635 research outputs found

    Accelerating BLAST Computation on an FPGA-enhanced PC Cluster

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    This paper introduces an FPGA-based scheme to accelerate mpiBLAST, which is a parallel sequence alignment algorithm for computational biology. Recent rapidly growing biological databases for sequence alignment require highthroughput storage and network rather than computing speed. Our scheme utilizes a specialized hardware configured on an FPGA-board which connects flash storage and other FPGAboards directly. The specialized hardware configured on the FPGAs, we call a Data Stream Processing Engine (DSPE), take a role for preprocessing to adjust data for high-performance multi- and many- core processors simultaneously with offloading system-calls for storage access and networking. DSPE along the datapath achieves in-datapath computing which applies operations for data streams passing through the FPGA. Two functions in mpiBLAST are implemented using DSPE to offload operations along the datapath. The first function is database partitioning, which distributes the biological database to multiple computing nodes before commencing the BLAST processes. Using DSPE, we observe a 20-fold improvement in computation time for the database partitioning operation. The second function is an early part of the BLAST process that determines the positions of sequences for more detailed computations. We implement IDP-BLAST (In-datapath BLAST), which annotates positions in data streams from solid-state drives. We show that IDP-BLAST accelerates the computation time of the preprocess of BLAST by a factor of three hundred by offloading heavy operations to the introduced special hardware

    FPGA-based Query Acceleration for Non-relational Databases

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    Database management systems are an integral part of today’s everyday life. Trends like smart applications, the internet of things, and business and social networks require applications to deal efficiently with data in various data models close to the underlying domain. Therefore, non-relational database systems provide a wide variety of database models, like graphs and documents. However, current non-relational database systems face performance challenges due to the end of Dennard scaling and therefore performance scaling of CPUs. In the meanwhile, FPGAs have gained traction as accelerators for data management. Our goal is to tackle the performance challenges of non-relational database systems with FPGA acceleration and, at the same time, address design challenges of FPGA acceleration itself. Therefore, we split this thesis up into two main lines of work: graph processing and flexible data processing. Because of the lacking benchmark practices for graph processing accelerators, we propose GraphSim. GraphSim is able to reproduce runtimes of these accelerators based on a memory access model of the approach. Through this simulation environment, we extract three performance-critical accelerator properties: asynchronous graph processing, compressed graph data structure, and multi-channel memory. Since these accelerator properties have not been combined in one system, we propose GraphScale. GraphScale is the first scalable, asynchronous graph processing accelerator working on a compressed graph and outperforms all state-of-the-art graph processing accelerators. Focusing on accelerator flexibility, we propose PipeJSON as the first FPGA-based JSON parser for arbitrary JSON documents. PipeJSON is able to achieve parsing at line-speed, outperforming the fastest, vectorized parsers for CPUs. Lastly, we propose the subgraph query processing accelerator GraphMatch which outperforms state-of-the-art CPU systems for subgraph query processing and is able to flexibly switch queries during runtime in a matter of clock cycles

    A neural network for mining large volumes of time series data

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    Efficiently mining large volumes of time series data is amongst the most challenging problems that are fundamental in many fields such as industrial process monitoring, medical data analysis and business forecasting. This paper discusses a high-performance neural network for mining large time series data set and some practical issues on time series data mining. Examples of how this technology is used to search the engine data within a major UK eScience Grid project (DAME) for supporting the maintenance of Rolls-Royce aero-engine are presented

