143 research outputs found

    ieee access special section editorial recent advances on radio access and security methods in 5g networks

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    Serviceability is the ability of a network to serve user equipments (UEs) within desired requirements (e.g., throughput, delay, and packet loss). High serviceability is considered as one of the key foundational criteria towards a successful fog radio access infrastructure satisfying the Internet of Things paradigm in the 5G era. In the article by Dao et al. , "Adaptive resource balancing for serviceability maximization in fog radio access networks," the authors propose an adaptive resource balancing (ARB) scheme for serviceability maximization in fog radio access networks wherein the resource block (RB) utilization among remote radio heads (RRHs) is balanced using the backpressure algorithm with respect to a time-varying network topology issued by potential RRH motilities. The optimal UE selection for service migration from a high-RB-utilization RRH to its neighboring low RB-utilization RRHs is determined by the Hungarian method to minimize RB occupation after moving the service. Analytical results reveal that the proposed ARB scheme provides substantial gains compared to the standalone capacity-aware, max-rate, and cache-aware UE association approaches in terms of serviceability, availability, and throughput

    The Potential Short- and Long-Term Disruptions and Transformative Impacts of 5G and Beyond Wireless Networks: Lessons Learnt from the Development of a 5G Testbed Environment

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    The capacity and coverage requirements for 5 th generation (5G) and beyond wireless connectivity will be significantly different from the predecessor networks. To meet these requirements, the anticipated deployment cost in the United Kingdom (UK) is predicted to be between ÂŁ30bn and ÂŁ50bn, whereas the current annual capital expenditure (CapEX) of the mobile network operators (MNOs) is ÂŁ2.5bn. This prospect has vastly impacted and has become one of the major delaying factors for building the 5G physical infrastructure, whereas other areas of 5G are progressing at their speed. Due to the expensive and complicated nature of the network infrastructure and spectrum, the second-tier operators, widely known as mobile virtual network operators (MVNO), are entirely dependent on the MNOs. In this paper, an extensive study is conducted to explore the possibilities of reducing the 5G deployment cost and developing viable business models. In this regard, the potential of infrastructure, data, and spectrum sharing is thoroughly investigated. It is established that the use of existing public infrastructure (e.g., streetlights, telephone poles, etc.) has a potential to reduce the anticipated cost by about 40% to 60%. This paper also reviews the recent Ofcom initiatives to release location-based licenses of the 5G-compatible radio spectrum. Our study suggests that simplification of infrastructure and spectrum will encourage the exponential growth of scenario-specific cellular networks (e.g., private networks, community networks, micro-operators) and will potentially disrupt the current business models of telecommunication business stakeholders - specifically MNOs and TowerCos. Furthermore, the anticipated dense device connectivity in 5G will increase the resolution of traditional and non-traditional data availability significantly. This will encourage extensive data harvesting as a business opportunity and function within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as large social networks. Consequently, the rise of new infrastructures and spectrum stakeholders is anticipated. This will fuel the development of a 5G data exchange ecosystem where data transactions are deemed to be high-value business commodities. The privacy and security of such data, as well as definitions of the associated revenue models and ownership, are challenging areas - and these have yet to emerge and mature fully. In this direction, this paper proposes the development of a unified data hub with layered structured privacy and security along with blockchain and encrypted off-chain based ownership/royalty tracking. Also, a data economy-oriented business model is proposed. The study found that with the potential commodification of data and data transactions along with the low-cost physical infrastructure and spectrum, the 5G network will introduce significant disruption in the Telco business ecosystem

    New Classes of Binary Random Sequences for Cryptography

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    In the vision for the 5G wireless communications advancement that yield new security prerequisites and challenges we propose a catalog of three new classes of pseudorandom random sequence generators. This dissertation starts with a review on the requirements of 5G wireless networking systems and the most recent development of the wireless security services applied to 5G, such as private-keys generation, key protection, and flexible authentication. This dissertation proposes new complexity theory-based, number-theoretic approaches to generate lightweight pseudorandom sequences, which protect the private information using spread spectrum techniques. For the class of new pseudorandom sequences, we obtain the generalization. Authentication issues of communicating parties in the basic model of Piggy Bank cryptography is considered and a flexible authentication using a certified authority is proposed

    Optimization of 5G Second Phase Heterogeneous Radio Access Networks with Small Cells

