36 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Triple Play Services Delivery with E2E QoS Provisioning

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    The creation and wide use of new high quality demanding services (VoIP, High Quality Video Streaming) and the delivery of them over already saturated core and access network infrastructures have created the necessity for E2E QoS provisioning. Network Providers use at their infrastructures several kinds of mechanisms and techniques for providing QoS. Most known and widely used technologies are MPLS and DiffServ. The IEEE 802.16-2004 standard (WiMAX) refers to a promising wireless broadband technology with enhanced QoS support algorithms. This document presents an experimental network infrastructure providing E2E QoS, using a combination of MPLS and DiffServ technologies in the core network and WiMAX technology as the wireless access medium for high priority services (VoIP, High Quality Video Streaming) transmission. The main scope is to map the traffic prioritization and classification attributes of the core network to the access network in a way which does not affect the E2E QoS provisioning. The performance evaluation will be done by introducing different kinds of traffic scenarios in a saturated and overloaded network environment. The evaluation will prove that this combination made feasible the E2E QoS provisioning while keeping the initial constrains as well as the services delivered over a wireless network

    A Survey on the Contributions of Software-Defined Networking to Traffic Engineering

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    Since the appearance of OpenFlow back in 2008, software-defined networking (SDN) has gained momentum. Although there are some discrepancies between the standards developing organizations working with SDN about what SDN is and how it is defined, they all outline traffic engineering (TE) as a key application. One of the most common objectives of TE is the congestion minimization, where techniques such as traffic splitting among multiple paths or advanced reservation systems are used. In such a scenario, this manuscript surveys the role of a comprehensive list of SDN protocols in TE solutions, in order to assess how these protocols can benefit TE. The SDN protocols have been categorized using the SDN architecture proposed by the open networking foundation, which differentiates among data-controller plane interfaces, application-controller plane interfaces, and management interfaces, in order to state how the interface type in which they operate influences TE. In addition, the impact of the SDN protocols on TE has been evaluated by comparing them with the path computation element (PCE)-based architecture. The PCE-based architecture has been selected to measure the impact of SDN on TE because it is the most novel TE architecture until the date, and because it already defines a set of metrics to measure the performance of TE solutions. We conclude that using the three types of interfaces simultaneously will result in more powerful and enhanced TE solutions, since they benefit TE in complementary ways.European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (GN4) under Grant 691567 Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the Secure Deployment of Services Over SDN and NFV-based Networks Project S&NSEC under Grant TEC2013-47960-C4-3-

    New Challenges in Quality of Services Control Architectures in Next Generation Networks

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    A mesura que Internet i les xarxes IP s'han anat integrant dins la societat i les corporacions, han anat creixent les expectatives de nous serveis convergents així com les expectatives de qualitat en les comunicacions. Les Next Generation Networks (NGN) donen resposta a les noves necessitats i representen el nou paradigma d'Internet a partir de la convergència IP. Un dels aspectes menys desenvolupats de les NGN és el control de la Qualitat del Servei (QoS), especialment crític en les comunicacions multimèdia a través de xarxes heterogènies i/o de diferents operadors. A més a més, les NGN incorporen nativament el protocol IPv6 que, malgrat les deficiències i esgotament d'adreces IPv4, encara no ha tingut l'impuls definitiu.Aquesta tesi està enfocada des d'un punt de vista pràctic. Així doncs, per tal de poder fer recerca sobre xarxes de proves (o testbeds) que suportin IPv6 amb garanties de funcionament, es fa un estudi en profunditat del protocol IPv6, del seu grau d'implementació i dels tests de conformància i interoperabilitat existents que avaluen la qualitat d'aquestes implementacions. A continuació s'avalua la qualitat de cinc sistemes operatius que suporten IPv6 mitjançant un test de conformància i s'implementa el testbed IPv6 bàsic, a partir del qual es farà la recerca, amb la implementació que ofereix més garanties.El QoS Broker és l'aportació principal d'aquesta tesi: un marc integrat que inclou un sistema automatitzat per gestionar el control de la QoS a través de sistemes multi-domini/multi-operador seguint les recomanacions de les NGN. El sistema automatitza els mecanismes associats a la configuració de la QoS dins d'un mateix domini (sistema autònom) mitjançant la gestió basada en polítiques de QoS i automatitza la negociació dinàmica de QoS entre QoS Brokers de diferents dominis, de forma que permet garantir QoS extrem-extrem sense fissures. Aquesta arquitectura es valida sobre un testbed de proves multi-domini que utilitza el mecanisme DiffServ de QoS i suporta IPv6.L'arquitectura definida en les NGN permet gestionar la QoS tant a nivell 3 (IP) com a nivell 2 (Ethernet, WiFi, etc.) de forma que permet gestionar també xarxes PLC. Aquesta tesi proposa una aproximació teòrica per aplicar aquesta arquitectura de control, mitjançant un QoS Broker, a les noves xarxes PLC que s'estan acabant d'estandarditzar, i discuteix les possibilitats d'aplicació sobre les futures xarxes de comunicació de les Smart Grids.Finalment, s'integra en el QoS Broker un mòdul per gestionar l'enginyeria del tràfic optimitzant els dominis mitjançant tècniques de intel·ligència artificial. La validació en simulacions i sobre un testbed amb routers Cisco demostra que els algorismes genètics híbrids són una opció eficaç en aquest camp.En general, les observacions i avenços assolits en aquesta tesi contribueixen a augmentar la comprensió del funcionament de la QoS en les NGN i a preparar aquests sistemes per afrontar problemes del món real de gran complexitat.A medida que Internet y las redes IP se han ido integrando dentro de la sociedad y las corporaciones, han ido creciendo las expectativas de nuevos servicios convergentes así como las expectativas de calidad en las comunicaciones. Las Next Generation Networks (NGN) dan respuesta a las nuevas necesidades y representan el nuevo paradigma de Internet a partir de la convergencia IP. Uno de los aspectos menos desarrollados de las NGN es el control de la Calidad del Servicio (QoS), especialmente crítico en las comunicaciones multimedia a través de redes heterogéneas y/o de diferentes operadores. Además, las NGN incorporan nativamente el protocolo IPv6 que, a pesar de las deficiencias y agotamiento de direcciones IPv4, aún no ha tenido el impulso definitivo.Esta tesis está enfocada desde un punto de vista práctico. Así pues, con tal de poder hacer investigación sobre redes de prueba (o testbeds) que suporten IPv6 con garantías de funcionamiento, se hace un estudio en profundidad del protocolo IPv6, de su grado de implementación y de los tests de conformancia e interoperabilidad existentes que evalúan la calidad de estas implementaciones. A continuación se evalua la calidad de cinco sistemas operativos que soportan IPv6 mediante un test de conformancia y se implementa el testbed IPv6 básico, a partir del cual se realizará la investigación, con la implementación que ofrece más garantías.El QoS Broker es la aportación principal de esta tesis: un marco integrado que incluye un sistema automatitzado para gestionar el control de la QoS a través de sistemas multi-dominio/multi-operador siguiendo las recomendaciones de las NGN. El sistema automatiza los mecanismos asociados a la configuración de la QoS dentro de un mismo dominio (sistema autónomo) mediante la gestión basada en políticas de QoS y automatiza la negociación dinámica de QoS entre QoS brokers de diferentes dominios, de forma que permite garantizar QoS extremo-extremo sin fisuras. Esta arquitectura se valida sobre un testbed de pruebas multi-dominio que utiliza el mecanismo DiffServ de QoS y soporta IPv6. La arquitectura definida en las NGN permite gestionar la QoS tanto a nivel 3 (IP) o como a nivel 2 (Ethernet, WiFi, etc.) de forma que permite gestionar también redes PLC. Esta tesis propone una aproximación teórica para aplicar esta arquitectura de control, mediante un QoS Broker, a las noves redes PLC que se están acabando de estandardizar, y discute las posibilidades de aplicación sobre las futuras redes de comunicación de las Smart Grids.Finalmente, se integra en el QoS Broker un módulo para gestionar la ingeniería del tráfico optimizando los dominios mediante técnicas de inteligencia artificial. La validación en simulaciones y sobre un testbed con routers Cisco demuestra que los algoritmos genéticos híbridos son una opción eficaz en este campo.En general, las observaciones y avances i avances alcanzados en esta tesis contribuyen a augmentar la comprensión del funcionamiento de la QoS en las NGN y en preparar estos sistemas para afrontar problemas del mundo real de gran complejidad.The steady growth of Internet along with the IP networks and their integration into society and corporations has brought with it increased expectations of new converged services as well as greater demands on quality in communications. The Next Generation Networks (NGNs) respond to these new needs and represent the new Internet paradigm from the IP convergence. One of the least developed aspects in the NGNs is the Quality of Service (QoS) control, which is especially critical in the multimedia communication through heterogeneous networks and/or different operators. Furthermore, the NGNs natively incorporate the IPv6 protocol which, despite its shortcomings and the depletion of IPv4 addresses has not been boosted yet.This thesis has been developed with a practical focus. Therefore, with the aim of carrying out research over testbeds supporting the IPv6 with performance guarantees, an in-depth study of the IPv6 protocol development has been conducted and its degree of implementation and the existing conformance and interoperability tests that evaluate these implementations have been studied. Next, the quality of five implementations has been evaluated through a conformance test and the basic IPv6 testbed has been implemented, from which the research will be carried out. The QoS Broker is the main contribution to this thesis: an integrated framework including an automated system for QoS control management through multi-domain/multi-operator systems according to NGN recommendations. The system automates the mechanisms associated to the QoS configuration inside the same domain (autonomous system) through policy-based management and automates the QoS dynamic negotiation between peer QoS Brokers belonging to different domains, so it allows the guarantee of seamless end-to-end QoS. This architecture is validated over a multi-domain testbed which uses the QoS DiffServ mechanism and supports IPv6.The architecture defined in the NGN allows QoS management at level 3 (IP) as well as at level 2 (e.g. Ethernet, WiFi) so it also facilitates the management of PLC networks. Through the use of a QoS Broker, this thesis proposes a theoretical approach for applying this control architecture to the newly standardized PLC networks, and discusses the possibilities of applying it over the future communication networks of the Smart Grids.Finally, a module for managing traffic engineering which optimizes the network domains through artificial intelligence techniques is integrated in the QoS Broker. The validations by simulations and over a Cisco router testbed demonstrate that hybrid genetic algorithms are an effective option in this area.Overall, the advances and key insights provided in this thesis help advance our understanding of QoS functioning in the NGNs and prepare these systems to face increasingly complex problems, which abound in current industrial and scientific applications

    On the Rollout of Network Slicing in Carrier Networks: A Technology Radar

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    Network slicing is a powerful paradigm for network operators to support use cases with widely diverse requirements atop a common infrastructure. As 5G standards are completed, and commercial solutions mature, operators need to start thinking about how to integrate network slicing capabilities in their assets, so that customer-facing solutions can be made available in their portfolio. This integration is, however, not an easy task, due to the heterogeneity of assets that typically exist in carrier networks. In this regard, 5G commercial networks may consist of a number of domains, each with a different technological pace, and built out of products from multiple vendors, including legacy network devices and functions. These multi-technology, multi-vendor and brownfield features constitute a challenge for the operator, which is required to deploy and operate slices across all these domains in order to satisfy the end-to-end nature of the services hosted by these slices. In this context, the only realistic option for operators is to introduce slicing capabilities progressively, following a phased approach in their roll-out. The purpose of this paper is to precisely help designing this kind of plan, by means of a technology radar. The radar identifies a set of solutions enabling network slicing on the individual domains, and classifies these solutions into four rings, each corresponding to a different timeline: (i) as-is ring, covering today’s slicing solutions; (ii) deploy ring, corresponding to solutions available in the short term; (iii) test ring, considering medium-term solutions; and (iv) explore ring, with solutions expected in the long run. This classification is done based on the technical availability of the solutions, together with the foreseen market demands. The value of this radar lies in its ability to provide a complete view of the slicing landscape with one single snapshot, by linking solutions to information that operators may use for decision making in their individual go-to-market strategies.H2020 European Projects 5G-VINNI (grant agreement No. 815279) and 5G-CLARITY (grant agreement No. 871428)Spanish national project TRUE-5G (PID2019-108713RB-C53

    Integrated IT and SDN Orchestration of multi-domain multi-layer transport networks

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    Telecom operators networks' management and control remains partitioned by technology, equipment supplier and networking layer. In some segments, the network operations are highly costly due to the need of the individual, and even manual, configuration of the network equipment by highly specialized personnel. In multi-vendor networks, expensive and never ending integration processes between Network Management Systems (NMSs) and the rest of systems (OSSs, BSSs) is a common situation, due to lack of adoption of standard interfaces in the management systems of the different equipment suppliers. Moreover, the increasing impact of the new traffic flows introduced by the deployment of massive Data Centers (DCs) is also imposing new challenges that traditional networking is not ready to overcome. The Fifth Generation of Mobile Technology (5G) is also introducing stringent network requirements such as the need of connecting to the network billions of new devices in IoT paradigm, new ultra-low latency applications (i.e., remote surgery) and vehicular communications. All these new services, together with enhanced broadband network access, are supposed to be delivered over the same network infrastructure. In this PhD Thesis, an holistic view of Network and Cloud Computing resources, based on the recent innovations introduced by Software Defined Networking (SDN), is proposed as the solution for designing an end-to-end multi-layer, multi-technology and multi-domain cloud and transport network management architecture, capable to offer end-to-end services from the DC networks to customers access networks and the virtualization of network resources, allowing new ways of slicing the network resources for the forthcoming 5G deployments. The first contribution of this PhD Thesis deals with the design and validation of SDN based network orchestration architectures capable to improve the current solutions for the management and control of multi-layer, multi-domain backbone transport networks. These problems have been assessed and progressively solved by different control and management architectures which has been designed and evaluated in real evaluation environments. One of the major findings of this work has been the need of developed a common information model for transport network's management, capable to describe the resources and services of multilayer networks. In this line, the Control Orchestration Protocol (COP) has been proposed as a first contriution towards an standard management interface based on the main principles driven by SDN. Furthermore, this PhD Thesis introduces a novel architecture capable to coordinate the management of IT computing resources together with inter- and intra-DC networks. The provisioning and migration of virtual machines together with the dynamic reconfiguration of the network has been successfully demonstrated in a feasible timescale. Moreover, a resource optimization engine is introduced in the architecture to introduce optimization algorithms capable to solve allocation problems such the optimal deployment of Virtual Machine Graphs over different DCs locations minimizing the inter-DC network resources allocation. A baseline blocking probability results over different network loads are also presented. The third major contribution is the result of the previous two. With a converged cloud and network infrastructure controlled and operated jointly, the holistic view of the network allows the on-demand provisioning of network slices consisting of dedicated network and cloud resources over a distributed DC infrastructure interconnected by an optical transport network. The last chapters of this thesis discuss the management and orchestration of 5G slices based over the control and management components designed in the previous chapters. The design of one of the first network slicing architectures and the deployment of a 5G network slice in a real Testbed, is one of the major contributions of this PhD Thesis.La gestión y el control de las redes de los operadores de red (Telcos), todavía hoy, está segmentado por tecnología, por proveedor de equipamiento y por capa de red. En algunos segmentos (por ejemplo en IP) la operación de la red es tremendamente costosa, ya que en muchos casos aún se requiere con guración individual, e incluso manual, de los equipos por parte de personal altamente especializado. En redes con múltiples proveedores, los procesos de integración entre los sistemas de gestión de red (NMS) y el resto de sistemas (p. ej., OSS/BSS) son habitualmente largos y extremadamente costosos debido a la falta de adopción de interfaces estándar por parte de los diferentes proveedores de red. Además, el impacto creciente en las redes de transporte de los nuevos flujos de tráfico introducidos por el despliegue masivo de Data Centers (DC), introduce nuevos desafíos que las arquitecturas de gestión y control de las redes tradicionales no están preparadas para afrontar. La quinta generación de tecnología móvil (5G) introduce nuevos requisitos de red, como la necesidad de conectar a la red billones de dispositivos nuevos (Internet de las cosas - IoT), aplicaciones de ultra baja latencia (p. ej., cirugía a distancia) y las comunicaciones vehiculares. Todos estos servicios, junto con un acceso mejorado a la red de banda ancha, deberán ser proporcionados a través de la misma infraestructura de red. Esta tesis doctoral propone una visión holística de los recursos de red y cloud, basada en los principios introducidos por Software Defined Networking (SDN), como la solución para el diseño de una arquitectura de gestión extremo a extremo (E2E) para escenarios de red multi-capa y multi-dominio, capaz de ofrecer servicios de E2E, desde las redes intra-DC hasta las redes de acceso, y ofrecer ademas virtualización de los recursos de la red, permitiendo nuevas formas de segmentación en las redes de transporte y la infrastructura de cloud, para los próximos despliegues de 5G. La primera contribución de esta tesis consiste en la validación de arquitecturas de orquestración de red, basadas en SDN, para la gestión y control de redes de transporte troncales multi-dominio y multi-capa. Estos problemas (gestion de redes multi-capa y multi-dominio), han sido evaluados de manera incremental, mediante el diseño y la evaluación experimental, en entornos de pruebas reales, de diferentes arquitecturas de control y gestión. Uno de los principales hallazgos de este trabajo ha sido la necesidad de un modelo de información común para las interfaces de gestión entre entidades de control SDN. En esta línea, el Protocolo de Control Orchestration (COP) ha sido propuesto como interfaz de gestión de red estándar para redes SDN de transporte multi-capa. Además, en esta tesis presentamos una arquitectura capaz de coordinar la gestión de los recursos IT y red. La provisión y la migración de máquinas virtuales junto con la reconfiguración dinámica de la red, han sido demostradas con éxito en una escala de tiempo factible. Además, la arquitectura incorpora una plataforma para la ejecución de algoritmos de optimización de recursos capaces de resolver diferentes problemas de asignación, como el despliegue óptimo de Grafos de Máquinas Virtuales (VMG) en diferentes DCs que minimizan la asignación de recursos de red. Esta tesis propone una solución para este problema, que ha sido evaluada en terminos de probabilidad de bloqueo para diferentes cargas de red. La tercera contribución es el resultado de las dos anteriores. La arquitectura integrada de red y cloud presentada permite la creación bajo demanda de "network slices", que consisten en sub-conjuntos de recursos de red y cloud dedicados para diferentes clientes sobre una infraestructura común. El diseño de una de las primeras arquitecturas de "network slicing" y el despliegue de un "slice" de red 5G totalmente operativo en un Testbed real, es una de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis.La gestió i el control de les xarxes dels operadors de telecomunicacions (Telcos), encara avui, està segmentat per tecnologia, per proveïdors d’equipament i per capes de xarxa. En alguns segments (Per exemple en IP) l’operació de la xarxa és tremendament costosa, ja que en molts casos encara es requereix de configuració individual, i fins i tot manual, dels equips per part de personal altament especialitzat. En xarxes amb múltiples proveïdors, els processos d’integració entre els Sistemes de gestió de xarxa (NMS) i la resta de sistemes (per exemple, Sistemes de suport d’operacions - OSS i Sistemes de suport de negocis - BSS) són habitualment interminables i extremadament costosos a causa de la falta d’adopció d’interfícies estàndard per part dels diferents proveïdors de xarxa. A més, l’impacte creixent en les xarxes de transport dels nous fluxos de trànsit introduïts pel desplegament massius de Data Centers (DC), introdueix nous desafiaments que les arquitectures de gestió i control de les xarxes tradicionals que no estan llestes per afrontar. Per acabar de descriure el context, la cinquena generació de tecnologia mòbil (5G) també presenta nous requisits de xarxa altament exigents, com la necessitat de connectar a la xarxa milers de milions de dispositius nous, dins el context de l’Internet de les coses (IOT), o les noves aplicacions d’ultra baixa latència (com ara la cirurgia a distància) i les comunicacions vehiculars. Se suposa que tots aquests nous serveis, juntament amb l’accés millorat a la xarxa de banda ampla, es lliuraran a través de la mateixa infraestructura de xarxa. Aquesta tesi doctoral proposa una visió holística dels recursos de xarxa i cloud, basada en els principis introduïts per Software Defined Networking (SDN), com la solució per al disseny de una arquitectura de gestió extrem a extrem per a escenaris de xarxa multi-capa, multi-domini i consistents en múltiples tecnologies de transport. Aquesta arquitectura de gestió i control de xarxes transport i recursos IT, ha de ser capaç d’oferir serveis d’extrem a extrem, des de les xarxes intra-DC fins a les xarxes d’accés dels clients i oferir a més virtualització dels recursos de la xarxa, obrint la porta a noves formes de segmentació a les xarxes de transport i la infrastructura de cloud, pels propers desplegaments de 5G. La primera contribució d’aquesta tesi doctoral consisteix en la validació de diferents arquitectures d’orquestració de xarxa basades en SDN capaces de millorar les solucions existents per a la gestió i control de xarxes de transport troncals multi-domini i multicapa. Aquests problemes (gestió de xarxes multicapa i multi-domini), han estat avaluats de manera incremental, mitjançant el disseny i l’avaluació experimental, en entorns de proves reals, de diferents arquitectures de control i gestió. Un dels principals troballes d’aquest treball ha estat la necessitat de dissenyar un model d’informació comú per a les interfícies de gestió de xarxes, capaç de descriure els recursos i serveis de la xarxes transport multicapa. En aquesta línia, el Protocol de Control Orchestration (COP, en les seves sigles en anglès) ha estat proposat en aquesta Tesi, com una primera contribució cap a una interfície de gestió de xarxa estàndard basada en els principis bàsics de SDN. A més, en aquesta tesi presentem una arquitectura innovadora capaç de coordinar la gestió de els recursos IT juntament amb les xarxes inter i intra-DC. L’aprovisionament i la migració de màquines virtuals juntament amb la reconfiguració dinàmica de la xarxa, ha estat demostrat amb èxit en una escala de temps factible. A més, l’arquitectura incorpora una plataforma per a l’execució d’algorismes d’optimització de recursos, capaços de resoldre diferents problemes d’assignació, com el desplegament òptim de Grafs de Màquines Virtuals (VMG) en diferents ubicacions de DC que minimitzen la assignació de recursos de xarxa entre DC. També es presenta una solució bàsica per a aquest problema, així com els resultats de probabilitat de bloqueig per a diferents càrregues de xarxa. La tercera contribució principal és el resultat dels dos anteriors. Amb una infraestructura de xarxa i cloud convergent, controlada i operada de manera conjunta, la visió holística de la xarxa permet l’aprovisionament sota demanda de "network slices" que consisteixen en subconjunts de recursos d’xarxa i cloud, dedicats per a diferents clients, sobre una infraestructura de Data Centers distribuïda i interconnectada per una xarxa de transport òptica. Els últims capítols d’aquesta tesi tracten sobre la gestió i organització de "network slices" per a xarxes 5G en funció dels components de control i administració dissenyats i desenvolupats en els capítols anteriors. El disseny d’una de les primeres arquitectures de "network slicing" i el desplegament d’un "slice" de xarxa 5G totalment operatiu en un Testbed real, és una de les principals contribucions d’aquesta tesi.Postprint (published version

    End-to-end quality of service provisioning in multilayer and multidomain environments

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, marzo de 200

    QoS-aware Mobility Management in IP-based Communication Networks

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    Der allgegenwärtige Zugang zu Informationen, jederzeit und überall, ist ein wichtiges Merkmal künftiger All-IP-Mobilfunktnetze, die verschiedene Systeme miteinander verbinden, dabei dynamischer und flexibler sein werden. Der Einsatz dieser Netze erfordert es jedoch, viele Herausforderungen zu überwinden. Eine der wichtigsten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit, ist die Frage, wie Quality of Service (QoS) Eigenschaften in solchen hoch dynamischen, mobilen Umgebungen zu garantieren sind. Bekanntermaßen beeinflusst die Mobilität von Mobilknoten (MN) die Dienstgüte in mobilen Netzen, da QoS-Parameters für die Ende-zu-Ende-Kommunikation vereinbart werden. Daher müssen Lösungen entwickelt werden, die nahtlose Mobilität, bei gleichzeitigen QoS-Garantien nach Handoffs, unterstützen. Diese Herausforderung ist das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Dissertation, die einen umfassenden Überblick über die bestehenden Mobilitäts- und QoS-Managment-Lösungen in IP-basierten Netzen liefert, gefolgt von einem Einblick in Methoden zur Kopplung von Mobilitätsmanagement und QoS-Lösungen. Nach Betrachtung der Vor- und Nachteile bestehender Ansätze, kommt die Dissertation zu dem Schluss, dass hybride Strategien vielversprechend sind und zu praktikablen Lösungen weiterentwickelt werden können, die sowohl Mobilitäts- als auch QoS-Anforderungen auf effiziente Weise,in allen zukünftigen IP-Mobilfunknetzen erfüllen können. Auf dieser Grundlage schlägt die Dissertation ein neues Hybrid-Protokoll, genannt "QoS-aware Mobile IP Fast Authentication Protocol" (QoMIFA), vor. Unser Vorschlag integriert MIFA als Mobilitäts-Management-Protokoll mit RSVP als QoS Reservierungsprotokoll. MI-FA wird aufgrund seiner Fähigkeit zu schnellen, sicheren und robusten Handoffs gewählt. RSVP hingegen dient als Standardlösung zur Bereitstellung von QoS in bestehenden IP-basierten Netzen. Unter Einhaltung der Hybrid-Architektur wird RSVP um ein neues Objekt, genannt "Mobility Object" erweitert, welches MIFA-Kontrollnachrichten kapselt. Nach der Spezifikation des neuen Vorschlags, bewertet die Dissertation auch seine Leistung im Vergleich zu dem bekannten "Simple QoS Signaling Protocol" (Simple QoS), mittels Simulationsstudien, modelliert mit dem "Network Simluator 2" (NS2). In der Auswertung werden der Einflusses der Netzwerklast und der Geschwindigkeit des Mobilknotens untersucht. Die hierzu verwendeten Leistungsparameter umfassen die Ressourcen-Reservierungs-Latenz, die Anzahl verlorener Pakete pro Handoff, die Anzahl der, vor Abschluss der Reservierung, mit Best-Effort-Eigenschaften übertragenen Pakete pro Handoff und die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Verbindungsabbrüchen. Unsere mittels Simulation erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass QoMIFA schnelle und nahtlose Handoffs mit schneller Ressourcenreservierung nach Handoffs kombinieren kann. Unter Berücksichtigung des Einflusses der Netzwerklast, ist nachweisbar, dass QoMIFA eine besser Leistung als Simple QoS in allen untersuchten Szenarien mit geringer, mittlerer und hoher Last erreicht. Bei Betrachtung des Einflusses der Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit des Mobilknotens auf die Leistung, lassen sich unter beiden Protokollen Ping-Pong-Effekte beobachten, welche zu höheren Ressourcen-Reservierungs-Latenzen, mehr verlorenen Paketen und mehr Best-Effort-Paketen pro Handoff bei geringeren Geschwindigkeiten führen. Der stärkste Einfluss dieser Pinp-Pong-Effekte ist jeweils bei 3 km/h zu beobachten. Allerdings verhält sich QoMIFA unter allen untersuchten Bewegungsgeschwindigkeiten besser als Simple QoS und kann Mobilknoten auch bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten bedienen. In Anschluss an die simulationsgestützte Evaluierung, schätzt die Dissertation die Signalisierungskosten beider Protokolle unter Betrachtung der Kosten für Ortslokalise-rung und Paketzustellung. Im Ergebnis erreicht QoMIFA die zuvor genannten Leistungsverbesserungen auf Kosten von größeren Ortslokalisierungskosten und leicht höherer Paketzustellungskosten.Ubiquitous access to information anywhere, anytime and anyhow is an important feature of future all-IP mobile communication networks, which will interconnect various systems and be more dynamic and flexible. The deployment of these networks, however, requires overcoming many challenges. One of the main challenges of interest for this work is how to provide Qual-ity of Service (QoS) guarantees in such highly dynamic mobile environments.As known, mobility of Mobile Nodes (MNs) affects the QoS in mobile networks since QoS parameters are made for end-to-end communications. Therefore, it is a challenge to develop new solutions capable of supporting seamless mobility while simultaneously providing QoS guarantees after handoffs. Addressing this challenge is the main objective of this dissertation, which provides a comprehensive overview of mobility management solutions and QoS mech-anisms in IP-based networks followed by an insight into how mobility management and QoS solutions can be coupled with each other. Following the highlight of the state of art along with the pros and cons of existing approaches, the dissertation concludes that hybrid strategies are promising and can be further developed to achieve solutions that are capable of simultaneous-ly supporting mobility and QoS, simple from the implementation point of view, efficient and applicable to future all-IP mobile communication networks.Based on this, the dissertation proposes a new hybrid proposal named QoS-aware Mobile IP Fast Authentication Protocol (QoMIFA). Our proposal integrates MIFA as a mobility man-agement protocol with RSVP as a QoS reservation protocol. MIFA is selected due to its capa-bility of the provision of fast, secure and robust handoffs, while RSVP is chosen because it presents the standard solution used to support QoS in existing IP-based networks. The hybrid architecture is retained by introducing a new object, called “mobility object”, to RSVP in or-der to encapsulate MIFA control messages.Following the specification of the new proposal, the dissertation also evaluates its perfor-mance compared to the well-known Simple QoS signaling protocol (Simple QoS) by means of simulation studies modeled using the Network Simulator 2 (NS2). The evaluation compris-es the investigation of the impact of network load and MN speed. The performance measures we are interested in studying comprise the resource reservation latency, number of dropped packets per handoff, number of packets sent as best-effort per handoff until the reservation is accomplished and probability of dropping sessions. Our simulation results show that QoMIFA is capable of achieving fast and smooth handoffs in addition to its capability of quickly re-serving resources after handoffs. Considering the impact of network load, QoMIFA outper-forms Simple QoS in all studied scenarios (low- , middle- and high-loaded scenarios). With respect to the impact of MN speed, it can be observed that the impact of ping-pong effects is seen with both protocols and results in higher resource reservation latency, more dropped packets per handoff and more best-effort packets per handoff at low speeds than at higher ones. The worst impact of ping-pong effects is seen at a speed of 3 km/h when employing QoMIFA and Simple QoS, respectively. However, QoMIFA remains performing significantly better than Simple QoS under all studied MN speeds and can even properly serve MNs mov-ing at high speeds.Following the simulative evaluation, the dissertation estimates the signaling cost of both stud-ied protocols with respect to the location update and packet delivery cost. Our results show that QoMIFA achieves the above mentioned performance improvements at the cost of greater location update cost and slightly higher packet delivery cost than Simple QoS

    Ontwerp en evaluatie van content distributie netwerken voor multimediale streaming diensten.

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    Traditionele Internetgebaseerde diensten voor het verspreiden van bestanden, zoals Web browsen en het versturen van e-mails, worden aangeboden via één centrale server. Meer recente netwerkdiensten zoals interactieve digitale televisie of video-op-aanvraag vereisen echter hoge kwaliteitsgaranties (QoS), zoals een lage en constante netwerkvertraging, en verbruiken een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid bandbreedte op het netwerk. Architecturen met één centrale server kunnen deze garanties moeilijk bieden en voldoen daarom niet meer aan de hoge eisen van de volgende generatie multimediatoepassingen. In dit onderzoek worden daarom nieuwe netwerkarchitecturen bestudeerd, die een dergelijke dienstkwaliteit kunnen ondersteunen. Zowel peer-to-peer mechanismes, zoals bij het uitwisselen van muziekbestanden tussen eindgebruikers, als servergebaseerde oplossingen, zoals gedistribueerde caches en content distributie netwerken (CDN's), komen aan bod. Afhankelijk van de bestudeerde dienst en de gebruikte netwerktechnologieën en -architectuur, worden gecentraliseerde algoritmen voor netwerkontwerp voorgesteld. Deze algoritmen optimaliseren de plaatsing van de servers of netwerkcaches en bepalen de nodige capaciteit van de servers en netwerklinks. De dynamische plaatsing van de aangeboden bestanden in de verschillende netwerkelementen wordt aangepast aan de heersende staat van het netwerk en aan de variërende aanvraagpatronen van de eindgebruikers. Serverselectie, herroutering van aanvragen en het verspreiden van de belasting over het hele netwerk komen hierbij ook aan bod

