolution de l'architecture d'Internet et tentent d'y remédier soit de manière évolutive soit par une rupture technologique (révolutionnaire). Un des problèmes au centre de cette nouvelle évolution d'Internet est la question du nommage et de l'adressage dans le réseau. Nous avons entrepris dans cette thèse l'étude de ce problème, dans le cadre restreint des communications véhiculaires Internet.Dans ce contexte, l'état de l'art du Future Internet a mis en avant les distinctions des approches révolutionnaires comparées aux propositions évolutives basées sur IPv6. Les réseaux véhiculaires étant d'ores-et-déjà dotés de piles protocolaires comprenant une extension IPv6, nous avons entamé une approche évolutive visant à intégrer les réseaux véhiculaires au Future Internet. Une première proposition a été de convertir un identifiant présent dans le monde automobile (VIN, Numéro d'Identification de Véhicule) en un lot d'adresses réseau propres à chaque véhicule (qui est donc propriétaire de son adressage issu de son identifiant). Cette proposition étant centrée sur le véhicule, nous avons ensuite intégré ces communications basés dans une architecture globale Future Internet basée sur IPv6 (protocole LISP). En particulier, et avec l'adressage VIN, nous avons défini un espace d'adressage indépendant des fournisseurs d'accès à Internet où le constructeur automobile devient acteur économique fournissant des services IPv6 à sa flotte de véhicules conjointement avec les opérateurs réseau dont il dépend pour transporter son trafic IP. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés à l'entourage proche du véhicule afin de définir un nouveau mode de communication inter-véhiculaire à Internet: le V2V2I (Angl. Vehicle-to-Vehicle-to-Infrastructure). Jusqu'à présent, les modes de transmission de données à Internet dans le monde du véhicule consistaient en des topologies V2I, à savoir véhicule à Internet, où le véhicule accède à l'infrastructure directement sans intermédiaire. Dans le cadre des communications véhiculaires à Internet, nous proposons une taxonomie des méthodes existantes dans l'état de l'art. Les techniques du Future Internet étant récentes, nous avons étendu notre taxonomie par une nouvelle approche basée sur la séparation de l'adressage topologique dans le cluster de celui de l'infrastructure. Le leader du cluster s'occupe d'affecter les adresses (de son VIN) et de gérer le routage à l'intérieur de son cluster. La dernière contribution consiste en la comparaison des performances des protocoles de gestion de mobilité, notamment pour les réseaux de véhicules et des communications de type vehicule-à-Internet. Dans ce cadre, nous avons proposé une classification des protocoles de gestion de mobilité selon leur déploiement: centralisé (basé réseau ou host) et distribué. Nous avons ensuite évalué les performances en modélisant les durées de configurations et de reconfigurations des différents protocoles concernés

    An MPTCP-compatible load balancing solution for pools of servers in OpenFlow SDN networks

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    MultiPath TCP (MPTCP) protocol splits one transport connection into multiple subflows that are treated as normal TCP flows by the network layer. Therefore, the MPTCP subflows are able to use different physical paths between the origin and the destination points. This TCP extension can be used in datacenters to improve communication performance. On the other hand, load balancing techniques are employed in these scenarios to avoid the overload of the systems. When load balancing is combined with MPTCP it is necessary that the subflows belonging to the same MPTCP session are established with the same server in the datacenter. In this work we describe and prove two MPTCP-compatible solutions based on OpenFlow SDN technology that allow the implementation of load balancing services in the presence of MPTCP traffic.This work has been supported by the AEI/FEDER, UE Project Grants TEC-2016-76465-C2-1-R (AIM)