    Database System Acceleration on FPGAs

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    Relational database systems provide various services and applications with an efficient means for storing, processing, and retrieving their data. The performance of these systems has a direct impact on the quality of service of the applications that rely on them. Therefore, it is crucial that database systems are able to adapt and grow in tandem with the demands of these applications, ensuring that their performance scales accordingly. In the past, Moore's law and algorithmic advancements have been sufficient to meet these demands. However, with the slowdown of Moore's law, researchers have begun exploring alternative methods, such as application-specific technologies, to satisfy the more challenging performance requirements. One such technology is field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), which provide ideal platforms for developing and running custom architectures for accelerating database systems. The goal of this thesis is to develop a domain-specific architecture that can enhance the performance of in-memory database systems when executing analytical queries. Our research is guided by a combination of academic and industrial requirements that seek to strike a balance between generality and performance. The former ensures that our platform can be used to process a diverse range of workloads, while the latter makes it an attractive solution for high-performance use cases. Throughout this thesis, we present the development of a system-on-chip for database system acceleration that meets our requirements. The resulting architecture, called CbMSMK, is capable of processing the projection, sort, aggregation, and equi-join database operators and can also run some complex TPC-H queries. CbMSMK employs a shared sort-merge pipeline for executing all these operators, which results in an efficient use of FPGA resources. This approach enables the instantiation of multiple acceleration cores on the FPGA, allowing it to serve multiple clients simultaneously. CbMSMK can process both arbitrarily deep and wide tables efficiently. The former is achieved through the use of the sort-merge algorithm which utilizes the FPGA RAM for buffering intermediate sort results. The latter is achieved through the use of KeRRaS, a novel variant of the forward radix sort algorithm introduced in this thesis. KeRRaS allows CbMSMK to process a table a few columns at a time, incrementally generating the final result through multiple iterations. Given that acceleration is a key objective of our work, CbMSMK benefits from many performance optimizations. For instance, multi-way merging is employed to reduce the number of merge passes required for the execution of the sort-merge algorithm, thus improving the performance of all our pipeline-breaking operators. Another example is our in-depth analysis of early aggregation, which led to the development of a novel cache-based algorithm that significantly enhances aggregation performance. Our experiments demonstrate that CbMSMK performs on average 5 times faster than the state-of-the-art CPU-based database management system MonetDB.:I Database Systems & FPGAs 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Databases & the Importance of Performance 1.2 Accelerators & FPGAs 1.3 Requirements 1.4 Outline & Summary of Contributions 2 BACKGROUND ON DATABASE SYSTEMS 2.1 Databases 2.1.1 Storage Model 2.1.2 Storage Medium 2.2 Database Operators 2.2.1 Projection 2.2.2 Filter 2.2.3 Sort 2.2.4 Aggregation 2.2.5 