    SDN-based traffic engineering in data centers, Interconnects, and Carrier Networks

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    Server virtualization and cloud computing have escalated the bandwidth and performance demands on the DCN (data center network). The main challenges in DCN are maximizing network utilization and ensuring fault tolerance to address multiple node-and-link failures. A multitenant and highly dynamic virtualized environment consists of a large number of endstations, leading to a very large number of flows that challenge the scalability of a solution to network throughput maximization. The challenges are scalability, in terms of address learning, forwarding decision convergence, and forwarding state size, as well as flexibility for offloading with VM migration. Geographically distributed data centers are inter-connected through service providers’ carrier network. Service providers offer wide-area network (WAN) connection such as private lines and MPLS circuits between edges of data centers. DC sides of network operators try to maximize the utilization of such defined overlay WAN connection i.e. data center interconnection (DCI), which applies to edges of DC networks. Service provider sides of network operators try to optimize the core of carrier network. Along with the increasing adoption of ROADM, OTN, and packet switching technologies, traditional two-layer IP/MPLS-over-WDM network has evolved into three-layer IP/MPLS-over-OTN-over-DWDM network and once defined overlay topology is now transitioning to dynamic topologies based on on-demand traffic demands. Network operations are thus divided into three physical sub-networks: DCN, overlay DCI, and multi-layer carrier network. Server virtualization, cloud computing and evolving multilayer carrier network challenge traffic engineering to maximize utilization on all physical subnetworks. The emerging software-defined networking (SDN) architecture moves path computation towards a centralized controller, which has global visibility. Carriers indicate a strong preference for SDN to be interoperable between multiple vendors in heterogeneous transport networks. SDN is a natural way to create a unified control plane across multiple administrative divisions. This thesis contributes SDN-based traffic engineering techniques for maximizing network utilization of DCN, DCI, and carrier network. The first part of the thesis focuses on DCN traffic engineering. Traditional forwarding mechanisms using a single path are not able to take advantages of available multiple physical paths. The state-of-the-art MPTCP (Multipath Transmission Control Protocol) solution uses multiple randomly selected paths, but cannot give total aggregated capacity. Moreover, it works as a TCP process, and so does not support other protocols like UDP. To address these issues, this thesis presents a solution using adaptive multipath routing in a Layer-2 network with static (capacity and latency) metrics, which adapts link and path failures. This solution provides innetwork aggregated path capacity to individual flows, as well as scalability and multitenancy, by separating end-station services from the provider’s network. The results demonstrate an improvement of 14% in the worst bisection bandwidth utilization, compared to the MPTCP with 5 sub-flows. The second part of the thesis focuses on DCI traffic engineering. The existing approaches to reservation services provide limited reservation capabilities, e.g. limited connections over links returned by the traceroute over traditional IP-based networks. Moreover, most existing approaches do not address fault tolerance in the event of node or link failures. To address these issues, this thesis presents ECMP-like multipath routing algorithm and forwarding assignment scheme that increase reservation acceptance rate compared to state-of-art reservation frameworks in the WAN-links between data centers, and such reservations can be configured with a limited number of static forwarding rules on switches. Our prototype provides the RESTful web service interface for link-fail event management and re-routes paths for all the affected reservations. In the final part of the thesis, we focused on multi-layer carrier network traffic engineering. New dynamic traffic trends in upper layers (e.g. IP routing) require dynamic configuration of the optical transport to re-direct the traffic, and this in turn requires an integration of multiple administrative control layers. When multiple bandwidth path requests come from different nodes in different layers, a distributed sequential computation cannot optimize the entire network. Most prior research has focused on the two-layer problem, and recent three-layer research studies are limited to the capacity dimensioning problem. In this thesis, we present an optimization model with MILP formulation for dynamic traffic in a three-layer network, especially taking into account the unique technological constraints of the distinct OTN layer. Our experimental results show how unit cost values of different layers affect network cost and parameters in the presence of multiple sets of traffic loads. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed heuristic approach