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    Due to the exponential increase in high data-demanding applications and their services per coverage area, it is becoming challenging for the existing cellular network to handle the massive sum of users with their demands. It is conceded to network operators that the current wireless network may not be capable to shelter future traffic demands. To overcome the challenges the operators are taking interest in efficiently deploying the heterogeneous network. Currently, 5G is in the commercialization phase. Network evolution with addition of small cells will develop the existing wireless network with its enriched capabilities and innovative features. Presently, the 5G global standardization has introduced the 5G New Radio (NR) under the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). It can support a wide range of frequency bands (<6 GHz to 100 GHz). For different trends and verticals, 5G NR encounters, functional splitting and its cost evaluation are well-thought-out. The aspects of network slicing to the assessment of the business opportunities and allied standardization endeavours are illustrated. The study explores the carrier aggregation (Pico cellular) technique for 4G to bring high spectral efficiency with the support of small cell massification while benefiting from statistical multiplexing gain. One has been able to obtain values for the goodput considering CA in LTE-Sim (4G), of 40 Mbps for a cell radius of 500 m and of 29 Mbps for a cell radius of 50 m, which is 3 times higher than without CA scenario (2.6 GHz plus 3.5 GHz frequency bands). Heterogeneous networks have been under investigation for many years. Heterogeneous network can improve users service quality and resource utilization compared to homogeneous networks. Quality of service can be enhanced by putting the small cells (Femtocells or Picocells) inside the Microcells or Macrocells coverage area. Deploying indoor Femtocells for 5G inside the Macro cellular network can reduce the network cost. Some service providers have started their solutions for indoor users but there are still many challenges to be addressed. The 5G air-simulator is updated to deploy indoor Femto-cell with proposed assumptions with uniform distribution. For all the possible combinations of apartments side length and transmitter power, the maximum number of supported numbers surpassed the number of users by more than two times compared to papers mentioned in the literature. Within outdoor environments, this study also proposed small cells optimization by putting the Pico cells within a Macro cell to obtain low latency and high data rate with the statistical multiplexing gain of the associated users. Results are presented 5G NR functional split six and split seven, for three frequency bands (2.6 GHz, 3.5GHz and 5.62 GHz). Based on the analysis for shorter radius values, the best is to select the 2.6 GHz to achieve lower PLR and to support a higher number of users, with better goodput, and higher profit (for cell radius u to 400 m). In 4G, with CA, from the analysis of the economic trade-off with Picocell, the Enhanced multi-band scheduler EMBS provide higher revenue, compared to those without CA. It is clearly shown that the profit of CA is more than 4 times than in the without CA scenario. This means that the slight increase in the cost of CA gives back more than 4-time profit relatively to the ”without” CA scenario.Devido ao aumento exponencial de aplicações/serviços de elevado débito por unidade de área, torna-se bastante exigente, para a rede celular existente, lidar com a enormes quantidades de utilizadores e seus requisitos. É reconhecido que as redes móveis e sem fios atuais podem não conseguir suportar a procura de tráfego junto dos operadores. Para responder a estes desafios, os operadores estão-se a interessar pelo desenvolvimento de redes heterogéneas eficientes. Atualmente, a 5G está na fase de comercialização. A evolução destas redes concretizar-se-á com a introdução de pequenas células com aptidões melhoradas e características inovadoras. No presente, os organismos de normalização da 5G globais introduziram os Novos Rádios (NR) 5G no contexto do 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). A 5G pode suportar uma gama alargada de bandas de frequência (<6 a 100 GHz). Abordam-se as divisões funcionais e avaliam-se os seus custos para as diferentes tendências e verticais dos NR 5G. Ilustram-se desde os aspetos de particionamento funcional da rede à avaliação das oportunidades de negócio, aliadas aos esforços de normalização. Exploram-se as técnicas de agregação de espetro (do inglês, CA) para pico células, em 4G, a disponibilização de eficiência espetral, com o suporte da massificação de pequenas células, e o ganho de multiplexagem estatística associado. Obtiveram-se valores do débito binário útil, considerando CA no LTE-Sim (4G), de 40 e 29 Mb/s para células de raios 500 e 50 m, respetivamente, três vezes superiores em relação ao caso sem CA (bandas de 2.6 mais 3.5 GHz). Nas redes heterogéneas, alvo de investigação há vários anos, a qualidade de serviço e a utilização de recursos podem ser melhoradas colocando pequenas células (femto- ou pico-células) dentro da área de cobertura de micro- ou macro-células). O desenvolvimento de pequenas células 5G dentro da rede com macro-células pode reduzir os custos da rede. Alguns prestadores de serviços iniciaram as suas soluções para ambientes de interior, mas ainda existem muitos desafios a ser ultrapassados. Atualizou-se o 5G air simulator para representar a implantação de femto-células de interior com os pressupostos propostos e distribuição espacial uniforme. Para todas as combinações possíveis do comprimento lado do apartamento, o número máximo de utilizadores suportado ultrapassou o número de utilizadores suportado (na literatura) em mais de duas vezes. Em ambientes de exterior, propuseram-se pico-células no interior de macro-células, de forma a obter atraso extremo-a-extremo reduzido e taxa de transmissão dados elevada, resultante do ganho de multiplexagem estatística associado. Apresentam-se resultados para as divisões funcionais seis e sete dos NR 5G, para 2.6 GHz, 3.5GHz e 5.62 GHz. Para raios das células curtos, a melhor solução será selecionar a banda dos 2.6 GHz para alcançar PLR (do inglês, PLR) reduzido e suportar um maior número de utilizadores, com débito binário útil e lucro mais elevados (para raios das células até 400 m). Em 4G, com CA, da análise do equilíbrio custos-proveitos com pico-células, o escalonamento multi-banda EMBS (do inglês, Enhanced Multi-band Scheduler) disponibiliza proveitos superiores em comparação com o caso sem CA. Mostra-se claramente que lucro com CA é mais de quatro vezes superior do que no cenário sem CA, o que significa que um aumento ligeiro no custo com CA resulta num aumento de 4-vezes no lucro relativamente ao cenário sem CA

    Gestion flexible des ressources dans les réseaux de nouvelle génération avec SDN

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    Abstract : 5G and beyond-5G/6G are expected to shape the future economic growth of multiple vertical industries by providing the network infrastructure required to enable innovation and new business models. They have the potential to offer a wide spectrum of services, namely higher data rates, ultra-low latency, and high reliability. To achieve their promises, 5G and beyond-5G/6G rely on software-defined networking (SDN), edge computing, and radio access network (RAN) slicing technologies. In this thesis, we aim to use SDN as a key enabler to enhance resource management in next-generation networks. SDN allows programmable management of edge computing resources and dynamic orchestration of RAN slicing. However, achieving efficient performance based on SDN capabilities is a challenging task due to the permanent fluctuations of traffic in next-generation networks and the diversified quality of service requirements of emerging applications. Toward our objective, we address the load balancing problem in distributed SDN architectures, and we optimize the RAN slicing of communication and computation resources in the edge of the network. In the first part of this thesis, we present a proactive approach to balance the load in a distributed SDN control plane using the data plane component migration mechanism. First, we propose prediction models that forecast the load of SDN controllers in the long term. By using these models, we can preemptively detect whether the load will be unbalanced in the control plane and, thus, schedule migration operations in advance. Second, we improve the migration operation performance by optimizing the tradeoff between a load balancing factor and the cost of migration operations. This proactive load balancing approach not only avoids SDN controllers from being overloaded, but also allows a judicious selection of which data plane component should be migrated and where the migration should happen. In the second part of this thesis, we propose two RAN slicing schemes that efficiently allocate the communication and the computation resources in the edge of the network. The first RAN slicing scheme performs the allocation of radio resource blocks (RBs) to end-users in two time-scales, namely in a large time-scale and in a small time-scale. In the large time-scale, an SDN controller allocates to each base station a number of RBs from a shared radio RBs pool, according to its requirements in terms of delay and data rate. In the short time-scale, each base station assigns its available resources to its end-users and requests, if needed, additional resources from adjacent base stations. The second RAN slicing scheme jointly allocates the RBs and computation resources available in edge computing servers based on an open RAN architecture. We develop, for the proposed RAN slicing schemes, reinforcement learning and deep reinforcement learning algorithms to dynamically allocate RAN resources.La 5G et au-delà de la 5G/6G sont censées dessiner la future croissance économique de multiples industries verticales en fournissant l'infrastructure réseau nécessaire pour permettre l'innovation et la création de nouveaux modèles économiques. Elles permettent d'offrir un large spectre de services, à savoir des débits de données plus élevés, une latence ultra-faible et une fiabilité élevée. Pour tenir leurs promesses, la 5G et au-delà de la-5G/6G s'appuient sur le réseau défini par logiciel (SDN), l’informatique en périphérie et le découpage du réseau d'accès (RAN). Dans cette thèse, nous visons à utiliser le SDN en tant qu'outil clé pour améliorer la gestion des ressources dans les réseaux de nouvelle génération. Le SDN permet une gestion programmable des ressources informatiques en périphérie et une orchestration dynamique de découpage du RAN. Cependant, atteindre une performance efficace en se basant sur le SDN est une tâche difficile due aux fluctuations permanentes du trafic dans les réseaux de nouvelle génération et aux exigences de qualité de service diversifiées des applications émergentes. Pour atteindre notre objectif, nous abordons le problème de l'équilibrage de charge dans les architectures SDN distribuées, et nous optimisons le découpage du RAN des ressources de communication et de calcul à la périphérie du réseau. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous présentons une approche proactive pour équilibrer la charge dans un plan de contrôle SDN distribué en utilisant le mécanisme de migration des composants du plan de données. Tout d'abord, nous proposons des modèles pour prédire la charge des contrôleurs SDN à long terme. En utilisant ces modèles, nous pouvons détecter de manière préemptive si la charge sera déséquilibrée dans le plan de contrôle et, ainsi, programmer des opérations de migration à l'avance. Ensuite, nous améliorons les performances des opérations de migration en optimisant le compromis entre un facteur d'équilibrage de charge et le coût des opérations de migration. Cette approche proactive d'équilibrage de charge permet non seulement d'éviter la surcharge des contrôleurs SDN, mais aussi de choisir judicieusement le composant du plan de données à migrer et l'endroit où la migration devrait avoir lieu. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous proposons deux mécanismes de découpage du RAN qui allouent efficacement les ressources de communication et de calcul à la périphérie des réseaux. Le premier mécanisme de découpage du RAN effectue l'allocation des blocs de ressources radio (RBs) aux utilisateurs finaux en deux échelles de temps, à savoir dans une échelle de temps large et dans une échelle de temps courte. Dans l’échelle de temps large, un contrôleur SDN attribue à chaque station de base un certain nombre de RB à partir d'un pool de RB radio partagé, en fonction de ses besoins en termes de délai et de débit. Dans l’échelle de temps courte, chaque station de base attribue ses ressources disponibles à ses utilisateurs finaux et demande, si nécessaire, des ressources supplémentaires aux stations de base adjacentes. Le deuxième mécanisme de découpage du RAN alloue conjointement les RB et les ressources de calcul disponibles dans les serveurs de l’informatique en périphérie en se basant sur une architecture RAN ouverte. Nous développons, pour les mécanismes de découpage du RAN proposés, des algorithmes d'apprentissage par renforcement et d'apprentissage par renforcement profond pour allouer dynamiquement les ressources du RAN

    On Information-centric Resiliency and System-level Security in Constrained, Wireless Communication

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) interconnects many heterogeneous embedded devices either locally between each other, or globally with the Internet. These things are resource-constrained, e.g., powered by battery, and typically communicate via low-power and lossy wireless links. Communication needs to be secured and relies on crypto-operations that are often resource-intensive and in conflict with the device constraints. These challenging operational conditions on the cheapest hardware possible, the unreliable wireless transmission, and the need for protection against common threats of the inter-network, impose severe challenges to IoT networks. In this thesis, we advance the current state of the art in two dimensions. Part I assesses Information-centric networking (ICN) for the IoT, a network paradigm that promises enhanced reliability for data retrieval in constrained edge networks. ICN lacks a lower layer definition, which, however, is the key to enable device sleep cycles and exclusive wireless media access. This part of the thesis designs and evaluates an effective media access strategy for ICN to reduce the energy consumption and wireless interference on constrained IoT nodes. Part II examines the performance of hardware and software crypto-operations, executed on off-the-shelf IoT platforms. A novel system design enables the accessibility and auto-configuration of crypto-hardware through an operating system. One main focus is the generation of random numbers in the IoT. This part of the thesis further designs and evaluates Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) to provide novel randomness sources that generate highly unpredictable secrets, on low-cost devices that lack hardware-based security features. This thesis takes a practical view on the constrained IoT and is accompanied by real-world implementations and measurements. We contribute open source software, automation tools, a simulator, and reproducible measurement results from real IoT deployments using off-the-shelf hardware. The large-scale experiments in an open access testbed provide a direct starting point for future research

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    Security for network services delivery of 5G enabled device-to-device communications mobile network

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    The increase in mobile traffic led to the development of Fifth Generation (5G) mobile network. 5G will provide Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC), Massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC), enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB). Device-to-Device (D2D) communications will be used as the underlaying technology to offload traffic from 5G Core Network (5GC) and push content closer to User Equipment (UE). It will be supported by a variety of Network Service (NS) such as Content-Centric Networking (CCN) that will provide access to other services and deliver content-based services. However, this raises new security and delivery challenges. Therefore, research was conducted to address the security issues in delivering NS in 5G enabled D2D communications network. To support D2D communications in 5G, this thesis introduces a Network Services Delivery (NSD) framework defining an integrated system model. It incorporates Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) architecture, D2D communications, and CCN to support 5G’s objectives in Home Network (HN), roaming, and proximity scenarios. The research explores the security of 5G enabled D2D communications by conducting a comprehensive investigation on security threats. It analyses threats using Dolev Yao (DY) threat model and evaluates security requirements using a systematic approach based on X.805 security framework. Which aligns security requirements with network connectivity, service delivery, and sharing between entities. This analysis highlights the need for security mechanisms to provide security to NSD in an integrated system, to specify these security mechanisms, a security framework to address the security challenges at different levels of the system model is introduced. To align suitable security mechanisms, the research defines underlying security protocols to provide security at the network, service, and D2D levels. This research also explores 5G authentication protocols specified by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) for securing communication between UE and HN, checks the security guarantees of two 3GPP specified protocols, 5G-Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) and 5G Extensive Authentication Protocol (EAP)-AKA’ that provide primary authentication at Network Access Security (NAC). The research addresses Service Level Security (SLS) by proposing Federated Identity Management (FIdM) model to integrate federated security in 5G, it also proposes three security protocols to provide secondary authentication and authorization of UE to Service Provider (SP). It also addresses D2D Service Security (DDS) by proposing two security protocols that secure the caching and sharing of services between two UEs in different D2D communications scenarios. All protocols in this research are verified for functional correctness and security guarantees using a formal method approach and semi-automated protocol verifier. The research conducts security properties and performance evaluation of the protocols for their effectiveness. It also presents how each proposed protocol provides an interface for an integrated, comprehensive security solution to secure communications for NSD in a 5G enabled D2D communications network. The main contributions of this research are the design and formal verification of security protocols. Performance evaluation is supplementary

    Efficient and Virtualized Scheduling for OFDM-Based High Mobility Wireless Communications Objects

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    Services providers (SPs) in the radio platform technology standard long term evolution (LTE) systems are enduring many challenges in order to accommodate the rapid expansion of mobile data usage. The modern technologies demonstrate new challenges to SPs, for example, reducing the cost of the capital and operating expenditures while supporting high data throughput per customer, extending battery life-per-charge of the cell phone devices, and supporting high mobility communications with fast and seamless handover (HO) networking architecture. In this thesis, a variety of optimized techniques aimed at providing innovative solutions for such challenges are explored. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part outlines the benefits and challenges of deploying virtualized resource sharing concept. Wherein, SPs achieving a different schedulers policy are sharing evolved network B, allowing SPs to customize their efforts and provide service requirements; as a promising solution for reducing operational and capital expenditures, leading to potential energy savings, and supporting higher peak rates. The second part, formulates the optimized power allocation problem in a virtualized scheme in LTE uplink systems, aiming to extend the mobile devices’ battery utilization time per charge. While, the third part extrapolates a proposed hybrid-HO (HY-HO) technique, that can enhance the system performance in terms of latency and HO reliability at cell boundary for high mobility objects (up to 350 km/hr; wherein, HO will occur more frequent). The main contributions of this thesis are in designing optimal binary integer programmingbased and suboptimal heuristic (with complexity reduction) scheduling algorithms subject to exclusive and contiguous allocation, maximum transmission power, and rate constraints. Moreover, designing the HY-HO based on the combination of soft and hard HO was able to enhance the system performance in term of latency, interruption time and reliability during HO. The results prove that the proposed solutions effectively contribute in addressing the challenges caused by the demand for high data rates and power transmission in mobile networks especially in virtualized resources sharing scenarios that can support high data rates with improving quality of services (QoSs)
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