2,624 research outputs found

    Musical Gesture through the Human Computer Interface: An Investigation using Information Theory

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    This study applies information theory to investigate human ability to communicate using continuous control sensors with a particular focus on informing the design of digital musical instruments. There is an active practice of building and evaluating such instruments, for instance, in the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) conference community. The fidelity of the instruments can depend on the included sensors, and although much anecdotal evidence and craft experience informs the use of these sensors, relatively little is known about the ability of humans to control them accurately. This dissertation addresses this issue and related concerns, including continuous control performance in increasing degrees-of-freedom, pursuit tracking in comparison with pointing, and the estimations of musical interface designers and researchers of human performance with continuous control sensors. The methodology used models the human-computer system as an information channel while applying concepts from information theory to performance data collected in studies of human subjects using sensing devices. These studies not only add to knowledge about human abilities, but they also inform on issues in musical mappings, ergonomics, and usability

    The cockpit for the 21st century

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    Interactive surfaces are a growing trend in many domains. As one possible manifestation of Mark Weiser’s vision of ubiquitous and disappearing computers in everywhere objects, we see touchsensitive screens in many kinds of devices, such as smartphones, tablet computers and interactive tabletops. More advanced concepts of these have been an active research topic for many years. This has also influenced automotive cockpit development: concept cars and recent market releases show integrated touchscreens, growing in size. To meet the increasing information and interaction needs, interactive surfaces offer context-dependent functionality in combination with a direct input paradigm. However, interfaces in the car need to be operable while driving. Distraction, especially visual distraction from the driving task, can lead to critical situations if the sum of attentional demand emerging from both primary and secondary task overextends the available resources. So far, a touchscreen requires a lot of visual attention since its flat surface does not provide any haptic feedback. There have been approaches to make direct touch interaction accessible while driving for simple tasks. Outside the automotive domain, for example in office environments, concepts for sophisticated handling of large displays have already been introduced. Moreover, technological advances lead to new characteristics for interactive surfaces by enabling arbitrary surface shapes. In cars, two main characteristics for upcoming interactive surfaces are largeness and shape. On the one hand, spatial extension is not only increasing through larger displays, but also by taking objects in the surrounding into account for interaction. On the other hand, the flatness inherent in current screens can be overcome by upcoming technologies, and interactive surfaces can therefore provide haptically distinguishable surfaces. This thesis describes the systematic exploration of large and shaped interactive surfaces and analyzes their potential for interaction while driving. Therefore, different prototypes for each characteristic have been developed and evaluated in test settings suitable for their maturity level. Those prototypes were used to obtain subjective user feedback and objective data, to investigate effects on driving and glance behavior as well as usability and user experience. As a contribution, this thesis provides an analysis of the development of interactive surfaces in the car. Two characteristics, largeness and shape, are identified that can improve the interaction compared to conventional touchscreens. The presented studies show that large interactive surfaces can provide new and improved ways of interaction both in driver-only and driver-passenger situations. Furthermore, studies indicate a positive effect on visual distraction when additional static haptic feedback is provided by shaped interactive surfaces. Overall, various, non-exclusively applicable, interaction concepts prove the potential of interactive surfaces for the use in automotive cockpits, which is expected to be beneficial also in further environments where visual attention needs to be focused on additional tasks.Der Einsatz von interaktiven OberflĂ€chen weitet sich mehr und mehr auf die unterschiedlichsten Lebensbereiche aus. Damit sind sie eine mögliche AusprĂ€gung von Mark Weisers Vision der allgegenwĂ€rtigen Computer, die aus unserer direkten Wahrnehmung verschwinden. Bei einer Vielzahl von technischen GerĂ€ten des tĂ€glichen Lebens, wie Smartphones, Tablets oder interaktiven Tischen, sind berĂŒhrungsempfindliche OberflĂ€chen bereits heute in Benutzung. Schon seit vielen Jahren arbeiten Forscher an einer Weiterentwicklung der Technik, um ihre Vorteile auch in anderen Bereichen, wie beispielsweise der Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Automobil, nutzbar zu machen. Und das mit Erfolg: Interaktive BenutzeroberflĂ€chen werden mittlerweile serienmĂ€ĂŸig in vielen Fahrzeugen eingesetzt. Der Einbau von immer grĂ¶ĂŸeren, in das Cockpit integrierten Touchscreens in Konzeptfahrzeuge zeigt, dass sich diese Entwicklung weiter in vollem Gange befindet. Interaktive OberflĂ€chen ermöglichen das flexible Anzeigen von kontextsensitiven Inhalten und machen eine direkte Interaktion mit den Bildschirminhalten möglich. Auf diese Weise erfĂŒllen sie die sich wandelnden Informations- und InteraktionsbedĂŒrfnisse in besonderem Maße. Beim Einsatz von Bedienschnittstellen im Fahrzeug ist die gefahrlose Benutzbarkeit wĂ€hrend der Fahrt von besonderer Bedeutung. Insbesondere visuelle Ablenkung von der Fahraufgabe kann zu kritischen Situationen fĂŒhren, wenn PrimĂ€r- und SekundĂ€raufgaben mehr als die insgesamt verfĂŒgbare Aufmerksamkeit des Fahrers beanspruchen. Herkömmliche Touchscreens stellen dem Fahrer bisher lediglich eine flache OberflĂ€che bereit, die keinerlei haptische RĂŒckmeldung bietet, weshalb deren Bedienung besonders viel visuelle Aufmerksamkeit erfordert. Verschiedene AnsĂ€tze ermöglichen dem Fahrer, direkte Touchinteraktion fĂŒr einfache Aufgaben wĂ€hrend der Fahrt zu nutzen. Außerhalb der Automobilindustrie, zum Beispiel fĂŒr BĂŒroarbeitsplĂ€tze, wurden bereits verschiedene Konzepte fĂŒr eine komplexere Bedienung großer Bildschirme vorgestellt. DarĂŒber hinaus fĂŒhrt der technologische Fortschritt zu neuen möglichen AusprĂ€gungen interaktiver OberflĂ€chen und erlaubt, diese beliebig zu formen. FĂŒr die nĂ€chste Generation von interaktiven OberflĂ€chen im Fahrzeug wird vor allem an der Modifikation der Kategorien GrĂ¶ĂŸe und Form gearbeitet. Die Bedienschnittstelle wird nicht nur durch grĂ¶ĂŸere Bildschirme erweitert, sondern auch dadurch, dass Objekte wie Dekorleisten in die Interaktion einbezogen werden können. Andererseits heben aktuelle Technologieentwicklungen die Restriktion auf flache OberflĂ€chen auf, so dass Touchscreens kĂŒnftig ertastbare Strukturen aufweisen können. Diese Dissertation beschreibt die systematische Untersuchung großer und nicht-flacher interaktiver OberflĂ€chen und analysiert ihr Potential fĂŒr die Interaktion wĂ€hrend der Fahrt. Dazu wurden fĂŒr jede Charakteristik verschiedene Prototypen entwickelt und in Testumgebungen entsprechend ihres Reifegrads evaluiert. Auf diese Weise konnten subjektives Nutzerfeedback und objektive Daten erhoben, und die Effekte auf Fahr- und Blickverhalten sowie Nutzbarkeit untersucht werden. Diese Dissertation leistet den Beitrag einer Analyse der Entwicklung von interaktiven OberflĂ€chen im Automobilbereich. Weiterhin werden die Aspekte GrĂ¶ĂŸe und Form untersucht, um mit ihrer Hilfe die Interaktion im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Touchscreens zu verbessern. Die durchgefĂŒhrten Studien belegen, dass große FlĂ€chen neue und verbesserte Bedienmöglichkeiten bieten können. Außerdem zeigt sich ein positiver Effekt auf die visuelle Ablenkung, wenn zusĂ€tzliches statisches, haptisches Feedback durch nicht-flache OberflĂ€chen bereitgestellt wird. Zusammenfassend zeigen verschiedene, untereinander kombinierbare Interaktionskonzepte das Potential interaktiver OberflĂ€chen fĂŒr den automotiven Einsatz. Zudem können die Ergebnisse auch in anderen Bereichen Anwendung finden, in denen visuelle Aufmerksamkeit fĂŒr andere Aufgaben benötigt wird

    Real-Time Markerless Tracking the Human Hands for 3D Interaction

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    This thesis presents methods for enabling suitable human computer interaction using only movements of the bare human hands in free space. This kind of interaction is natural and intuitive, particularly because actions familiar to our everyday life can be reflected. Furthermore, the input is contact-free which is of great advantage e.g. in medical applications due to hygiene factors. For enabling the translation of hand movements to control signals an automatic method for tracking the pose and/or posture of the hand is needed. In this context the simultaneous recognition of both hands is desirable to allow for more natural input. The first contribution of this thesis is a novel video-based method for real-time detection of the positions and orientations of both bare human hands in four different predefined postures, respectively. Based on such a system novel interaction interfaces can be developed. However, the design of such interfaces is a non-trivial task. Additionally, the development of novel interaction techniques is often mandatory in order to enable the design of efficient and easily operable interfaces. To this end, several novel interaction techniques are presented and investigated in this thesis, which solve existing problems and substantially improve the applicability of such a new device. These techniques are not restricted to this input instrument and can also be employed to improve the handling of other interaction devices. Finally, several new interaction interfaces are described and analyzed to demonstrate possible applications in specific interaction scenarios.Markerlose Verfolgung der menschlichen HĂ€nde in Echtzeit fĂŒr 3D Interaktion In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Verfahren dargestellt, die sinnvolle Mensch- Maschine-Interaktionen nur durch Bewegungen der bloßen HĂ€nde in freiem Raum ermöglichen. Solche "natĂŒrlichen" Interaktionen haben den besonderen Vorteil, dass alltĂ€gliche und vertraute Handlungen in die virtuelle Umgebung ĂŒbertragen werden können. Außerdem werden auf diese Art berĂŒhrungslose Eingaben ermöglicht, nĂŒtzlich z.B. wegen hygienischer Aspekte im medizinischen Bereich. Um Handbewegungen in Steuersignale umsetzen zu können, ist zunĂ€chst ein automatisches Verfahren zur Erkennung der Lage und/oder der Art der mit der Hand gebildeten Geste notwendig. Dabei ist die gleichzeitige Erfassung beider HĂ€nde wĂŒnschenswert, um die Eingaben möglichst natĂŒrlich gestalten zu können. Der erste Beitrag dieser Arbeit besteht aus einer neuen videobasierten Methode zur unmittelbaren Erkennung der Positionen und Orientierungen beider HĂ€nde in jeweils vier verschiedenen, vordefinierten Gesten. Basierend auf einem solchen Verfahren können neuartige Interaktionsschnittstellen entwickelt werden. Allerdings ist die Ausgestaltung solcher Schnittstellen keinesfalls trivial. Im Gegenteil ist bei einer neuen Art der Interaktion meist sogar die Entwicklung neuer Interaktionstechniken erforderlich, damit ĂŒberhaupt effiziente und gut bedienbare Schnittstellen konzipiert werden können. Aus diesem Grund wurden in dieser Arbeit einige neue Interaktionstechniken entwickelt und untersucht, die vorhandene Probleme beheben und die Anwendbarkeit eines solchen Eingabeinstruments fĂŒr bestimmte Arten der Interaktion verbessern oder ĂŒberhaupt erst ermöglichen. Diese Techniken sind nicht auf dieses Eingabeinstrument beschrĂ€nkt und können durchaus auch die Handhabung anderer EingabegerĂ€te verbessern. Des Weiteren werden mehrere neue Interaktionsschnittstellen prĂ€sentiert, die den möglichen Einsatz bloßhĂ€ndiger Interaktion in verschiedenen, typischen Anwendungsgebieten veranschaulichen

    Visual based finger interactions for mobile phones

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    Vision based technology such as motion detection has long been limited to the domain of powerful processor intensive systems such as desktop PCs and specialist hardware solutions. With the advent of much faster mobile phone processors and memory, a plethora of feature rich software and hardware is being deployed onto the mobile platform, most notably onto high powered devices called smart phones. Interaction interfaces such as touchscreens allow for improved usability but obscure the phone’s screen. Since the majority of smart phones are equipped with cameras, it has become feasible to combine their powerful processors, large memory capacity and the camera to support new ways of interacting with the phone which do not obscure the screen. However, it is not clear whether or not these processor intensive visual interactions can in fact be run at an acceptable speed on current mobile handsets or whether they will offer the user a better experience than the current number pad and direction keys present on the majority of mobile phones. A vision based finger interaction technique is proposed which uses the back of device camera to track the user’s finger. This allows the user to interact with the mobile phone with mouse based movements, gestures and steering based interactions. A simple colour thresholding algorithm was implemented in Java, Python and C++. Various benchmarks and tests conducted on a Nokia N95 smart phone revealed that on current hardware and with current programming environments only native C++ yields results plausible for real time interactions (a key requirement for vision based interactions). It is also shown that different lighting levels and background environments affects the accuracy of the system with background and finger contrast playing a large role. Finally a user study was conducted to ascertain the overall user’s satisfaction between keypad interactions and the finger interaction techniques concluding that the new finger interaction technique is well suited to steering based interactions and in time, mouse style movements. Simple navigation is better suited to the directional keypad


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    Design and semantics of form and movement (DeSForM 2006)

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    Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM) grew from applied research exploring emerging design methods and practices to support new generation product and interface design. The products and interfaces are concerned with: the context of ubiquitous computing and ambient technologies and the need for greater empathy in the pre-programmed behaviour of the ‘machines’ that populate our lives. Such explorative research in the CfDR has been led by Young, supported by Kyffin, Visiting Professor from Philips Design and sponsored by Philips Design over a period of four years (research funding £87k). DeSForM1 was the first of a series of three conferences that enable the presentation and debate of international work within this field: ‱ 1st European conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM1), Baltic, Gateshead, 2005, Feijs L., Kyffin S. & Young R.A. eds. ‱ 2nd European conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM2), Evoluon, Eindhoven, 2006, Feijs L., Kyffin S. & Young R.A. eds. ‱ 3rd European conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM3), New Design School Building, Newcastle, 2007, Feijs L., Kyffin S. & Young R.A. eds. Philips sponsorship of practice-based enquiry led to research by three teams of research students over three years and on-going sponsorship of research through the Northumbria University Design and Innovation Laboratory (nuDIL). Young has been invited on the steering panel of the UK Thinking Digital Conference concerning the latest developments in digital and media technologies. Informed by this research is the work of PhD student Yukie Nakano who examines new technologies in relation to eco-design textiles

    Haptic feedback in freehand gesture interaction

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    In this thesis work, haptic feedback in gesture interaction was studied. More precisely, focus was on vibrotactile feedback and freehand gestural input methods. Vibrotactile feedback methods have been studied extensively in the fields of touch-based interaction, remote control and mid-air gestural input, and mostly positive effects on user performance have been found. An experiment was conducted in order to investigate if vibrotactile feedback has an impact on user performance in a simple data entry task. In the study, two gestural input methods were compared and the effects of visual and vibrotactile feedback added to each method were examined. Statistically significant differences in task performance between input methods were found. Results also showed that less keystrokes per character were required with visual feedback. No other significant differences were found between the types of feedback. However, preference for vibrotactile feedback was observed. The findings indicate that the careful design of an input method primarily has an impact on user performance and the feedback method can enhance this performance in diverse ways

    Automatic Speed Control For Navigation in 3D Virtual Environment

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    As technology progresses, the scale and complexity of 3D virtual environments can also increase proportionally. This leads to multiscale virtual environments, which are environments that contain groups of objects with extremely unequal levels of scale. Ideally the user should be able to navigate such environments efficiently and robustly. Yet, most previous methods to automatically control the speed of navigation do not generalize well to environments with widely varying scales. I present an improved method to automatically control the navigation speed of the user in 3D virtual environments. The main benefit of my approach is that automatically adapts the navigation speed in multi-scale environments in a manner that enables efficient navigation with maximum freedom, while still avoiding collisions. The results of a usability tests show a significant reduction in the completion time for a multi-scale navigation task

    Gestures in Machine Interaction

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    Vnencumbered-gesture-interaction (VGI) describes the use of unrestricted gestures in machine interaction. The development of such technology will enable users to interact with machines and virtual environments by performing actions like grasping, pinching or waving without the need of peripherals. Advances in image-processing and pattern recognition make such interaction viable and in some applications more practical than current modes of keyboard, mouse and touch-screen interaction provide. VGI is emerging as a popular topic amongst Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer-vision and gesture research; and is developing into a topic with potential to significantly impact the future of computer-interaction, robot-control and gaming. This thesis investigates whether an ergonomic model of VGI can be developed and implemented on consumer devices by considering some of the barriers currently preventing such a model of VGI from being widely adopted. This research aims to address the development of freehand gesture interfaces and accompanying syntax. Without the detailed consideration of the evolution of this field the development of un-ergonomic, inefficient interfaces capable of placing undue strain on interface users becomes more likely. In the course of this thesis some novel design and methodological assertions are made. The Gesture in Machine Interaction (GiMI) syntax model and the Gesture-Face Layer (GFL), developed in the course of this research, have been designed to facilitate ergonomic gesture interaction. The GiMI is an interface syntax model designed to enable cursor control, browser navigation commands and steering control for remote robots or vehicles. Through applying state-of-the-art image processing that facilitates three-dimensional (3D) recognition of human action, this research investigates how interface syntax can incorporate the broadest range of human actions. By advancing our understanding of ergonomic gesture syntax, this research aims to assist future developers evaluate the efficiency of gesture interfaces, lexicons and syntax

    Ubiquitous haptic feedback in human-computer interaction through electrical muscle stimulation

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