5 research outputs found

    Dynamic, ecological, accessible and 3D Virtual Worlds-based Libraries using OpenSim and Sloodle along with mobile location and NFC for checking in

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    This paper proposes the implementation of a 3D virtual library, using open platforms such as OpenSimulator and Sloodle, applied to the integration of virtual learning environments. It also proposes their application to the creation of open libraries to share and disseminate the new dynamic nature of knowledge, in the understanding that 3D virtual worlds may contribute to the future of libraries as part of green initiatives to achieve an ecologic and sustainable planet

    Development of a mechanical maintenance training simulator in OpenSimulator for F-16 aircraft engines

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    Mechanical maintenance of F-16 engines is carried out as a team effort involving 3–4 skilled engine technicians, but the details of its procedures and requisites change constantly, to improve safety, optimize resources, and respond to knowledge learned from field outcomes. This provides a challenge for development of training simulators, since simulated actions risk becoming obsolete rapidly and require costly reimplementation. This paper presents the development of a 3D mechanical maintenance training simulator for this context, using a low-cost simulation platform and a software architecture that separates simulation control from simulation visualization, in view of enabling more agile adaptation of simulators. This specific simulator aims to enable technician training to be enhanced with cooperation and context prior to the training phase with actual physical engines. We provide data in support of the feasibility of this approach, describing the requirements that were identified with the Portuguese Air Force, the overall software architecture of the system, the current stage of the prototype, and the outcomes of the first field tests with users

    Saving Second Life: Issues in Archiving a Complex, Multi-User Virtual World

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    Virtual environments, such as Second Life, have assumed an increasingly important role in popular culture, education and research. Unfortunately, we have almost no practical experience in how to preserve these highly dynamic, interactive information resources. This article reports on research by the National Digital Information Infrastructure for Preservation Program (NDIIPP)-funded Preserving Virtual Worlds project, which examines the issues that arise when attempting to archive regions from Second Life. Intellectual property and contractual issues can raise significant impediments to the creation of an archival information package for these environments, as can the technical design of the worlds themselves. We discuss the implication of these impediments for distributed models of preservation, such as NDIIPP

    La comunicación en entornos virtuales 2d y 3d. Un análisis con estudiantes del grado de ingeniería

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    El treball de recerca analitza i descriu els aspectes comunicacionals de la interacció i la interactivitat dels estudiants de grau d'enginyeria de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, en el context del desenvolupament d'una activitat acadèmica portada a terme en entorns virtuals d'aprenentatge 2D i 3D. Amb aquest propòsit es dissenyen activitats acadèmiques, que posteriorment van ser desplegades en les plataformes tecnològiques de Moodle i d'OpenSim. Per a l'estudi de la interacció s'analitzen els discursos i es classifiquen segons el tipus d'interacció i el sistema d'actituds i aptituds evidenciades en el procés comunicacional. Es conclou amb l'estudi de les percepcions dels estudiants en el context de la interacció i de la interactivitat dels entorns virtuals d'aprenentatgeon es va treballar.El trabajo de investigación analiza y describe los aspectos comunicacionales de la interacción y la interactividad de estudiantes de grado de ingeniería de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, en el contexto del desarrollo de una actividad académica llevada a cabo en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje 2D y 3D. Con este propósito se diseñan actividades académicas, que posteriormente fueron desplegadas en las plataformas tecnológicas de Moodle y de OpenSim. Para el estudio de la Interacción se analizan los discursos y se clasifican según el tipo de interacción y el sistema de actitudes y aptitudes evidenciadas en el proceso comunicacional. Se concluye con el estudio de las percepciones de los estudiantes en el contexto de la interacción y la interactividad de los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje en los que trabajaron.The research analyzes and describes the communication aspects of interaction and interactivity of undergraduate engineering from the Chimborazo Polytechnic School, in the context of developing an academic activity deployed in both 2D and 3D virtual learning environment. For this purpose, academic activities have been designed and deployed in technology platforms Moodle and OpenSim. For the study of the interaction, the speeches are analyzed and classified according to the type of interaction and the system of attitudes and skills evidenced in the communication process. This research concludes with the study of student perceptions in the context of interaction and interactivity of virtual learning environments in which they worked

    Um método para o desenvolvimento de competências para a indústria 4.0 através de tecnologias de realidade virtual

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    As organizações industriais de maneira geral demandam profissionais cada vez mais capacitados para lidar com a crescente complexidade dos processos e produtos, ao mesmo tempo em que o novo paradigma “Indústria 4.0” sugere a necessidade de competências específicas para atuação neste contexto. Para o desenvolvimento de tais competências, tem aumentado o interesse na adoção de tecnologias de realidade virtual, visto que elas vêm se tornando mais acessíveis e têm o potencial de proporcionar ambientes instigantes, interativos e que ajudam a viabilizar a busca pelo conhecimento e a reflexão crítica pelos alunos. Neste cenário percebeu-se a relevância de responder a seguinte questão de pesquisa: “como desenvolver as competências dos profissionais para atuação em organizações de manufatura no contexto da indústria 4.0, utilizando tecnologias de realidade virtual?”. Para responder esta questão de pesquisa a presente tese propõe um novo método baseado em Design Instrucional, o qual foi desenvolvido através do método de pesquisa Design Science Research. O método proposto é constituído de seis etapas: Preparação, Determinação de Competências a Desenvolver, Modelagem das Operações, Construção Instrucional, Aplicação Inicial e Implementação Completa. Foram desenvolvidas ferramentas de suporte que visam apoiar a adoção do método em uma organização industrial. O método proposto foi inicialmente avaliado por um painel de especialistas, o qual recomendou algumas melhorias que foram incorporadas na versão final do método. Ele também foi avaliado através de uma tentativa de implementação em uma organização até a etapa de Aplicação Inicial. Para a modelagem dos ambientes virtuais foi utilizada a plataforma OpenSimulator, onde scripts programados nas linguagens LSL e OSSL foram associados a objetos virtuais 3D. O resultado da avaliação do método foi considerado satisfatório, considerando os resultados observados. Finalmente o objetivo geral e os objetivos específicos da pesquisa foram avaliados e considerados atendidos. Levando em consideração a proeminência e atualidade do tema, assim como o grau de ineditismo associado a esta tese, acredita-se que esta pesquisa tem o potencial de contribuir favoravelmente no suprimento das demandas educacionais crescentes das indústrias sob o contexto de transformação digital alavancada pela Indústria 4.0.Manufacturing organizations are increasing in general the demand for qualified professionals to deal with the increasing complexity of processes and products, at the same time the new paradigm "Industry 4.0" suggests the need for specific skills to work in this context. For the development of such skills, the interest in virtual reality technologies adoption has increased, as they have become more accessible and have the potential to provide instigating and interactive environments that help to enable the search for knowledge and critical reflection by students. In this scenario, the relevance of answering the following research question was perceived: "how to develop the skills of personnel to work in manufacturing organizations in the context of industry 4.0, using virtual reality technologies?" To answer this research question this thesis proposes a new method based on Instructional Design, which was developed through the Design Science Research methodology. The proposed method is comprised of six stages: Preparation, Determination of Competencies to be Developed, Operations Modeling, Instructional Construction, Initial Application and Complete Implementation. Support Tools were developed to uphold the method adoption in industrial organizations. The proposed method was initially evaluated by an expert panel, who recommended some improvements that were incorporated into the final version of the method. It was also assessed through an attempt to implement it in an organization up to the Initial Application stage. For modeling virtual environments, the OpenSimulator platform was used, where scripts coded in LSL and OSSL languages were associated to virtual 3D objects. The result of the method evaluation was considered satisfactory, due to the observed results. Finally, the general and the specific research objectives were evaluated and considered fulfilled. Taking into consideration the prominence and timeliness of the theme, as well as the degree of novelty associated with this thesis, it is believed that this research has the potential to positively contribute to meeting the growing educational demands of industries in the context of the digital transformation leveraged by Industry 4.0