Join 2.2.6 Operator Classification 2.3 Database Queries 2.4 Impact of Acceleration 3 BACKGROUND ON FPGAS 3.1 FPGA 3.1.1 Logic Element 3.1.2 Block RAM (BRAM) 3.1.3 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) 3.1.4 IO Element 3.1.5 Programmable Interconnect 3.2 FPGADesignFlow 3.2.1 Specifications 3.2.2 RTL Description 3.2.3 Verification 3.2.4 Synthesis, Mapping, Placement, and Routing 3.2.5 TimingAnalysis 3.2.6 Bitstream Generation and FPGA Programming 3.3 Implementation Quality Metrics 3.4 FPGA Cards 3.5 Benefits of Using FPGAs 3.6 Challenges of Using FPGAs 4 RELATED WORK 4.1 Summary of Related Work 4.2 Platform Type 4.2.1 Accelerator Card 4.2.2 Coprocessor 4.2.3 Smart Storage 4.2.4 Network Processor 4.3 Implementation 4.3.1 Loop-based implementation 4.3.2 Sort-based Implementation 4.3.3 Hash-based Implementation 4.3.4 Mixed Implementation 4.4 A Note on Quantitative Performance Comparisons II Cache-Based Morphing Sort-Merge with KeRRaS (CbMSMK) 5 OBJECTIVES AND ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW 5.1 From Requirements to Objectives 5.2 Architecture Overview 5.3 Outlineof Part II 6 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF OPENCL AND RTL FOR SORT-MERGE PRIMITIVES ON FPGAS 6.1 Programming FPGAs 6.2 RelatedWork 6.3 Architecture 6.3.1 Global Architecture 6.3.2 Sorter Architecture 6.3.3 Merger Architecture 6.3.4 Scalability and Resource Adaptability 6.4 Experiments 6.4.1 OpenCL Sort-Merge Implementation 6.4.2 RTLSorters 6.4.3 RTLMergers 6.4.4 Hybrid OpenCL-RTL Sort-Merge Implementation 6.5 Summary & Discussion 7 RESOURCE-EFFICIENT ACCELERATION OF PIPELINE-BREAKING DATABASE OPERATORS ON FPGAS 7.1 The Case for Resource Efficiency 7.2 Related Work 7.3 Architecture 7.3.1 Sorters 7.3.2 Sort-Network 7.3.3 X:Y Mergers 7.3.4 Merge-Network 7.3.5 Join Materialiser (JoinMat) 7.4 Experiments 7.4.1 Experimental Setup 7.4.2 Implementation Description & Tuning 7.4.3 Sort Benchmarks 7.4.4 Aggregation Benchmarks 7.4.5 Join Benchmarks 7. Summary 8 KERRAS: COLUMN-ORIENTED WIDE TABLE PROCESSING ON FPGAS 8.1 The Scope of Database System Accelerators 8.2 Related Work 8.3 Key-Reduce Radix Sort(KeRRaS) 8.3.1 Time Complexity 8.3.2 Space Complexity (Memory Utilization) 8.3.3 Discussion and Optimizations 8.4 Architecture 8.4.1 MSM 8.4.2 MSMK: Extending MSM with KeRRaS 8.4.3 Payload, Aggregation and Join Processing 8.4.4 Limitations 8.5 Experiments 8.5.1 Experimental Setup 8.5.2 Datasets 8.5.3 MSMK vs. MSM 8.5.4 Payload-Less Benchmarks 8.5.5 Payload-Based Benchmarks 8.5.6 Flexibility 8.6 Summary 9 A STUDY OF EARLY AGGREGATION IN DATABASE QUERY PROCESSING ON FPGAS 9.1 Early Aggregation 9.2 Background & Related Work 9.2.1 Sort-Based Early Aggregation 9.2.2 Cache-Based Early Aggregation 9.3 Simulations 9.3.1 Datasets 9.3.2 Metrics 9.3.3 Sort-Based Versus Cache-Based Early Aggregation 9.3.4 Comparison of Set-Associative Caches 9.3.5 Comparison of Cache Structures 9.3.6 Comparison of Replacement Policies 9.3.7 Cache Selection Methodology 9.4 Cache System Architecture 9.4.1 Window Aggregator 9.4.2 Compressor & Hasher 9.4.3 Collision Detector 9.4.4 Collision Resolver 9.4.5 Cache 9.5 Experiments 9.5.1 Experimental Setup 9.5.2 Resource Utilization and Parameter Tuning 9.5.3 Datasets 9.5.4 Benchmarks on Synthetic Data 9.5.5 Benchmarks on Real Data 9.6 Summary 10 THE FULL PICTURE 10.1 System Architecture 10.2 Benchmarks 10.3 Meeting the Objectives III Conclusion 11 SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK ON FUTURE RESEARCH 11.1 Summary 11.2 Future Work BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLE

    Advanced analytics through FPGA based query processing and deep reinforcement learning

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    Today, vast streams of structured and unstructured data have been incorporated in databases, and analytical processes are applied to discover patterns, correlations, trends and other useful relationships that help to take part in a broad range of decision-making processes. The amount of generated data has grown very large over the years, and conventional database processing methods from previous generations have not been sufficient to provide satisfactory results regarding analytics performance and prediction accuracy metrics. Thus, new methods are needed in a wide array of fields from computer architectures, storage systems, network design to statistics and physics. This thesis proposes two methods to address the current challenges and meet the future demands of advanced analytics. First, we present AxleDB, a Field Programmable Gate Array based query processing system which constitutes the frontend of an advanced analytics system. AxleDB melds highly-efficient accelerators with memory, storage and provides a unified programmable environment. AxleDB is capable of offloading complex Structured Query Language queries from host CPU. The experiments have shown that running a set of TPC-H queries, AxleDB can perform full queries between 1.8x and 34.2x faster and 2.8x to 62.1x more energy efficient compared to MonetDB, and PostgreSQL on a single workstation node. Second, we introduce TauRieL, a novel deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based method for combinatorial problems. The design idea behind combining DRL and combinatorial problems is to apply the prediction capabilities of deep reinforcement learning and to use the universality of combinatorial optimization problems to explore general purpose predictive methods. TauRieL utilizes an actor-critic inspired DRL architecture that adopts ordinary feedforward nets. Furthermore, TauRieL performs online training which unifies training and state space exploration. The experiments show that TauRieL can generate solutions two orders of magnitude faster and performs within 3% of accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art DRL on the Traveling Salesman Problem while searching for the shortest tour. Also, we present that TauRieL can be adapted to the Knapsack combinatorial problem. With a very minimal problem specific modification, TauRieL can outperform a Knapsack specific greedy heuristics.Hoy en día, se han incorporado grandes cantidades de datos estructurados y no estructurados en las bases de datos, y se les aplican procesos analíticos para descubrir patrones, correlaciones, tendencias y otras relaciones útiles que se utilizan mayormente para la toma de decisiones. La cantidad de datos generados ha crecido enormemente a lo largo de los años, y los métodos de procesamiento de bases de datos convencionales utilizados en las generaciones anteriores no son suficientes para proporcionar resultados satisfactorios respecto al rendimiento del análisis y respecto de la precisión de las predicciones. Por lo tanto, se necesitan nuevos métodos en una amplia gama de campos, desde arquitecturas de computadoras, sistemas de almacenamiento, diseño de redes hasta estadísticas y física. Esta tesis propone dos métodos para abordar los desafíos actuales y satisfacer las demandas futuras de análisis avanzado. Primero, presentamos AxleDB, un sistema de procesamiento de consultas basado en FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array) que constituye la interfaz de un sistema de análisis avanzado. AxleDB combina aceleradores altamente eficientes con memoria, almacenamiento y proporciona un entorno programable unificado. AxleDB es capaz de descargar consultas complejas de lenguaje de consulta estructurado desde la CPU del host. Los experimentos han demostrado que al ejecutar un conjunto de consultas TPC-H, AxleDB puede realizar consultas completas entre 1.8x y 34.2x más rápido y 2.8x a 62.1x más eficiente energéticamente que MonetDB, y PostgreSQL en un solo nodo de una estación de trabajo. En segundo lugar, presentamos TauRieL, un nuevo método basado en Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) para problemas combinatorios. La idea central que está detrás de la combinación de DRL y problemas combinatorios, es aplicar las capacidades de predicción del aprendizaje de refuerzo profundo y el uso de la universalidad de los problemas de optimización combinatoria para explorar métodos predictivos de propósito general. TauRieL utiliza una arquitectura DRL inspirada en el actor-crítico que se adapta a redes feedforward. Además, TauRieL realiza el entrenamieton en línea que unifica el entrenamiento y la exploración espacial de los estados. Los experimentos muestran que TauRieL puede generar soluciones dos órdenes de magnitud más rápido y funciona con un 3% de precisión en comparación con el estado del arte en DRL aplicado al problema del viajante mientras busca el recorrido más corto. Además, presentamos que TauRieL puede adaptarse al problema de la Mochila. Con una modificación específica muy mínima del problema, TauRieL puede superar a una heurística codiciosa de Knapsack Problem.Postprint (published version

    AxleDB: A novel programmable query processing platform on FPGA

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    With the rise of Big Data, providing high-performance query processing capabilities through the acceleration of the database analytic has gained significant attention. Leveraging Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology, this approach can lead to clear benefits. In this work, we present the design and implementation of AxleDB: An FPGA-based platform that enables fast query processing for database systems by melding novel database-specific accelerators with commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) storage using modern interfaces, in a novel, unified, and a programmable environment. AxleDB can perform a large subset of SQL queries through its set of instructions that can map compute-intensive database operations, such as filter, arithmetic, aggregate, group by, table join, or sort, on to the specialized high-throughput accelerators. To minimize the amount of SSD I/O operations required, AxleDB also supports hardware MinMax indexing for databases. We evaluated AxleDB with five decision support queries from the TPC-H benchmark suite and achieved a speedup from 1.8X to 34.2X and energy efficiency from 2.8X to 62.1X, in comparison to the state-of-the-art DBMS, i.e., PostgreSQL and MonetDB.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Program (FP7) (under the AXLE project GA number 318633), the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (under contract number TIN2015-65316-p), Turkish Ministry of Development TAM Project (number 2007K120610), and Bogazici University Scientific Projects (number 7060).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft